Sarah Palin Says She's Hoping To Run For Office Again

I love all the left-wing frenzy over just the thought that Sara Palin might run for office.

What if she should decide to run for the House seat representing her district? Or the Senate?

Would that drive all you Lefties up the wall? :rolleyes:

No, because she is not even electable in her own district anymore.
The biggest irony is that the Right got Obama elected, by running Palin for VP. I am a democrat, and I have no real problem with McCain. Palin, however, is a loose cannon, and there is no way in hell that I was going to vote her that close to power.
NAZI stands for the Nationalist Socialist Party. That makes Hitler a leftist. That is something the left is not willing to admit. They always want to equate conservatives with NAZI's, when Hitler was a distant cousin of the leftist movement.
The People's Republic of China is neither a republic nor the people's.

Dear Lord! Why did you drop out of high school? You might have learned a thing or two while there.
There is a guy in the Daily Show writers room right now on his knees praying to God, Allah and Superman hoping this is true...

Sarah, the gift that keeps on giving... She is a disgrace to the GOP, she is the friend you brought to the party, made him credible by association and then gets drunk and refuses to leave...

Comparing Biden to Palin is a laugh. Biden might have a few gaffs over the years but that what they are gaffs... Palin is just clueless

Your post reminds me of the movie, Blind Date, with Kim Basinger.

Blind Date 1987 - Full Cast Crew - IMDb
Sarah Palin is a con artist - a NaziCon artist. She can't get enough money from those Fox News mushroom zombies.

Oh and Nazi's were leftwingers

The canard of the liberal fascist always makes me laugh simply because it's so damn preposterous.

noun: fascist; plural noun: fascists
  1. 1.
    an advocate or follower of fascism.
    synonyms:authoritarian, totalitarian, autocrat, extreme right-winger, rightist;More
    Nazi, blackshirt;
    nationalist, xenophobe, racist, anti-Semite, jingoist;
    neofascist, neo-Nazi
    "he was branded a fascist"
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]
adjective: fascist
of or relating to fascism.
"a military coup threw out the old fascist regime"
The biggest irony is that the Right got Obama elected, by running Palin for VP. I am a democrat, and I have no real problem with McCain. Palin, however, is a loose cannon, and there is no way in hell that I was going to vote her that close to power.

The irony is you are wrong. And furthermore you people elected Joe foot in mouth bungling moron Biden vice president hello earth to libs.
NAZI stands for the Nationalist Socialist Party. That makes Hitler a leftist. That is something the left is not willing to admit. They always want to equate conservatives with NAZI's, when Hitler was a distant cousin of the leftist movement.

And this, my friends, is the tragedy of home schooling....
How the left treated Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin in 2008 told me all I need to know about the left. The word 'savages' comes to mind.
NAZI stands for the Nationalist Socialist Party. That makes Hitler a leftist. That is something the left is not willing to admit. They always want to equate conservatives with NAZI's, when Hitler was a distant cousin of the leftist movement.

And this, my friends, is the tragedy of home schooling....

If you feel I received poor schooling, it wasn't from home schooling. It was from public schooling. Of course, back then, our schools told the truth about the past history of the world. They hadn't yet invented the various methods to spin tall tales to make them believable for gullible youths.
NAZI stands for the Nationalist Socialist Party. That makes Hitler a leftist. That is something the left is not willing to admit. They always want to equate conservatives with NAZI's, when Hitler was a distant cousin of the leftist movement.

And this, my friends, is the tragedy of home schooling....

If you feel I received poor schooling, it wasn't from home schooling. It was from public schooling. Of course, back then, our schools told the truth about the past history of the world. They hadn't yet invented the various methods to spin tall tales to make them believable for gullible youths.

Ok, You win. Either way, Garbage In, Garbage out.
Bristol Palin has learned a great deal from her mother, Sarah Palin. The most valuable lesson is how to milk her celebrity status for all its worth. Whereas Palin the elder has made a fortune on book deals, Fox News, and expensive speaking engagements, Bristol Palin has made her first few hundred thousand working to prevent teenage pregnancy. Unfortunately for teen moms, however, Ms. Palin decided to keep most of her non-profit’s funds for herself:

More: Non-Profit Pays Bristol Palin $262,500, Donates Only $35,000 to Charity - Forbes

Holy shit, like mother like daughter. The grifters don't fall far from the tree.
Can you imagine Palin debating Liz Warren and this time without having Soros's guy Steve Schmidt as campaign director?
NAZI stands for the Nationalist Socialist Party. That makes Hitler a leftist. That is something the left is not willing to admit. They always want to equate conservatives with NAZI's, when Hitler was a distant cousin of the leftist movement.

Not a distant cousin, but Stalin, Mao, Hitler and FDR were all kissing cousins
This, more than anything, shows you what Sarah Palin is all about. She pretends like she’s really, truly concerned for this country and wants to make sure she gets true conservatives elected to office. However, she’s just saying these things to her supporters so she can grift whatever money she can from them. It is all about running a con game on those idiotic enough to believe in her. She just takes, takes, takes. Just don’t expect her to give back. That’s not how the game is played.

More: Sarah Palin Greedily Hoards Cash From Her SuperPAC Rather Than Help Other Candidates

So sad...
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Sarah Palin is a con artist - a NaziCon artist. She can't get enough money from those Fox News mushroom zombies.

Oh and Nazi's were leftwingers

Godwin's Law! :biggrin:

Why would she need body guards?


When she came here on her book tour she spent a lot of time with folks. She wasn't the type to squirt Pureal on her hands after shaking hands and getting a bunch of hugs from her fans. She showed up on time with no bodyguards and related to the folks.

One thing I noticed,.......She as practically no ass. She's really fit. Stacked up top, big-time. Good looking in person.

That must scare the krones in the Democratic Party.


You're kidding, right???

Who does she think she is? Gabby Giffords?

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