Sarah Palins biggest roadblock to the presidency is

palins biggest roadblock...her inability to grasp opportunities....she is playing the victim card...her book could have been a wealth of info about what her stand on issues is...etc....she spend a lot of pages on how hard done by she is....but not many on what she can and will do...she has said that a 2012 bid is not on her "radar" but then you really trust a woman who quit her public job to better serve the far she has simply made money off this winky bullshit...her handlers do her no favors.
Obama's feckless, dangerous and demoralizing performance as president. His attack on America will make voters hesitant to elect a political anomaly again...a woman, Idaho University graduate, wife, mom, 5 kids.
palin's an asshat.

This from a guy who's avatar is a bird that buries it's head in the sand at the first sign of trouble...

that's fantastic

emus don't bury their heads in the sand, and palin continues to be an asshat.

fantastic, huh? :thup:
palin's an asshat.

This from a guy who's avatar is a bird that buries it's head in the sand at the first sign of trouble...

that's fantastic

emus don't bury their heads in the sand, and palin continues to be an asshat.

fantastic, huh? :thup:'s an Emu. Funny, cuz when you google this pic, it comes back as an ostrich. Which, by the way, don't bury their heads in sand either. Its just a myth. But you got where I was going with it....or did you?
The question becomes: Is a Harvard educated - minority community organizing - teleprompter reading - Senator - lawyer - mealy mouthed - failing POTUS - anomaly - scary/bad enough to Americans that they will shy away from voting for an Idaho educated - minority - Governor - hockey mom - plain speaking - parent of a disabled child and unwed mother/daughter - hunter - fisherwoman for that same job?

I am afraid the con man has screwed up any chance for a political anamoly to be elected again. He has just been too bad for America to roll the dice in that direction again. No woman, no black, no hispanic...
Yep, she is her own biggest enemy.

I have begun to wonder if she is bipolar.
Doubtful. Bipolar people are normally quite intelligent.

True. However it is often associated with some delusional problems. My Ex wife and several members of her family were/are bipolar and had other issues as well.

And even if only bipolar they tend to not make much sense when wound up tight.

I think it would be relatively easy to spot if Palin were bipolar. She doesn't really ever display any true manic phases and it would take a massive effort by her handlers to hide a depressed phase.

Emotionally, she seems on an even keel all of the time. She just says stupid shit.
Oh, my contribution:

Palin's biggest roadblock to the presidency is the fact that she quit as governor. It's an action, not an innate personality flaw.

She would have been a great contender if she'd finished out her term (or continued it) ran for Senator and slowly built her momentum up.

She needed a massive make over after the Presidential election. She gave up that opportunity. Apparently to write a book.

I think it's pretty obvious that she is not running for President in 2012.
I don't know if this is a positive or negative, but people would wonder if she would resign in a hissy fit after a year in office.
I am afraid the con man has screwed up any chance for a political anamoly to be elected again. He has just been too bad for America to roll the dice in that direction again. No woman, no black, no hispanic...

Yeah, because the White WASPY dude did such a fantastic job.

Does stupidity hurt?

Is it a sharp pain or a dull throb?
Anyone who would want someone as dumb as Sarah Palin to be president has to be a total fool. Then again, she probably is smarter than Bush. But that's saying less than much.
Her biggest roadblock to the Presidency is that you have to be born in this country to be President.

She has never posted a valid birth certificate
Obama's feckless, dangerous and demoralizing performance as president. His attack on America will make voters hesitant to elect a political anomaly again...a woman, Idaho University graduate, wife, mom, 5 kids.

Your analogy is a little confusing--because Sarah Palin is a populist--a 180 degree opposite of your guy Barack Obama--another Harvard educated lawyer that can give a perfectly pronounced speech read from a teleprompter but seems to be having very difficult times making decisions---:lol::lol::lol:

The reason Sarah Palin is so popular is because she represents the heartland of this country. And this scares the hell out of elitist politicians on both sides of the isle. That is why she is so attacked by them & the lame stream media in this country.

Palin has zero chances of ever holding office! She is simply too stupid!

Yeah, we all know stupid people end up with a million dollar book deal before it hits the shelves.

Stupid people get VP nominations and run a world wind tour of talk shows and celebrity spotlights.

Stupid people can hold a press conference on just about anything and send and entire political party's base into a full blown seizure.

What an idiot she is.

Actually, I'm going to keep to my original claim about Sarah's not that she's too stupid to get's that she's too smart to run in the first place. If I'm wrong, then I'll call her stupid.

LOL, mind if we call you the same?
Obama's feckless, dangerous and demoralizing performance as president. His attack on America will make voters hesitant to elect a political anomaly again...a woman, Idaho University graduate, wife, mom, 5 kids.

Your analogy is a little confusing--because Sarah Palin is a populist--a 180 degree opposite of your guy Barack Obama--another Harvard educated lawyer that can give a perfectly pronounced speech read from a teleprompter but seems to be having very difficult times making decisions---:lol::lol::lol:

The reason Sarah Palin is so popular is because she represents the heartland of this country. And this scares the hell out of elitist politicians on both sides of the isle. That is why she is so attacked by them & the lame stream media in this country.

View attachment 8763

You really believe the Heartland is that stupid?
Obama's feckless, dangerous and demoralizing performance as president. His attack on America will make voters hesitant to elect a political anomaly again...a woman, Idaho University graduate, wife, mom, 5 kids.

Your analogy is a little confusing--because Sarah Palin is a populist--a 180 degree opposite of your guy Barack Obama--another Harvard educated lawyer that can give a perfectly pronounced speech read from a teleprompter but seems to be having very difficult times making decisions---:lol::lol::lol:

The reason Sarah Palin is so popular is because she represents the heartland of this country. And this scares the hell out of elitist politicians on both sides of the isle. That is why she is so attacked by them & the lame stream media in this country.
View attachment 8763

:clap2: exactly
The question becomes: Is a Harvard educated - minority community organizing - teleprompter reading - Senator - lawyer - mealy mouthed - failing POTUS - anomaly - scary/bad enough to Americans that they will shy away from voting for an Idaho educated - minority - Governor - hockey mom - plain speaking - parent of a disabled child and unwed mother/daughter - hunter - fisherwoman for that same job?

If he is running against Sarah Palin, the answer is "Yes."
The reason Sarah Palin is so popular is because she represents the heartland of this country.

She represents the Rapture Crowd of the Heartland. Big difference.

Anyways, Palin's biggest roadblock to becoming President of the United States of America is, well, Americans! 70% of Americans think she is not qualified to be President.

7 in 10 Say Palin Not Qualified to Be President -- Politics Daily
I wouldn't want her as president...I think Congress or the Senate. But obama's poll numbers are slipping, along with his agenda in polls, so we may get a Fred the dog catcher as our next president.
I really find all of this speculation about Palin amusing. She just now is starting to introduce herself to the nation and that process takes a very, very long time.

The run with McCain and then wading through the DNC and Media BS had little to nothing to do with who she might really be, her overall opinions or what she might wish to accomplish.

Yet the largest single group placing her in a run for the White House, are actually the liberals.

I think one thing is clear, no matter what direction she finally chooses for herself and no matter how any election for her might turn out, should she choose to run for a office or seat, Palin is going to have a effect on national politics and it will be a noticeable one.

Until then, it is enjoyable watching the what if's and most of all, watching the liberals piss and moan, as she continues to move right past them, in spite of their best efforts.

Until then, it is enjoyable watching the what if's and most of all, watching the liberals piss and moan, as she continues to move right past them, in spite of their best efforts.


Liberals aren't bitching and moaning.

They're laughing and mocking.

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