Sarah Palin Video, Not Acting, Best Idea For Honest Government EVER!

(false criticism)
No! We need politicians that can lie! You only need to vote for them.

The truth will unsettle you! Yes, the politicians will take advantage of you if you believe the lie. However, the harm done to each of you is so much less than you will receive if you knew the truth!! That is the truth.

A good honest lie is not harmful. A moral and patriotic lie is most noble. A profitable and well market lie is enriching!

However, the truth is a hateful despicable little thing that you should never let crawl into you ear! Never Never Never

Palin and her crazy ideas--why isn't she out shooting moose?
Been there, done that! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:


Thanks for finally admitting $arah doesn't actually do her own shooting.

But hey, that doesn't disqualify her for public office. She could just get kiddie raper, poopy pants nugent to do it for her again.

Horse's ass, that was satire... the shit you keep posting that you think is REAL!!!

Luds isn't smart enough to get satire.

I knew koshergrl is a loon but a nazi sympathizer too?

What is it with you assholes posting swastikas?

Stephanie aka StoopidStuff had a pink one for a while - maybe she was calling attention to nazi breast cancer?

What's your excuse? You still pissed because the US guarantees equality for all Americans? Tough. Deal with it.
There isn't a politician that I can think of that would willingly submit to a polygraph test to see if they are corrupt or not.'s an idea...................let's get Palin to take a polygraph to see how much she bullshitted the nation in 2008.

You are probably right, but a new candidate could take advantage of the situation. As long as questions pertained to official actions, they could make a name for themselves.

That would be interesting to see Palins answers. The only one that appears to be an abuse of power would be the cop she got fired who was married to her sister or something.

If you watched the video you may have seen she was asked if she would take a polygraph at the end of the 2nd part, but didn't answer. She said see the 3rd video, but there isn't one.

She might, probably doesn't have much dirt, just light scandal.
There isn't a politician that I can think of that would willingly submit to a polygraph test to see if they are corrupt or not.'s an idea...................let's get Palin to take a polygraph to see how much she bullshitted the nation in 2008.
I think the idea is that NEW candidates take a polygraph based on their platform, then agree to follow it up later.

dont know if that would work since so many politicians are pathalogical liars.its sick how there is one different law for them and one different law for us,how they are allowed to break laws everyday and constantly get away with murder all the time.crimes we go to jail for.

amazing how presidents get such special treatment and never have to take polygraph tests. the Bushs and clintons lie so often its unreal. they would have noses miles long if pinochio was a reality.
Yanno............I'd also like Cheney and Jr. as well as RumsFAILED to take a polygraph as well concerning the handling of Iraq.
This is an amazing set of interviews. I think it shows exactly what kind of stuff Plain is made of. Some of the best. Her words show her brains and integrity so well it is ironic.

Clearly, these video are WHY media and politics are bashing her. She intends to undo the corruption in politics in a big way and that intent shows in how well, completely and sincerely she answers questions.

I met Richard Paluch on the 4th of July, last Saturday, and he gave me the search terms for this on youtube and I am astounded at how much effort Palin put into this.

This is a great idea and anyone with political aspiration should consider making voluntary, regular polygraph exams a part of their campaign promise.



NOTICE: Any cognitive infiltrators trying to put this down will only be exposing themselves by posting against the idea.

Palin for President! She's the woman to lead us back to greatness for the next four months!

Palin/Trump....Trump/Palin! They are scary, GOP! Please don't do it!~

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