'SNL' fat shames Sarah Huckabee Sanders

And yes, all of the Huckabees are evil. Even more so because they hide behind that phony fundie christian crap.

Mike Huckabee is a pedo apologist (at the least) and sells fake cancer and diabetes cures on his fundie christian site. He says if you do as he says but don't get well, it's because they're not good enough christians.

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It's an act of someone mentally limited to call a woman you haven't met, will not meet, and likely will not ever meet anyone who will ever meet her a name like that.
You should be ashamed.
She is in a position to aid a monster in stealing rights and freedoms from good people, and is embracing the role. I'll call her whatever the hell I want.

Calling a woman a "c*nt"....sounds like something a monster like Donald Trump would say; doesn't it?

Sure you want to join that league of characters (or lack of character)?

You're better than this.
Being "better than this" led to electing a lunatic

The fact is that in a democracy, you sometimes lose. Regardless of that fact (the election is over and the other one doesn't start for quite a while), calling a woman a "c*nt" changes the battle field how exactly? Except to lower the bar of civility even further.
What bar of civility? Monsters have taken control of the country. You can hand out flowers if you want. But somebody has to treat them like the monsters they are.

I agree. The right is selling out their own country and I will never believe they don't know it.

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Calling a woman a "c*nt"....sounds like something a monster like Donald Trump would say; doesn't it?

Sure you want to join that league of characters (or lack of character)?

You're better than this.
Being "better than this" led to electing a lunatic

The fact is that in a democracy, you sometimes lose. Regardless of that fact (the election is over and the other one doesn't start for quite a while), calling a woman a "c*nt" changes the battle field how exactly? Except to lower the bar of civility even further.
What bar of civility? Monsters have taken control of the country. You can hand out flowers if you want. But somebody has to treat them like the monsters they are.

Can I weigh in on this?

This could well be the most important time in our lives to be heard, loud and clear. Its trump who took us down to the gutter. Decent people are mortified at what he is on every level, in every way and there are plenty of times when my own language is pretty bad. And I have zero respect for Sarah Huckabee.

But that word really grinds at me. To me, it's the female equivalent of the N word. It's what I expect to read from Tipsycatlover koshergrl SassyIrishLass as well as certain lowest of the low.

Just my feeling about it.

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Oh fine I'll stop it. But I still reserve the right to use it to describe the 3 posters you mentioned above.

I know exactly how you feel. Really, I see in you a lot of how I feel about my country and about the damn fools who are bent on taking it down.

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You know, though "fat shaming" is in poor taste, the majority of folks who are noticeably overweight bring such things upon themselves for the reality is that "eating right" and exercising so as not to become overweight is beyond the capacity of very few people who've adopted the "see-food" diet.

One, of course, isn't required to "eat right" and exercise, but if one does not, one will become overweight; thus one should not take umbrage when others merely note the fact that one is obese because such remarks are not insults but rather statements of observed reality. It is no more an insult to call an obese person fat than it is to call a white person white. Notions that such remarks are insults is one of the few truly "snowflake" attitudes that pervades American society.

People who are inclined to be ashamed about their corpulence should try moving. Doing so will almost certainly garner them all sorts of comments that should make them feel good.
Oh, Malarky!

I dont care so much if I gain weight if I enjoy my food, but I have adjusted my diet and lost 26 pounds, then BOOM, I hit a wall I cannot get under. Not that it is a big deal, I handle my weight well and do a job now that most people cannot do. Every day when I get off of work I am drenched in sweat and my body aching.

My eating habits have not changed and guess what? I STILL HAVE NOT LOST weight!

The digestive system is more complex than simply calories go in and weight goes out. As you lose weight your body thinks it is in a time of famine and then tries to store as much fat as it can. The digestion system is still not well understood and scientists have no clue what cause Metabolic Syndrome X even today.

Some people keep their weight down effortlessly and some have to struggle to do it. Some struggle to PUT ON WEIGHT, believe it or not.

So could all the self-righteous FFs just STFU and stop running on about what they do not understand?

Weight loss - Wikipedia
Weight gain has been associated with excessive consumption of fats, (added) sugars, refined carbohydrates in general, and alcohol consumption.[citation needed] Depression, stress or boredom may also contribute to weight increase,[citation needed] and in these cases, individuals are advised to seek medical help. A 2010 study found that dieters who got a full night's sleep lost more than twice as much fat as sleep-deprived dieters.[23][24]

Though hypothesized that supplementation of vitamin D may help, studies do not support this.[25] The majority of dieters regain weight over the long term.[26]
I dont care so much if I gain weight if I enjoy my food, but I have adjusted my diet and lost 26 pounds, then BOOM, I hit a wall I cannot get under.

Have you sought a personal trainer and nutritionist's aid? I know through the teachings of the various trainers I've had since high school athletics that my weight doesn't matter, but rather how that weight is composed. For instance, right now I weigh 210 and I'm 1.89 meters tall and carry about 8% of my weight as fat. About 15 years ago, I weighed 210 and ran a 6% fat ratio. At neither time would anyone consider me overweight and I'm learning to "deal" with looking not quite as in-shape as I used to.

What changed? Well, I aged and my metabolism has thus slowed. Thus, though I eat about the same quantity of calories now as I did before, because I don't exercise as or more vigorously than I did in my younger days, having cut from my fitness routine some of the more challenging exercises -- e.g., vertical, vertical clap, 90-degree and planche clap pushups, inverted iron crosses (rings), etc. -- I'm a bit fatter than I used to be.

What's the point? The point is that it takes more than just diet to keep from becoming overweight. That it does is why I wrote "move" and linked it as I did. (Did you click on the link?) I'm not suggesting that you or anyone must necessarily undertake a gymnast's fitness routine (though if one wants to look like one, that's about what one must do), but pursuing a vigorous physical fitness routine that includes weight training and aerobic exercise is necessary to get beyond the threshold available through "eating right" alone.

Weight gain has been associated with excessive consumption of fats, (added) sugars, refined carbohydrates in general, and alcohol consumption.[citation needed] Depression, stress or boredom may also contribute to weight increase,[citation needed] and in these cases, individuals are advised to seek medical help. A 2010 study found that dieters who got a full night's sleep lost more than twice as much fat as sleep-deprived dieters.[23][24]
  • Depression making one obese? Okay, eat less; exercise more.
  • Boredom making one obese? Okay, eat less, exercise more. Doing so might also reduce the length of time one is bored.
  • Stress making one obese? Okay, eat less; exercise more.
"Eat less" really means "daily consume fewer calories than one burns in a given day."​
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:lmao: Old scum, calls its self "good" while willing to take away other peoples freedom of choice to not like it.

'SNL' fat shames Sarah Huckabee Sanders

You know, though "fat shaming" is in poor taste, the majority of folks who are noticeably overweight bring such things upon themselves for the reality is that "eating right" and exercising so as not to become overweight is beyond the capacity of very few people who've adopted the "see-food" diet.

One, of course, isn't required to "eat right" and exercise, but if one does not, one will become overweight; thus one should not take umbrage when others merely note the fact that one is obese because such remarks are not insults but rather statements of observed reality. It is no more an insult to call an obese person fat than it is to call a white person white. Notions that such remarks are insults is one of the few truly "snowflake" attitudes that pervades American society.

People who are inclined to be ashamed about their corpulence should try moving. Doing so will almost certainly garner them all sorts of comments that should make them feel good.
You really have no clue why or how other people came to be fat do you?

Gaal'well, a lot of people are typical presumptuous assholes who ignore reality.
You really have no clue why or how other people came to be fat do you?

I have a pretty good idea how it happens for most overweight people.
The most common causes obesity are....wait for it.....


Thus, as I said, most people who are overweight bring that circumstance upon themselves; therefore, if they don't like the effects of being overweight, they can do something about it, namely "eat right" and move.
I'm thinking for sure you are clueless.
:lmao: Old scum, calls its self "good" while willing to take away other peoples freedom of choice to not like it.

'SNL' fat shames Sarah Huckabee Sanders

You know, though "fat shaming" is in poor taste, the majority of folks who are noticeably overweight bring such things upon themselves for the reality is that "eating right" and exercising so as not to become overweight is beyond the capacity of very few people who've adopted the "see-food" diet.

One, of course, isn't required to "eat right" and exercise, but if one does not, one will become overweight; thus one should not take umbrage when others merely note the fact that one is obese because such remarks are not insults but rather statements of observed reality. It is no more an insult to call an obese person fat than it is to call a white person white. Notions that such remarks are insults is one of the few truly "snowflake" attitudes that pervades American society.

People who are inclined to be ashamed about their corpulence should try moving. Doing so will almost certainly garner them all sorts of comments that should make them feel good.
You really have no clue why or how other people came to be fat do you?

Gaal'well, a lot of people are typical presumptuous assholes who ignore reality.
You really have no clue why or how other people came to be fat do you?

I have a pretty good idea how it happens for most overweight people.
The most common causes obesity are....wait for it.....


Thus, as I said, most people who are overweight bring that circumstance upon themselves; therefore, if they don't like the effects of being overweight, they can do something about it, namely "eat right" and move.
I'm thinking for sure you are clueless.
Well, you just keep thinking that.....
:lmao: Old scum, calls its self "good" while willing to take away other peoples freedom of choice to not like it.

'SNL' fat shames Sarah Huckabee Sanders

You know, though "fat shaming" is in poor taste, the majority of folks who are noticeably overweight bring such things upon themselves for the reality is that "eating right" and exercising so as not to become overweight is beyond the capacity of very few people who've adopted the "see-food" diet.

One, of course, isn't required to "eat right" and exercise, but if one does not, one will become overweight; thus one should not take umbrage when others merely note the fact that one is obese because such remarks are not insults but rather statements of observed reality. It is no more an insult to call an obese person fat than it is to call a white person white. Notions that such remarks are insults is one of the few truly "snowflake" attitudes that pervades American society.

People who are inclined to be ashamed about their corpulence should try moving. Doing so will almost certainly garner them all sorts of comments that should make them feel good.
You really have no clue why or how other people came to be fat do you?

Gaal'well, a lot of people are typical presumptuous assholes who ignore reality.
You really have no clue why or how other people came to be fat do you?

I have a pretty good idea how it happens for most overweight people.
The most common causes obesity are....wait for it.....


Thus, as I said, most people who are overweight bring that circumstance upon themselves; therefore, if they don't like the effects of being overweight, they can do something about it, namely "eat right" and move.
I'm thinking for sure you are clueless.
Well, you just keep thinking that.....
I will. Your posts confirm it frequently.
:lmao: Old scum, calls its self "good" while willing to take away other peoples freedom of choice to not like it.

You know, though "fat shaming" is in poor taste, the majority of folks who are noticeably overweight bring such things upon themselves for the reality is that "eating right" and exercising so as not to become overweight is beyond the capacity of very few people who've adopted the "see-food" diet.

One, of course, isn't required to "eat right" and exercise, but if one does not, one will become overweight; thus one should not take umbrage when others merely note the fact that one is obese because such remarks are not insults but rather statements of observed reality. It is no more an insult to call an obese person fat than it is to call a white person white. Notions that such remarks are insults is one of the few truly "snowflake" attitudes that pervades American society.

People who are inclined to be ashamed about their corpulence should try moving. Doing so will almost certainly garner them all sorts of comments that should make them feel good.
You really have no clue why or how other people came to be fat do you?

Gaal'well, a lot of people are typical presumptuous assholes who ignore reality.
You really have no clue why or how other people came to be fat do you?

I have a pretty good idea how it happens for most overweight people.
The most common causes obesity are....wait for it.....


Thus, as I said, most people who are overweight bring that circumstance upon themselves; therefore, if they don't like the effects of being overweight, they can do something about it, namely "eat right" and move.
I'm thinking for sure you are clueless.
Well, you just keep thinking that.....
I will. Your posts confirm it frequently.
As I wrote, you just keep thinking that....When you provide incontrovertible and specific substantiation for your claim, maybe it'll be relevant that you do think that. I don't think it will because I we don't know one another; thus I am certain that what you think doesn't matter to me. It doesn't because I don't think about you at all; I don't even recognize your ID or avatar even as I'm now responding to you. Hell, I can't even say I recall what you've posted other than the remarks above. That should tell you just how not noteworthy in any regard they must have been. I'm flattered you've noticed and remembered me and my posts, however. TY for that.

Last edited:
:lmao: Old scum, calls its self "good" while willing to take away other peoples freedom of choice to not like it.

You really have no clue why or how other people came to be fat do you?

Gaal'well, a lot of people are typical presumptuous assholes who ignore reality.
You really have no clue why or how other people came to be fat do you?

I have a pretty good idea how it happens for most overweight people.
The most common causes obesity are....wait for it.....


Thus, as I said, most people who are overweight bring that circumstance upon themselves; therefore, if they don't like the effects of being overweight, they can do something about it, namely "eat right" and move.
I'm thinking for sure you are clueless.
Well, you just keep thinking that.....
I will. Your posts confirm it frequently.
As I wrote, you just keep thinking that....When you provide incontrovertible and specific substantiation for your claim, maybe it'll be relevant that you do think that. I don't think it will because I we don't know one another; thus I am certain that what you think doesn't matter to me. It doesn't because I don't think about you at all; I don't even recognize your ID or avatar even as I'm now responding to you. Hell, I can't even say I recall what you've posted other than the remarks above. That should tell you just how not noteworthy in any regard they must have been. I'm flattered you've noticed and remembered me and my posts, however. TY for that.
"I don't think it will because I we don't know one another", sure whatever you say. :lmao:
Disgusting. As they have been treating all of Trumps administration with their skits. Ironic too, since these bullies have a star in Melissa McCarthy who wasn't exactly confused with an anorexic, and whos star power was so bright it cost Columbia Pictures hundreds of millions of dollars when they re-made Ghostbusters.

The usual parasites profiting off of someone elses fame.

'SNL' fat shames Sarah Huckabee Sanders

There’s really not a polite way to say this but the folks over at "Saturday Night Live" are a bunch of pompous, low-rent, intergluteal clefts.

I came to that conclusion after watching “actress” Aidy Bryant’s absurd parody of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, President Trump’s deputy press secretary.

“My father is Mike Huckabee,” Bryant’s character said. “My mother is a big Southern hamburger.”

Throughout the sketch, Ms. Bryant devoured an apple.

Ms. Sanders, the daughter of former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, was fat-shamed.

It was ugly – even by NBC’s low standards.

“You guys were mean about Huckabee Sanders,” CNN’s Chris Cuomo said. “You were fat-shaming her. You were talking about how she looks and what she wears. I thought that it was mean, not funny.”

I never thought I’d see the day when CNN defended any member of the Trump administration.

Deputy White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders speaks during the daily briefing at the White House in Washington, Wednesday, May 10, 2017 (AP Photo)

There’s really not a polite way to say this but the folks over at "Saturday Night Live" are a bunch of pompous, low-rent, intergluteal clefts.

I came to that conclusion after watching “actress” Aidy Bryant’s absurd parody of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, President Trump’s deputy press secretary.

“My father is Mike Huckabee,” Bryant’s character said. “My mother is a big Southern hamburger.”

Throughout the sketch, Ms. Bryant devoured an apple.

Ms. Sanders, the daughter of former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, was fat-shamed.

It was ugly – even by NBC’s low standards.

“You guys were mean about Huckabee Sanders,” CNN’s Chris Cuomo said. “You were fat-shaming her. You were talking about how she looks and what she wears. I thought that it was mean, not funny.”

I never thought I’d see the day when CNN defended any member of the Trump administration.

"I've known Sarah for years. She's a cute curvy girl who is beautiful and really smart and is killing it every time she gets into the podium in the White House briefing room.”

“They had her eating,” Cuomo said. “I thought it was in poor taste.”

Let me see if I can illustrate the distastefulness of SNL’s sketch.

Imagine SNL performing a sketch about former First Lady Michelle Obama’s initiatives to encourage kids to eat healthier food.

Imagine Tyler Perry portraying Mrs. Obama as she scarfed down a cheeseburger and French fries during the parody press conference.

I have no doubt had that happened, NBC would have been forced to cancel SNL and the actors would have been blacklisted.

Penny Young Nance, the chief executive officer of Concerned Women for America, told me NBC crossed a line.

“I was so offended by that portrayal,” she said. ‘NBC treated her so much more irreverently than they ever would have treated a female leader from the left.”
I though Political Correctness was gone.
:lmao: Old scum, calls its self "good" while willing to take away other peoples freedom of choice to not like it.

You really have no clue why or how other people came to be fat do you?

Gaal'well, a lot of people are typical presumptuous assholes who ignore reality.
You really have no clue why or how other people came to be fat do you?

I have a pretty good idea how it happens for most overweight people.
The most common causes obesity are....wait for it.....


Thus, as I said, most people who are overweight bring that circumstance upon themselves; therefore, if they don't like the effects of being overweight, they can do something about it, namely "eat right" and move.
I'm thinking for sure you are clueless.
Well, you just keep thinking that.....
I will. Your posts confirm it frequently.
As I wrote, you just keep thinking that....When you provide incontrovertible and specific substantiation for your claim, maybe it'll be relevant that you do think that. I don't think it will because I we don't know one another; thus I am certain that what you think doesn't matter to me. It doesn't because I don't think about you at all; I don't even recognize your ID or avatar even as I'm now responding to you. Hell, I can't even say I recall what you've posted other than the remarks above. That should tell you just how not noteworthy in any regard they must have been. I'm flattered you've noticed and remembered me and my posts, however. TY for that.

Sorry I actually don't read through most of your long boring post about your opinions.

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