Sanders Surges, Clinton Sags in U.S. Favorability


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
What's the requirement now to run for president on the democrat ticket? Apparently Old, white and rich.

Sanders Surges Clinton Sags in U.S. Favorability

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders' favorable rating among Americans has doubled since Gallup's initial reading in March, rising to 24% from 12% as he has become better known. Hillary Clinton's rating has slipped to 43% from 48% in April. At the same time, Clinton's unfavorable rating increased to 46%, tilting her image negative and producing her worst net favorable score since December 2007.
i an fairly certain many libertraitors who fell in love with Hitlery will jump on the Bernie bandwagon very soon, unless of course they want to support the lying traitorous bitch who has been ordered to turn over her server because some IG's found illegal Emails. :up:
Cankles has to win the presidency to avoid jail time....sort of like LBJ.
Its really vey kind and altruistic for you right wingers to be so concerned about who the Dems. will pick as their candidate, and although I am NO fan of Hillary, her nomination is inevitable.
Further, if you think that any of the GOP clown/candidates now beating up on each other will beat her in Nov. 2016, you're showing that ignorance for which you're so famous for.
Thank you for this.

America is waking up to the fact that we simply must not elect a person to the highest office in the land, whose sole qualification is the she is competent at riding the coattails of her husband---an unfaithful Scots-Irish rogue who happened to be a political genius. This ain't Argentina and she ain't Evita Peron.

Her other qualities seem to be:

1) Money-grubbing crook and compulsive liar;

2) Owned lock, stock and barrel, by Wall Street;

3) Incompetent at every job her husband has gotten her;

4) Artificial, which comes through loud & clear with every public appearance, which cost her more votes in places she campaigns than where she does not;

5) Not in good health--mainly seems to suffer from Diminished Mental Capacity, but physical issues as well---and can't memorize a speech, but has trouble reading one;

6) Could get indicted over conduct as Secretary of State, because of money shakedowns and hidden e-mails;

7) Depraved---as in: stood before the coffins of the dead heroes from Benghazi and told their parents that they would get that man who made that video that got their sons killed---knowing that to be a bald-faced lie.

She is way more than of a Clown Show than Donald Trump--who has at least shown an ability to accomplish things on his own.

Whatever are the Democrats thinking?

Well, they are looking at their alternatives....1) a Socialist who, unlike other Democrats, at least has the integrity to admit he is a Socialist; 2) Pocahontas--the original Raving Loon, and herself a Liar; 3) The ex-mayor of a failed & rotting Northern City, who apologized to Black Radicals for saying "All lives Matter" instead of just "Black Lives Matter"; and 4) Uncle Joe B.

Looks like America has got 17 months and 25 days before the Great Socialist Nightmare is over for good. Then we can start repairing the damage, which is significant.
Cankles has to win the presidency to avoid jail time....sort of like LBJ.

Either way nothing is going to happen to Mrs. Clinton. This country has long passed the point where we hold our politicians accountable for anything. A lovely young girl is murdered by a scum bag that Obama's and the city of SF aided and in three days we just forget about it like it never happened.
I just heard Hilly Baby yesterday speaking out about her e mail scandal.....
It's understandable to me now why her handlers have kept her under wraps....
The more she babbles on about shit the more she drops in the polls...
Cankles has to win the presidency to avoid jail time....sort of like LBJ.

Either way nothing is going to happen to Mrs. Clinton. This country has long passed the point where we hold our politicians accountable for anything. A lovely young girl is murdered by a scum bag that Obama's and the city of SF aided and in three days we just forget about it like it never happened.

Libs are more interested in how Bruce Jenner is transitioning....
Thank you for this.

America is waking up to the fact that we simply must not elect a person to the highest office in the land, whose sole qualification is the she is competent at riding the coattails of her husband---an unfaithful Scots-Irish rogue who happened to be a political genius. This ain't Argentina and she ain't Evita Peron.

Her other qualities seem to be:

1) Money-grubbing crook and compulsive liar;

2) Owned lock, stock and barrel, by Wall Street;

3) Incompetent at every job her husband has gotten her;

4) Artificial, which comes through loud & clear with every public appearance, which cost her more votes in places she campaigns than where she does not;

5) Not in good health--mainly seems to suffer from Diminished Mental Capacity, but physical issues as well---and can't memorize a speech, but has trouble reading one;

6) Could get indicted over conduct as Secretary of State, because of money shakedowns and hidden e-mails;

7) Depraved---as in: stood before the coffins of the dead heroes from Benghazi and told their parents that they would get that man who made that video that got their sons killed---knowing that to be a bald-faced lie.

She is way more than of a Clown Show than Donald Trump--who has at least shown an ability to accomplish things on his own.

Whatever are the Democrats thinking?

Well, they are looking at their alternatives....1) a Socialist who, unlike other Democrats, at least has the integrity to admit he is a Socialist; 2) Pocahontas--the original Raving Loon, and herself a Liar; 3) The ex-mayor of a failed & rotting Northern City, who apologized to Black Radicals for saying "All lives Matter" instead of just "Black Lives Matter"; and 4) Uncle Joe B.

Looks like America has got 17 months and 25 days before the Great Socialist Nightmare is over for good. Then we can start repairing the damage, which is significant.

At least this shows that the democrats at least show some guilt. They totally screwed over Hillary in 2008 and now I think they must be trying to pay her back. Despite her obvious brain injury and despite her age, (and yes Trump too is too old)

The funny thing is if they would have pushed Hillary in 2008 and she would have won they would have had a lock on the presidency for 16 years. Think about if Obama was running now instead of Hillary, he would have had 8 years of Senate experience and would have been much more effective in working with the opposition. Now all they have is a dried up old lady with a brain injury.

I also have to stick up for here in this point you made:

7) Depraved---as in: stood before the coffins of the dead heroes from Benghazi and told their parents that they would get that man who made that video that got their sons killed---knowing that to be a bald-faced lie.

It is only partially a bald-faced lie, they did get the man who made the video. But they failed to get him for any reason that resulted in the attack which she, Obama and Rice did bald faced lied.
Its really vey kind and altruistic for you right wingers to be so concerned about who the Dems. will pick as their candidate, and although I am NO fan of Hillary, her nomination is inevitable.
Further, if you think that any of the GOP clown/candidates now beating up on each other will beat her in Nov. 2016, you're showing that ignorance for which you're so famous for.

What's the requirement now to run for president on the democrat ticket? Apparently Old, white and rich.

Sanders Surges Clinton Sags in U.S. Favorability

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders' favorable rating among Americans has doubled since Gallup's initial reading in March, rising to 24% from 12% as he has become better known. Hillary Clinton's rating has slipped to 43% from 48% in April. At the same time, Clinton's unfavorable rating increased to 46%, tilting her image negative and producing her worst net favorable score since December 2007.

Careful there, many of us conservatives are supporting Trump. He's old, white and rich. But he has more moral fiber than Killary.
If the dems had any brains they would dump the hildebeast and run Jim Webb. Webb is a good man with a successful history in the military and public service. But they are stuck with the old, lying, corrupt bitch unless she eats some bad chicken.
Its really vey kind and altruistic for you right wingers to be so concerned about who the Dems. will pick as their candidate, and although I am NO fan of Hillary, her nomination is inevitable.
Further, if you think that any of the GOP clown/candidates now beating up on each other will beat her in Nov. 2016, you're showing that ignorance for which you're so famous for.

What's the requirement now to run for president on the democrat ticket? Apparently Old, white and rich.

Sanders Surges Clinton Sags in U.S. Favorability

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders' favorable rating among Americans has doubled since Gallup's initial reading in March, rising to 24% from 12% as he has become better known. Hillary Clinton's rating has slipped to 43% from 48% in April. At the same time, Clinton's unfavorable rating increased to 46%, tilting her image negative and producing her worst net favorable score since December 2007.

Careful there, many of us conservatives are supporting Trump. He's old, white and rich. But he has more moral fiber than Killary.

Conservatives supporting Trump have a death wish, in my opinion.
Its really vey kind and altruistic for you right wingers to be so concerned about who the Dems. will pick as their candidate, and although I am NO fan of Hillary, her nomination is inevitable.
Further, if you think that any of the GOP clown/candidates now beating up on each other will beat her in Nov. 2016, you're showing that ignorance for which you're so famous for.

What's the requirement now to run for president on the democrat ticket? Apparently Old, white and rich.

Sanders Surges Clinton Sags in U.S. Favorability

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders' favorable rating among Americans has doubled since Gallup's initial reading in March, rising to 24% from 12% as he has become better known. Hillary Clinton's rating has slipped to 43% from 48% in April. At the same time, Clinton's unfavorable rating increased to 46%, tilting her image negative and producing her worst net favorable score since December 2007.

Careful there, many of us conservatives are supporting Trump. He's old, white and rich. But he has more moral fiber than Killary.

Conservatives supporting Trump have a death wish, in my opinion.

Nope, what they have is a wish for a candidate who is not afraid to speak the truth and address the real problems the country is facing. Trump may not win, but he is forcing both parties to enter the debate and talk about the real problems, immigration, debt, jobs, foreign relations, the welfare state, crime, et al.
Its really vey kind and altruistic for you right wingers to be so concerned about who the Dems. will pick as their candidate, and although I am NO fan of Hillary, her nomination is inevitable.
Further, if you think that any of the GOP clown/candidates now beating up on each other will beat her in Nov. 2016, you're showing that ignorance for which you're so famous for.

Oh how incorrect you continue to be. I could care less whom the democrats nominate, I won't vote for a democrat no matter who they may be.

Mrs. Clinton may indeed win, I no more know then you do, but I do know she is too old, too establishment and brain damaged. But being a woman married to Bill might be all that is needed, which is really sad and a testimony to the state of the democrat party.
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Its really vey kind and altruistic for you right wingers to be so concerned about who the Dems. will pick as their candidate, and although I am NO fan of Hillary, her nomination is inevitable.
Further, if you think that any of the GOP clown/candidates now beating up on each other will beat her in Nov. 2016, you're showing that ignorance for which you're so famous for.

What's the requirement now to run for president on the democrat ticket? Apparently Old, white and rich.

Sanders Surges Clinton Sags in U.S. Favorability

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders' favorable rating among Americans has doubled since Gallup's initial reading in March, rising to 24% from 12% as he has become better known. Hillary Clinton's rating has slipped to 43% from 48% in April. At the same time, Clinton's unfavorable rating increased to 46%, tilting her image negative and producing her worst net favorable score since December 2007.

Careful there, many of us conservatives are supporting Trump. He's old, white and rich. But he has more moral fiber than Killary.

Conservatives supporting Trump have a death wish, in my opinion.

Nope, what they have is a wish for a candidate who is not afraid to speak the truth and address the real problems the country is facing. Trump may not win, but he is forcing both parties to enter the debate and talk about the real problems, immigration, debt, jobs, foreign relations, the welfare state, crime, et al.

Tell me, prior to him running once again, can you name one thing Trump has done for anyone other then his own promotion? I am not saying he doesn't make the race interesting, I just think him too rich and too old.
Its really vey kind and altruistic for you right wingers to be so concerned about who the Dems. will pick as their candidate, and although I am NO fan of Hillary, her nomination is inevitable.
Further, if you think that any of the GOP clown/candidates now beating up on each other will beat her in Nov. 2016, you're showing that ignorance for which you're so famous for.

Oh how incorrect you continue to be. I could care less whom the democrats nominate, I won't vote for a democrat no matter who they may be.

Mrs. Clinton may indeed win, I no more know they you do, but I do know she is too old, too establishment and brain damaged. But being a woman married to Bill might be all that is needed, which is really sad and a testimony to the state of the democrat party.

agree, if she is the best they have then obama has truly destroyed the dem party, and it could not happen to a more deserving group.
Its really vey kind and altruistic for you right wingers to be so concerned about who the Dems. will pick as their candidate, and although I am NO fan of Hillary, her nomination is inevitable.
Further, if you think that any of the GOP clown/candidates now beating up on each other will beat her in Nov. 2016, you're showing that ignorance for which you're so famous for.

What's the requirement now to run for president on the democrat ticket? Apparently Old, white and rich.

Sanders Surges Clinton Sags in U.S. Favorability

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders' favorable rating among Americans has doubled since Gallup's initial reading in March, rising to 24% from 12% as he has become better known. Hillary Clinton's rating has slipped to 43% from 48% in April. At the same time, Clinton's unfavorable rating increased to 46%, tilting her image negative and producing her worst net favorable score since December 2007.

Careful there, many of us conservatives are supporting Trump. He's old, white and rich. But he has more moral fiber than Killary.

Conservatives supporting Trump have a death wish, in my opinion.

Nope, what they have is a wish for a candidate who is not afraid to speak the truth and address the real problems the country is facing. Trump may not win, but he is forcing both parties to enter the debate and talk about the real problems, immigration, debt, jobs, foreign relations, the welfare state, crime, et al.

Tell me, prior to him running once again, can you name one thing Trump has done for anyone other then his own promotion? I am not saying he doesn't make the race interesting, I just think him too rich and too old.

He employs thousands of people who pay millions in taxes.

If he is too old and too rich, then so are HRC and Bernie.

I don't see Trump getting the GOP nomination, but he is shaking up both parties and that is good for the country.
Its really vey kind and altruistic for you right wingers to be so concerned about who the Dems. will pick as their candidate, and although I am NO fan of Hillary, her nomination is inevitable.
Further, if you think that any of the GOP clown/candidates now beating up on each other will beat her in Nov. 2016, you're showing that ignorance for which you're so famous for.

Oh how incorrect you continue to be. I could care less whom the democrats nominate, I won't vote for a democrat no matter who they may be.

Mrs. Clinton may indeed win, I no more know they you do, but I do know she is too old, too establishment and brain damaged. But being a woman married to Bill might be all that is needed, which is really sad and a testimony to the state of the democrat party.

agree, if she is the best they have then obama has truly destroyed the dem party, and it could not happen to a more deserving group.

I have never been an Obama fan, mostly because he is a democrat. But I will say at least he ran on ideas and was good at giving speeches. So far I see none of that from Mrs. Clinton. If I were her I would cut my losses and in every speech mention "my husband Bill Clinton" as many times as possible. Then she could trade grandma cookie recipes with the women and that should insure here election. An appearance on Ellen wouldn't hurt. You know all the important stuff;
Mrs. Clinton may indeed win, I no more know they you do, but I do know she is too old, too establishment and brain damaged

Change the gender and one would think you were talking about Reagan.

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