Sanders To Withdraw Support?

I can assure you this comes as no surprise to ANYBODY except maybe an imbecile (like some of the liberals here). Super delegates, that's like a dead giveaway that the Democratic Party's process is rigged.

The reason for 714 Democrat Super Delegates is the election of 1984. It's to prevent another 1984.

Too many people are politically inept--& are ignorant of basic civics who vote in this country. They are attracted to (EAR candy) coming out of the mouths of politicians. Politicians that deliver the EAR candy do it for donations and votes, because they have no real record to run on. So they make lots of promises using misconceptions, things that can't be done and things that don't have a snowballs chance in hell of ever getting passed. (Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are the candyman candidates.)


Now after this 2016 election cycle and when it's over--I am certain that the Republican party will be adding in some Super delegates of their own. This is expected with Hillary Clinton v Donald Trump
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator


If Sanders takes back his endorsement of Hillary Clinton because he has an issue with DNC chair Wasserman, then he'll lose more Democrat support, including the support of those that voted for him. You're wrong Sanders has everything to lose.

Keep in mind also that it was Bernie Sanders that started the WAR with the DNC. It was his decision, and his alone to change his party status to run on their ticket. When he did that he agreed to all DNC national procedures, rules in each and every state, including those 714 Democrat Super Delegates and their role. He came right out of the gate and campaigned on a rigged election, which was bound to really piss off some DNC officials.

Regardless Hillary Clinton buried Sanders by 3,775,437 popular votes. In comparison Obama defeated Hillary Clinton in 2008 by a mere 41,622 votes.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics
In other words, Democrats think their constituents are too stupid to know who to vote for.
This is heating up FAST! I TOLD you stupid democrats don't you screw over an old man. When you are 70 some odd years old you do NOT give a flying f#ck about feelings. There is NOTHING to lose, not a damn thing.

So you went ahead and pissed him off. You set twitter and Facebook on FIRE calling for Clinton to step down AND Sanders to withdraw his support!

"“I think I told you a long time ago that the DNC was not running a fair operation. That they were supporting Secretary Clinton,” he continued. “So what I suggested to be true six months ago turns out, in fact, to be true. I’m not shocked. But I am disappointed. And that is the way it is.”

You attacked him on religion the SAME low life scuzz ball tactics you use on members HERE. So now Sanders supporters AND Jews are PISSED OFF. Can you say GOOD BYE NEW YORK or SEE YA FLORIDA?

And then who do you TRY and blame for your horse sh#t?

"Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said the leak of the emails was part of a coordinated hack by the Russians to help Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump."

Oh the Russians did it. Oh THAT is going to help your sh#t on the national stage huh? So much for Hillary's gawd damn reset button huh? But that even does not stop you from piling the ignorant on does it?

"“What’s disturbing to us is that experts are telling us Russian state actors broke into the DNC, stole these emails,” Mook said on CNN. “And other experts are now saying that the Russians are releasing these emails for the purpose of actually helping Donald Trump.”

So you democrats are arguing that the Russians could NEVER get emails from Hillary's PRIVATE server BUT he got them from the DNC main server? Do you lying sons of b#tches even THINK about your lie BEFORE you tell it?

Bernie Sanders says leaked emails show he was right about the DNC all along

Under Obama "It was ALL Bush's fault".
Under Clinton "It was ALL Putin's fault".

SAME old horsesh#t.


The dnc was more than open about the fact they wanted hillary and not sanders or anyone else.

seemed clear

did they actually say that they weren't?

and russia is broke, they would have extorted funds instead of releasing the info

The Russians want Trump to be President, to throw the USA in to Trump loves the Russians, his wife comes from a Soviet Block Country...throwing us in to madness is worth much more than money to Putin...

Why didn't they steal and break and entry via hacking in to the RNC emails...where they were back stabbing Mr. Trump left and right and release those stolen emails?

My guess is they probably did hack the RNC too, but did not release them because Trump did finally get the nomination....the Man they wanted....the man who will bring this Nation to its knees and destroy us. (AND YES, I honestly know and believe Trump will destroy our Nation, and everything we ever stood for...he already has begun his demise of us...)

Pretty sad that the Russians are influencing OUR elections through illegal hacking and no one is talking about the stealing and hacking, like what they did is all A-OK.....
Fuck the DNC. I say this as a liberal.

Yet you support and are voting for Clinton..

Who do you think I'm going to vote for....Trump? I don't vote for bigoted morons dude. I am grudgingly forced to vote for another god damned Clinton, and I'm very frustrated. I hate this election year so much.

So you make far left religious dogma claims with zero proof, but vote for that which you claim you would not vote for.

You are a far left drone!

"Far left religious dogma claims?" WTF are you talking about? I am not a drone, dipshit. I'm pragmatic. I could also sit this one out entirely, which I'm tempted to do, but I still think doing so is a bit irresponsible and smacks of ungratefulness.
doesnt disagreed with kosh....that means you are a left wing drone.....
You spouted far left religious dogma without any proof to back up your claims.. That is what you far left drones do. Then you vote for what you claim yo are against in the other party. But if you feel good voting for worse than Bush/Obama then do whatever your programming tell you.

Honestly, what in the hell are you talking about? What "far left religious dogma" did I "spout?"

And that is what makes you a far left drone! You just spout religious dogma and have no clue what it is you are spouting.

But you will always vote worse than Bush when given the chance.

So POINT IT OUT. Stop being a worthless troll, stop shitting up this thread with your inane commentary, and POINT IT OUT. Speak up, coward -- or get lost.

I did point it out, that is why yo are going on and on like a two year old..

If you do not understand what you posted, then it proves yo are mindless far left drone!

Tell me -- moron -- does saying "Fuck the DNC" sound like 'far left religious dogma' to you, jerkoff?

See how the far left will deflect when they are confronted with their own hypocrisy?

If you do not understand it, that is all on you!
this is maybe the first presidential election i have seen were the 2 VP candidates are better qualified than the 2 running for president......

Trump has Two VP's who would have guessed!

The VP pick in the DNC is just like Hilary and is big corporate Democrat! They are hardly better than Clinton, they belong n the same jail cell as Clinton.
calm down kosh......comment on what i said.....not what YOU think i said....lets start with were did i say trump has 2 VP's?...

The knucklehead was suggesting that Kaine isn't qualified.

What are you, a left wing drone?

No Harry is not like you and a far left drone as there is nothing worse than far left drone, Harry gets pretty close to that at times..
kosh anyone who doesnt agree with you,even if the poster is a far righty,you will call that person a far left drone....yea i know you cant see that....

Wrong as always..
But since yo are worse that a far left drone, not sure how that applies..

Seriously can you even understand the comics you read or do look at them for the pictures?
this is maybe the first presidential election i have seen were the 2 VP candidates are better qualified than the 2 running for president......
Not really. Presidential runs are popularity contests.
what has that got to do with what i said?....
Everything. You said the first picks weren't qualified. Since when has a president been elected by having the most qualifications? Never. That isn't how we elect them.
it still has nothing to do with what i said?...i said in this election the 2 VP's have more qualifications than the 2 running for either agree with that or you what is it?...
Fuck the DNC. I say this as a liberal.

Yet you support and are voting for Clinton..

Who do you think I'm going to vote for....Trump? I don't vote for bigoted morons dude. I am grudgingly forced to vote for another god damned Clinton, and I'm very frustrated. I hate this election year so much.

So you make far left religious dogma claims with zero proof, but vote for that which you claim you would not vote for.

You are a far left drone!

"Far left religious dogma claims?" WTF are you talking about? I am not a drone, dipshit. I'm pragmatic. I could also sit this one out entirely, which I'm tempted to do, but I still think doing so is a bit irresponsible and smacks of ungratefulness.
doesnt disagreed with kosh....that means you are a left wing drone.....

It has admitted to being a far left drone!

Saying "fuck the DNC", yet still voting for the DNC candidate!
this is maybe the first presidential election i have seen were the 2 VP candidates are better qualified than the 2 running for president......
Not really. Presidential runs are popularity contests.
what has that got to do with what i said?....
Everything. You said the first picks weren't qualified. Since when has a president been elected by having the most qualifications? Never. That isn't how we elect them.
it still has nothing to do with what i said?...i said in this election the 2 VP's have more qualifications than the 2 running for either agree with that or you what is it?...

And this goes to show that even a far left drone understood my comments better that someone that is worse than a far left drone!

I chose my own path, not the path you wanted me to choose.

If you can not understand something so simple that a two year old far left drone can understand, that shows you are worse than a far left drone!
this is maybe the first presidential election i have seen were the 2 VP candidates are better qualified than the 2 running for president......

Trump has Two VP's who would have guessed!

The VP pick in the DNC is just like Hilary and is big corporate Democrat! They are hardly better than Clinton, they belong n the same jail cell as Clinton.
calm down kosh......comment on what i said.....not what YOU think i said....lets start with were did i say trump has 2 VP's?...

The knucklehead was suggesting that Kaine isn't qualified.

What are you, a left wing drone?
i get that....but the first comment he made was that trump has 2 VP' need to explain that one....

If you do not understand that is on you and no one else. Even a far left drone understood over you. SO today yo are worse than a far left drone!
your typical far right drone response.....
No Harry is not like you and a far left drone as there is nothing worse than far left drone, Harry gets pretty close to that at times..
kosh anyone who doesnt agree with you,even if the poster is a far righty,you will call that person a far left drone....yea i know you cant see that....
OK, now boys,break it up!


Harry is just jealous as he a far left drone can understand things better than he can..
You spouted far left religious dogma without any proof to back up your claims.. That is what you far left drones do. Then you vote for what you claim yo are against in the other party. But if you feel good voting for worse than Bush/Obama then do whatever your programming tell you.

Honestly, what in the hell are you talking about? What "far left religious dogma" did I "spout?"
you are battling a one response parrot.....
The Russians want Trump to be President, to throw the USA in to chaos....

International politics is very personal business. Putin probably did this to piss off Obama whom Putin considers a low life N1gger, as Russia is a very racist country by Western standards and they think we are fools for our standards. They also take a very 'team oriented' view of things, and hitting the Democrats would be another way of striking back at Obama and all the leftist criticisms of his government the past 8 years or so.

plus Trump loves the Russians, his wife comes from a Soviet Block Country...throwing us in to madness is worth much more than money to Putin...

While Slovenia is formerly part of Yugoslavia, Yugoslavia was not a part of the Soviet Eastern block in the sense that they did not control Yugoslavia.

Tito did quite a bit of nose twisting on Stalin, and even went to Moscow and humiliated Stalin there by not giving in to Stalins intimidations. Tito was a patriot whose death led to civil war and chaos in his country.

Slovenia is a very western oriented nation as well, mostly Catholic, use Latin letters and has a very Westernish culture. They were among the more educated and advanced of the old Austro-Hungarian provinces.
Trump has Two VP's who would have guessed!

The VP pick in the DNC is just like Hilary and is big corporate Democrat! They are hardly better than Clinton, they belong n the same jail cell as Clinton.
calm down kosh......comment on what i said.....not what YOU think i said....lets start with were did i say trump has 2 VP's?...

The knucklehead was suggesting that Kaine isn't qualified.

What are you, a left wing drone?
i get that....but the first comment he made was that trump has 2 VP' need to explain that one....

If you do not understand that is on you and no one else. Even a far left drone understood over you. SO today yo are worse than a far left drone!
your typical far right drone response.....

Yes all because once again Harry can not understand a post that even a far left drone was able to!

You are better off in the basement where you truly belong!
It doesn't matter what Bernie the Fraud does. His Supporters are done with the Corrupt Democratic Party.
You spouted far left religious dogma without any proof to back up your claims.. That is what you far left drones do. Then you vote for what you claim yo are against in the other party. But if you feel good voting for worse than Bush/Obama then do whatever your programming tell you.

Honestly, what in the hell are you talking about? What "far left religious dogma" did I "spout?"
you are battling a one response parrot.....

Yes most far left drones are, that is why I mock them!

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