Sanders To Withdraw Support?

I'm NOT a dude, I'm a dame...100% and wouldn't change that for anything in the world!

Comey said she was not charged BECAUSE she did not reach the level of criminal act, and that no one was ever charged with a felony of gross negligence under the Espionage act in 100 years for this crime, that did similar things that Hillary did...It was incompetent, but was in no way criminal. Comey said it would have been an INJUSTICE to charge her for a crime when others were not...and that no prosecutor would charge whomever person that did what Hillary did, with a crime...because it WAS NOT A CRIME.
Hey, it's ok. You are a hack. I don't expect you to look at anything with more than a blind POV
Are you looking in the mirror while speaking TN?
Lol I always find it funny when a partisan hack call me one. Like. Do you know me at all bro?
I'm not a 'bro', I'm a 'sis'.... :D
Pictures of Us
Do you believe the Republican Party is owned by corporations too?

Hell yeah.

Trump is one of the few that is not, like Bernie Sanders was not.

The corporate Crony Network wanted Jeb! Bush, but Trump jumped in and grabbed Jeb!s mojo.
Sanders should withdraw support. He knows what she's done. He's talked about what she's done.

If he doesn't, then he hasn't the principles that his support expected of him.

I'd be surprised if he didn't go with his supporters. He knows he has no chance to do anything more than help remove the corruption from the DNC. It's not about him and as a Socialist, he damned well should act like it rather than sucking up to the neocons in blue.
Italian, mom is Italian born and primarily Dutch/English/part Irish on my father's side
Then Northern Italian?

You and your husband make a lovely couple, congrats on your anniversary.

My wife and I will have our 30th this December, God Willing.

congrats on your approaching 30th!

That was an old thread from 6 years ago, we just passed our 26th Anniversary!
Italian, mom is Italian born and primarily Dutch/English/part Irish on my father's side
Then Northern Italian?

You and your husband make a lovely couple, congrats on your anniversary.

My wife and I will have our 30th this December, God Willing.
And no, not Northern Italian...all my Italian relatives are from Rome, or nearby Rome but closer to the Beach areas....

I lived in Northern Italy for 3 years when younger...some had blue eyes and blond hair from the Germans....
Another deflection form Harry as he can not understand what he posted and any post beyond that, even from afar left drone!

Sorry you already lost when a far left drone explained it to you!

You lost! Just deal with it!
is the debate on kosh?....everyone here is watching....even your friends if you have the debate on?.....yes or no?....

You can not debate with a less than far left drone as they can not understand the content, even ion their own posts!
you are a pussy kosh....all talk no back up....go home and cry to your programmer....but remember who backed down.....

Yes we know you are one, but that is nothing new for basement and bottom feeder such as yourself.

Just remember that a far left drone can understand the posts in this board better than you can, so yes you will back down as you know you lost!

Now back to the basement where you belong!
kosh dont look now but i think your pussy just fell out of your underpants....

Well it seems that is the reason you are stalking me..

But what do you expect from someone worse than a far left drone!

Now back the basement where you belong?
How can Bernie not withdrawal support? What a fake.

He can since it was proven the DNC was never going to let him even try and be the nomination!

Although Carter did remain a Democrat even when the far left party was out to destroy him..

Everything Bernie stood for was to prevent this type of thing from happening. If he meant every word he said he has to withdrawal support and take his voters with him, otherwise, Hillary/DNC and people like her will keep pulling this shit on the voting public. Of course I'm a Trump supporter. But when is enough enough??? Votes have to count and it has to be an honest system. Hillary needs to be ousted by the voters as does Ted Cruz. Hell, this is such bullshit what the DNC did, I'd even be on favor of Trump naming Bernie to a high level position just to get the point across that votes have to count.
After the Wikileaks revelations, if Bernie doesn't withdraw support from hiLIARy and give it to Jill Stein, he proves himself to be just another Sell-Out.
No, Sanders won't be withdrawing his support,

just like Ted Cruz, Sanders is going to help see to it that Trump is defeated.

Then he is no better than Hillary and the DNC. More than anything, our votes have to count.
How can Bernie not withdrawal support? What a fake.

He can since it was proven the DNC was never going to let him even try and be the nomination!

Although Carter did remain a Democrat even when the far left party was out to destroy him..

Everything Bernie stood for was to prevent this type of thing from happening. If he meant every word he said he has to withdrawal support and take his voters with him, otherwise, Hillary/DNC and people like her will keep pulling this shit on the voting public. Of course I'm a Trump supporter. But when is enough enough??? Votes have to count and it has to be an honest system. Hillary needs to be ousted by the voters as does Ted Cruz. Hell, this is such bullshit what the DNC did, I'd even be on favor of Trump naming Bernie to a high level position just to get the point across that votes have to count.
Bern is not going to take someone's far right advice to now support Trump. Yes, when is enough enough? NeverTrump, NeverHillary. Vote Johnson.
This is heating up FAST! I TOLD you stupid democrats don't you screw over an old man. When you are 70 some odd years old you do NOT give a flying f#ck about feelings. There is NOTHING to lose, not a damn thing.

So you went ahead and pissed him off. You set twitter and Facebook on FIRE calling for Clinton to step down AND Sanders to withdraw his support!

"“I think I told you a long time ago that the DNC was not running a fair operation. That they were supporting Secretary Clinton,” he continued. “So what I suggested to be true six months ago turns out, in fact, to be true. I’m not shocked. But I am disappointed. And that is the way it is.”

You attacked him on religion the SAME low life scuzz ball tactics you use on members HERE. So now Sanders supporters AND Jews are PISSED OFF. Can you say GOOD BYE NEW YORK or SEE YA FLORIDA?

And then who do you TRY and blame for your horse sh#t?

"Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said the leak of the emails was part of a coordinated hack by the Russians to help Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump."

Oh the Russians did it. Oh THAT is going to help your sh#t on the national stage huh? So much for Hillary's gawd damn reset button huh? But that even does not stop you from piling the ignorant on does it?

"“What’s disturbing to us is that experts are telling us Russian state actors broke into the DNC, stole these emails,” Mook said on CNN. “And other experts are now saying that the Russians are releasing these emails for the purpose of actually helping Donald Trump.”

So you democrats are arguing that the Russians could NEVER get emails from Hillary's PRIVATE server BUT he got them from the DNC main server? Do you lying sons of b#tches even THINK about your lie BEFORE you tell it?

Bernie Sanders says leaked emails show he was right about the DNC all along

Under Obama "It was ALL Bush's fault".
Under Clinton "It was ALL Putin's fault".

SAME old horsesh#t.


The dnc was more than open about the fact they wanted hillary and not sanders or anyone else.

seemed clear

did they actually say that they weren't?

and russia is broke, they would have extorted funds instead of releasing the info

The Russians want Trump to be President, to throw the USA in to Trump loves the Russians, his wife comes from a Soviet Block Country...throwing us in to madness is worth much more than money to Putin...

Why didn't they steal and break and entry via hacking in to the RNC emails...where they were back stabbing Mr. Trump left and right and release those stolen emails?

My guess is they probably did hack the RNC too, but did not release them because Trump did finally get the nomination....the Man they wanted....the man who will bring this Nation to its knees and destroy us. (AND YES, I honestly know and believe Trump will destroy our Nation, and everything we ever stood for...he already has begun his demise of us...)

Pretty sad that the Russians are influencing OUR elections through illegal hacking and no one is talking about the stealing and hacking, like what they did is all A-OK.....

you got any links to back that bullshit up?

anything at fucking all

If Sanders were to change his support for Mrs. Tuzla. I would suggest he stay away from Fort Marcy Park.
is the debate on kosh?....everyone here is watching....even your friends if you have the debate on?.....yes or no?....

You can not debate with a less than far left drone as they can not understand the content, even ion their own posts!
you are a pussy kosh....all talk no back up....go home and cry to your programmer....but remember who backed down.....

Yes we know you are one, but that is nothing new for basement and bottom feeder such as yourself.

Just remember that a far left drone can understand the posts in this board better than you can, so yes you will back down as you know you lost!

Now back to the basement where you belong!
kosh dont look now but i think your pussy just fell out of your underpants....

Well it seems that is the reason you are stalking me..

But what do you expect from someone worse than a far left drone!

Now back the basement where you belong?
im stalking you now?.....did your programmer tell you to say that? kosh if your so smart and im so stupid,why are you afraid to debate me? it because of that real tough condition i layed out?....or is it fear of being bested by someone you consider inferior?.....
Does anyone have even an ounce of doubt that the RNC emails during the primaries are FILLED with TEN times more emails amongst each other conspiring on how the RNC can defeat Donald Trump in the primaries?

I believe what these staffers did or tried to conspire to do, at the DNC is simply WRONG, not fair to Bernie.

However, there is absolutely no doubt that the RNC staffers and heads, were working OVERTIME to nix Trump in the primaries....and IF THESE RNC emails were released before their convention, it too would have been chaos.

Seems like Wikki leaks/the Russians... who ever hacked and released these emails has picked their candidate for the Presidency and chose not to release the RNC emails you know they STOLE illegally as to influence the presidential election towards Donal Trump....

if these were hacks simply to bring out the truth of what happens behind closed doors, then the RNC emails would have been released as well.
No, Sanders won't be withdrawing his support,

just like Ted Cruz, Sanders is going to help see to it that Trump is defeated.

Then he is no better than Hillary and the DNC. More than anything, our votes have to count.

Your desperate attempts to make the argument that liberals should hand the presidency to Donald Trump over this sort of flap are very amusing.
Does anyone have even an ounce of doubt that the RNC emails during the primaries are FILLED with TEN times more emails amongst each other conspiring on how the RNC can defeat Donald Trump in the primaries?

I believe what these staffers did or tried to conspire to do, at the DNC is simply WRONG, not fair to Bernie.

However, there is absolutely no doubt that the RNC staffers and heads, were working OVERTIME to nix Trump in the primaries....and IF THESE RNC emails were released before their convention, it too would have been chaos.

Seems like Wikki leaks/the Russians... who ever hacked and released these emails has picked their candidate for the Presidency and chose not to release the RNC emails you know they STOLE illegally as to influence the presidential election towards Donal Trump....

if these were hacks simply to bring out the truth of what happens behind closed doors, then the RNC emails would have been released as well.

second time I've asked you to back your lies up.

you mad she got caught, not mad she did it.

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