Sarah Palin And The Manifesto That Will Save America

how could sarah palin effectively regulate wall street or fight for that cause when she doesn't even know basic economics

I've been wondering the same thing about the Big 0.

Under his inspired leadership, our country's economy will soon rival such giants as France and Luxembourg.
And it is a good one that should have been implemented a long time ago. I would hope that Sarah Palin would adopt this if she became President because this would restore the nation back to prosperity and it will make this strong and proud like it use to be. Sounds like a winning plan. Sarah Palin has the strength and boldness to take these matters into action if needed. The thing about Sarah Palin is that she oozes shear patriotism that makes this country want to strive for excellence. Imposing the ideals of this manifesto will make America stand out in the world as a force to be reckoned with. The manifesto will make America ethnically aware of what multiculturalism can do that can destroy a nation from within.

I wonder when brain dead, sock puppet, racist, anti-semitic sociopaths like the O/P will finally get banned....

freak. :cuckoo:
You are talking about a gutsy unAmerican women who wanted to destroy the United States of America, up until the time traitor McCain brought her unAmerican ass into the fold as a VP, the RNC showered her with attention, and a job she didn't have an iota of how to do.

Why not campaign for your wife. I could probably trust her. Has she ever advocated destroying the union through secession? Would she be bought off by politicians in a heart beat? Does she know what newspaper she reads? Does she know where S. African is at on a map? IF she does, I would give her my vote. But as a veteran I wouldn't give that traitor Palin bitch the light of day.

As to the list. You need specifics of exactly what is intended and how it will produce results that will benefit middle class people, and what it is going to cost. :eusa_angel:

Tell me how Palin wants to destroy America. Obama is the one who wants and is destroying America. Palin is a patriot who loves her country. She oozes what the spirit of America is and that is pride and the love of her country. Lets see......Texas and Oklahoma have passed laws to secede right? You call Palin a traitor. Obama bowing to leaders of countries not greater than the US is unAmerican. Palin would never do that. When do you ever here of Obama envoking pride and patriotism? Link? Palin as governor put people of her own party in jail including democrats. She mopped up the corruption. Obama wants to rid the US of our nuclear deterrance and wants to take our systems off trigger allert. He wants to not weaponize space. He ended the F-22 Raptor while Russia and China advance their fighters and weapons radar systems including satellites. No my friend, Obama is a Muslim appeasing traitor with no loyalties to the United States AND it's Constitution. He is Neville Chamberlain all over again. Lets face it....Obama is a racist usurper who is not a natural born citizen unlike Palin who is.

going to answer my question? how will she regulate wall street without understanding it

Politicians regulate things they don't understand all the time. Most recently, the banking industry.

We had a pretty big problem with Mortgage funding and lending practices. These guys had mostly gone out of business when the Real Estate boom petered out.

The banks and finance institutions had purchased packages of loans without doing thier due diligence and got caught holding the bag on bad loans.

If one group, like the guys represented by Countrywide Mortgage, are doing something wrong, politicians like Chris Dodd, who happened to be the happy recipient of a Countrywide sweethart rates mortgage deal, decided that he needed to regulate a completely different group and the folks reporting the news story to us did not do their due diligence by researching the story.

So Countrywide and the myriad mortgage loan originators did unwise and unethical stuff which was outside the oversight of the banking regulators. For about 20 years, the products were bundeled and the resulting gain in value was making people rich.

When the Real estate bubble burst, those writing these loans stopped writing them and the majority of these companies, which were fairly small businesses, just stopped doing business and closed their doors. All of this happpened before the average guy heard any of this stuff in the news.

Sub Prime describes the credit rating of the guy asking for the loan, not the interest rate.

Once again, the government is passing legislation to regulate something that has nothing to do with the problem that they say they are attacking.
And it is a good one that should have been implemented a long time ago. I would hope that Sarah Palin would adopt this if she became President because this would restore the nation back to prosperity and it will make this strong and proud like it use to be. Sounds like a winning plan. Sarah Palin has the strength and boldness to take these matters into action if needed. The thing about Sarah Palin is that she oozes shear patriotism that makes this country want to strive for excellence. Imposing the ideals of this manifesto will make America stand out in the world as a force to be reckoned with. The manifesto will make America ethnically aware of what multiculturalism can do that can destroy a nation from within.

The Savage Manifesto

The Savage Manifesto for Saving America:

1. Close the Borders

2. De-fund and Repeal ObamaCare

3. Institute a Flat Tax

4. Regulate Wall Street

5. End Affirmative Action

6. Liquidate Tarp

7. Impose Tariffs on China

8. Strike Down Anchor Babies Law

9. Use Profiling to Prevent Terror Attacks

10. Run the Country Like a Business, Not an Empire

When it comes to detail-free generalities....and, "conservatives" ALWAYS come-thru!!!
What part of the manifesto do you not like?

Hey.....if you insist on promoting someone who's (obviously, from his site) in-need of a defense-fund, knock-yourself-out!!

The fact he's a big-time PIG, kinda says something about you.



Seriously.....who's he tryin' to fool????

run the government like a busniess...doest that mean for profit only?

do away with anchor baby laws...isnt that changing the constitution yall claim to rally around and protect?

i wonder who gave palin this list?
People, what ever your thoughts or feelings toward palin just remember she will QUIT ON YOU she will let you down, ask anyone from Alaska. she would quit on her own family if there was money in it, so remember if your going to hitch your wagon to her you wont get to far, she will however get you to hates-ville.
And it is a good one that should have been implemented a long time ago. I would hope that Sarah Palin would adopt this if she became President because this would restore the nation back to prosperity and it will make this strong and proud like it use to be. Sounds like a winning plan. Sarah Palin has the strength and boldness to take these matters into action if needed. The thing about Sarah Palin is that she oozes shear patriotism that makes this country want to strive for excellence. Imposing the ideals of this manifesto will make America stand out in the world as a force to be reckoned with. The manifesto will make America ethnically aware of what multiculturalism can do that can destroy a nation from within.

The Savage Manifesto

The Savage Manifesto for Saving America:

1. Close the Borders

2. De-fund and Repeal ObamaCare

3. Institute a Flat Tax

4. Regulate Wall Street

5. End Affirmative Action

6. Liquidate Tarp

7. Impose Tariffs on China

8. Strike Down Anchor Babies Law

9. Use Profiling to Prevent Terror Attacks

10. Run the Country Like a Business, Not an Empire

Yea, just what we want. A "Christian Taliban".
Sarah Palin is exactly the person the American people deserve to have as President. :cool:
And it is a good one that should have been implemented a long time ago. I would hope that Sarah Palin would adopt this if she became President because this would restore the nation back to prosperity and it will make this strong and proud like it use to be. Sounds like a winning plan. Sarah Palin has the strength and boldness to take these matters into action if needed. The thing about Sarah Palin is that she oozes shear patriotism that makes this country want to strive for excellence. Imposing the ideals of this manifesto will make America stand out in the world as a force to be reckoned with. The manifesto will make America ethnically aware of what multiculturalism can do that can destroy a nation from within.

The Savage Manifesto

The Savage Manifesto for Saving America:

1. Close the Borders

2. De-fund and Repeal ObamaCare

3. Institute a Flat Tax

4. Regulate Wall Street

5. End Affirmative Action

6. Liquidate Tarp

7. Impose Tariffs on China

8. Strike Down Anchor Babies Law

9. Use Profiling to Prevent Terror Attacks

10. Run the Country Like a Business, Not an Empire

When it comes to detail-free generalities....and, "conservatives" ALWAYS come-thru!!!
What part of the manifesto do you not like?

Gee, where to begin:

2. De-fund and Repeal ObamaCare

The year Obama took office, health care costs rose 29%. All you have to do is a search with "Health Care increase xxxx" with "xxxx" being the year and you can see why we needed reform. The CBO says under this plan, we will save 150 billion over the next 10 years. It could have been more, but Republicans and their "filibuster" blocked everything and watered down the little we did get.

3. Institute a Flat Tax

Why this "protect the rich"? I'm mystified. Without this country, they never could have gotten rich. No one on this board is rich. If they say they are, they're lying. Because they would be in Bermuda on their yacht.

4. Regulate Wall Street

Obama has been trying to regulate Wall Street, but Republicans are working desperately to block him.

5. End Affirmative Action

We already have AA. That's how Bush got into Harvard jumped over thousands more qualified and graduated C-. Or McCain graduated 5th from the bottom out of 899. Rich white people pull strings. Why not even the playing field just a tiny bit.

6. Liquidate Tarp

Tarp has been nearly completely paid back. So far, it's brought in billions in interest. The only good thing Republicans did while in office.

7. Impose Tariffs on China

Why China? It's not their fault. The tariffs should be imposed on the American companies moving to China and paying the Chinese 100 bucks A MONTH.

8. Strike Down Anchor Babies Law

I know a woman whose parents were illegal immigrants from Ireland. Will she lose her citizenship? Besides, the US is the only western country whose manufacturing base is growing. Why? Because of immigration. We need those people to take care of our aging population. Where else will they come from? What we should be doing is educating them. They will be the ones taking care of us one day. Republicans are too fucking stupid to understand.

9. Use Profiling to Prevent Terror Attacks

They do that now.

10. Run the Country Like a Business, Not an Empire

Yea, instead of firing people, let's just kill them. It's the "Republican Christian" way.

Man, you guys are something else. Do you "think" even the tiniest bit?
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When it comes to detail-free generalities....and, "conservatives" ALWAYS come-thru!!!
What part of the manifesto do you not like?

5. End Affirmative Action

We already have AA. That's how Bush got into Harvard jumped over thousands more qualified and graduated C-. Or McCain graduated 5th from the bottom out of 899.

Since you think Bush got into Harvard through affirmitive action and graduated C- answer me this? How did Obama get into college at Harvard?

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