Santorum booed for his positions on same-sex marriage, legal pot (New Hampshire colle


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Mar 16, 2010
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Santorum booed for his positions on same-sex marriage, legal pot (New Hampshire college students)
The Hill ^ | 1/05/11 | Alicia M. Cohn
Santorum booed for his positions on same-sex marriage, legal pot - The Hill's Ballot Box

Santorum booed for his positions on same-sex marriage, legal pot
By Alicia M. Cohn - 01/05/12 06:21 PM ET

Amid boos and occasional cheers, Rick Santorum defended his views on same-sex marriage and legalized marijuana, as he was peppered with questions by a crowd of college students in New Hampshire on Thursday.

The conservative candidate did not sidestep a challenge issued by several members of the crowd on the subject, but instead asked students to break down their argument so he could reply at length.

“Don’t you have to make the positive argument why the law should be changed?” he asked.

Santorum was speaking at the College Convention 2012, an event in Concord, New Hampshire planned ahead of Santorum’s recent surprise jump in the polls.

The initial question posed to Santorum was to explain how same-sex marriage “personally” affected him. Santorum has expressed his support of a federal ban on same-sex marriage.

Santorum noted that he was not surprised to take a question on same-sex marriage from a college-aged audience, and said he was “happy to engage in a discussion” but emphasized that it would be “civil” even as he faced interruptions from various members of the audience.

Santorum grilled one female audience member who chimed in on the subject, challenging her to defend her argument in favor of same-sex marriage by answering questions about whether the definition of marriage should be changed to reflect whatever makes various people happy.

"Are we saying everybody has the right to marry," Santorum asked.

"Yes, yes," a significant segment of the crowd responded.

"What about three men?" Santorum challenged. “If she reflects the values that marriage can be for anybody or any group of people, as many as is necessary, any two people or any three or four, marriage really means whatever you want it to mean.”

The student fired back a qualification that people should be allowed what makes them happy so long as it didn’t harm anyone else.

“Who decides that, though?” Santorum said.

Santorum concluded with a passionate defense of traditional marriage that included his argument in favor of a “birthright” of every child to know and be loved by a man and a woman. His argument earned applause.

Asked about laws to legalize marijuana, Santorum admitted he is not familiar with the nuances of medical marijuana laws. Marijuana use by prescription has been legalized in several states, with various restrictions. Santorum pushed back against rumbling in the already testy crowd, joking he knows he’s “supposed to know everything.”

But he said he believes marijuana use is dangerous, based on his personal experience of seeing it used. "I went to college, too,” he told the crowd.

Santorum hit the campaign trial in New Hampshire after a near-win in the Iowa caucuses on Tuesday, where Mitt Romney beat him by just 8 votes. Santorum is enjoying a slight bump in the most recent polls in New Hampshire as a result, hitting 11 percent and 8 percent in the most recent polls from Washington Times-JZ Analytics and Suffolk University, respectively. Santorum's win in Iowa was credited in part to the large evangelical voting population and Santorum's credibility with social conservatives.
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I agree with him when it comes to gays, but disagree with him on the pot. Pot is better for you then getting drunk or smoking cigs!

So my feelings about this are kind of 50/50 on him. Still like Ron Paul better overall.
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If you give government the authority to arbitrarily define marriage between a man and a woman, then you give government the same authority to change its mind and arbitrarily define marriage between a man and a man or whatever else it wants.

Government has no authority to define marriage. Individuals and their churches or whatever organization they belong to can set their own criteria for marriage. Nobody has to accept the criteria they make, but they have a right to make it and believe it nonetheless.

The solution to protect marriage is to get government out of it entirely and abolish the marriage license. Marriage is a private social matter, not a government granted privilege. Any legal benefits of marriage can be defined in private contracts just like anything else in the private sector.
If you give government the authority to arbitrarily define marriage between a man and a woman, then you give government the same authority to change its mind and arbitrarily define marriage between a man and a man or whatever else it wants.

Government has no authority to define marriage. Individuals and their churches or whatever organization they belong to can set their own criteria for marriage. Nobody has to accept the criteria they make, but they have a right to make it and believe it nonetheless.

The solution to protect marriage is to get government out of it entirely and abolish the marriage license. Marriage is a private social matter, not a government granted privilege. Any legal benefits of marriage can be defined in private contracts just like anything else in the private sector.

As long as we have divorce, the government will be involved with legal, civil marriage. Libertarian wet dream that will NEVER come true.
he didn't say a word against gays, he asked the crowd a question. They yelled "that's irrelevant" but it is relevant and it pissed them off.
he didn't say a word against gays, he asked the crowd a question. They yelled "that's irrelevant" but it is relevant and it pissed them off.
At that very moment he may not have, but he's said more than enough in the past. It's why his name is now synonymous with a frothy mix...just google him.

It is irrelevant. What does polygamy have to do with same sex legal marriage which is what her question was about?

It's called a slippery slope fallacy for a reason.
Students Jeer Santorum on New Hampshire Blitz


Published: January 5, 2012

CONCORD, N.H. — As Rick Santorum sprinted Thursday through New Hampshire, a state with fewer social conservatives than Iowa, his views on social issues like same-sex marriage were quickly challenged.

A midday event in front of a gathering of college students here turned into a testy exchange in which Mr. Santorum compared allowing gay couples to marry to polygamy, apparently equating the two as equally undesirable.

“If you’re not happy unless you’re married to five other people, is that O.K.?” he asked.

The students booed Mr. Santorum during the 10-minute exchange and loudly booed when he left the room. The students were part of College Convention 2012, a forum organized by New England College and open to students from all over the state, regardless of political party.


Santorum is a bigot... I wonder if the news will pick up on it or is they save all bigot "news" for Paul's 22 year old news letters that he didn't write.

They don't deserve attention. They want Ron Paul who has promised to keep them in pot.
He got booed by an older crowd yesterday after his conference was over. I don't have a link cause I saw it on tv but since its a negative about a righty person I suspect they won't ask for one.

He was talking about gay issues when the crowd got pissy.
The Northeast tends to the libertarian/moderate ideas of society and government. Santorum is politically out of place there.

Now South Carolina is where Santorum should go to now and stomp the ground. The Social conservative percentage there is much higher!
Santorum is a social conservative train wreck for the republican party, they will destroy him, he has given them plenty of ammunition.

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