Sanders To Withdraw Support?

It doesn't matter what Bernie the Fraud does. His Supporters are done with the Corrupt Democratic Party.

They are supposed to be largest protest at any of the conventions as 30,000 people are expected. however they were not allowed to protest near the convection itself.
I saw that.. the party of, "Give them room to destroy" once they're up close and personal with the very people THEY CREATED, they BUILT A WALL... TEAR DOWN THAT WALL YOU LIBERAL HYPOCRITES!
Fuck the DNC. I say this as a liberal.

Yet you support and are voting for Clinton..

Who do you think I'm going to vote for....Trump? I don't vote for bigoted morons dude. I am grudgingly forced to vote for another god damned Clinton, and I'm very frustrated. I hate this election year so much.

So you make far left religious dogma claims with zero proof, but vote for that which you claim you would not vote for.

You are a far left drone!

"Far left religious dogma claims?" WTF are you talking about? I am not a drone, dipshit. I'm pragmatic. I could also sit this one out entirely, which I'm tempted to do, but I still think doing so is a bit irresponsible and smacks of ungratefulness.

So if your host served you dog crap dipped in tempura and deep fried, you'd eat it so as not to seem ungrateful? If you don't like what they both say, why not sit out in protest?
Trump has Two VP's who would have guessed!

The VP pick in the DNC is just like Hilary and is big corporate Democrat! They are hardly better than Clinton, they belong n the same jail cell as Clinton.
calm down kosh......comment on what i said.....not what YOU think i said....lets start with were did i say trump has 2 VP's?...

The knucklehead was suggesting that Kaine isn't qualified.

What are you, a left wing drone?

No Harry is not like you and a far left drone as there is nothing worse than far left drone, Harry gets pretty close to that at times..
kosh anyone who doesnt agree with you,even if the poster is a far righty,you will call that person a far left drone....yea i know you cant see that....

Wrong as always..
But since yo are worse that a far left drone, not sure how that applies..

Seriously can you even understand the comics you read or do look at them for the pictures?
im wrong?.....i bet out of your 17,000 posts you have said "far left drone" in 90% of those posts......
calm down kosh......comment on what i said.....not what YOU think i said....lets start with were did i say trump has 2 VP's?...

The knucklehead was suggesting that Kaine isn't qualified.

What are you, a left wing drone?

No Harry is not like you and a far left drone as there is nothing worse than far left drone, Harry gets pretty close to that at times..
kosh anyone who doesnt agree with you,even if the poster is a far righty,you will call that person a far left drone....yea i know you cant see that....

Wrong as always..
But since yo are worse that a far left drone, not sure how that applies..

Seriously can you even understand the comics you read or do look at them for the pictures?
im wrong?.....i bet out of your 17,000 posts you have said "far left drone" in 90% of those posts......

And I bet you can not understand 90% of the posts on this board! Just as far left drone has proven they can understand my posts, but you can not.
That makes you worse than a far left drone!
Fuck the DNC. I say this as a liberal.

Yet you support and are voting for Clinton..

Who do you think I'm going to vote for....Trump? I don't vote for bigoted morons dude. I am grudgingly forced to vote for another god damned Clinton, and I'm very frustrated. I hate this election year so much.

So you make far left religious dogma claims with zero proof, but vote for that which you claim you would not vote for.

You are a far left drone!

"Far left religious dogma claims?" WTF are you talking about? I am not a drone, dipshit. I'm pragmatic. I could also sit this one out entirely, which I'm tempted to do, but I still think doing so is a bit irresponsible and smacks of ungratefulness.

So if your host served you dog crap dipped in tempura and deep fried, you'd eat it so as not to seem ungrateful? If you don't like what they both say, why not sit out in protest?

It is not the far left religious way, it is either vote for our pick or not at all..

This one has decided to be a good drone and vote for the DNC pick!
this is maybe the first presidential election i have seen were the 2 VP candidates are better qualified than the 2 running for president......
Not really. Presidential runs are popularity contests.
what has that got to do with what i said?....
Everything. You said the first picks weren't qualified. Since when has a president been elected by having the most qualifications? Never. That isn't how we elect them.
it still has nothing to do with what i said?...i said in this election the 2 VP's have more qualifications than the 2 running for either agree with that or you what is it?...

And this goes to show that even a far left drone understood my comments better that someone that is worse than a far left drone!

I chose my own path, not the path you wanted me to choose.

If you can not understand something so simple that a two year old far left drone can understand, that shows you are worse than a far left drone!
you had better sober up this exchange i was talking to weasel not you.....
Not really. Presidential runs are popularity contests.
what has that got to do with what i said?....
Everything. You said the first picks weren't qualified. Since when has a president been elected by having the most qualifications? Never. That isn't how we elect them.
it still has nothing to do with what i said?...i said in this election the 2 VP's have more qualifications than the 2 running for either agree with that or you what is it?...

And this goes to show that even a far left drone understood my comments better that someone that is worse than a far left drone!

I chose my own path, not the path you wanted me to choose.

If you can not understand something so simple that a two year old far left drone can understand, that shows you are worse than a far left drone!
you had better sober up this exchange i was talking to weasel not you.....

Oh the irony of that post from a worse than far left drone!
It looks like the firing of Debby Schultz as DNC chairperson was the deal slick Hilly made with Bernie.

Well that is what the claim is, but they were not going to do it.

I doubt they fire here for this, I bet she gets promoted and makes more money, that has been how they reward corruption..
this is maybe the first presidential election i have seen were the 2 VP candidates are better qualified than the 2 running for president......

Trump has Two VP's who would have guessed!

The VP pick in the DNC is just like Hilary and is big corporate Democrat! They are hardly better than Clinton, they belong n the same jail cell as Clinton.
calm down kosh......comment on what i said.....not what YOU think i said....lets start with were did i say trump has 2 VP's?...

The knucklehead was suggesting that Kaine isn't qualified.

What are you, a left wing drone?
i get that....but the first comment he made was that trump has 2 VP' need to explain that one....

Hmmmm. Since Kaine isn't qualified, then you must have meant that Trump has 2 VP's. Dude is an idiot.
Nice op man
Just wanted to say Clinton supporters are fucking retarded. Really nothing else to be said. Well, besides fakey being a faggot LWNJ
This is PRICELESS...

Just before the DNC...

Russia releases Hillary / DNC E-Mails...

ANOTHER DNC e-mail scandal rocks Democrats / the DNC...

The DNC is exposed as a lying, manipulative, scheming party that betrayed one of its own to give Hillary the Nomination...

Bernie is proven right, that the fix WAS in from the start...

Hillary has been exposed as a weak, failed candidate who ONLY won the nomination because of voter fraud, the FIXED Super Delegate process, & the FIXED DNC process and support...

Wasserman Schultz is thrown under the bus, FIRED from her position, and is used as the scapegoat...

She is replaced by ANOTHER Democrat ALSO exposed in the e-mails as having part of the fixed process / scheme against Sanders...

The Sanders supporters, PISSED OFF at the crooked DNC, at CROOKED Hillary, and CROOKED Schultz are on the warpath going into the convention...

Against the wishes of a panicked Hillary and CROOKED DNC, Schultz has announced she WILL speak at the convention to address the candidates... Hillary and the libs just want her to go away, but she'll have none of it.

In the midst of this e-mail storm that exposed the party's corruption and betrayal, she (Schultz) is going to take the stage...and will be rabidly BOOed off the stage by Bernie supporters. The BOOing Cruz got will be nothing compared to what the pissed off Sanders fans have in store for Schultz!

THEN comes the Democrats' Cruz' moment... Knowing now that YES he was screwed by Hillary, Schultz, and the DNC, Bernie gets to take the mike on stage ... and his supporters are amped up, pissed off, and Hillary is going to be a target because she is showing no remorse or (fake) outrage at how Bernie was targeted...

The e-mails also show that Democrats were going to make Bernie's Christian faith an issue of ridicule for political gain, pretty much proving the freedom of religion and the freedom from government/political persecution is DEAD in the Democratic Party.

Already running a candidate proven to have violated the law (FOIA, The Fedetal Tecords Act, and PERJURY -- ACCORDING TO FBI DIRECTOR COMEY UNDER OATH IN FRONT OF CONGRESS), now the DNC shoots itself in the foot in front of the world with another e-mail scandal.

The only positive thing the DNC could do now is FIRE Schultz now to prevent her from speaking...

Hillary and the DNC = DEAD MAN WALKING right before their convention.

The only thig the world remembers about the GOP convention is Democtats throwing urine at each other and setting themselves on fire while trying to burn the American flag...and now THIS new DNC scandal has taken the WORLD'S headlines as the DNC implodes!

:lmao: :clap: :mm:
Even though the DNC is suppose to be neutral, we learned in 2008, when they worked back handed and back room deals to make Obama the nominee over Clinton even though they were virtually tied, that they were NOT neutral.... I dropped my registered Democratic Party membership and became registered Independent after that fiasco of the DNC...
This is PRICELESS...

Just before the DNC...

Russia releases Hillary / DNC E-Mails...

ANOTHER DNC e-mail scandal rocks Democrats / the DNC...

The DNC is exposed as a lying, manipulative, scheming party that betrayed one of its own to give Hillary the Nomination...

Bernie is proven right, that the fix WAS in from the start...

Hillary has been exposed as a weak, failed candidate who ONLY won the nomination because of voter fraud, the FIXED Super Delegate process, & the FIXED DNC process and support...

Wasserman Schultz is thrown under the bus, FIRED from her position, and is used as the scapegoat...

She is replaced by ANOTHER Democrat ALSO exposed in the e-mails as having part of the fixed process / scheme against Sanders...

The Sanders supporters, PISSED OFF at the crooked DNC, at CROOKED Hillary, and CROOKED Schultz are on the warpath going into the convention...

Against the wishes of a panicked Hillary and CROOKED DNC, Schultz has announced she WILL speak at the convention to address the candidates... Hillary and the libs just want her to go away, but she'll have none of it.

In the midst of this e-mail storm that exposed the party's corruption and betrayal, she (Schultz) is going to take the stage...and will be rabidly BOOed off the stage by Bernie supporters. The BOOing Cruz got will be nothing compared to what the pissed off Sanders fans have in store for Schultz!

THEN comes the Democrats' Cruz' moment... Knowing now that YES he was screwed by Hillary, Schultz, and the DNC, Bernie gets to take the mike on stage ... and his supporters are amped up, pissed off, and Hillary is going to be a target because she is showing no remorse or (fake) outrage at how Bernie was targeted...

The e-mails also show that Democrats were going to make Bernie's Christian faith an issue of ridicule for political gain, pretty much proving the freedom of religion and the freedom from government/political persecution is DEAD in the Democratic Party.

Already running a candidate proven to have violated the law (FOIA, The Fedetal Tecords Act, and PERJURY -- ACCORDING TO FBI DIRECTOR COMEY UNDER OATH IN FRONT OF CONGRESS), now the DNC shoots itself in the foot in front of the world with another e-mail scandal.

The only positive thing the DNC could do now is FIRE Schultz now to prevent her from speaking...

Hillary and the DNC = DEAD MAN WALKING right before their convention.

The only thig the world remembers about the GOP convention is Democtats throwing urine at each other and setting themselves on fire while trying to burn the American flag...and now THIS new DNC scandal has taken the WORLD'S headlines as the DNC implodes!

:lmao: :clap: :mm:
What you talking about Willis?

The russians did NOT release Hillary emails! Comey stated there was no evidence the Russians hacked her server.
DNC / Hillary - Political Dead Man Walking.

(In mo way a physical threat, just explaining this scandal will cripple the DNC's shot at the Presidency.)
The knucklehead was suggesting that Kaine isn't qualified.

What are you, a left wing drone?

No Harry is not like you and a far left drone as there is nothing worse than far left drone, Harry gets pretty close to that at times..
kosh anyone who doesnt agree with you,even if the poster is a far righty,you will call that person a far left drone....yea i know you cant see that....

Wrong as always..
But since yo are worse that a far left drone, not sure how that applies..

Seriously can you even understand the comics you read or do look at them for the pictures?
im wrong?.....i bet out of your 17,000 posts you have said "far left drone" in 90% of those posts......

And I bet you can not understand 90% of the posts on this board! Just as far left drone has proven they can understand my posts, but you can not.
That makes you worse than a far left drone!
how many times have you said that here in this thread alone?.....and kosh,at least when i reply to someone....i say more than you are a far left drone....
This is heating up FAST! I TOLD you stupid democrats don't you screw over an old man. When you are 70 some odd years old you do NOT give a flying f#ck about feelings. There is NOTHING to lose, not a damn thing.

So you went ahead and pissed him off. You set twitter and Facebook on FIRE calling for Clinton to step down AND Sanders to withdraw his support!

"“I think I told you a long time ago that the DNC was not running a fair operation. That they were supporting Secretary Clinton,” he continued. “So what I suggested to be true six months ago turns out, in fact, to be true. I’m not shocked. But I am disappointed. And that is the way it is.”

You attacked him on religion the SAME low life scuzz ball tactics you use on members HERE. So now Sanders supporters AND Jews are PISSED OFF. Can you say GOOD BYE NEW YORK or SEE YA FLORIDA?

And then who do you TRY and blame for your horse sh#t?

"Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said the leak of the emails was part of a coordinated hack by the Russians to help Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump."

Oh the Russians did it. Oh THAT is going to help your sh#t on the national stage huh? So much for Hillary's gawd damn reset button huh? But that even does not stop you from piling the ignorant on does it?

"“What’s disturbing to us is that experts are telling us Russian state actors broke into the DNC, stole these emails,” Mook said on CNN. “And other experts are now saying that the Russians are releasing these emails for the purpose of actually helping Donald Trump.”

So you democrats are arguing that the Russians could NEVER get emails from Hillary's PRIVATE server BUT he got them from the DNC main server? Do you lying sons of b#tches even THINK about your lie BEFORE you tell it?

Bernie Sanders says leaked emails show he was right about the DNC all along

Under Obama "It was ALL Bush's fault".
Under Clinton "It was ALL Putin's fault".

SAME old horsesh#t.


No surprise that they are trying to divert attention from their own corruption by blaming Russia. Gee, will it go over the heads of some Hillary supporters that the Russians only released proof that the DNC has been cheating for Hillary and they didn't create the problem? The left used to praise whistleblowers. Boy, that has changed since they are the ones getting caught red handed.

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