Sanders To Withdraw Support?

Yes, Bernie will tell his supporters to vote for the exposed anti-semites, to vote for the expised anti-Christians, to bote for the liars, deceivers, conspirators, and betrayors who have so little respect for what the people want that they did everything the could to rig the system so that the deired elitist, self-serving criminal could steal the nomination, something she could not win on her own.

Bernie, by doing so, will ruin every ounce of credibility and respect from his folliwers, will destroy his career and reputation, all to be a bought-and-paid-for political whore / sell-out to Hillary and the status quo Washington Establishment elites.

THAT is all he will be remembered for.
Are YOU just bat sh*t crazy? The leaks did NOT say that anyone was going to try to hurt Bernie because he was Jewish, the leaks showed they were trying to harm him in specific religious States because he was an atheist, a non practicing Jew.
Hurt Bernie? Do you know what the term 'disparage' means? Do you know what the rerm 'anti-semite'means? Neither one means to 'hurt' someone physically. Perhaps you should educate yourself before you embarass yourself further...


? The leaks did NOT say that anyone was going to try to hurt Bernie because he was Jewish, the leaks showed they were trying to harm him in specific religious States because he was an atheist, a non practicing Jew.

The DNC was going to pitically attak Bernie as a Jew and a Christian, not physically, but in those things. Attacking jews and Christians definitely shows what / who libs really are.
Yes, Bernie will tell his supporters to vote for the exposed anti-semites, to vote for the expised anti-Christians, to bote for the liars, deceivers, conspirators, and betrayors who have so little respect for what the people want that they did everything the could to rig the system so that the deired elitist, self-serving criminal could steal the nomination, something she could not win on her own.

Bernie, by doing so, will ruin every ounce of credibility and respect from his folliwers, will destroy his career and reputation, all to be a bought-and-paid-for political whore / sell-out to Hillary and the status quo Washington Establishment elites.

THAT is all he will be remembered for.
Are YOU just bat sh*t crazy? The leaks did NOT say that anyone was going to try to hurt Bernie because he was Jewish, the leaks showed they were trying to harm him in specific religious States because he was an atheist, a non practicing Jew.
Hurt Bernie? Do you know what the term 'disparage' means? Do you know what the rerm 'anti-semite'means? Neither one means to 'hurt' someone physically. Perhaps you should educate yourself before you embarass yourself further...[/QUOTE
You anti- semitic like Trump supporter General Flynn?

The DNC is imploding, and liberals are scrambling....this is so entertaining...

And not one of them is willing to admit the DNC really f*ed up this time.... :p
Sanders will not and neither will 99% of his supporters.

This is nothing more than the gasping of a dying Trump campaign.

The lipstick on Trump does not hide his piggishness.

Good to see you have completely given up on the charade that you are anything but a democrat operative. Kinda late for honesty but better late than never.
This is heating up FAST! I TOLD you stupid democrats don't you screw over an old man. When you are 70 some odd years old you do NOT give a flying f#ck about feelings. There is NOTHING to lose, not a damn thing.

So you went ahead and pissed him off. You set twitter and Facebook on FIRE calling for Clinton to step down AND Sanders to withdraw his support!

"“I think I told you a long time ago that the DNC was not running a fair operation. That they were supporting Secretary Clinton,” he continued. “So what I suggested to be true six months ago turns out, in fact, to be true. I’m not shocked. But I am disappointed. And that is the way it is.”

You attacked him on religion the SAME low life scuzz ball tactics you use on members HERE. So now Sanders supporters AND Jews are PISSED OFF. Can you say GOOD BYE NEW YORK or SEE YA FLORIDA?

And then who do you TRY and blame for your horse sh#t?

"Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said the leak of the emails was part of a coordinated hack by the Russians to help Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump."

Oh the Russians did it. Oh THAT is going to help your sh#t on the national stage huh? So much for Hillary's gawd damn reset button huh? But that even does not stop you from piling the ignorant on does it?

"“What’s disturbing to us is that experts are telling us Russian state actors broke into the DNC, stole these emails,” Mook said on CNN. “And other experts are now saying that the Russians are releasing these emails for the purpose of actually helping Donald Trump.”

So you democrats are arguing that the Russians could NEVER get emails from Hillary's PRIVATE server BUT he got them from the DNC main server? Do you lying sons of b#tches even THINK about your lie BEFORE you tell it?

Bernie Sanders says leaked emails show he was right about the DNC all along

Under Obama "It was ALL Bush's fault".
Under Clinton "It was ALL Putin's fault".

SAME old horsesh#t.


The dnc was more than open about the fact they wanted hillary and not sanders or anyone else.

seemed clear

did they actually say that they weren't?

and russia is broke, they would have extorted funds instead of releasing the info

The Russians want Trump to be President, to throw the USA in to Trump loves the Russians, his wife comes from a Soviet Block Country...throwing us in to madness is worth much more than money to Putin...

Why didn't they steal and break and entry via hacking in to the RNC emails...where they were back stabbing Mr. Trump left and right and release those stolen emails?

My guess is they probably did hack the RNC too, but did not release them because Trump did finally get the nomination....the Man they wanted....the man who will bring this Nation to its knees and destroy us. (AND YES, I honestly know and believe Trump will destroy our Nation, and everything we ever stood for...he already has begun his demise of us...)

Pretty sad that the Russians are influencing OUR elections through illegal hacking and no one is talking about the stealing and hacking, like what they did is all A-OK.....

you got any links to back that bullshit up?

anything at fucking all
easyt thinks the Dems are being anti-Semitic to Bernie. Of course, DW-S is a Jew, so there is a problem with that.
Sanders will not and neither will 99% of his supporters.

This is nothing more than the gasping of a dying Trump campaign.

The lipstick on Trump does not hide his piggishness.

Good to see you have completely given up on the charade that you are anything but a democrat operative. Kinda late for honesty but better late than never.
That I can see both sides, and always have, unlike a blinder partisan ideologue like you, is a positive for me as a Republican and a negative you as a wanna bee.
Bullshit. Guccifer hacked bill a long time ago. Released it to gawker
She said she used bills old server.. Granted could have been another lie..
Doesn't mean he hacked h clinton, but also means political hacks should probably keep their mouths shut :)
Actually he didn't hack Bill least he was not charged with that and extradited here for that....guccifer hacked celebrities and he hacked the sister of GWBush and daughter of GHWBush... he was charged with the hacking he did of the people he actually hacked, the Clintons WERE NOT one of these people named in their hacking charges that he eventually plead guilty and plea bargained for... Comey ALSO stated specifically that Guccifer DID NOT hack Clinton's servers, and Comey specifically said that Guccifer LIED about that...

You need to do some reading to catch up!!!
Dude get real.
Coney also said Hillary escaped criminal charges because she is a fucking moron. And we BOTH know that's bullshit. Quit being such a goddamn partisan hack.
I'm NOT a dude, I'm a dame...100% and wouldn't change that for anything in the world!

Comey said she was not charged BECAUSE she did not reach the level of criminal act, and that no one was ever charged with a felony of gross negligence under the Espionage act in 100 years for this crime, that did similar things that Hillary did...It was incompetent, but was in no way criminal. Comey said it would have been an INJUSTICE to charge her for a crime when others were not...and that no prosecutor would charge whomever person that did what Hillary did, with a crime...because it WAS NOT A CRIME.
Hey, it's ok. You are a hack. I don't expect you to look at anything with more than a blind POV
Are you looking in the mirror while speaking TN? :rofl:
Lol I always find it funny when a partisan hack call me one. Like. Do you know me at all bro?
is the debate on kosh?....dont let fear hold you said i was stupid.....lets see you prove it....

Another deflection form Harry as he can not understand what he posted and any post beyond that, even from afar left drone!

Sorry you already lost when a far left drone explained it to you!

You lost! Just deal with it!
is the debate on kosh?....everyone here is watching....even your friends if you have the debate on?.....yes or no?....

You can not debate with a less than far left drone as they can not understand the content, even ion their own posts!
you are a pussy kosh....all talk no back up....go home and cry to your programmer....but remember who backed down.....

Yes we know you are one, but that is nothing new for basement and bottom feeder such as yourself.

Just remember that a far left drone can understand the posts in this board better than you can, so yes you will back down as you know you lost!

Now back to the basement where you belong!
kosh dont look now but i think your pussy just fell out of your underpants....
Actually he didn't hack Bill least he was not charged with that and extradited here for that....guccifer hacked celebrities and he hacked the sister of GWBush and daughter of GHWBush... he was charged with the hacking he did of the people he actually hacked, the Clintons WERE NOT one of these people named in their hacking charges that he eventually plead guilty and plea bargained for... Comey ALSO stated specifically that Guccifer DID NOT hack Clinton's servers, and Comey specifically said that Guccifer LIED about that...

You need to do some reading to catch up!!!
Dude get real.
Coney also said Hillary escaped criminal charges because she is a fucking moron. And we BOTH know that's bullshit. Quit being such a goddamn partisan hack.
I'm NOT a dude, I'm a dame...100% and wouldn't change that for anything in the world!

Comey said she was not charged BECAUSE she did not reach the level of criminal act, and that no one was ever charged with a felony of gross negligence under the Espionage act in 100 years for this crime, that did similar things that Hillary did...It was incompetent, but was in no way criminal. Comey said it would have been an INJUSTICE to charge her for a crime when others were not...and that no prosecutor would charge whomever person that did what Hillary did, with a crime...because it WAS NOT A CRIME.
Hey, it's ok. You are a hack. I don't expect you to look at anything with more than a blind POV
Are you looking in the mirror while speaking TN? :rofl:
Lol I always find it funny when a partisan hack call me one. Like. Do you know me at all bro?
To a T, sure, we all do. You can only mouth the words of your ill informed masters and web sites.
? The leaks did NOT say that anyone was going to try to hurt Bernie because he was Jewish, the leaks showed they were trying to harm him in specific religious States because he was an atheist, a non practicing Jew.

The DNC was going to pitically attak Bernie as a Jew and a Christian, not physically, but in those things. Attacking jews and Christians definitely shows what / who libs really are.
Democrats, who have been turning their backs on religious Jews for years, as well as Israel, are quite capable and willing to use shills asking embarrassing questions of targeted candidates to bring out disliked facts in key states. So bringing up Sanders atheistic Judaism (WTF?) is within their range of acceptable tactics.

But they will deny, deny, deny, make counter-accusations and never give up the con.
Actually he didn't hack Bill least he was not charged with that and extradited here for that....guccifer hacked celebrities and he hacked the sister of GWBush and daughter of GHWBush... he was charged with the hacking he did of the people he actually hacked, the Clintons WERE NOT one of these people named in their hacking charges that he eventually plead guilty and plea bargained for... Comey ALSO stated specifically that Guccifer DID NOT hack Clinton's servers, and Comey specifically said that Guccifer LIED about that...

You need to do some reading to catch up!!!
Dude get real.
Coney also said Hillary escaped criminal charges because she is a fucking moron. And we BOTH know that's bullshit. Quit being such a goddamn partisan hack.
I'm NOT a dude, I'm a dame...100% and wouldn't change that for anything in the world!

Comey said she was not charged BECAUSE she did not reach the level of criminal act, and that no one was ever charged with a felony of gross negligence under the Espionage act in 100 years for this crime, that did similar things that Hillary did...It was incompetent, but was in no way criminal. Comey said it would have been an INJUSTICE to charge her for a crime when others were not...and that no prosecutor would charge whomever person that did what Hillary did, with a crime...because it WAS NOT A CRIME.
Hey, it's ok. You are a hack. I don't expect you to look at anything with more than a blind POV
Are you looking in the mirror while speaking TN?
Lol I always find it funny when a partisan hack call me one. Like. Do you know me at all bro?
I'm not a 'bro', I'm a 'sistah'.... :D
Last edited:
He'll speak to at the convention.

And he'll tell his supporters to vote for Hillary, not for Fear and Darkness 2016 Trump.

But he was right about the DNC.
Because the left doesn't run on fear, right? Lmao
Now, go dance for Hillary some more, idiot.
Dumbfucks always go on about trump and his fear mongering.. Try opening your eyes. Moron.
That's all any of them do. Trump is no different than anyone else.
But trump voters are the idiots :lmao:
Dude get real.
Coney also said Hillary escaped criminal charges because she is a fucking moron. And we BOTH know that's bullshit. Quit being such a goddamn partisan hack.
I'm NOT a dude, I'm a dame...100% and wouldn't change that for anything in the world!

Comey said she was not charged BECAUSE she did not reach the level of criminal act, and that no one was ever charged with a felony of gross negligence under the Espionage act in 100 years for this crime, that did similar things that Hillary did...It was incompetent, but was in no way criminal. Comey said it would have been an INJUSTICE to charge her for a crime when others were not...and that no prosecutor would charge whomever person that did what Hillary did, with a crime...because it WAS NOT A CRIME.
Hey, it's ok. You are a hack. I don't expect you to look at anything with more than a blind POV
Are you looking in the mirror while speaking TN?
Lol I always find it funny when a partisan hack call me one. Like. Do you know me at all bro?
I'm not a 'bro', I'm a 'sis'.... :D
? The leaks did NOT say that anyone was going to try to hurt Bernie because he was Jewish, the leaks showed they were trying to harm him in specific religious States because he was an atheist, a non practicing Jew.

The DNC was going to pitically attak Bernie as a Jew and a Christian, not physically, but in those things. Attacking jews and Christians definitely shows what / who libs really are.
Democrats, who have been turning their backs on religious Jews for years, as well as Israel, are quite capable and willing to use shills asking embarrassing questions of targeted candidates to bring out disliked facts in key states. So bringing up Sanders atheistic Judaism (WTF?) is within their range of acceptable tactics.

But they will deny, deny, deny, make counter-accusations and never give up the con.
Democrats are not against Judaism or Jews, MOST Jewish Americans ARE Democrats, including Debbie Wasserman.

And yes, it was wrong in what they were going to do, though there is NO INDICATION that they ever followed thru with any of these devious schemes, that I am aware of...?
I'm not a 'bro', I'm a 'sis'.... :D
Online it is hard to tell sometimes.

You seem like a gal to me when I read you sensitive, separate-the-kids kind of posts.

Just had this question pop into my mind; Why do I feel like I have to explain and apologize when I respond to a good Democrat? Is it that I expect them to take offense, or that I usually offend?
I'm not a 'bro', I'm a 'sis'.... :D
Online it is hard to tell sometimes.

You seem like a gal to me when I read you sensitive, separate-the-kids kind of posts.

Just had this question pop into my mind; Why do I feel like I have to explain and apologize when I respond to a good Democrat? Is it that I expect them to take offense, or that I usually offend?
hahahahaha! I don't know if I know the answer to that...!!!! Good question though! :D
Democrats are not against Judaism or Jews, MOST Jewish Americans ARE Democrats, including Debbie Wasserman.

And yes, it was wrong in what they were going to do, though there is NO INDICATION that they ever followed thru with any of these devious schemes, that I am aware of...?
In politics in both parties it is not uncommon for the hand that threw the stone to be quickly hidden.

Whatever happened to Dennis Kucinich? Why would the Dems agree to disappear his congressional district? He wouldnt play ball with the corporations?

Was Jim Traficant so corrupt that he merited the charges brought against him? Did he have provable intent? Did he really die in an accident? That must have been a weird tractor to tip over on him.

The corporations now own the Democratic Party and I hope you honest folks can one day take back control of it.
Democrats are not against Judaism or Jews, MOST Jewish Americans ARE Democrats, including Debbie Wasserman.

And yes, it was wrong in what they were going to do, though there is NO INDICATION that they ever followed thru with any of these devious schemes, that I am aware of...?
In politics in both parties it is not uncommon for the hand that threw the stone to be quickly hidden.

Whatever happened to Dennis Kucinich? Why would the Dems agree to disappear his congressional district? He wouldnt play ball with the corporations?

Was Jim Traficant so corrupt that he merited the charges brought against him? Did he have provable intent? Did he really die in an accident? That must have been a weird tractor to tip over on him.

The corporations now own the Democratic Party and I hope you honest folks can one day take back control of it.
I didn't even know "Beam me up" Trafficant was out of prison, let alone died?

Do you believe the Republican Party is owned by corporations too?

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