Sanders To Withdraw Support?

Bernie's key surrogates are endorsing Clinton as I write this post.

The answer is no.
Bernie's VOTERS are protesters are in the street as I write.
You got five supporters? Big deal, they got 5,000 protesters.
Maybe 13 are lefties, the rest are paid Trumpfucs.

Lots of people hate Hillary. It's OK. They aren't stupid enough to vote for Trump. Lots of people have hated every President. It comes with the job.
This is heating up FAST! I TOLD you stupid democrats don't you screw over an old man. When you are 70 some odd years old you do NOT give a flying f#ck about feelings. There is NOTHING to lose, not a damn thing.

So you went ahead and pissed him off. You set twitter and Facebook on FIRE calling for Clinton to step down AND Sanders to withdraw his support!

"“I think I told you a long time ago that the DNC was not running a fair operation. That they were supporting Secretary Clinton,” he continued. “So what I suggested to be true six months ago turns out, in fact, to be true. I’m not shocked. But I am disappointed. And that is the way it is.”

You attacked him on religion the SAME low life scuzz ball tactics you use on members HERE. So now Sanders supporters AND Jews are PISSED OFF. Can you say GOOD BYE NEW YORK or SEE YA FLORIDA?

And then who do you TRY and blame for your horse sh#t?

"Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said the leak of the emails was part of a coordinated hack by the Russians to help Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump."

Oh the Russians did it. Oh THAT is going to help your sh#t on the national stage huh? So much for Hillary's gawd damn reset button huh? But that even does not stop you from piling the ignorant on does it?

"“What’s disturbing to us is that experts are telling us Russian state actors broke into the DNC, stole these emails,” Mook said on CNN. “And other experts are now saying that the Russians are releasing these emails for the purpose of actually helping Donald Trump.”

So you democrats are arguing that the Russians could NEVER get emails from Hillary's PRIVATE server BUT he got them from the DNC main server? Do you lying sons of b#tches even THINK about your lie BEFORE you tell it?

Bernie Sanders says leaked emails show he was right about the DNC all along

Under Obama "It was ALL Bush's fault".
Under Clinton "It was ALL Putin's fault".

SAME old horsesh#t.



The only one who's 70+ and pissed off here is you. I guess you're so emotional you missed the important part: That Sanders was on all the morning shows reiterating his support for Clinton. Try watching the interview again without the emotional bias. Or at least learn the meaning of "I demanded" - past tense - as opposed to "I am demanding..."

He wanted DWS to be removed; she has been. Hillary's been promising everything Sanders campaigned on.

Unlike Der DrumpfenFuhrer, who changes his mind more often than he changes his socks, if Sanders says he supports Hillary, he means it.
Bernie's key surrogates are endorsing Clinton as I write this post.

The answer is no.
Bernie's VOTERS are protesters are in the street as I write.
You got five supporters? Big deal, they got 5,000 protesters.

You've been right so often.....I must be crazy to question you.

What am I thinking?!
YOU said...
Trump will not run.
Trump will not file his finance papers
Trump will not win any states
Trump will not win the nom

How's that sh#t working for you Bozo?
This is heating up FAST! I TOLD you stupid democrats don't you screw over an old man. When you are 70 some odd years old you do NOT give a flying f#ck about feelings. There is NOTHING to lose, not a damn thing.

So you went ahead and pissed him off. You set twitter and Facebook on FIRE calling for Clinton to step down AND Sanders to withdraw his support!

"“I think I told you a long time ago that the DNC was not running a fair operation. That they were supporting Secretary Clinton,” he continued. “So what I suggested to be true six months ago turns out, in fact, to be true. I’m not shocked. But I am disappointed. And that is the way it is.”

You attacked him on religion the SAME low life scuzz ball tactics you use on members HERE. So now Sanders supporters AND Jews are PISSED OFF. Can you say GOOD BYE NEW YORK or SEE YA FLORIDA?

And then who do you TRY and blame for your horse sh#t?

"Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said the leak of the emails was part of a coordinated hack by the Russians to help Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump."

Oh the Russians did it. Oh THAT is going to help your sh#t on the national stage huh? So much for Hillary's gawd damn reset button huh? But that even does not stop you from piling the ignorant on does it?

"“What’s disturbing to us is that experts are telling us Russian state actors broke into the DNC, stole these emails,” Mook said on CNN. “And other experts are now saying that the Russians are releasing these emails for the purpose of actually helping Donald Trump.”

So you democrats are arguing that the Russians could NEVER get emails from Hillary's PRIVATE server BUT he got them from the DNC main server? Do you lying sons of b#tches even THINK about your lie BEFORE you tell it?

Bernie Sanders says leaked emails show he was right about the DNC all along

Under Obama "It was ALL Bush's fault".
Under Clinton "It was ALL Putin's fault".

SAME old horsesh#t.



The only one who's 70+ and pissed off here is you. I guess you're so emotional you missed the important part: That Sanders was on all the morning shows reiterating his support for Clinton. Try watching the interview again without the emotional bias. Or at least learn the meaning of "I demanded" - past tense - as opposed to "I am demanding..."

He wanted DWS to be removed; she has been. Hillary's been promising everything Sanders campaigned on.

Unlike Der DrumpfenFuhrer, who changes his mind more often than he changes his socks, if Sanders says he supports Hillary, he means it.

The week ain't over son, it ain't over till its over.
This is heating up FAST! I TOLD you stupid democrats don't you screw over an old man. When you are 70 some odd years old you do NOT give a flying f#ck about feelings. There is NOTHING to lose, not a damn thing.

So you went ahead and pissed him off. You set twitter and Facebook on FIRE calling for Clinton to step down AND Sanders to withdraw his support!

"“I think I told you a long time ago that the DNC was not running a fair operation. That they were supporting Secretary Clinton,” he continued. “So what I suggested to be true six months ago turns out, in fact, to be true. I’m not shocked. But I am disappointed. And that is the way it is.”

You attacked him on religion the SAME low life scuzz ball tactics you use on members HERE. So now Sanders supporters AND Jews are PISSED OFF. Can you say GOOD BYE NEW YORK or SEE YA FLORIDA?

And then who do you TRY and blame for your horse sh#t?

"Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said the leak of the emails was part of a coordinated hack by the Russians to help Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump."

Oh the Russians did it. Oh THAT is going to help your sh#t on the national stage huh? So much for Hillary's gawd damn reset button huh? But that even does not stop you from piling the ignorant on does it?

"“What’s disturbing to us is that experts are telling us Russian state actors broke into the DNC, stole these emails,” Mook said on CNN. “And other experts are now saying that the Russians are releasing these emails for the purpose of actually helping Donald Trump.”

So you democrats are arguing that the Russians could NEVER get emails from Hillary's PRIVATE server BUT he got them from the DNC main server? Do you lying sons of b#tches even THINK about your lie BEFORE you tell it?

Bernie Sanders says leaked emails show he was right about the DNC all along

Under Obama "It was ALL Bush's fault".
Under Clinton "It was ALL Putin's fault".

SAME old horsesh#t.


This whole campaign has exposed corruption in both parties Fury.. It is not just the democrats

Did you notice the song "You can't always get what you want" when Reince Priebus came on stage after Trumps speech..They were doing many sneaky things trying to get Trump out...

We were all watching him like a hawk..He had to endorse him, and played that song coming on stage.

These people in the DNC are being watched as well...

Crap like this makes me so confused on who to support...damn..

Last edited:
This is heating up FAST! I TOLD you stupid democrats don't you screw over an old man. When you are 70 some odd years old you do NOT give a flying f#ck about feelings. There is NOTHING to lose, not a damn thing.

So you went ahead and pissed him off. You set twitter and Facebook on FIRE calling for Clinton to step down AND Sanders to withdraw his support!

"“I think I told you a long time ago that the DNC was not running a fair operation. That they were supporting Secretary Clinton,” he continued. “So what I suggested to be true six months ago turns out, in fact, to be true. I’m not shocked. But I am disappointed. And that is the way it is.”

You attacked him on religion the SAME low life scuzz ball tactics you use on members HERE. So now Sanders supporters AND Jews are PISSED OFF. Can you say GOOD BYE NEW YORK or SEE YA FLORIDA?

And then who do you TRY and blame for your horse sh#t?

"Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said the leak of the emails was part of a coordinated hack by the Russians to help Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump."

Oh the Russians did it. Oh THAT is going to help your sh#t on the national stage huh? So much for Hillary's gawd damn reset button huh? But that even does not stop you from piling the ignorant on does it?

"“What’s disturbing to us is that experts are telling us Russian state actors broke into the DNC, stole these emails,” Mook said on CNN. “And other experts are now saying that the Russians are releasing these emails for the purpose of actually helping Donald Trump.”

So you democrats are arguing that the Russians could NEVER get emails from Hillary's PRIVATE server BUT he got them from the DNC main server? Do you lying sons of b#tches even THINK about your lie BEFORE you tell it?

Bernie Sanders says leaked emails show he was right about the DNC all along

Under Obama "It was ALL Bush's fault".
Under Clinton "It was ALL Putin's fault".

SAME old horsesh#t.


This whole campaign has exposed corruption in both parties Fury.. It is not just the democrats

Did you notice the song "You can't always get what you want" when Reince Priebus came on stage after Trumps speech..They were doing many sneaky things trying to get Trump out...

We were all watching him like a hawk..He had to indorse him, and played that song coming on stage.

These people in the DNC are being watched as well...

Crap like this makes me so confused on who to support...damn..


Oh I agree, but ONE party cleaned its house BEFORE convention and one did not. And we are about to see the results of not cleaning.
This is heating up FAST! I TOLD you stupid democrats don't you screw over an old man. When you are 70 some odd years old you do NOT give a flying f#ck about feelings. There is NOTHING to lose, not a damn thing.

So you went ahead and pissed him off. You set twitter and Facebook on FIRE calling for Clinton to step down AND Sanders to withdraw his support!

"“I think I told you a long time ago that the DNC was not running a fair operation. That they were supporting Secretary Clinton,” he continued. “So what I suggested to be true six months ago turns out, in fact, to be true. I’m not shocked. But I am disappointed. And that is the way it is.”

You attacked him on religion the SAME low life scuzz ball tactics you use on members HERE. So now Sanders supporters AND Jews are PISSED OFF. Can you say GOOD BYE NEW YORK or SEE YA FLORIDA?

And then who do you TRY and blame for your horse sh#t?

"Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said the leak of the emails was part of a coordinated hack by the Russians to help Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump."

Oh the Russians did it. Oh THAT is going to help your sh#t on the national stage huh? So much for Hillary's gawd damn reset button huh? But that even does not stop you from piling the ignorant on does it?

"“What’s disturbing to us is that experts are telling us Russian state actors broke into the DNC, stole these emails,” Mook said on CNN. “And other experts are now saying that the Russians are releasing these emails for the purpose of actually helping Donald Trump.”

So you democrats are arguing that the Russians could NEVER get emails from Hillary's PRIVATE server BUT he got them from the DNC main server? Do you lying sons of b#tches even THINK about your lie BEFORE you tell it?

Bernie Sanders says leaked emails show he was right about the DNC all along

Under Obama "It was ALL Bush's fault".
Under Clinton "It was ALL Putin's fault".

SAME old horsesh#t.


The dnc was more than open about the fact they wanted hillary and not sanders or anyone else.

seemed clear

did they actually say that they weren't?

and russia is broke, they would have extorted funds instead of releasing the info
This is heating up FAST! I TOLD you stupid democrats don't you screw over an old man. When you are 70 some odd years old you do NOT give a flying f#ck about feelings. There is NOTHING to lose, not a damn thing.

So you went ahead and pissed him off. You set twitter and Facebook on FIRE calling for Clinton to step down AND Sanders to withdraw his support!

"“I think I told you a long time ago that the DNC was not running a fair operation. That they were supporting Secretary Clinton,” he continued. “So what I suggested to be true six months ago turns out, in fact, to be true. I’m not shocked. But I am disappointed. And that is the way it is.”

You attacked him on religion the SAME low life scuzz ball tactics you use on members HERE. So now Sanders supporters AND Jews are PISSED OFF. Can you say GOOD BYE NEW YORK or SEE YA FLORIDA?

And then who do you TRY and blame for your horse sh#t?

"Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said the leak of the emails was part of a coordinated hack by the Russians to help Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump."

Oh the Russians did it. Oh THAT is going to help your sh#t on the national stage huh? So much for Hillary's gawd damn reset button huh? But that even does not stop you from piling the ignorant on does it?

"“What’s disturbing to us is that experts are telling us Russian state actors broke into the DNC, stole these emails,” Mook said on CNN. “And other experts are now saying that the Russians are releasing these emails for the purpose of actually helping Donald Trump.”

So you democrats are arguing that the Russians could NEVER get emails from Hillary's PRIVATE server BUT he got them from the DNC main server? Do you lying sons of b#tches even THINK about your lie BEFORE you tell it?

Bernie Sanders says leaked emails show he was right about the DNC all along

Under Obama "It was ALL Bush's fault".
Under Clinton "It was ALL Putin's fault".

SAME old horsesh#t.



The only one who's 70+ and pissed off here is you. I guess you're so emotional you missed the important part: That Sanders was on all the morning shows reiterating his support for Clinton. Try watching the interview again without the emotional bias. Or at least learn the meaning of "I demanded" - past tense - as opposed to "I am demanding..."

He wanted DWS to be removed; she has been. Hillary's been promising everything Sanders campaigned on.

Unlike Der DrumpfenFuhrer, who changes his mind more often than he changes his socks, if Sanders says he supports Hillary, he means it.
Yes, Fartblossom. We all know he still supports Hillary. Read the read without all the emotions. You are arguing a nonpoint and clucking around in victory.
I can assure you this comes as no surprise to ANYBODY except maybe an imbecile (like some of the liberals here). Super delegates, that's like a dead giveaway that the Democratic Party's process is rigged.

The reason for 714 Democrat Super Delegates is the election of 1984. It's to prevent another 1984.

Too many people are politically inept--& are ignorant of basic civics who vote in this country. They are attracted to (EAR candy) coming out of the mouths of politicians. Politicians that deliver the EAR candy do it for donations and votes, because they have no real record to run on. So they make lots of promises using misconceptions, things that can't be done and things that don't have a snowballs chance in hell of ever getting passed. (Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are the candyman candidates.)


Now after this 2016 election cycle and when it's over--I am certain that the Republican party will be adding in some Super delegates of their own. This is expected with Hillary Clinton v Donald Trump
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator


If Sanders takes back his endorsement of Hillary Clinton because he has an issue with DNC chair Wasserman, then he'll lose more Democrat support, including the support of those that voted for him. You're wrong Sanders has everything to lose.

Keep in mind also that it was Bernie Sanders that started the WAR with the DNC. It was his decision, and his alone to change his party status to run on their ticket. When he did that he agreed to all DNC national procedures, rules in each and every state, including those 714 Democrat Super Delegates and their role. He came right out of the gate and campaigned on a rigged election, which was bound to really piss off some DNC officials.

Regardless Hillary Clinton buried Sanders by 3,775,437 popular votes. In comparison Obama defeated Hillary Clinton in 2008 by a mere 41,622 votes.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics
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The nonpoint is the lie that the Berns will vote for Trump: well, maybe 13 will.
This is heating up FAST! I TOLD you stupid democrats don't you screw over an old man. When you are 70 some odd years old you do NOT give a flying f#ck about feelings. There is NOTHING to lose, not a damn thing.

So you went ahead and pissed him off. You set twitter and Facebook on FIRE calling for Clinton to step down AND Sanders to withdraw his support!

"“I think I told you a long time ago that the DNC was not running a fair operation. That they were supporting Secretary Clinton,” he continued. “So what I suggested to be true six months ago turns out, in fact, to be true. I’m not shocked. But I am disappointed. And that is the way it is.”

You attacked him on religion the SAME low life scuzz ball tactics you use on members HERE. So now Sanders supporters AND Jews are PISSED OFF. Can you say GOOD BYE NEW YORK or SEE YA FLORIDA?

And then who do you TRY and blame for your horse sh#t?

"Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said the leak of the emails was part of a coordinated hack by the Russians to help Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump."

Oh the Russians did it. Oh THAT is going to help your sh#t on the national stage huh? So much for Hillary's gawd damn reset button huh? But that even does not stop you from piling the ignorant on does it?

"“What’s disturbing to us is that experts are telling us Russian state actors broke into the DNC, stole these emails,” Mook said on CNN. “And other experts are now saying that the Russians are releasing these emails for the purpose of actually helping Donald Trump.”

So you democrats are arguing that the Russians could NEVER get emails from Hillary's PRIVATE server BUT he got them from the DNC main server? Do you lying sons of b#tches even THINK about your lie BEFORE you tell it?

Bernie Sanders says leaked emails show he was right about the DNC all along

Under Obama "It was ALL Bush's fault".
Under Clinton "It was ALL Putin's fault".

SAME old horsesh#t.


This whole campaign has exposed corruption in both parties Fury.. It is not just the democrats

Did you notice the song "You can't always get what you want" when Reince Priebus came on stage after Trumps speech..They were doing many sneaky things trying to get Trump out...

We were all watching him like a hawk..He had to indorse him, and played that song coming on stage.

These people in the DNC are being watched as well...

Crap like this makes me so confused on who to support...damn..


That song was a hit piece to the Cruzers.Thank GOD we didn't get Ted now that we know what he was doing care of Wiki.
this is maybe the first presidential election i have seen were the 2 VP candidates are better qualified than the 2 running for president......

Trump has Two VP's who would have guessed!

The VP pick in the DNC is just like Hilary and is big corporate Democrat! They are hardly better than Clinton, they belong n the same jail cell as Clinton.
The nonpoint is the lie that the Berns will vote for Trump: well, maybe 13 will.
" A June 14 Bloomberg Politics national poll of likely voters in November’s election found that barely half of those who favored Sanders -- 55 percent -- plan to vote for Clinton. Instead, 22 percent say they’ll vote for Trump, while 18 percent favor Libertarian Gary Johnson. “I’m a registered Democrat, but I cannot bring myself to vote for another establishment politician like Hillary,”

Nearly Half of Sanders Supporters Won’t Support Clinton: Poll

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