Sanders To Withdraw Support?

Bernie's key surrogates are endorsing Clinton as I write this post.

The answer is no.
Bernie's VOTERS are protesters are in the street as I write.
You got five supporters? Big deal, they got 5,000 protesters.

You've been right so often.....I must be crazy to question you.

What am I thinking?!
YOU said...
Trump will not run.
Trump will not file his finance papers
Trump will not win any states
Trump will not win the nom

How's that sh#t working for you Bozo?


I did say he would not run.
He still hasn't filed his finance papers.
I never said he'd not win a state.
I did say he wouldn't win the nom.

I've grossly underestimated how stupid the GOP base is. My bad.

It's all working out fine. Hillary is a flawed candidate. Lots of people hate her with a passion. So....only someone who is hated more would lose to her after an eight year administration. And...that what she got. Trump. The most hated nominee in the history of nominee hating.

Pay attention the next few days. You will see how a competent leader takes advantage of the national spotlight.
I love Bernie, he's sort of my elderly ex communist crackpot Uncle I never had. He's adorable. I hope he splits the democrats up and makes them collapse like a house of cards. Sorry kids. Somebody has got to win, and the man you love to hate, Trump is the likely winner. This is what happens when people stop thinking and emote and vote for a mixed race mixed up man pandering to the left instead of listening to the wishes of ALL Americans.
This is heating up FAST! I TOLD you stupid democrats don't you screw over an old man. When you are 70 some odd years old you do NOT give a flying f#ck about feelings. There is NOTHING to lose, not a damn thing.

So you went ahead and pissed him off. You set twitter and Facebook on FIRE calling for Clinton to step down AND Sanders to withdraw his support!

"“I think I told you a long time ago that the DNC was not running a fair operation. That they were supporting Secretary Clinton,” he continued. “So what I suggested to be true six months ago turns out, in fact, to be true. I’m not shocked. But I am disappointed. And that is the way it is.”

You attacked him on religion the SAME low life scuzz ball tactics you use on members HERE. So now Sanders supporters AND Jews are PISSED OFF. Can you say GOOD BYE NEW YORK or SEE YA FLORIDA?

And then who do you TRY and blame for your horse sh#t?

"Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said the leak of the emails was part of a coordinated hack by the Russians to help Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump."

Oh the Russians did it. Oh THAT is going to help your sh#t on the national stage huh? So much for Hillary's gawd damn reset button huh? But that even does not stop you from piling the ignorant on does it?

"“What’s disturbing to us is that experts are telling us Russian state actors broke into the DNC, stole these emails,” Mook said on CNN. “And other experts are now saying that the Russians are releasing these emails for the purpose of actually helping Donald Trump.”

So you democrats are arguing that the Russians could NEVER get emails from Hillary's PRIVATE server BUT he got them from the DNC main server? Do you lying sons of b#tches even THINK about your lie BEFORE you tell it?

Bernie Sanders says leaked emails show he was right about the DNC all along

Under Obama "It was ALL Bush's fault".
Under Clinton "It was ALL Putin's fault".

SAME old horsesh#t.


This whole campaign has exposed corruption in both parties Fury.. It is not just the democrats

Did you notice the song "You can't always get what you want" when Reince Priebus came on stage after Trumps speech..They were doing many sneaky things trying to get Trump out...

We were all watching him like a hawk..He had to indorse him, and played that song coming on stage.

These people in the DNC are being watched as well...

Crap like this makes me so confused on who to support...damn..


Oh I agree, but ONE party cleaned its house BEFORE convention and one did not. And we are about to see the results of not cleaning.

You are certifiable. You think the GOP cleaned house?
this is maybe the first presidential election i have seen were the 2 VP candidates are better qualified than the 2 running for president......

Trump has Two VP's who would have guessed!

The VP pick in the DNC is just like Hilary and is big corporate Democrat! They are hardly better than Clinton, they belong n the same jail cell as Clinton.
calm down kosh......comment on what i said.....not what YOU think i said....lets start with were did i say trump has 2 VP's?...
this is maybe the first presidential election i have seen were the 2 VP candidates are better qualified than the 2 running for president......

Trump has Two VP's who would have guessed!

The VP pick in the DNC is just like Hilary and is big corporate Democrat! They are hardly better than Clinton, they belong n the same jail cell as Clinton.
calm down kosh......comment on what i said.....not what YOU think i said....lets start with were did i say trump has 2 VP's?...

The knucklehead was suggesting that Kaine isn't qualified.

What are you, a left wing drone?
This is heating up FAST! I TOLD you stupid democrats don't you screw over an old man. When you are 70 some odd years old you do NOT give a flying f#ck about feelings. There is NOTHING to lose, not a damn thing.

So you went ahead and pissed him off. You set twitter and Facebook on FIRE calling for Clinton to step down AND Sanders to withdraw his support!

"“I think I told you a long time ago that the DNC was not running a fair operation. That they were supporting Secretary Clinton,” he continued. “So what I suggested to be true six months ago turns out, in fact, to be true. I’m not shocked. But I am disappointed. And that is the way it is.”

You attacked him on religion the SAME low life scuzz ball tactics you use on members HERE. So now Sanders supporters AND Jews are PISSED OFF. Can you say GOOD BYE NEW YORK or SEE YA FLORIDA?

And then who do you TRY and blame for your horse sh#t?

"Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said the leak of the emails was part of a coordinated hack by the Russians to help Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump."

Oh the Russians did it. Oh THAT is going to help your sh#t on the national stage huh? So much for Hillary's gawd damn reset button huh? But that even does not stop you from piling the ignorant on does it?

"“What’s disturbing to us is that experts are telling us Russian state actors broke into the DNC, stole these emails,” Mook said on CNN. “And other experts are now saying that the Russians are releasing these emails for the purpose of actually helping Donald Trump.”

So you democrats are arguing that the Russians could NEVER get emails from Hillary's PRIVATE server BUT he got them from the DNC main server? Do you lying sons of b#tches even THINK about your lie BEFORE you tell it?

Bernie Sanders says leaked emails show he was right about the DNC all along

Under Obama "It was ALL Bush's fault".
Under Clinton "It was ALL Putin's fault".

SAME old horsesh#t.


This whole campaign has exposed corruption in both parties Fury.. It is not just the democrats

Did you notice the song "You can't always get what you want" when Reince Priebus came on stage after Trumps speech..They were doing many sneaky things trying to get Trump out...

We were all watching him like a hawk..He had to indorse him, and played that song coming on stage.

These people in the DNC are being watched as well...

Crap like this makes me so confused on who to support...damn..


Oh I agree, but ONE party cleaned its house BEFORE convention and one did not. And we are about to see the results of not cleaning.

You are certifiable. You think the GOP cleaned house?

You see Jeb Bush anywhere do you stupid?
this is maybe the first presidential election i have seen were the 2 VP candidates are better qualified than the 2 running for president......

Trump has Two VP's who would have guessed!

The VP pick in the DNC is just like Hilary and is big corporate Democrat! They are hardly better than Clinton, they belong n the same jail cell as Clinton.
calm down kosh......comment on what i said.....not what YOU think i said....lets start with were did i say trump has 2 VP's?...

Yes we all know you can not understand what is posted and a always the comment goes way over your head..

You think the DNC VP is more qualified than Clinton, but he is not even close. However he is on the same level of scum and corporate takes as Clinton.

Which only leaves Trump which means to Have 2 VP candidates that are better than the two running, that would mean that Trump has two VP picks to fit your comments!

But that comment went way over you head as most posts on this board generally do!

You best stick with comics, if you can even understand them..
Crap like this makes me so confused on who to support...damn..

So, looks like your choice will be to dig your head into sand like an ostrich, pretend it's not your business and thus to let crooked&corrupt Hillary win?

That would be a pretty awkward position (in both meaning of the word), don't you think?
Last edited:
Bernie's key surrogates are endorsing Clinton as I write this post.

The answer is no.
Bernie's VOTERS are protesters are in the street as I write.
You got five supporters? Big deal, they got 5,000 protesters.

You've been right so often.....I must be crazy to question you.

What am I thinking?!
YOU said...
Trump will not run.
Trump will not file his finance papers
Trump will not win any states
Trump will not win the nom

How's that sh#t working for you Bozo?


I did say he would not run.
He still hasn't filed his finance papers.
I never said he'd not win a state.
I did say he wouldn't win the nom.

I've grossly underestimated how stupid the GOP base is. My bad.

It's all working out fine. Hillary is a flawed candidate. Lots of people hate her with a passion. So....only someone who is hated more would lose to her after an eight year administration. And...that what she got. Trump. The most hated nominee in the history of nominee hating.

Pay attention the next few days. You will see how a competent leader takes advantage of the national spotlight.
competent leader?.....if you say so LL....we havent had one of then since last century...
Sanders will not and neither will 99% of his supporters.

This is nothing more than the gasping of a dying Trump campaign

Thats your spin trump has nothing to do with this it's proving with out a doubt the DNC manufactures cannidates binging with Obama.

Its there rules not the people's the fucking elites.
Sanders will not and neither will 99% of his supporters.

This is nothing more than the gasping of a dying Trump campaign.

The lipstick on Trump does not hide his piggishness.

While Hitlery was holding rallies in bowling allies and Starbucks, Bernie was drawing in 20,000 followers at his rallies. And a lot of college snowflakes.
Bernie has been promised by Hitlery, a trillion dollar package of gov. freebies for his endorsement. He's not going to un-endorse her.
But the marshmallows. The indoctrinated ones. They don't like Trump and they don't like Hillary. Their contender lost. The election is over for them. Back to beer pong and safey rooms, and mom's basement.

That is the Clinton regime gasping for just one freaking day without a new scandal popping up. Good-bye Debbie Wasser...
this is maybe the first presidential election i have seen were the 2 VP candidates are better qualified than the 2 running for president......

Trump has Two VP's who would have guessed!

The VP pick in the DNC is just like Hilary and is big corporate Democrat! They are hardly better than Clinton, they belong n the same jail cell as Clinton.
calm down kosh......comment on what i said.....not what YOU think i said....lets start with were did i say trump has 2 VP's?...

The knucklehead was suggesting that Kaine isn't qualified.

What are you, a left wing drone?

No Harry is not like you and a far left drone as there is nothing worse than far left drone, Harry gets pretty close to that at times..
What is life without a little drama.

I guess the RNC convention did not bring us enough.

Now the DNC convention will bring us some more.

Bernie blames Wasserman Schultz.

So this looks like a glass ceiling against Bernie then.
Fuck the DNC. I say this as a liberal.

Yet you support and are voting for Clinton..

Who do you think I'm going to vote for....Trump? I don't vote for bigoted morons dude. I am grudgingly forced to vote for another god damned Clinton, and I'm very frustrated. I hate this election year so much.

So you make far left religious dogma claims with zero proof, but vote for that which you claim you would not vote for.

You are a far left drone!

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