Sarah Palin Faces Conservative Backlash

Really? Then explain why Bill O'reilly doesn't know how the moons gravity affects tides, instead just explaining that "God did it" and we don't know how it works.

Yes really, Rove is a Neocon, a trotskyite.

What is the fuck does some lame attack on O'Reilly have to do with whether Rove is a conservative? Are you on serious drugs?

How's about many of the stupid remarks made by Palin and Bachmann that are SCIENTIFICALLY INCORRECT?

Stupid remarks like "I've been to 57 states so far, I think I have one more to go?"

Oh wait, that was dumbfuck Obama.

Maybe it was "Science predicted lower temperatures and more snow, it is proof of global warming?"

Oh wait, that was that stupid fucking fool, Algore.

Wanna explain why Beck doesn't know shit about American history?

Wanna explain why I don't believe the perfectly good talking points you got off the Soros hate site?

You're a shit flinging feral baboon, a mindless monkey. You have a single digit IQ.
Hey stupid........I'm not a liberal,

Of course you're not, shit fer brains.

I'm an independent.

That's real obvious - the mindless recitation of Soros talking points makes to abundantly clear.

I spent 20 years of my live mainly voting GOP and serving my country through 4 war zones.

Sure, why wouldn't I believe a good progressive like you?

I even voted for Jr in 2000, but I didn't in 2004.

I didn't - either time.

Guess you fucked up, didn't you?

By the way ya fucking moron, do you even know what "blood libel" means?

Yes, I sure do, cretin.

It was when people said that those of the Jewish faith were using the blood of Christian children to make their matzoh bread, and all of it was a total fabrication.

Which is precisely the level of filth that you fucking scum leveled at Palin.

What you did is no different: It's a lie - a filthy lie. it is vicious in the most rude and base of ways. It's intended to incite hatred and violence.

Yep, blood libel is precisely correct in describing what you leftists did.

Stating that Palin is stupid, as well as woefully uninformed isn't blood libel, it's simply a statement of fact.

Accusing her of the Gifford attack is, which is what your masters did. What your fellow drones continue to do.

Own it.
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Someone needs a time-out :-( Running for office is voluntary & everyone knows what it entails. No one forced her to run and its pretty apparent no one vetted her LOL
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