Sarah Palins Trip to Iowa Points To 2012 Presidential Run.

Every day, I wake up and wonder "What is Sarah Palin doing today? Where is she going to be? Which real Americans will she speak to?"

And if I don't know, I feel lost and sad.

But then, I come to USMB, and read one of Sinatra's or USArmyRetired or teapartysamarai's posts, and then I know, and I'm happy again and all is right in the world.

Thank you for the constant updates.

When Twitter isn't enough, there's always the Palinistas.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Toro again.

One shouldn't be too hard on Palin if you support the current simpleton in the White House. She could hardly do any worse.
One shouldn't be too hard on Palin if you support the current simpleton in the White House. She could hardly do any worse.

Well that's inspiring.

For the record, she could do much, much worse.

Like the last simp that occupied the place.
I love it! The GOP establishment leaders are shaking in their boots...:clap2:

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