Sanders: Universal Healthcare and Free College Aren’t Radical Ideas, They Are ‘Human Rights’

U.S. Uncut ^ | September 27, 2015 | Hugh Wharton
This interview is amazing.As the Bernie Sanders campaign surges, the socialist senator continues to bring the national conversation back from the right after 30 years of bellicose class war rhetoric. In the clip below, he shames those (including Jeb Bush) who would cut taxes for the rich while stripping Social Security. Sanders states clearly that every other industrialized country invests in their own citizens and children and it’s high time that we followed suit. While Sanders is heavily-criticized for identifying as a democratic socialist, he embraces the label. Sanders says countries that abide by the principles of democratic socialism, like...

And he is right. To republitards greed,war,and theft are human rights....
U.S. Uncut ^ | September 27, 2015 | Hugh Wharton
This interview is amazing.As the Bernie Sanders campaign surges, the socialist senator continues to bring the national conversation back from the right after 30 years of bellicose class war rhetoric. In the clip below, he shames those (including Jeb Bush) who would cut taxes for the rich while stripping Social Security. Sanders states clearly that every other industrialized country invests in their own citizens and children and it’s high time that we followed suit. While Sanders is heavily-criticized for identifying as a democratic socialist, he embraces the label. Sanders says countries that abide by the principles of democratic socialism, like...

Sander has struck a chord.....With the slackers, parasites, people who refuse to work and believe they are entitled to the largess of others and those dopey college grads with useless degrees who find work as baristas at Starbucks.
You think that it's right that I made more money last year than you'll make in your entire life? And, I paid less percentage of my income in federal tax than you did too!
If your accountant for holes in the US Tax code that netted you a lower tax bill, bravo to you.
The solution is not to punish those who earn the money. Rather, punish those who wrote the fucking Tax Code.
Jesus Christ, you libs are morons.
You think that it's right that I made more money last year than you'll make in your entire life? And, I paid less percentage of my income in federal tax than you did too!
BTW, YOU chose to pay less. You could have instructed you tax accountant to take the standard deduction. But, no. You did as everyone else does. And that is to use the tax code to reduce your tax burden as much as legally possible.
The blame is YOURS. Now, you are free to write a check indicating the amount of tax you believe you should have paid.
Single payer health care would cover everyone for less than we are paying now.

How can we expect to stay on top of the world economy if we treat education as an extra cost option?
Bull shit and more bullshit.
Then again, you are free to get out your checkbook and start writing.
The ideas that all members of society should have access to a system of basic healthcare AND basic education regardless of their ability to pay

are simply commonsense ideas as to what a civilized society should be.

The uncivilized may disagree, but it is up to civilized society to render them powerless and irrelevant.

Oh whatever... everybody had/has access to free basic healthcare and a free public education. What world do you live in?
U.S. Uncut ^ | September 27, 2015 | Hugh Wharton
This interview is amazing.As the Bernie Sanders campaign surges, the socialist senator continues to bring the national conversation back from the right after 30 years of bellicose class war rhetoric. In the clip below, he shames those (including Jeb Bush) who would cut taxes for the rich while stripping Social Security. Sanders states clearly that every other industrialized country invests in their own citizens and children and it’s high time that we followed suit. While Sanders is heavily-criticized for identifying as a democratic socialist, he embraces the label. Sanders says countries that abide by the principles of democratic socialism, like...

Sander has struck a chord.....With the slackers, parasites, people who refuse to work and believe they are entitled to the largess of others and those dopey college grads with useless degrees who find work as baristas at Starbucks.

Poor children who need healthcare are slackers?

What an unsurprising sentiment to hear from a conservative.
The ideas that all members of society should have access to a system of basic healthcare AND basic education regardless of their ability to pay

are simply commonsense ideas as to what a civilized society should be.

The uncivilized may disagree, but it is up to civilized society to render them powerless and irrelevant.

Oh whatever... everybody had/has access to free basic healthcare and a free public education. What world do you live in?

Free college is where?
You think that it's right that I made more money last year than you'll make in your entire life? And, I paid less percentage of my income in federal tax than you did too!
BTW, YOU chose to pay less. You could have instructed you tax accountant to take the standard deduction. But, no. You did as everyone else does. And that is to use the tax code to reduce your tax burden as much as legally possible.
The blame is YOURS. Now, you are free to write a check indicating the amount of tax you believe you should have paid.

Now that's fucking hilarious...
Universal healthcare and "free" college are not rights.

If a society chooses both, that's their business. But they're not rights.

Both will eventually bankrupt the nation.

Democrats should win this election hands-down. But Bernie is leading them down the rabbit hole.
Bernie is a socialist and that's how socialists think.

Of course he neglects to let everyone know that nothing is free and every taxpayer in America will be footing the bill for his "free" Stuff.

Of course those that can't pay their own way will love it but the taxpayers will be getting the shaft yet again.

Oh and as for universal health care?? Who in their right mind wants the Government responsible for the healthcare of 300 million Americans?

The Govt. who has never done anything cheaply or well in its entire history.

The Govt. where everything turns into mountains of red tape, regulations and bullshit.

Yep. That's what we need. The Govt. in control of our health care. Good God. Talk about a moronic idea.
We are already footing the bill for your republicans war adventures and tax breaks for the rich so...We would rather it go to help the majority of us not a rich 1%.
The ideas that all members of society should have access to a system of basic healthcare AND basic education regardless of their ability to pay

are simply commonsense ideas as to what a civilized society should be.

The uncivilized may disagree, but it is up to civilized society to render them powerless and irrelevant.

Oh whatever... everybody had/has access to free basic healthcare and a free public education. What world do you live in?

Free college is where?

Oh, so now a college education is basic education? We have enough idiots lounging around college campi for way too long.. let them pay for that. They'll use a lot more discretion and won't waste money on stupid and useless degrees. We have enough English majors already.
Bernie is a socialist and that's how socialists think.

Of course he neglects to let everyone know that nothing is free and every taxpayer in America will be footing the bill for his "free" Stuff.

Of course those that can't pay their own way will love it but the taxpayers will be getting the shaft yet again.

Oh and as for universal health care?? Who in their right mind wants the Government responsible for the healthcare of 300 million Americans?

The Govt. who has never done anything cheaply or well in its entire history.

The Govt. where everything turns into mountains of red tape, regulations and bullshit.

Yep. That's what we need. The Govt. in control of our health care. Good God. Talk about a moronic idea.
We are already footing the bill for your republicans war adventures and tax breaks for the rich so...We would rather it go to help the majority of us not a rich 1%.

How does one gt a bill for a tax break?

Fuck..... Odium ...... I've asked you to not agree with things I say. I don't want my posts tainted by having you signal agreement. You and I will never be on the same team.....until you lose the bigot chip on your shoulder. Understand.
The greatest nation on the face of the earth ought to have the healthiest and most well educated populace on the face of the earth. No?

Silly nutters.
hey, if you are willing to surrender 50% of your earnings, you first. Get back to us and let us know how that works out..
And don't give me any shit about social responsibility or sacrifice.
the problem is that you libs want no one to be responsible. You look to government to bear responsibility. Which means you look to taxpaying citizens to do your bidding.
Here's an idea. Do the free college. But it's only for 4.0 or straight A students. Everyone else pays as normal.
U.S. Uncut ^ | September 27, 2015 | Hugh Wharton
This interview is amazing.As the Bernie Sanders campaign surges, the socialist senator continues to bring the national conversation back from the right after 30 years of bellicose class war rhetoric. In the clip below, he shames those (including Jeb Bush) who would cut taxes for the rich while stripping Social Security. Sanders states clearly that every other industrialized country invests in their own citizens and children and it’s high time that we followed suit. While Sanders is heavily-criticized for identifying as a democratic socialist, he embraces the label. Sanders says countries that abide by the principles of democratic socialism, like...

And he is right. To republitards greed,war,and theft are human rights....
Ahh boy....
Bernie is correct.
Nice. Ok genius. Who pays?....Nothing is free.
People that are already paying for war,foreign aide,more war,and tax breaks for the 1%. THE PEOPLE. WE. ME. MY WIFE. MILLIONS like us who are SICK and TIRED of paying for military adventurism and foreign bases and paying nations to be out friends and instead want our hard earned tax dollars spent on things to benefit US and our KIDS not the rich and the politically connected and foreign nations.

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