Sanders Rising because trump exposed total crookedness of demo leaders ..educators


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2018
Poll: Sanders Rises, But Socialism Isn't Popular With Most Americans

As Trump exposes how crooked demo leaders. Educators and The media are ... sanders voters understands too

Together they will allow trump to lock up the demo leaders and the educators and the media and deep state

This is really bad news for the globalists and establishment.

Now Trump is guaranteed to win in a landslide

If another democrat is put in place and not sanders All those sanders voters will stay home or vote for trump

And if sanders gets the nomination people will understand that Venezuela proves socialism destroys nations faster than any system

So this election is over

And democrat congress will be locked up for being so crooked and for committing treason !!!
Not so fast there Aqua. If Sanders can’t get 50% + 1 on the first vote at the convention then the delegates are free to change their vote. The DNC wants Bloomberg and he could lose every primary and still get the nomination.
Not so fast there Aqua. If Sanders can’t get 50% + 1 on the first vote at the convention then the delegates are free to change their vote. The DNC wants Bloomberg and he could lose every primary and still get the nomination.

Read what I wrote

I said no matter what happens now

It’s over for democrats

Even if sanders don’t win

His voters remembers how crooked and rigging the last election and trump proving that the demo leaders are indeed guilty of treason

That understanding together will stop the sanders voters from voting for the crooks that stole the nomination from them and who are the same ones that trump proves as guilty of treason

They will not vote for the people that rigged the election against them

That guarantees trump will win in a landslide
Not so fast there Aqua. If Sanders can’t get 50% + 1 on the first vote at the convention then the delegates are free to change their vote. The DNC wants Bloomberg and he could lose every primary and still get the nomination.

Read what I wrote

I said no matter what happens now

It’s over for democrats

Even if sanders don’t win

His voters remembers how crooked and rigging the last election and trump proving that the demo leaders are indeed guilty of treason

That understanding together will stop the sanders voters from voting for the crooks that stole the nomination from them and who are the same ones that trump proves as guilty of treason

They will not vote for the people that rigged the election against them

That guarantees trump will win in a landslide

Trump is a guaranteed winner? That’s what you think? Ok, let’s bet. I would agree that Trump is likely to win, but you guaranteed it. So if it’s a guarante you shouldn’t have a problem with giving me 100 to 1 odds. I got 10 G’s I’ll bet at those odds. Can you cover that Mr. Guarantee?
Trumps rallies will get bigger and bigger as the weather warms

Last rally in az

Had 18% democrats there

And 29% never voters

Trump will
Gain so
Much power that he can lock up
Half the democrat congress for treason

Trump will be the hero of America and the World !!
Super Tuesday is going to be really interesting. If Bloomberg lays an egg and still stays in the race then to me that means the fix is in.
Not so fast there Aqua. If Sanders can’t get 50% + 1 on the first vote at the convention then the delegates are free to change their vote. The DNC wants Bloomberg and he could lose every primary and still get the nomination.

Read what I wrote

I said no matter what happens now

It’s over for democrats

Even if sanders don’t win

His voters remembers how crooked and rigging the last election and trump proving that the demo leaders are indeed guilty of treason

That understanding together will stop the sanders voters from voting for the crooks that stole the nomination from them and who are the same ones that trump proves as guilty of treason

They will not vote for the people that rigged the election against them

That guarantees trump will win in a landslide

Trump is a guaranteed winner? That’s what you think? Ok, let’s bet. I would agree that Trump is likely to win, but you guaranteed it. So if it’s a guarante you shouldn’t have a problem with giving me 100 to 1 odds. I got 10 G’s I’ll bet at those odds. Can you cover that Mr. Guarantee?

Let’s just say if something happens to a rigged election trump has all the power with his vast support of the American men

With that power he will become just as strong as Andrew Jackson

If there is a civil war. It would be men against women

And trump has the men

Nothing anyone can do now

Trump will destroy the crooked system and democrats. One way or the other
Super Tuesday is going to be really interesting. If Bloomberg lays an egg and still stays in the race then to me that means the fix is in.


And that also brings trump a landslide

Because all the sanders voters will agree that half the democrat congress should be tried for treason

And they will not vote for the ones that rigged the election against sanders
It is the men of the black race and Hispanic race that are rising for trump

And along with the landslide of white men fir trump .. they will chase the traitor democrats out of the nation

The women changes like weather but men don’t

So this will last a long time

The men of America chasing the democrats out of America

They will make the women stand down even if their changing moods disagrees
Not so fast there Aqua. If Sanders can’t get 50% + 1 on the first vote at the convention then the delegates are free to change their vote. The DNC wants Bloomberg and he could lose every primary and still get the nomination.

Read what I wrote

I said no matter what happens now

It’s over for democrats

Even if sanders don’t win

His voters remembers how crooked and rigging the last election and trump proving that the demo leaders are indeed guilty of treason

That understanding together will stop the sanders voters from voting for the crooks that stole the nomination from them and who are the same ones that trump proves as guilty of treason

They will not vote for the people that rigged the election against them

That guarantees trump will win in a landslide

Trump is a guaranteed winner? That’s what you think? Ok, let’s bet. I would agree that Trump is likely to win, but you guaranteed it. So if it’s a guarante you shouldn’t have a problem with giving me 100 to 1 odds. I got 10 G’s I’ll bet at those odds. Can you cover that Mr. Guarantee?

Let’s just say if something happens to a rigged election trump has all the power with his vast support of the American men

With that power he will become just as strong as Andrew Jackson

If there is a civil war. It would be men against women

And trump has the men

Nothing anyone can do now

Trump will destroy the crooked system and democrats. One way or the other

So no bet. Not much of a guarantee if you don’t have the onions to back it up.
This will happen for sure

The only thing that will stop it is if trump calls out the military to make logic tests for voters

That will save America from certain destruction

The timeline could be debated on how long before the nation falls back so much that it falls

But it will fall. It’s the time that it falls that can be debated

Here is why this destruction is a certain result unless trumps stops this crooked govt with the military

Because the unwise voters are multiplying much faster than any makes it a certainty that if trump can’t do this change
Now then it’s too late to save America.s big fall

Having the unwise doing the voting more each day proves this destruction result is coming !!
Trump must bring a logic test for voters to save the nation

If he don’t then the universal law will step in and destroy the nation

But in any case the crooked democrats will be totally stopped and deep state drained

One way or the other

The question is when will trump call out his men supporters and the military men against the crooked deep state ?

Will he do it before the election ?

Will he do it if he loses before his term ends ?

Will he do it after the election and gaining more support before he acts ?

His latest time would be 3 years into his next 4 years

So which way will he go??

But he must do this or the nation will fall with the increasing low logic of the voters who keep own electing the.crooks
Not so fast there Aqua. If Sanders can’t get 50% + 1 on the first vote at the convention then the delegates are free to change their vote. The DNC wants Bloomberg and he could lose every primary and still get the nomination.

Read what I wrote

I said no matter what happens now

It’s over for democrats

Even if sanders don’t win

His voters remembers how crooked and rigging the last election and trump proving that the demo leaders are indeed guilty of treason

That understanding together will stop the sanders voters from voting for the crooks that stole the nomination from them and who are the same ones that trump proves as guilty of treason

They will not vote for the people that rigged the election against them

That guarantees trump will win in a landslide

Trump is a guaranteed winner? That’s what you think? Ok, let’s bet. I would agree that Trump is likely to win, but you guaranteed it. So if it’s a guarante you shouldn’t have a problem with giving me 100 to 1 odds. I got 10 G’s I’ll bet at those odds. Can you cover that Mr. Guarantee?

Let’s just say if something happens to a rigged election trump has all the power with his vast support of the American men

With that power he will become just as strong as Andrew Jackson

If there is a civil war. It would be men against women

And trump has the men

Nothing anyone can do now

Trump will destroy the crooked system and democrats. One way or the other

So no bet. Not much of a guarantee if you don’t have the onions to back it up.

He's not very logical if he won't follow up on a 'guaranteed' bet.
Not so fast there Aqua. If Sanders can’t get 50% + 1 on the first vote at the convention then the delegates are free to change their vote. The DNC wants Bloomberg and he could lose every primary and still get the nomination.

Read what I wrote

I said no matter what happens now

It’s over for democrats

Even if sanders don’t win

His voters remembers how crooked and rigging the last election and trump proving that the demo leaders are indeed guilty of treason

That understanding together will stop the sanders voters from voting for the crooks that stole the nomination from them and who are the same ones that trump proves as guilty of treason

They will not vote for the people that rigged the election against them

That guarantees trump will win in a landslide

Trump is a guaranteed winner? That’s what you think? Ok, let’s bet. I would agree that Trump is likely to win, but you guaranteed it. So if it’s a guarante you shouldn’t have a problem with giving me 100 to 1 odds. I got 10 G’s I’ll bet at those odds. Can you cover that Mr. Guarantee?

Let’s just say if something happens to a rigged election trump has all the power with his vast support of the American men

With that power he will become just as strong as Andrew Jackson

If there is a civil war. It would be men against women

And trump has the men

Nothing anyone can do now

Trump will destroy the crooked system and democrats. One way or the other

So no bet. Not much of a guarantee if you don’t have the onions to back it up.

He's not very logical if he won't follow up on a 'guaranteed' bet.
It’s totally foolish to bet with people on forums

That does nothing but wastes time which makes one the real loser

Bet with the betting markets and that does not wastes time

Betting that way will bring real results

Like what are the odds that trump will bring a logic test for voters

Always bet before this becomes known
Because you will get big money for betting before it’s known

Stoopid people don’t know how to bet

Same with stoopid democrat voters who elect crooks

The gdp scores is what to look at to see the future

Anything that lowers those scores in time will be stopped

So a logic test for voters is coming because only high logic ability people voting cannot be fooled and will elect the best leaders that brings the highest gdp scores progress for a nation

The time to bet was right before trump got elected as I was telling to do so

At that time one would get wealthy quick because the odds seem to be very high against that

But even then one can see all the dominoes falling to bring that result

Only morons bets people on forums

Now the odds against this logic ability test for voting has dropped I say in half because some of those dominoes have indeed fell

All the dominoes are set to fall to make this happen

And no more stoopid people allowed to
Make stoopid errors by betting people on forums

Also jerry springer type sites that brings the insane and unwise to debate will also be stopped


Again because it lowers the progress with lower GDP scores

Wise debate can raise GDP scores which is what will come

But the unwise working their mental issue needs in forums will be stopped

That is wasting time with no learning

Wise and honest debate does bring learning

But debates in a loony bin will only waste time and lower progress for all
Read what I wrote

I said no matter what happens now

It’s over for democrats

Even if sanders don’t win

His voters remembers how crooked and rigging the last election and trump proving that the demo leaders are indeed guilty of treason

That understanding together will stop the sanders voters from voting for the crooks that stole the nomination from them and who are the same ones that trump proves as guilty of treason

They will not vote for the people that rigged the election against them

That guarantees trump will win in a landslide

Trump is a guaranteed winner? That’s what you think? Ok, let’s bet. I would agree that Trump is likely to win, but you guaranteed it. So if it’s a guarante you shouldn’t have a problem with giving me 100 to 1 odds. I got 10 G’s I’ll bet at those odds. Can you cover that Mr. Guarantee?

Let’s just say if something happens to a rigged election trump has all the power with his vast support of the American men

With that power he will become just as strong as Andrew Jackson

If there is a civil war. It would be men against women

And trump has the men

Nothing anyone can do now

Trump will destroy the crooked system and democrats. One way or the other

So no bet. Not much of a guarantee if you don’t have the onions to back it up.

He's not very logical if he won't follow up on a 'guaranteed' bet.
It’s totally foolish to bet with people on forums

That does nothing but wastes time which makes one the real loser

Bet with the betting markets and that does not wastes time

Betting that way will bring real results

Like what are the odds that trump will bring a logic test for voters

Always bet before this becomes known
Because you will get big money for betting before it’s known

Stoopid people don’t know how to bet

Same with stoopid democrat voters who elect crooks

The gdp scores is what to look at to see the future

Anything that lowers those scores in time will be stopped

So a logic test for voters is coming because only high logic ability people voting cannot be fooled and will elect the best leaders that brings the highest gdp scores progress for a nation

The time to bet was right before trump got elected as I was telling to do so

At that time one would get wealthy quick because the odds seem to be very high against that

But even then one can see all the dominoes falling to bring that result

Only morons bets people on forums

Now the odds against this logic ability test for voting has dropped I say in half because some of those dominoes have indeed fell

All the dominoes are set to fall to make this happen

And no more stoopid people allowed to
Make stoopid errors by betting people on forums

Also jerry springer type sites that brings the insane and unwise to debate will also be stopped


Again because it lowers the progress with lower GDP scores

Wise debate can raise GDP scores which is what will come

But the unwise working their mental issue needs in forums will be stopped

That is wasting time with no learning

Wise and honest debate does bring learning

But debates in a loony bin will only waste time and lower progress for all

That is a whole lot of poorly written sentences (using periods does not cause cancer btw) just to back away from an ill advised guarantee.
Stoopid people bets with stoopid people in forums

One bets where one can truly win

Trumps fast rise with the betters are showing the betters can see people waking up

Today big news

Rasmussen went from -1 approval for trump to plus 5 for trump

Politico trying hard not to get caught cheating

Went from minus 11 to minus 7 approval

That shows the bettors that people are waking up and now their odds will increase for trump

But still their odds includes the cheating parts of the system and how many people not woke up to the cheating

So now

The real panic begins for the deep state to stay out of life sentences in prison for high treason crimes

The deep state is about to CRACK wide open and the masses of men ready to unleash their anger on them
Barr’s azz will be grass if he don’t lock em all up

The masses of men now knows who has committed treason !!!

That’s the real judge. The masses of American men
Read what I wrote

I said no matter what happens now

It’s over for democrats

Even if sanders don’t win

His voters remembers how crooked and rigging the last election and trump proving that the demo leaders are indeed guilty of treason

That understanding together will stop the sanders voters from voting for the crooks that stole the nomination from them and who are the same ones that trump proves as guilty of treason

They will not vote for the people that rigged the election against them

That guarantees trump will win in a landslide

Trump is a guaranteed winner? That’s what you think? Ok, let’s bet. I would agree that Trump is likely to win, but you guaranteed it. So if it’s a guarante you shouldn’t have a problem with giving me 100 to 1 odds. I got 10 G’s I’ll bet at those odds. Can you cover that Mr. Guarantee?

Let’s just say if something happens to a rigged election trump has all the power with his vast support of the American men

With that power he will become just as strong as Andrew Jackson

If there is a civil war. It would be men against women

And trump has the men

Nothing anyone can do now

Trump will destroy the crooked system and democrats. One way or the other

So no bet. Not much of a guarantee if you don’t have the onions to back it up.

He's not very logical if he won't follow up on a 'guaranteed' bet.
It’s totally foolish to bet with people on forums

That does nothing but wastes time which makes one the real loser

Bet with the betting markets and that does not wastes time

Betting that way will bring real results

Like what are the odds that trump will bring a logic test for voters

Always bet before this becomes known
Because you will get big money for betting before it’s known

Stoopid people don’t know how to bet

Same with stoopid democrat voters who elect crooks

The gdp scores is what to look at to see the future

Anything that lowers those scores in time will be stopped

So a logic test for voters is coming because only high logic ability people voting cannot be fooled and will elect the best leaders that brings the highest gdp scores progress for a nation

The time to bet was right before trump got elected as I was telling to do so

At that time one would get wealthy quick because the odds seem to be very high against that

But even then one can see all the dominoes falling to bring that result

Only morons bets people on forums

Now the odds against this logic ability test for voting has dropped I say in half because some of those dominoes have indeed fell

All the dominoes are set to fall to make this happen

And no more stoopid people allowed to
Make stoopid errors by betting people on forums

Also jerry springer type sites that brings the insane and unwise to debate will also be stopped


Again because it lowers the progress with lower GDP scores

Wise debate can raise GDP scores which is what will come

But the unwise working their mental issue needs in forums will be stopped

That is wasting time with no learning

Wise and honest debate does bring learning

But debates in a loony bin will only waste time and lower progress for all

You're not very logical.
Trump is a guaranteed winner? That’s what you think? Ok, let’s bet. I would agree that Trump is likely to win, but you guaranteed it. So if it’s a guarante you shouldn’t have a problem with giving me 100 to 1 odds. I got 10 G’s I’ll bet at those odds. Can you cover that Mr. Guarantee?

Let’s just say if something happens to a rigged election trump has all the power with his vast support of the American men

With that power he will become just as strong as Andrew Jackson

If there is a civil war. It would be men against women

And trump has the men

Nothing anyone can do now

Trump will destroy the crooked system and democrats. One way or the other

So no bet. Not much of a guarantee if you don’t have the onions to back it up.

He's not very logical if he won't follow up on a 'guaranteed' bet.
It’s totally foolish to bet with people on forums

That does nothing but wastes time which makes one the real loser

Bet with the betting markets and that does not wastes time

Betting that way will bring real results

Like what are the odds that trump will bring a logic test for voters

Always bet before this becomes known
Because you will get big money for betting before it’s known

Stoopid people don’t know how to bet

Same with stoopid democrat voters who elect crooks

The gdp scores is what to look at to see the future

Anything that lowers those scores in time will be stopped

So a logic test for voters is coming because only high logic ability people voting cannot be fooled and will elect the best leaders that brings the highest gdp scores progress for a nation

The time to bet was right before trump got elected as I was telling to do so

At that time one would get wealthy quick because the odds seem to be very high against that

But even then one can see all the dominoes falling to bring that result

Only morons bets people on forums

Now the odds against this logic ability test for voting has dropped I say in half because some of those dominoes have indeed fell

All the dominoes are set to fall to make this happen

And no more stoopid people allowed to
Make stoopid errors by betting people on forums

Also jerry springer type sites that brings the insane and unwise to debate will also be stopped


Again because it lowers the progress with lower GDP scores

Wise debate can raise GDP scores which is what will come

But the unwise working their mental issue needs in forums will be stopped

That is wasting time with no learning

Wise and honest debate does bring learning

But debates in a loony bin will only waste time and lower progress for all

You're not very logical.

Logic ability predicts correctly

Predicts what falls and what rises

The gdp scores will be the rulers of all nations and that will destroy all wide democracies and democrats and globalists
Let’s just say if something happens to a rigged election trump has all the power with his vast support of the American men

With that power he will become just as strong as Andrew Jackson

If there is a civil war. It would be men against women

And trump has the men

Nothing anyone can do now

Trump will destroy the crooked system and democrats. One way or the other

So no bet. Not much of a guarantee if you don’t have the onions to back it up.

He's not very logical if he won't follow up on a 'guaranteed' bet.
It’s totally foolish to bet with people on forums

That does nothing but wastes time which makes one the real loser

Bet with the betting markets and that does not wastes time

Betting that way will bring real results

Like what are the odds that trump will bring a logic test for voters

Always bet before this becomes known
Because you will get big money for betting before it’s known

Stoopid people don’t know how to bet

Same with stoopid democrat voters who elect crooks

The gdp scores is what to look at to see the future

Anything that lowers those scores in time will be stopped

So a logic test for voters is coming because only high logic ability people voting cannot be fooled and will elect the best leaders that brings the highest gdp scores progress for a nation

The time to bet was right before trump got elected as I was telling to do so

At that time one would get wealthy quick because the odds seem to be very high against that

But even then one can see all the dominoes falling to bring that result

Only morons bets people on forums

Now the odds against this logic ability test for voting has dropped I say in half because some of those dominoes have indeed fell

All the dominoes are set to fall to make this happen

And no more stoopid people allowed to
Make stoopid errors by betting people on forums

Also jerry springer type sites that brings the insane and unwise to debate will also be stopped


Again because it lowers the progress with lower GDP scores

Wise debate can raise GDP scores which is what will come

But the unwise working their mental issue needs in forums will be stopped

That is wasting time with no learning

Wise and honest debate does bring learning

But debates in a loony bin will only waste time and lower progress for all

You're not very logical.

Logic ability predicts correctly

Predicts what falls and what rises

The gdp scores will be the rulers of all nations and that will destroy all wide democracies and democrats and globalists

How long has your state had legal weed?

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