Santorum on Video--stating he was against the TEA PARTY???


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
I wonder how many politicians wished that video tape never existed. Here we have Rick Santorum on video stating he was against the Tea Party movement--and would speak vocally against it--just two years ago--:cuckoo::cuckoo: Of course it's all over the news now--but where in the heck did he think he got his support from during these last 3 states that he won? Tea Party conservatives.--who are probably wishing they would have thrown their votes to Newt Gingrich about right now.

Santorum has got more problems with his earmarks that he is trying to defend--along with him being way too far socially to the right--often offending women and gays in this country.
Rick Santorum's top 10 problems - Tim Mak -

[ame=]Santorum against the Tea-Party (Big Surprise huh) - YouTube[/ame]

How do politicians get this S.T.U.P.I.D?
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Santorum is right about earmarks.

The Congressional Pig Book is CAGW's annual compilation of the pork-barrel projects in the federal budget. The 2010 Pig Book identified 9,129 projects at a cost of $16.5 billion in the 12 Appropriations Acts for fiscal 2010. A "pork" project is a line-item in an appropriations bill that designates tax dollars for a specific purpose in circumvention of established budgetary procedures.

Look at that number. $16.5 billion. Out of how many TRILLIONS in annual spending?

Earmarks are among the stupidest of stupid red herrings.
I wonder how many politicians wished that video tape never existed. Here we have Rick Santorum on video stating he was against the Tea Party movement--and would speak vocally against it--just two years ago--:cuckoo::cuckoo: Of course it's all over the news now--but where in the heck did he think he got his support from during these last 3 states that he won? Tea Party conservatives.--who are probably wishing they would have thrown their votes to Newt Gingrich about right now.

Santorum has got more problems with his earmarks that he is trying to defend--along with him being way too far socially to the right--often offending women and gays in this country.
Rick Santorum's top 10 problems - Tim Mak -

Santorum against the Tea-Party (Big Surprise huh) - YouTube

How do politicians get this S.T.U.P.I.D?

Not seeing a problem here, other than a politician telling the truth.

Earmarks aren't really the problem- he's right on the money on this. The big ticket items are Defense, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

As far as being "too socially to the right", his position on these issues is exactly the same as Reagan, Bush-41 and Bush-43. You know, guys who won. I personally don't agree with them, but they are hardly a deal-killer.
Tea Party conservatives.--who are probably wishing they would have thrown their votes to Newt Gingrich about right now.

Tea Partiers should vote for a guy who helped the GSEs blow up the economy? Really?
Santorum is right about earmarks.

The Congressional Pig Book is CAGW's annual compilation of the pork-barrel projects in the federal budget. The 2010 Pig Book identified 9,129 projects at a cost of $16.5 billion in the 12 Appropriations Acts for fiscal 2010. A "pork" project is a line-item in an appropriations bill that designates tax dollars for a specific purpose in circumvention of established budgetary procedures.

Look at that number. $16.5 billion. Out of how many TRILLIONS in annual spending?

Earmarks are among the stupidest of stupid red herrings.
Earmarks are a non-issue, that people who try to sound smart or want to bitch about wasteful spending without saying anything of real substance throw around.

Truth of the matter that if most of the money earmarked wasn't, it would just be shipped to the states in the form of block grants....Earmarks are how we get things like the Senator Bleauxhoward Memorial Sewage Treatment Plant and Casino.
Santorum is right about earmarks.

The Congressional Pig Book is CAGW's annual compilation of the pork-barrel projects in the federal budget. The 2010 Pig Book identified 9,129 projects at a cost of $16.5 billion in the 12 Appropriations Acts for fiscal 2010. A "pork" project is a line-item in an appropriations bill that designates tax dollars for a specific purpose in circumvention of established budgetary procedures.

Look at that number. $16.5 billion. Out of how many TRILLIONS in annual spending?

Earmarks are among the stupidest of stupid red herrings.

Well--in our financial crisis--it's probably not a good idea to be out there defending earmarks like Santorum is today--LOL.

I suspect that a lot of Tea Party members that voted for him on Tuesday night are a little unhappy tonight?
I wonder how many politicians wished that video tape never existed. Here we have Rick Santorum on video stating he was against the Tea Party movement--and would speak vocally against it--just two years ago--:cuckoo::cuckoo: Of course it's all over the news now--but where in the heck did he think he got his support from during these last 3 states that he won? Tea Party conservatives.--who are probably wishing they would have thrown their votes to Newt Gingrich about right now.

Santorum has got more problems with his earmarks that he is trying to defend--along with him being way too far socially to the right--often offending women and gays in this country.
Rick Santorum's top 10 problems - Tim Mak -

Santorum against the Tea-Party (Big Surprise huh) - YouTube

How do politicians get this S.T.U.P.I.D?

Not seeing a problem here, other than a politician telling the truth.

Earmarks aren't really the problem- he's right on the money on this. The big ticket items are Defense, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

As far as being "too socially to the right", his position on these issues is exactly the same as Reagan, Bush-41 and Bush-43. You know, guys who won. I personally don't agree with them, but they are hardly a deal-killer.

Nope--Santorum is much farther to the right on social issues than G.W. Bush was. Rape--incest--he's still against abortion. And the insults he wails at homosexuals are way over the top.

So he'll alienate the female vote (even the pro-life female vote)--in this country--with that kind of a stance--and if he becomes the GOP nominee--he will lose to Obama.

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Santorum may have been against the Tea Party, but he shares values with them.

Newt actively opposed the Tea Party.

Romney really hasnt said or done anything toward or against the Tea Party.
Santorum is right about earmarks.

The Congressional Pig Book is CAGW's annual compilation of the pork-barrel projects in the federal budget. The 2010 Pig Book identified 9,129 projects at a cost of $16.5 billion in the 12 Appropriations Acts for fiscal 2010. A "pork" project is a line-item in an appropriations bill that designates tax dollars for a specific purpose in circumvention of established budgetary procedures.

Look at that number. $16.5 billion. Out of how many TRILLIONS in annual spending?

Earmarks are among the stupidest of stupid red herrings.

Well--in our financial crisis--it's probably not a good idea to be out there defending earmarks like Santorum is today--LOL.

I suspect that a lot of Tea Party members that voted for him on Tuesday night are a little unhappy tonight?

Ummm, is there anyone who still cares about what the TEA Party thinks at this point?

Seriously, we are down to Romney-Care, Freddie Gingrich and Santorum. All big spenders. And in the unlikely event one of them beats Obama, you think that they are suddenly going to care about deficits? About as much as they cared about the deficits Bush ran up.
I wonder how many politicians wished that video tape never existed. Here we have Rick Santorum on video stating he was against the Tea Party movement--and would speak vocally against it--just two years ago--:cuckoo::cuckoo: Of course it's all over the news now--but where in the heck did he think he got his support from during these last 3 states that he won? Tea Party conservatives.--who are probably wishing they would have thrown their votes to Newt Gingrich about right now.

Santorum has got more problems with his earmarks that he is trying to defend--along with him being way too far socially to the right--often offending women and gays in this country.
Rick Santorum's top 10 problems - Tim Mak -

Santorum against the Tea-Party (Big Surprise huh) - YouTube

How do politicians get this S.T.U.P.I.D?

Not seeing a problem here, other than a politician telling the truth.

Earmarks aren't really the problem- he's right on the money on this. The big ticket items are Defense, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

As far as being "too socially to the right", his position on these issues is exactly the same as Reagan, Bush-41 and Bush-43. You know, guys who won. I personally don't agree with them, but they are hardly a deal-killer.

Nope--Santorum is much farther to the right on social issues than G.W. Bush was. Rape--incest--he's still against abortion. And the insults he wails at homosexuals are way over the top.

So he'll alienate the female vote (even the pro-life female vote)--in this country--with that kind of a stance--and if he becomes the GOP nominee--he will lose to Obama.

The homosexuals weren't going to vote GOP anyway.

I think that Santorum will do better against Obama than Romney will. Or Gingrich.
As a Tea Partier, it's both amusing and sad to watch the Left Wing media and stooges like to OP try to tie everything to the Tea Party. Of course, it's not really all their fault. Since the TP is truely a grass roots organization that cannot defend itse'f, many people we don't support can lay public claim to our support without fear of contradiction.

Rick Santorum has a piss-poor record of fiscal responsibility, and he's a social conservative. These things were NEVER a part of the Tea Party. The TP is about:

1. Smaller Government
2. Less Taxes
3. Fiscal responsibility
4. Adhereance to the US Constitution.

Anything else, including using the police power of the federal government to force someone to behave in a certain way, is against what the Tea Party stands for, and is not supported by the Tea Party.
Santorum is right about earmarks.

The Congressional Pig Book is CAGW's annual compilation of the pork-barrel projects in the federal budget. The 2010 Pig Book identified 9,129 projects at a cost of $16.5 billion in the 12 Appropriations Acts for fiscal 2010. A "pork" project is a line-item in an appropriations bill that designates tax dollars for a specific purpose in circumvention of established budgetary procedures.

Look at that number. $16.5 billion. Out of how many TRILLIONS in annual spending?

Earmarks are among the stupidest of stupid red herrings.

Rick Santorum verbally repeated the exact same thing Obama has been telling us for 4 years now---:lol::lol:

"EARMARKS only amount to 1% of the budget"--:clap2:

The problem with EARMARKS is they invite corruption into the federal government because they are used for bribery and extortion to buy a politicians vote on a bill--that they normally wouldn't have voted for. It's done all the time. Remember Obamacare--and all those earmarks--the Gator aid deal--the Cornhuskers deal, the Louisiana purchase etc. etc. basically they were EARMARKS to get Obamacare passed--and it worked.
I wonder how many politicians wished that video tape never existed. Here we have Rick Santorum on video stating he was against the Tea Party movement--and would speak vocally against it--just two years ago--:cuckoo::cuckoo: Of course it's all over the news now--but where in the heck did he think he got his support from during these last 3 states that he won? Tea Party conservatives.--who are probably wishing they would have thrown their votes to Newt Gingrich about right now.

Santorum has got more problems with his earmarks that he is trying to defend--along with him being way too far socially to the right--often offending women and gays in this country.
Rick Santorum's top 10 problems - Tim Mak -

Santorum against the Tea-Party (Big Surprise huh) - YouTube

How do politicians get this S.T.U.P.I.D?

Not seeing a problem here, other than a politician telling the truth.

Earmarks aren't really the problem- he's right on the money on this. The big ticket items are Defense, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

As far as being "too socially to the right", his position on these issues is exactly the same as Reagan, Bush-41 and Bush-43. You know, guys who won. I personally don't agree with them, but they are hardly a deal-killer.

You've been on this board long enough to know that EARMARKS are used to buy politicians votes on issues that they normally wouldn't have voted for. Remember Obamacare and how that was passed? That's a pretty EXPENSIVE tab we've got going there--and it was passed by using EARMARKS in the bribery and extortion made legal by the Federal Government.
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I wonder how many politicians wished that video tape never existed. Here we have Rick Santorum on video stating he was against the Tea Party movement--and would speak vocally against it--just two years ago--:cuckoo::cuckoo: Of course it's all over the news now--but where in the heck did he think he got his support from during these last 3 states that he won? Tea Party conservatives.--who are probably wishing they would have thrown their votes to Newt Gingrich about right now.

Santorum has got more problems with his earmarks that he is trying to defend--along with him being way too far socially to the right--often offending women and gays in this country.
Rick Santorum's top 10 problems - Tim Mak -

Santorum against the Tea-Party (Big Surprise huh) - YouTube

How do politicians get this S.T.U.P.I.D?

WOW you really think any of that matters? You take quotes about his concerns about the misrepresentation of earmarks and try to make out that he's against the TEA party? LMAO. You really need an enema.

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