Sarah Palin Is Trump's Number One VP Pick

Well what is Trump suppose to say about the woman who endorsed him?

Hell no?
Donald Trump: Palin At "Top Of My List" of VP Choices.

During a campaign stop in Milwaukee today, Donald Trump was asked if he had given any thought to who he would select as his running mate. At first, Trump demurred, saying it was "premature at this stage" and that he would decide after the convention. When pressed by one reporter and asked, "Would you consider Sarah Palin?", Trump responded, "She is certainly at the top of my list."

Palin is stumping for Trump in Wisconsin today, but was not reached for comment in time for this story.
did you expect him to say anything different?....
He's not gonna pick Sarah, and he's damn sure not gonna pick Cruz or Kasich. Christie, maybe, Scott Brown, maybe, or somebody with military expertise.
I guess that this will end Pee Wee Herman's political aspirations.....
Actually Pee Wee is very smart outside of the box..................careful what you wish for.........

He has 2 degrees and 1 doctors both Political science and economics.................

We could do worse.............
I guess that this will end Pee Wee Herman's political aspirations.....
Actually Pee Wee is very smart outside of the box..................careful what you wish for.........

He has 2 degrees and 1 doctors both Political science and economics.................

We could do worse.............

The doctorate is not in gynecology?
Was wondering if this sucker fish knew what day this is..................LOL
Donald Trump: Palin At "Top Of My List" of VP Choices.

During a campaign stop in Milwaukee today, Donald Trump was asked if he had given any thought to who he would select as his running mate. At first, Trump demurred, saying it was "premature at this stage" and that he would decide after the convention. When pressed by one reporter and asked, "Would you consider Sarah Palin?", Trump responded, "She is certainly at the top of my list."

Palin is stumping for Trump in Wisconsin today, but was not reached for comment in time for this story.

He really is trying to lose. Seriously. He really does want out of the race.
She's smarter and tougher than Obama, Biden, Sanders and Hillary combined

She's a quitter, too.

A little kerfuffle with some highway patrolmen and she was outta' there.....and on her way to Hollywood!

Sarah doesn't add anything to the ticket.

The only person he could add that would united the party is Cruz. And I don't think that could happen short of an act of God
In Maine, Gov. LePage threw a tantrum and locked himself in his office, rather than swear in a new Democratic state senator.

That's definite Trump VP material.

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