Sanders To Withdraw Support?

Even though the DNC is suppose to be neutral, we learned in 2008, when they worked back handed and back room deals to make Obama the nominee over Clinton even though they were virtually tied, that they were NOT neutral.... I dropped my registered Democratic Party membership and became registered Independent after that fiasco of the DNC...

In 1968, Eugene McCarthy won six primaries (there weren't as many in those days as there are now) and Hubert Humphrey won zero. McCarthy had the majority of the popular vote; with Lyndon Johnson second and Humphrey third. Johnson dropped out, and the back-room deals at that convention gave the nomination to Humphrey. A lot of McCarthy supporters stayed home.

The result was Nixon and the covert expansion of the Vietnam War into Cambodia.
I'd like to congratulate Kosh for dumbing down this thread to a level far beyond what I thought was even humanly possible. Thanks Kosh, you're a real fucking brainiac.

This from the far left drone voting for Hilary!

Does this clown run on any other programs? Someone needs to change your batteries.

Another irony impaired post from a far left drone!

They say "fuck the DNC", yet vote for the DNC nominee!

See how the far left will act when you point out their hypocrisy?

Again, who would you expect me to vote for as a "far left drone?" I was a Sanders supporter initially. I'm still pissed at the way the DNC treated him. Just because I'll be forced to vote for Hillary in an effort to prevent the orange orangutan from infesting the whitehouse, does not make me a 'drone.' It just makes it a shitty fact of this election year.

Try to have a reasonable debate you dunce.
This is PRICELESS...

Just before the DNC...

Russia releases Hillary / DNC E-Mails...

ANOTHER DNC e-mail scandal rocks Democrats / the DNC...

The DNC is exposed as a lying, manipulative, scheming party that betrayed one of its own to give Hillary the Nomination...

Bernie is proven right, that the fix WAS in from the start...

Hillary has been exposed as a weak, failed candidate who ONLY won the nomination because of voter fraud, the FIXED Super Delegate process, & the FIXED DNC process and support...

Wasserman Schultz is thrown under the bus, FIRED from her position, and is used as the scapegoat...

She is replaced by ANOTHER Democrat ALSO exposed in the e-mails as having part of the fixed process / scheme against Sanders...

The Sanders supporters, PISSED OFF at the crooked DNC, at CROOKED Hillary, and CROOKED Schultz are on the warpath going into the convention...

Against the wishes of a panicked Hillary and CROOKED DNC, Schultz has announced she WILL speak at the convention to address the candidates... Hillary and the libs just want her to go away, but she'll have none of it.

In the midst of this e-mail storm that exposed the party's corruption and betrayal, she (Schultz) is going to take the stage...and will be rabidly BOOed off the stage by Bernie supporters. The BOOing Cruz got will be nothing compared to what the pissed off Sanders fans have in store for Schultz!

THEN comes the Democrats' Cruz' moment... Knowing now that YES he was screwed by Hillary, Schultz, and the DNC, Bernie gets to take the mike on stage ... and his supporters are amped up, pissed off, and Hillary is going to be a target because she is showing no remorse or (fake) outrage at how Bernie was targeted...

The e-mails also show that Democrats were going to make Bernie's Christian faith an issue of ridicule for political gain, pretty much proving the freedom of religion and the freedom from government/political persecution is DEAD in the Democratic Party.

Already running a candidate proven to have violated the law (FOIA, The Fedetal Tecords Act, and PERJURY -- ACCORDING TO FBI DIRECTOR COMEY UNDER OATH IN FRONT OF CONGRESS), now the DNC shoots itself in the foot in front of the world with another e-mail scandal.

The only positive thing the DNC could do now is FIRE Schultz now to prevent her from speaking...

Hillary and the DNC = DEAD MAN WALKING right before their convention.

The only thig the world remembers about the GOP convention is Democtats throwing urine at each other and setting themselves on fire while trying to burn the American flag...and now THIS new DNC scandal has taken the WORLD'S headlines as the DNC implodes!

:lmao: :clap: :mm:
What you talking about Willis?

The russians did NOT release Hillary emails! Comey stated there was no evidence the Russians hacked her server.
Bullshit. Guccifer hacked bill a long time ago. Released it to gawker
She said she used bills old server.. Granted could have been another lie..
Doesn't mean he hacked h clinton, but also means political hacks should probably keep their mouths shut :)
Last edited:
I'd like to congratulate Kosh for dumbing down this thread to a level far beyond what I thought was even humanly possible. Thanks Kosh, you're a real fucking brainiac.

This from the far left drone voting for Hilary!

Does this clown run on any other programs? Someone needs to change your batteries.

Another irony impaired post from a far left drone!

They say "fuck the DNC", yet vote for the DNC nominee!

See how the far left will act when you point out their hypocrisy?

Again, who would you expect me to vote for as a 'far left' drone? I was a Sanders supporter initially. I'm still pissed at the way the DNC treated him. Just because I'll be forced to vote for Hillary in an effort to prevent the orange orangutan from infesting the whitehouse, does not make me a 'drone.' It just makes a shitty fact of this election year.

Try to have a reasonable debate you dunce.

Well claiming you are Sanders support just proves my comments even more. And yet you say "fuck the DNC" and then vote for their nominee..

You are a far left drone!

You have proven that with your words!
I'd like to congratulate Kosh for dumbing down this thread to a level far beyond what I thought was even humanly possible. Thanks Kosh, you're a real fucking brainiac.

This from the far left drone voting for Hilary!

Does this clown run on any other programs? Someone needs to change your batteries.

Another irony impaired post from a far left drone!

They say "fuck the DNC", yet vote for the DNC nominee!

See how the far left will act when you point out their hypocrisy?

Again, who would you expect me to vote for as a 'far left' drone? I was a Sanders supporter initially. I'm still pissed at the way the DNC treated him. Just because I'll be forced to vote for Hillary in an effort to prevent the orange orangutan from infesting the whitehouse, does not make me a 'drone.' It just makes a shitty fact of this election year.

Try to have a reasonable debate you dunce.

Well claiming you are Sanders support just proves my comments even more. And yet you say "fuck the DNC" and then vote for their nominee..

You are a far left drone!

You have proven that with your words!

Ok. I give up. You win. Jesus Christ. This is like talking to a fucking brick wall.
This is PRICELESS...

Just before the DNC...

Russia releases Hillary / DNC E-Mails...

ANOTHER DNC e-mail scandal rocks Democrats / the DNC...

The DNC is exposed as a lying, manipulative, scheming party that betrayed one of its own to give Hillary the Nomination...

Bernie is proven right, that the fix WAS in from the start...

Hillary has been exposed as a weak, failed candidate who ONLY won the nomination because of voter fraud, the FIXED Super Delegate process, & the FIXED DNC process and support...

Wasserman Schultz is thrown under the bus, FIRED from her position, and is used as the scapegoat...

She is replaced by ANOTHER Democrat ALSO exposed in the e-mails as having part of the fixed process / scheme against Sanders...

The Sanders supporters, PISSED OFF at the crooked DNC, at CROOKED Hillary, and CROOKED Schultz are on the warpath going into the convention...

Against the wishes of a panicked Hillary and CROOKED DNC, Schultz has announced she WILL speak at the convention to address the candidates... Hillary and the libs just want her to go away, but she'll have none of it.

In the midst of this e-mail storm that exposed the party's corruption and betrayal, she (Schultz) is going to take the stage...and will be rabidly BOOed off the stage by Bernie supporters. The BOOing Cruz got will be nothing compared to what the pissed off Sanders fans have in store for Schultz!

THEN comes the Democrats' Cruz' moment... Knowing now that YES he was screwed by Hillary, Schultz, and the DNC, Bernie gets to take the mike on stage ... and his supporters are amped up, pissed off, and Hillary is going to be a target because she is showing no remorse or (fake) outrage at how Bernie was targeted...

The e-mails also show that Democrats were going to make Bernie's Christian faith an issue of ridicule for political gain, pretty much proving the freedom of religion and the freedom from government/political persecution is DEAD in the Democratic Party.

Already running a candidate proven to have violated the law (FOIA, The Fedetal Tecords Act, and PERJURY -- ACCORDING TO FBI DIRECTOR COMEY UNDER OATH IN FRONT OF CONGRESS), now the DNC shoots itself in the foot in front of the world with another e-mail scandal.

The only positive thing the DNC could do now is FIRE Schultz now to prevent her from speaking...

Hillary and the DNC = DEAD MAN WALKING right before their convention.

The only thig the world remembers about the GOP convention is Democtats throwing urine at each other and setting themselves on fire while trying to burn the American flag...and now THIS new DNC scandal has taken the WORLD'S headlines as the DNC implodes!

:lmao: :clap: :mm:
What you talking about Willis?

The russians did NOT release Hillary emails! Comey stated there was no evidence the Russians hacked her server.
Bullshit. Guccifer hacked bill a long time ago. Released it to gawker
She said she used bills old server.. Granted could have been another lie..
Doesn't mean he hacked Cparties h clinton, but also means political hacks should probably keep their mouths shut :)

If the DNC server was easy to hack. it is plausible to think that Clintons server was hacked since it zero protection.
This from the far left drone voting for Hilary!

Does this clown run on any other programs? Someone needs to change your batteries.

Another irony impaired post from a far left drone!

They say "fuck the DNC", yet vote for the DNC nominee!

See how the far left will act when you point out their hypocrisy?

Again, who would you expect me to vote for as a 'far left' drone? I was a Sanders supporter initially. I'm still pissed at the way the DNC treated him. Just because I'll be forced to vote for Hillary in an effort to prevent the orange orangutan from infesting the whitehouse, does not make me a 'drone.' It just makes a shitty fact of this election year.

Try to have a reasonable debate you dunce.

Well claiming you are Sanders support just proves my comments even more. And yet you say "fuck the DNC" and then vote for their nominee..

You are a far left drone!

You have proven that with your words!

Ok. I give up. You win. Jesus Christ. This is like talking to a fucking brick wall.

Yes you are far left done! I pointed your hypocrisy of your words and you went all two year old on us, You should have acting like an adult admitted what you are.
how many times have you said that here in this thread alone?.....and kosh,at least when i reply to someone....i say more than you are a far left drone....

Yes we know you can not hold your own with the far left drone of rdean, so once again you have proven that you are worse than a far left done..

It goes to show that when one posts against Harry( since he can not understand more than 90% of the posts on this board), he will double down and be worse than a far left drone!

Sorry when a far left drone understand my post over you, that is just plain sad!

or did you want me to mock you again like IU did years ago when you asked me to call you a far left drone and I did?

See how Harry can not let go of his personal grudges?

Anger and Hatred leads to the dark side!

Or was that something you could not understand also?
anytime you want to debate me kosh just say the word.....but i have one cannot say the phrase "far left drone" at anytime during the what are you going to do?....

Well you have to prove that you understand what you post and what is posted against you. Then again you loose to rdean so that is not saying much worse than far left drone!
is the debate on kosh?....or do you have to ask your programmer if its ok not to be a robot?....

And you just have proven my comments! Worse than far left drone!
is the debate on kosh?....dont let fear hold you said i was stupid.....lets see you prove it....
I'd like to congratulate Kosh for dumbing down this thread to a level far beyond what I thought was even humanly possible. Thanks Kosh, you're a real fucking brainiac.

This from the far left drone voting for Hilary!

Does this clown run on any other programs? Someone needs to change your batteries.

Another irony impaired post from a far left drone!

They say "fuck the DNC", yet vote for the DNC nominee!

See how the far left will act when you point out their hypocrisy?

Again, who would you expect me to vote for as a "far left drone?" I was a Sanders supporter initially. I'm still pissed at the way the DNC treated him. Just because I'll be forced to vote for Hillary in an effort to prevent the orange orangutan from infesting the whitehouse, does not make me a 'drone.' It just makes it a shitty fact of this election year.

Try to have a reasonable debate you dunce.
kosh dont have to have more than a 3 word vocabulary to do that...
This from the far left drone voting for Hilary!

Does this clown run on any other programs? Someone needs to change your batteries.

Another irony impaired post from a far left drone!

They say "fuck the DNC", yet vote for the DNC nominee!

See how the far left will act when you point out their hypocrisy?

Again, who would you expect me to vote for as a 'far left' drone? I was a Sanders supporter initially. I'm still pissed at the way the DNC treated him. Just because I'll be forced to vote for Hillary in an effort to prevent the orange orangutan from infesting the whitehouse, does not make me a 'drone.' It just makes a shitty fact of this election year.

Try to have a reasonable debate you dunce.

Well claiming you are Sanders support just proves my comments even more. And yet you say "fuck the DNC" and then vote for their nominee..

You are a far left drone!

You have proven that with your words!

Ok. I give up. You win. Jesus Christ. This is like talking to a fucking brick wall.
No he was right. You are a pathetic partisan drone. Now, continue being a dumbass.
Yes we know you can not hold your own with the far left drone of rdean, so once again you have proven that you are worse than a far left done..

It goes to show that when one posts against Harry( since he can not understand more than 90% of the posts on this board), he will double down and be worse than a far left drone!

Sorry when a far left drone understand my post over you, that is just plain sad!

or did you want me to mock you again like IU did years ago when you asked me to call you a far left drone and I did?

See how Harry can not let go of his personal grudges?

Anger and Hatred leads to the dark side!

Or was that something you could not understand also?
anytime you want to debate me kosh just say the word.....but i have one cannot say the phrase "far left drone" at anytime during the what are you going to do?....

Well you have to prove that you understand what you post and what is posted against you. Then again you loose to rdean so that is not saying much worse than far left drone!
is the debate on kosh?....or do you have to ask your programmer if its ok not to be a robot?....

And you just have proven my comments! Worse than far left drone!
is the debate on kosh?....dont let fear hold you said i was stupid.....lets see you prove it....

Another deflection form Harry as he can not understand what he posted and any post beyond that, even from afar left drone!

Sorry you already lost when a far left drone explained it to you!

You lost! Just deal with it!
This from the far left drone voting for Hilary!

Does this clown run on any other programs? Someone needs to change your batteries.

Another irony impaired post from a far left drone!

They say "fuck the DNC", yet vote for the DNC nominee!

See how the far left will act when you point out their hypocrisy?

Again, who would you expect me to vote for as a 'far left' drone? I was a Sanders supporter initially. I'm still pissed at the way the DNC treated him. Just because I'll be forced to vote for Hillary in an effort to prevent the orange orangutan from infesting the whitehouse, does not make me a 'drone.' It just makes a shitty fact of this election year.

Try to have a reasonable debate you dunce.

Well claiming you are Sanders support just proves my comments even more. And yet you say "fuck the DNC" and then vote for their nominee..

You are a far left drone!

You have proven that with your words!

Ok. I give up. You win. Jesus Christ. This is like talking to a fucking brick wall. are talking to a far right drone who cant say anything beyond the few words the moron who programmed him gave him....
I'd like to congratulate Kosh for dumbing down this thread to a level far beyond what I thought was even humanly possible. Thanks Kosh, you're a real fucking brainiac.

This from the far left drone voting for Hilary!

Does this clown run on any other programs? Someone needs to change your batteries.

Another irony impaired post from a far left drone!

They say "fuck the DNC", yet vote for the DNC nominee!

See how the far left will act when you point out their hypocrisy?

Again, who would you expect me to vote for as a "far left drone?" I was a Sanders supporter initially. I'm still pissed at the way the DNC treated him. Just because I'll be forced to vote for Hillary in an effort to prevent the orange orangutan from infesting the whitehouse, does not make me a 'drone.' It just makes it a shitty fact of this election year.

Try to have a reasonable debate you dunce.
kosh dont have to have more than a 3 word vocabulary to do that...

Says the worse than far left drone that can not even understand a comic book!
Does this clown run on any other programs? Someone needs to change your batteries.

Another irony impaired post from a far left drone!

They say "fuck the DNC", yet vote for the DNC nominee!

See how the far left will act when you point out their hypocrisy?

Again, who would you expect me to vote for as a 'far left' drone? I was a Sanders supporter initially. I'm still pissed at the way the DNC treated him. Just because I'll be forced to vote for Hillary in an effort to prevent the orange orangutan from infesting the whitehouse, does not make me a 'drone.' It just makes a shitty fact of this election year.

Try to have a reasonable debate you dunce.

Well claiming you are Sanders support just proves my comments even more. And yet you say "fuck the DNC" and then vote for their nominee..

You are a far left drone!

You have proven that with your words!

Ok. I give up. You win. Jesus Christ. This is like talking to a fucking brick wall. are talking to a far right drone who cant say anything beyond the few words the moron who programmed him gave him....

Oh Harry carrying out his personal vendettas because he was mocked years ago and does not know how to let go!
anytime you want to debate me kosh just say the word.....but i have one cannot say the phrase "far left drone" at anytime during the what are you going to do?....

Well you have to prove that you understand what you post and what is posted against you. Then again you loose to rdean so that is not saying much worse than far left drone!
is the debate on kosh?....or do you have to ask your programmer if its ok not to be a robot?....

And you just have proven my comments! Worse than far left drone!
is the debate on kosh?....dont let fear hold you said i was stupid.....lets see you prove it....

Another deflection form Harry as he can not understand what he posted and any post beyond that, even from afar left drone!

Sorry you already lost when a far left drone explained it to you!

You lost! Just deal with it!
is the debate on kosh?....everyone here is watching....even your friends if you have the debate on?.....yes or no?....
Harry, josh is right. That sytfe guy is a partisan hack and kosh showed it
Kosh, I have to be honest with you. I've been posting on and off on various political forums for a good 10+ years now. You are by far, the dumbest person I've not only ever encountered online, but offline as well. Unless you are a lefty pretending to be an incredibly stupid rightist, then your account makes sense, but if you are the real deal...holy shit you're dumb.

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