Sarah Palin should be the Nominee in 2012. Romney's Candidacy Died Sunday.

Jan 17, 2010

This poster sums it up why Romney will not be the nominee and Palin will. ObamaCare killed Romneys chances of campaigning against Obama. Palin has been hammering Obama lately and she is showing she is not afraid to say what is on her mind. McCain was a fool to hinder her speaking her mind on the campaign trail. It cost him. Palin is right when she said “If the American insurance companies were screwing the citizens left and right, why didn’t we focus on fixing that?” Read this and comment.

Sarah Palin should be the Nominee in 2012! | RedState

I saw Sarah Palin on the O’Reilly Factor and I am convinced that she is the best candidate to run against Obama and Obama-care. She is the only prospective candidate that is a real conservative and the only one that can solidly run against Obama-care. If anyone can beat Obama it is Sarah Palin and no some middle of the road moderate. Conservatives will spend the better part of the decade trying to erase and defeat Obama-care. I pray they will be successful. Mitt Romney’s 2012 candidacy died today and he knows it.

The Republican strategy is now and forever running against socialism and Obama-care and not embracing it. We do not need a republican that enabled the model for Obama-care and championed it, while he was Governor of Massachusetts. The Republicans must beat Obama-care in court and at the state level and take the White House. They do not do this by agreeing with Obama and the leftists on socialized medicine.

Sarah Palin has been a strong critic of Obama-care and will absolutely run against it with no apologies. The Republican party must remain a conservative party and not a liberal party. The Republicans must succeed where the “so called” conservatives in Britain and Canada failed and end national health-care! I think we can win this war and I hope we have real conservatives willing to fight it and not lousy RINOS willing to go along with it. That is why Sarah Palin should be the nominee!
I'd like to see Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, or Mitch Daniels debate her...they'd rip her apart in a primary debate
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Romney isn't a Republican anywhere but MA. Palin won't get elected dog catcher. She's a popular flack. She's good at it and making good money, which is fine. But it doesn't qualify her for president.
We do not know who will emerge as a presidential contender. I do know it better be someone a whole lot more inspiring than the crop we had last time.

This poster sums it up why Romney will not be the nominee and Palin will. ObamaCare killed Romneys chances of campaigning against Obama. Palin has been hammering Obama lately and she is showing she is not afraid to say what is on her mind. McCain was a fool to hinder her speaking her mind on the campaign trail. It cost him. Palin is right when she said “If the American insurance companies were screwing the citizens left and right, why didn’t we focus on fixing that?” Read this and comment.

Sarah Palin should be the Nominee in 2012! | RedState

I saw Sarah Palin on the O’Reilly Factor and I am convinced that she is the best candidate to run against Obama and Obama-care. She is the only prospective candidate that is a real conservative and the only one that can solidly run against Obama-care. If anyone can beat Obama it is Sarah Palin and no some middle of the road moderate. Conservatives will spend the better part of the decade trying to erase and defeat Obama-care. I pray they will be successful. Mitt Romney’s 2012 candidacy died today and he knows it.

The Republican strategy is now and forever running against socialism and Obama-care and not embracing it. We do not need a republican that enabled the model for Obama-care and championed it, while he was Governor of Massachusetts. The Republicans must beat Obama-care in court and at the state level and take the White House. They do not do this by agreeing with Obama and the leftists on socialized medicine.

Sarah Palin has been a strong critic of Obama-care and will absolutely run against it with no apologies. The Republican party must remain a conservative party and not a liberal party. The Republicans must succeed where the “so called” conservatives in Britain and Canada failed and end national health-care! I think we can win this war and I hope we have real conservatives willing to fight it and not lousy RINOS willing to go along with it. That is why Sarah Palin should be the nominee!

If Sarah Palin is the nominee, she will gift wrap and hand the White House over to Obama. Independents will not vote for Palin and without the independents neither party wins. Powerful people, these independents... those who think for themselves.
This is great news

Romney is the only republican who had a chance of winning
This is great news

Romney is the only republican who had a chance of winning

I disagree. The GOP showed last year they would never allow a Mormon onto their ticket, so Romney had no chance in hell of ever making it on in 2012, either.
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This is great news

Romney is the only republican who had a chance of winning

I disagree. The GOP showed last year they would never allow a Mormon onto their ticket, so Romney had no chance in hell of ever making it on in 2012, either.

The problem with the GOP is that none of their potential candidates can inspire the number of voters they need to defeat Obama.

Looks like they will end up with a complete unknown who will be put up as a sacrificial lamb
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All President Obama needs for a second term is a reasonably recovering economy for the next two years. Passage of the Health Care Bill in the face of the corperate money and Repub determination to give him no successes at all has established his bona fides as a leader that can get things done.

The next items on the agenda will go much easier and faster.
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All President Obama needs for a second term is a reasonably recovering economy for the next two years. Passage of the Health Care Bill in the face of the corperate money and Repub determination to give him no successes at all has established his bona fides as a leader that can get things done.

The next items on the agenda will go much easier and faster.

Let's see if he can get things done without a corrupt Dimocratic Majority. if he can do something after all his toadies get voted out in November, then you can say he's a leader.
Hey is yet ANOTHER con stricken with PDS starting yet ANOTHER thread about Sarah Palin. Are you still keeping score?

And he thanked US Army Retard's Post-right there it says a LOT about him.

Oh, in Frank's world it's AOK to make Sarah Palin threads, AS LONG as they are from the right wing nutters. Anything else and it's PDS......................:cuckoo:
The only person, outside the Tea Parties, excited about a Palin candidacy is Rahm Emmanuel.

Watch closely. The sane Conservatives do not want Palin. They know she's a lost cause as a candidate. Independents do not want Palin. She's poison to them. She couldn't help McCain carry traditionally Red states like Indiana or North Carolina. Democrats get fired up about Palin and VOTE, not to mention give money to oppose her.

A Palin candidacy is to the Democrats what a HRC candidacy is to the GOP. Pay day.
All President Obama needs for a second term is a reasonably recovering economy for the next two years. Passage of the Health Care Bill in the face of the corperate money and Repub determination to give him no successes at all has established his bona fides as a leader that can get things done.

The next items on the agenda will go much easier and faster.

1. Recovering Economy

2. Healthcare Reform

3. US withdrawals from Iraq and Afghanistan

All will add up to a relatively easy victory for Obama and the Dems recapturing seats that will be lost in 2010

Like Reagan said "Are you better off than you were four years ago?"

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