Sarah Huckleberry Sanders: "He's gonna faht farr with farr!"

Boy, you gotta love phonetic spellings of heavily accented speech. LOL

Truly, I thought, "WTF did she say? WTH is 'faht farr with farr?'" I figured it out, but damn. I didn't notice her accent as being so thick.

Glad I'm not the only one who has trouble understanding her.

But, I understood the lies.

Does everyone in the trump WH believe we haven't been watching them for more than a year? Why do they believe they can just lie and lie and lie and no one will notice?

I don't have any trouble understanding her. Perhaps my Southern heritage and relatives have something to do with that? I had trouble with the phonetic spelling the OP used to convey her accent. There was nothing wrong with it, but I wasn't expecting it. It took me a beat to realize that he was deliberately spelling the words phonetically.
That's the way things were done on the playground

Why should Trump be held to a higher standard

At the risk of stating the obvious...because he's the POTUS and the POTUS must, or at least must try and with a very, very high degree of success if not 100% success, consistently be a reflection of the highest character we as Americans are capable of having.

He's making bullies cry. That's good character in my book.
Good thing that book hasn't yet been published.
Wow what left wing bigotry on full display! Every region in the US has different accents and colloquialisms.

I often slip into the local accent when traveling. It's hard not to.

Except the Dakotas. Can't handle the hard vowels. Makes my jaw hurt.
White House defends Trump's sexist tweet: 'He's a fighter'

Reporters continued to press Sanders on her answer, with NBC News' Hallie Jackson asking, "Are you going to tell your kids this behavior is okay?" Sanders responded by saying "as a person of faith, we all have one perfect role model." Another reporter asked, "How do you feel about the president attacking another woman specifically for her looks and [what] does that show, as an example, to how men should be treating other women?"

"Look, everybody wants to make this an attack on a woman. What about the constant attacks he receives, or the rest of us? I'm a woman, and I've been attacked by this show multiple times, but I don't cry foul because of it," Sanders answered.

Sanders grew increasingly frustrated with the volley of questions, stating: "America is winning and that's what we like to talk about." But as she tried to move on, Sanders ignored a shouted question from a reporter: "How is insulting a woman on Twitter being a fighter?
That's the way things were done on the playground

Why should Trump be held to a higher standard

At the risk of stating the obvious...because he's the POTUS and the POTUS must, or at least must try and with a very, very high degree of success if not 100% success, consistently be a reflection of the highest character we as Americans are capable of having.

He's making bullies cry. That's good character in my book.
Good thing that book hasn't yet been published.

That was the jist of their nonsensical and bogus press briefing/conference a while ago.

"Farr with farr," ladies and gentlemen. Sarah hath spoked, fer shuah.

My, my, my, how has the Presidential Office been brought down to naught.


I like her. She takes no shit.

It's a storage problem. She's already full of shit.

Tell that to the WHPC members she won't be calling on. I'm sure they'll be comforted.

Yep, just another attack on the First Amendment.

RWNJs love that.

Used to be, the US president knew, understood and respected that the job of the press was to hold their feet to the fire. But, we've got a very fragile little baby in the Oval Office now. He can screech insults and tell his followers to punch, beat up, send them out on stretchers and if they kill, he said he'd pay their legal fees but the US people no longer have a leader. Instead, we have a scared little bully who is pissed because he gets blamed for everything he does - and if you tell the truth about him, he will make you pay.
That's the way things were done on the playground

Why should Trump be held to a higher standard

At the risk of stating the obvious...because he's the POTUS and the POTUS must, or at least must try and with a very, very high degree of success if not 100% success, consistently be a reflection of the highest character we as Americans are capable of having.

He's making bullies cry. That's good character in my book.

He's the bully, but not surprising YOU would think the Pussy Grabber in Chief has "good character".:puke3:
That was the jist of their nonsensical and bogus press briefing/conference a while ago.

"Farr with farr," ladies and gentlemen. Sarah hath spoked, fer shuah.

My, my, my, how has the Presidential Office been brought down to naught.


I like her. She takes no shit.

It's a storage problem. She's already full of shit.

Tell that to the WHPC members she won't be calling on. I'm sure they'll be comforted.

Yep, just another attack on the First Amendment.

How so?

Used to be, the US president knew, understood and respected that the job of the press was to hold their feet to the fire.

Used to be, newsmedia suckled at various political teats. Not so today. They have restricted themselves to one flaccid boob.
That was the jist of their nonsensical and bogus press briefing/conference a while ago.

"Farr with farr," ladies and gentlemen. Sarah hath spoked, fer shuah.

My, my, my, how has the Presidential Office been brought down to naught.


I like her. She takes no shit.

It's a storage problem. She's already full of shit.

Tell that to the WHPC members she won't be calling on. I'm sure they'll be comforted.

Yep, just another attack on the First Amendment.

How so?

Used to be, the US president knew, understood and respected that the job of the press was to hold their feet to the fire.
Used to be, newsmedia suckled at various political teats. Not so today. They have restricted themselves to one flaccid boob.
When only "lemons" are offered, savvy journalists make "lemonade."
It's about time Mika and Joe got bitch slapped into the next galaxy. They have been lying on a continual basis about Trump and his team. I hope the WH and staff continue to pummel the crap out of that douche bag Mika and Crazy Joe who have hit lunatic fringe.
Ah dun agree much, but Ah gots ta get arr in muh tarrs, so bah.

/--- she sounds better than the white trash Arkansas Clintons you voted for so many times.

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My post was meant to be comedic, not insulting.

I voted for Bill twice, with good reason. That was it.

If you've read my posts, you realize I am about as popular with the Left as is free speech and guns.
It's about time Mika and Joe got bitch slapped into the next galaxy. They have been lying on a continual basis about Trump and his team. I hope the WH and staff continue to pummel the crap out of that douche bag Mika and Crazy Joe who have hit lunatic fringe.

Do you really think Mika would try and go to a T NY's eve party with her face bleeding. I don't. If she was bleeding from a face life she really should be back in the clinic or hosp. He is such a liar.

PS: they do not lie, HE does.
It's about time Mika and Joe got bitch slapped into the next galaxy. They have been lying on a continual basis about Trump and his team. I hope the WH and staff continue to pummel the crap out of that douche bag Mika and Crazy Joe who have hit lunatic fringe.
Is that really the way adults respond to inaccurate information?
/--- she kicks ass

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More like she kisses ass.


Not to mention a first class whiner.

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