Sanders Proposes $18 Trillion in New Spending, $6.5 Trillion in New Taxes

What the hell is wrong with you guys? For those that don't know I'm a dual citizen. Canuck/USA.

My guys have not only just balanced the budget but made sure they have a buffer zone of a couple of billions when the world economy goes for shit again.

And they will be held to that. Geeze louise won't anyone stop spending because you're over your limit? This is freaking nuts.
Simple economics. How does it work again?

Bernie Sanders' economic policy would give us an increase of federal spending by around 50%, and an increase of overall effective taxes by about 20%. You can kiss the middle class goodbye if this Communist shithead gets elected. They will be completely wiped out under the burden of all those new taxes.

From the Wall Street Journal:

Already debunked by Sanders today on Andrea Mitchell.

They "forgot" to account for all the money saved by eliminating private insurance.

That's a monumentally dishonest "forget".

Sorry wingnuts. Take some viagra - it'll come back!

Eliminate private insurance? Putting a multi-billion dollar industry out of work?

Yea, that's real fucking smart. What are you Communist shitheads using for brains these days? Rocks?
Hit the road clown trash. This is the ADULT table.
Debunk the reading I've presented.
It wouldnt let me read it for more than a minute
Byt the one thing that caught my eye was the explanation of Sanders' proposal on "free" college. It isnt that we will be spending more, it's that who pays for it will be shifted. Currently students and their parents pay for it. With Sanders tax payers will pay for it.
Does anyone NOT see the issue here?
Hit the road clown trash. This is the ADULT table.
Debunk the reading I've presented.
It wouldnt let me read it for more than a minute
Byt the one thing that caught my eye was the explanation of Sanders' proposal on "free" college. It isnt that we will be spending more, it's that who pays for it will be shifted. Currently students and their parents pay for it. With Sanders tax payers will pay for it.
Does anyone NOT see the issue here?
Parents ARE tax payers so it's just a name switch.
Hit the road clown trash. This is the ADULT table.
Debunk the reading I've presented.
It wouldnt let me read it for more than a minute
Byt the one thing that caught my eye was the explanation of Sanders' proposal on "free" college. It isnt that we will be spending more, it's that who pays for it will be shifted. Currently students and their parents pay for it. With Sanders tax payers will pay for it.
Does anyone NOT see the issue here?
Parents ARE tax payers so it's just a name switch.
Parents/students are consumers paying for a product out of their own pocket. Taxpayers get to pay for the same thing through higher taxes/more debt.
The headline is wrong. Sanders is proposing the federal government spend $16T while raising taxes a third of that. Sanders is the "free shit" candidate. And the rubes in the media and on the Left are going to go for it.
We have to borrow money from China to pay for what we have now. We don't have 18 TRILLION and neither does China to lend. So just where is all this "magical" money coming from?
All you have to do is make the fed interest rate zero or negative. We'll have magical money all over the place. Oh wait.. how's that working for us so far? Let's see ... oh yeah the billionaires are buying up all of our property at zero interest to lease, rent, and or sell back to us at a profit.
Just raise the minimum wage to $1,000,000 a year. Problem solved.
I especially like the free college tuition program. I had to pay for mine... and for my kids. Now I get to pay for everyone else's kids. Isn't this country great?
Eliminate private insurance? Putting a multi-billion dollar industry out of work?

Yea, that's real fucking smart. What are you Communist shitheads using for brains these days? Rocks?

And what would a flat tax that you can file on a single piece of paper do to the multi-billion dollar certified public accounting industry?

What are you Fascist shitheads using for brains these days? Dog shit?
Eliminate private insurance? Putting a multi-billion dollar industry out of work?

Yea, that's real fucking smart. What are you Communist shitheads using for brains these days? Rocks?

And what would a flat tax that you can file on a single piece of paper do to the multi-billion dollar certified public accounting industry?

What are you Fascist shitheads using for brains these days? Dog shit?

The tax-filing and CPA industry is much smaller than the insurance industry. When you consider that that insurance industry is a multi-billion dollar industry and most CPA's and tax-preparing companies are small privately-owned businesses, there's really no comparison.

I stand by my previous statement. You Communist fucksticks have nothing but rocks and shit for brains. You mentioned a "flat tax" when as far as I know, no mention was made of a flat tax in this discussion.

So I would suggest to you that you go punch yourself into a state of semi-consciousness. If you can't do that, I'd be more than happy to oblige you. Then go curl up in your closet in a fetal position, suck your thumb, and cry yourself to sleep. That's what the majority of you left-wing shitheads will be doing after 2016.

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