Sandy Hook after action report is a waste of time, not one measure would have stopped the attack....

Thats news to me.......I think you cant back that up.....School policy is to huddle and wait to get shot

It's news to you that children escaped?
Sandy Hook Shooter s Pause May Have Aided Students Escape - Hartford Courant

I've seen where it was confirmed he had trouble reloading, but that link confirms they did escape while he paused.

Brain...he reloaded several times in the course of his shooting and he killed 26 people.....the only thing that stopped him...he committed suicide because he knew the police were on their way.....

and again...if the principal and other staff members had been carrying guns, he would actually have been stopped.....

And if they had guns they too would want him to have to reload often. It's helps armed defenders and unarmed all the same.

No...they would have wanted to make sure they didn't have to reload simply because some anti gun nut kept them from having enough bullets in their gun to get the job done with one magazine.....

They wouldn't need a hi cap magazine to take him out. Defense is 2-3 shots. The only person needing a hi cap magazines was the asshole slaughtering children. And you want him as well armed as possible.
Thats news to me.......I think you cant back that up.....School policy is to huddle and wait to get shot

It's news to you that children escaped?
Sandy Hook Shooter s Pause May Have Aided Students Escape - Hartford Courant

I've seen where it was confirmed he had trouble reloading, but that link confirms they did escape while he paused.
You realize there is no evidence anyone ran past him at that point......... we think ...may have........Journalism fail

Just witnesses. Look it up. He was in a room about to slaughter more kids and had trouble reloading. While it had trouble kids ran out of the room.
go back and read...not what it says.......they dont know when they left.....
The truth about magazines and Sandy Hook....

Perhaps the most disgusting claim in support of their legislation is an attempt to claim that eleven lives were saved at Sandy Hook Elementary when the murder ran out of ammunition:

They say seconds count when a gunman threatens. As examples of this, they point to the 11 Sandy Hook schoolchildren who were able to run from danger while L____* reloaded his gun…

This is a claim that has never been substantiated with a shred of evidence.

While it is true that a number of students were able to escape one of the classrooms under attack when the attacker had an apparent problem with his rifle,
there is no evidence at all to support Newtown Action Alliance’s claim that he was having problems changing magazines. In fact, all available evidence suggests against the murderer having magazine related issues during his murder spree.

During his spree, the murderer was actually changing magazines before he ran out of ammunition, a fact verified in the official Sandy Hook School Shooting Reports. Magazine capacity was not a a factor in the murder spree, and there is no evidence that the killer had difficulty changing magazines at any point.

Instead, it is far more likely that the killer’s weapon malfunctioned after overheating from firing 100+ rounds in less than five minutes in a school that was a completely undefended soft target.
Thats news to me.......I think you cant back that up.....School policy is to huddle and wait to get shot

It's news to you that children escaped?
Sandy Hook Shooter s Pause May Have Aided Students Escape - Hartford Courant

I've seen where it was confirmed he had trouble reloading, but that link confirms they did escape while he paused.
You realize there is no evidence anyone ran past him at that point......... we think ...may have........Journalism fail

Just witnesses. Look it up. He was in a room about to slaughter more kids and had trouble reloading. While it had trouble kids ran out of the room.
go back and read...not what it says.......they dont know when they left..... are dealing with brain and his harebrained notions about reality.......the truth and his notions will never meet.......
Thats news to me.......I think you cant back that up.....School policy is to huddle and wait to get shot

It's news to you that children escaped?
Sandy Hook Shooter s Pause May Have Aided Students Escape - Hartford Courant

I've seen where it was confirmed he had trouble reloading, but that link confirms they did escape while he paused.
You realize there is no evidence anyone ran past him at that point......... we think ...may have........Journalism fail

Just witnesses. Look it up. He was in a room about to slaughter more kids and had trouble reloading. While it had trouble kids ran out of the room.
go back and read...not what it says.......they dont know when they left.....

That is what a witness has said. Go look it up.
Thats news to me.......I think you cant back that up.....School policy is to huddle and wait to get shot

It's news to you that children escaped?
Sandy Hook Shooter s Pause May Have Aided Students Escape - Hartford Courant

I've seen where it was confirmed he had trouble reloading, but that link confirms they did escape while he paused.

Brain...he reloaded several times in the course of his shooting and he killed 26 people.....the only thing that stopped him...he committed suicide because he knew the police were on their way.....

and again...if the principal and other staff members had been carrying guns, he would actually have been stopped.....

And if they had guns they too would want him to have to reload often. It's helps armed defenders and unarmed all the same.

No...they would have wanted to make sure they didn't have to reload simply because some anti gun nut kept them from having enough bullets in their gun to get the job done with one magazine.....

They wouldn't need a hi cap magazine to take him out. Defense is 2-3 shots. The only person needing a hi cap magazines was the asshole slaughtering children. And you want him as well armed as possible.

No...I want him shot and killed before he pulls the guys want him to kill and kill and then try to time it right so when he reloads you can rush him.....I would rather they draw their guns and kill him...or at least make him stop shooting to seek cover.....that actually saves lives...counting bullets doesn't....
And why doesnt anyone question why a father of one of the children runs out of the building without his daughter
Thats news to me.......I think you cant back that up.....School policy is to huddle and wait to get shot

It's news to you that children escaped?
Sandy Hook Shooter s Pause May Have Aided Students Escape - Hartford Courant

I've seen where it was confirmed he had trouble reloading, but that link confirms they did escape while he paused.
You realize there is no evidence anyone ran past him at that point......... we think ...may have........Journalism fail

Just witnesses. Look it up. He was in a room about to slaughter more kids and had trouble reloading. While it had trouble kids ran out of the room.
go back and read...not what it says.......they dont know when they left.....

That is what a witness has said. Go look it up.
no its not...according to your own link
Disarming Mass Murderers American Handgunner

However, Loughner was carrying multiple magazines, and at least one witness insists he had already reloaded a fresh magazine — but had somehow jammed the Glock 19 while attempting to complete the reload. In the Long Island Railroad massacre, Ferguson reloaded at least once and sustained fire. His Ruger P89 had apparently run dry at the time he was rushed and overpowered by unarmed citizens. Accounts differ as to whether Ferguson was attempting to reload a third full magazine at this time, or had shot all his magazines empty and was trying to insert loose cartridges into one of the empty mags.

Thus, it remains possible Loughner was successfully disarmed, not because he was reloading per se, but because he had jammed his already-reloaded gun. If in fact Ferguson had run out of loaded magazines, he was de facto more “out of ammunition” than he was “reloading” at the time he was overpowered and disarmed. Details, details …
Thats news to me.......I think you cant back that up.....School policy is to huddle and wait to get shot

It's news to you that children escaped?
Sandy Hook Shooter s Pause May Have Aided Students Escape - Hartford Courant

I've seen where it was confirmed he had trouble reloading, but that link confirms they did escape while he paused.
You realize there is no evidence anyone ran past him at that point......... we think ...may have........Journalism fail

Just witnesses. Look it up. He was in a room about to slaughter more kids and had trouble reloading. While it had trouble kids ran out of the room.
go back and read...not what it says.......they dont know when they left..... are dealing with brain and his harebrained notions about reality.......the truth and his notions will never meet.......

I've proven it would save lives to you with many actual examples. You just want more innocent people killed.
It's news to you that children escaped?
Sandy Hook Shooter s Pause May Have Aided Students Escape - Hartford Courant

I've seen where it was confirmed he had trouble reloading, but that link confirms they did escape while he paused.
You realize there is no evidence anyone ran past him at that point......... we think ...may have........Journalism fail

Just witnesses. Look it up. He was in a room about to slaughter more kids and had trouble reloading. While it had trouble kids ran out of the room.
go back and read...not what it says.......they dont know when they left.....

That is what a witness has said. Go look it up.
no its not...according to your own link

Stop acting like a child. your Sandy Hook account falls apart...let's examine the story you yourself cited.......

Sandy Hook Shooter s Pause May Have Aided Students Escape - Hartford Courant

Hmmm....this is on of the "may Haves" not "did" that Manonthestreet points out...

And they also use "perhaps" not "did" and they also state they don't know why he stopped firing...not that he was reloading for sure.......

As many as a half-dozen first graders may have survived Adam Lanza's deadly shooting spree at Sandy Hook Elementary School because he stopped firing briefly, perhaps either to reload his rifle or because it jammed, according to law enforcement officials familiar with the events.

And more of that ...we don't know statements....

Based on initial statements from surviving children and the fact that unfired bullets from Lanza's rifle were found on the ground, detectives suspect that some students were able to run to safety when Lanza stopped firing, probably for a short period of time, the officials said.

It is possible that Lanza, who reloaded the rifle frequently, mishandled or dropped a magazine and unfired bullets fell to the floor, they said.

Hmmmm...he reloaded the rifle frequently.....and still killed 27 people.......and some children ran and lived...others were hidden in a closet and lived......had he found them...they would be dead as well...

It actually sounds like he decided to stop shooting because the police were arriving, and he needed to kill himself...

so much for your theory brain...

Thanks Manonthstreet....

Do you mind if I just use Man.....typing the whole thing is a lot of typing.....?
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I did read it.....they were out of they school and officers didnt know when but theorized .......posted the quotes for ya try to keep up
Read your link dumbass quit lying

Why are you so pathetic you can't look something up yourself?
Grandfather clause in Connecticut gun bill angers Sandy Hook families - U.S. News

Miraculously, in the time that it took him to reload in one of the classrooms, 11 children were able to escape and are alive today," they said in the letter, which is reprinted below.

Not true.......the witnesses were children and the adults trying to get them out of the building....they sure didn't take time to analyze his they don't really know......they are assuming...and then using that to push an anti gun agenda detached from the events at the Sandy Hook shooting.....

thanks again Manonthestreet for putting that into perspective...brain can get very annoying in his Sandy Hook that you pointed out how false they are...thanks.....
They could have left the building as he was getting ready to kill himself....hence the reason they were able to escape....

and your own story says he reloaded several times and killed 27 people.......
Read your link dumbass quit lying

Why are you so pathetic you can't look something up yourself?
Grandfather clause in Connecticut gun bill angers Sandy Hook families - U.S. News

Miraculously, in the time that it took him to reload in one of the classrooms, 11 children were able to escape and are alive today," they said in the letter, which is reprinted below.

Not true.......the witnesses were children and the adults trying to get them out of the building....they sure didn't take time to analyze his they don't really know......they are assuming...and then using that to push an anti gun agenda detached from the events at the Sandy Hook shooting.....

thanks again Manonthestreet for putting that into perspective...brain can get very annoying in his Sandy Hook that you pointed out how false they are...thanks.....

You must hate that anyone survived.

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