
Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
The Miami Herald reports that the Sanford Police Department, at the conclusion of its Trayvon Martin investigation, recommended that the prosecutor file charges against the shooter George Zimmerman. Angela Corey, the special prosecutor now assigned to the case, confirmed the report:
“As far as the process I can tell you that the police went to the state attorney with a capias request, meaning: ‘We’re through with our investigation and here it is for you.’ The state attorney impaneled a grand jury, but before anything else could be done, the governor stepped in and asked us to pick it up in mid-stream.”

Sanford cops wanted to charge Zimmerman in Trayvon Martin case - 03/27/2012 |

Sanford Police Recommended Charging Zimmerman | ThinkProgress
So it was heading toward the grand jury before it was stopped by the governors special investigation? Is that correct?
So it was heading toward the grand jury before it was stopped by the governors special investigation? Is that correct?

According to The Miami Herald article, quoting the Special Prosecutor, it could have been. Whether Wolfinger dropped it is not addressed. It should take heat off of the Sanford PD, IF TRUE.
So it was heading toward the grand jury before it was stopped by the governors special investigation? Is that correct?

According to The Miami Herald article, quoting the Special Prosecutor, it could have been. Whether Wolfinger dropped it is not addressed. It should take heat off of the Sanford PD, IF TRUE.

From your link:

“If you go with what was reported in the press the first night, there would have been an arrest right away, but obviously something gave investigators pause,” said a source in the Seminole State Attorney’s office who did not want to speak publicly, because the case is now assigned to a different prosecutor. “We get capias warrants all the time. That doesn’t mean we file charges right away. We investigate to see if it’s appropriate. That’s the responsible thing to do.’’

The Seminole County State Attorney’s Office was consulted the night of Trayvon’s killing, but no prosecutor ever visited the scene. As the controversy intensified, Gov. Rick Scott replaced Seminole State Attorney Norm Wolfinger with Corey, the state attorney for Duval, Nassau and Clay counties, based in Jacksonville.
Read more here: Sanford cops wanted to charge Zimmerman in Trayvon Martin case - 03/27/2012 |

My first question would be.... why did no prosecutor visit the scene?
So it was heading toward the grand jury before it was stopped by the governors special investigation? Is that correct?

According to The Miami Herald article, quoting the Special Prosecutor, it could have been. Whether Wolfinger dropped it is not addressed. It should take heat off of the Sanford PD, IF TRUE.

So it was going to the grand jury and all the BS and race baiters slowed the process down? Caused the state to send it to special procecutor and start it all over. How stupid is that? People need to learn to shut up and let these things go through due process, instead, irresponsible idiots that think they know better have possibly screwed up the case. I have said along everyone needs to pull back and let our justice system work and it seems it was working slowly, racist baiters need to learn to shut up and quit pretending they are so smart.
So it was heading toward the grand jury before it was stopped by the governors special investigation? Is that correct?

According to The Miami Herald article, quoting the Special Prosecutor, it could have been. Whether Wolfinger dropped it is not addressed. It should take heat off of the Sanford PD, IF TRUE.

From your link:

“If you go with what was reported in the press the first night, there would have been an arrest right away, but obviously something gave investigators pause,” said a source in the Seminole State Attorney’s office who did not want to speak publicly, because the case is now assigned to a different prosecutor. “We get capias warrants all the time. That doesn’t mean we file charges right away. We investigate to see if it’s appropriate. That’s the responsible thing to do.’’

The Seminole County State Attorney’s Office was consulted the night of Trayvon’s killing, but no prosecutor ever visited the scene. As the controversy intensified, Gov. Rick Scott replaced Seminole State Attorney Norm Wolfinger with Corey, the state attorney for Duval, Nassau and Clay counties, based in Jacksonville.
Read more here: Sanford cops wanted to charge Zimmerman in Trayvon Martin case - 03/27/2012 |

My first question would be.... why did no prosecutor visit the scene?

I don't know if they were called that evening, but if the Sanford PD did recommend charges, it should remove one agency from the blame game.

Asked to confirm that the police recommended a manslaughter charge, special prosecutor Angela Corey said: “I don’t know about that, but as far as the process I can tell you that the police went to the state attorney with a capias request, meaning: ‘We’re through with our investigation and here it is for you.’ The state attorney impaneled a grand jury, but before anything else could be done, the governor stepped in and asked us to pick it up in mid-stream.”

A capias is a request for charges to be filed.

Read more here:
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Well there you have it.
The race baiters once again make idiots of themselves by once again jumping to GIANT conclusions and whipping themselves into a frenzy.

I love this line...“We get capias warrants all the time. That doesn’t mean we file charges right away. We investigate to see if it’s appropriate. That’s the responsible thing to do.’’

Imagine that you freaking this country you are assumed innocent until proven guilty. If the idiots in the media and the race baiters would have waited to see what happened - he would probably be in jail right now. But no...
So it was heading toward the grand jury before it was stopped by the governors special investigation? Is that correct?

According to The Miami Herald article, quoting the Special Prosecutor, it could have been. Whether Wolfinger dropped it is not addressed. It should take heat off of the Sanford PD, IF TRUE.

So it was going to the grand jury and all the BS and race baiters slowed the process down? Caused the state to send it to special procecutor and start it all over. How stupid is that? People need to learn to shut up and let these things go through due process, instead, irresponsible idiots that think they know better have possibly screwed up the case. I have said along everyone needs to pull back and let our justice system work and it seems it was working slowly, racist baiters need to learn to shut up and quit pretending they are so smart.

That might be the case also, Wolfinger might have been still in the process of investigating or may have declined to call in the Grand Jury, In any event, if true, Sanford police did what they had the authority to do.
George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

This video clearly shows that Zimmerman's bullshit story was a complete fabrication. Why should the attorney general stopped the arrest of Zimmerman that night? That would have had no affect on whether there was a Grand Jury investigation.

This whole case is beginning to stink. We need some answers as to the why of the orders, and who gave them.

Without the public outcry, it appears that Zimmerman would have gotten away with murder one.
I don't think the video proves anything one way or another. I've watched it 4-5 times and you really can't see any detail, especially with that stupid ABC logo across the middle of it.
I don't think the video proves anything one way or another. I've watched it 4-5 times and you really can't see any detail, especially with that stupid ABC logo across the middle of it.

I see a grainy video also; the article states the SA was going to impanel a Grand Jury, but not much else. GOV. Scott called in the 4th Circuit SA.
George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

This video clearly shows that Zimmerman's bullshit story was a complete fabrication. Why should the attorney general stopped the arrest of Zimmerman that night? That would have had no affect on whether there was a Grand Jury investigation.

This whole case is beginning to stink. We need some answers as to the why of the orders, and who gave them.

Without the public outcry, it appears that Zimmerman would have gotten away with murder one.

Bull shit! The article said they were going to send this to a grand jury but the governor stepped in and ordered a special prosecutor, because of pressure from a bunch of race baiters. Hash and rehash all you want but those of us who said let due process take its course were correct, instead of you racist left wing nut jobs, you and your ilk did nothing to move this case along, you stupidly slowed it down and now, you keep babbling more BS.

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