Sarah Palin Faces Conservative Backlash

When, from this new band of idiots, have you gotten anything other than silly elementary school recess insults?

When have you, or any other leftist in this forum given anything other than silly elementary school recess insults?

Their arguments don't hold water,

Certainly not up to the erudite standards of you progressives, with your intellectual restrain of "Sarah Palin is a doo doo head."

There's no point talking to them.

How could one exchange ideas with such as you?

Tell me, how many "Hate Sarah Palin" threads have you leftists created in the last month? Less then a thousand?

What ideas other than blind hate, do you claim to have?

Seriously, if I want to know what you think, I merely need navigate to Daily KOS.
Your posting 'style' is very 2004, Kerry-Bush. Back then, you miight have gotten a rise out of people.

Now, we just laugh at you. :lol:

You might want to go change your urine soaked panties..

OH LOOK, Sarah Palin!

LOL, ya pissed yerself again....

You're just a kid, playing on the internets, right?

Let me guess: 13 years old?
Oh dear....if you think Synthaholic "spends his day" doing that, you must not have very good experience with having a rich, busy life.


There IS that whole "volume of posts" thingy..

You're really not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag, ya know?

"Volume of posts"....really? How many do you think constitutes an excessive "volume of posts"? Give us a number.
"Volume of posts"....really? How many do you think constitutes an excessive "volume of posts"? Give us a number.


It appears to be getting feisty....
Hey stupid........I'm not a liberal, I'm an independent. I spent 20 years of my live mainly voting GOP and serving my country through 4 war zones. I even voted for Jr in 2000, but I didn't in 2004.

By the way ya fucking moron, do you even know what "blood libel" means? It was when people said that those of the Jewish faith were using the blood of Christian children to make their matzoh bread, and all of it was a total fabrication.

Stating that Palin is stupid, as well as woefully uninformed isn't blood libel, it's simply a statement of fact.

So next time, you knob gobbling sperm drooling colon jouster, try to keep the facts in mind.

Fuck off you goddamn pedant, go please purists.

serving my country through 4 war zones.

You served in 4 war zones? Navy sea bitch when was the last sea war we had? I guess thats why you're confused about the difference between a clip and a magazine.

How nice....someone with a Nic that spits on American dead making fun of a Navy vet. Pretty much sums you up, doesn't it?

Fuck that cock sucker, anyone that claims to have been in the military as long as he says he has been and done the things he claimed to had done and does not know the difference between a clip and a magazine is full of shit and they are a liar.

someone with a Nic that spits on American dead

Now little ms. liar show the post. Put up or shut the fuck up.
So you're saying that anyone who accuses someone of attacking someone over their sex is automatically wrong? So you're saying since the left does that they are wrong? Can you show me that quote from you?

Virginia, there is sexism in the world despite your stated wish to turn a blind eye to it.

Did you miss the topic of this thread? It was about CONSERVATIVES attacking Palin, including, conservatives accusing her of victimology.

Now let me ask you, because it's slipped my mind, if I go back in this thread will I find where you went after the CONSERVATIVES who were attacking Palin? Did you accuse them of sexism, or did you save that fallacy for liberals like me?
Typical liberal word game. It was Flaylo who quoted a conservative and attacked her. You make it sound like conservatives are attacking her as the thread. That's how pathetic you are in your endless liberal bitch hunt for conservative women. Hey guys, besides our ENDLESS Palin bashing threads, we liberals found a quote from a Conservative to bash her with. It's using every one of your 30 IQ points
I had 2 posts in this thread before you started in on ME with the sexist bullshit.

PLEASE show me ANYTHING in those 2 posts that is remotely sexist, explicitly or implicitly.

Actually I was bashing all the liberals for it and you took up the gauntlet. As for sexist, it's the obsession of the left with attacking her. If you're not sexist, you're pathetic for letting the obvious gender factor in the level of hatred towards her go on silently. That you are liberal and not sexist should make you want to speak out against that.

Of course you're not as pathetic as liberal women, who are actual liberals who are women. If they were women who were liberals, they would be aghast that the left is willing to single out women for that reason. Instead they are willing to lead the charge.

Sadly that is the style of the left. What liberals have in common is whether they are environmentalists, women, blacks, ... They are liberals first.
big[B said:
You served in 4 war zones? Navy sea bitch when was the last sea war we had? I guess thats why you're confused about the difference between a clip and a magazine.

How nice....someone with a Nic that spits on American dead making fun of a Navy vet. Pretty much sums you up, doesn't it?

Fuck that cock sucker, anyone that claims to have been in the military as long as he says he has been and done the things he claimed to had done and does not know the difference between a clip and a magazine is full of shit and they are a liar.

someone with a Nic that spits on American dead

Now little ms. liar show the post. Put up or shut the fuck up.

Allow me to highlite your NIC (not a post as you so very clearly misrepresented what I said)

You spit on the graves of all Union dead (yes, AMERICAN soldiers) with your traitorous nic.

And you don't exactly honor current vets either. Apparently you have some problems with AMERICAN military.
I had 2 posts in this thread before you started in on ME with the sexist bullshit.

PLEASE show me ANYTHING in those 2 posts that is remotely sexist, explicitly or implicitly.

Actually I was bashing all the liberals for it and you took up the gauntlet. As for sexist, it's the obsession of the left with attacking her. If you're not sexist, you're pathetic for letting the obvious gender factor in the level of hatred towards her go on silently. That you are liberal and not sexist should make you want to speak out against that.

Of course you're not as pathetic as liberal women, who are actual liberals who are women. If they were women who were liberals, they would be aghast that the left is willing to single out women for that reason. Instead they are willing to lead the charge.

Sadly that is the style of the left. What liberals have in common is whether they are environmentalists, women, blacks, ... They are liberals first.

This is what I get from your post:

1. All liberals hate Palin because she is a woman....they are sexist.

2. All liberal males are sexist.

3. All liberal females are sexist.

And finally

4. Did I mention that any attack on Palin is because you hate women....even if that attack has nothing to do with her gender.....:eusa_whistle:
big[B said:
How nice....someone with a Nic that spits on American dead making fun of a Navy vet. Pretty much sums you up, doesn't it?

Fuck that cock sucker, anyone that claims to have been in the military as long as he says he has been and done the things he claimed to had done and does not know the difference between a clip and a magazine is full of shit and they are a liar.

someone with a Nic that spits on American dead

Now little ms. liar show the post. Put up or shut the fuck up.

Allow me to highlite your NIC (not a post as you so very clearly misrepresented what I said)

You spit on the graves of all Union dead (yes, AMERICAN soldiers) with your traitorous nic.

And you don't exactly honor current vets either. Apparently you have some problems with AMERICAN military.
You spit on the graves of all Union dead (yes, AMERICAN soldiers) with your traitorous nic.
Guess what they were my country's enemy, because they invaded my country. they killed a few of my Great Great Grand fathers, Jefferson Davis was our President.

And you don't exactly honor current vets either. Apparently you have some problems with AMERICAN military

Considering I'm a vet fuck you.
big[B said:

Fuck that cock sucker, anyone that claims to have been in the military as long as he says he has been and done the things he claimed to had done and does not know the difference between a clip and a magazine is full of shit and they are a liar.

Now little ms. liar show the post. Put up or shut the fuck up.

Allow me to highlite your NIC (not a post as you so very clearly misrepresented what I said)

You spit on the graves of all Union dead (yes, AMERICAN soldiers) with your traitorous nic.

And you don't exactly honor current vets either. Apparently you have some problems with AMERICAN military.
You spit on the graves of all Union dead (yes, AMERICAN soldiers) with your traitorous nic.
Guess what they were my country's enemy, because they invaded my country. they killed a few of my Great Great Grand fathers, Jefferson Davis was our President.

Your great great grandfathers were traitors....Jefferson Davis was not a president, he was a temporary usurper and a traitor too. Rebels were traitors and should be LUCKY they were not all put up against the wall and shot. Anyone who tries to emulate them is spitting on the hundreds of thousands of Union soldiers who fought and died to preserve the UNION, the United States.

And you don't exactly honor current vets either. Apparently you have some problems with AMERICAN military

Considering I'm a vet fuck you.

So. You're a self-hater. That totally shocks me about you.
Actually I was bashing all the liberals for it and you took up the gauntlet. As for sexist, it's the obsession of the left with attacking her. If you're not sexist, you're pathetic for letting the obvious gender factor in the level of hatred towards her go on silently. That you are liberal and not sexist should make you want to speak out against that.

Of course you're not as pathetic as liberal women, who are actual liberals who are women. If they were women who were liberals, they would be aghast that the left is willing to single out women for that reason. Instead they are willing to lead the charge.

Sadly that is the style of the left. What liberals have in common is whether they are environmentalists, women, blacks, ... They are liberals first.

This is what I get from your post:

1. All liberals hate Palin because she is a woman....they are sexist.

2. All liberal males are sexist.

3. All liberal females are sexist.

And finally

4. Did I mention that any attack on Palin is because you hate women....even if that attack has nothing to do with her gender.....:eusa_whistle:

That is one of the first true things I've ever seen you say. That was all you got from my post.

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