Sarah Sanders leaving the WH at the end of the month.......

One of the great female leaders of our time.. she took on the deep state..
Ummmm ok. Guess we’ll be looking for her on the cover of TIME magazine. Lol you loons are hilarious
Time is anti American.. we will tell stories of her for years to come. How she took on the deep state. Domestic terrorist democrats
Oh, bullshit. She had a job to do, covering for the Orange Clown, defending his lies, misstatements, and misrepresentation. She'll will be sought after as a public relations person. If you can stand up before the press and the American people and defend someone like Trump, you're pretty damn good.
Trump is the best president this country has seen since Ronald Reagan. It's the lying, leftist traitor press that she had to defend against.

Even Reagan would say that Trump is a shitty president.

Opinions vary.
A person can only take so much of being spit on, cursed at, laughed at, threatened, and thrown out of restaurants by you worthless leftist traitors. Godspeed Sarah.
I haven't read any more of the thread. How many leftists have been horribly sexist towards her?
A person can only take so much of being spit on, cursed at, laughed at, threatened, and thrown out of restaurants by you worthless leftist traitors. Godspeed Sarah.

She brought it all on herself.

Yes! How DARE she serve as the Press Secretary for the hated Orange Man??? She should be drug out of her house and hung, right?

It's not so much that she was press secretary for Trump that she is so disliked, it is because she LIED for him in her official capacity as press secretary.
A person can only take so much of being spit on, cursed at, laughed at, threatened, and thrown out of restaurants by you worthless leftist traitors. Godspeed Sarah.

She brought it all on herself.

Yes! How DARE she serve as the Press Secretary for the hated Orange Man??? She should be drug out of her house and hung, right?

It's not so much that she was press secretary for Trump that she is so disliked, it is because she LIED for him in her official capacity as press secretary.

I realize you nazi-types want to call it lies, but at worst it was an exaggeration.
A person can only take so much of being spit on, cursed at, laughed at, threatened, and thrown out of restaurants by you worthless leftist traitors. Godspeed Sarah.

She brought it all on herself.

Yes! How DARE she serve as the Press Secretary for the hated Orange Man??? She should be drug out of her house and hung, right?

It's not so much that she was press secretary for Trump that she is so disliked, it is because she LIED for him in her official capacity as press secretary.
Hey dingus. Press = lie. The press lies, the press secretary lies. Everyfuckingbody lies. Having said that, nobody lies more than democratic leftist scum.
She stood up to the hatefulness and nasty barbs
No she didn't, you idiot. She dished them out in press conferences. She is an embarrassment.
She exposed the leftist activists posing as journalists for the lying nasty jackals that they are. Pus pocket.
No she didn't. She embarrassed herself and lied nearly constantly. She already admitted it dumbass, you can stop carrying her water.
You can't do an effective job of supporting a liar without becoming one yourself. This is one of the biggest problems in the Trump administration which explains his crazy turnover rate. Trump's A Team” turnover rate is 69% as of June 14, 2019.
Tracking turnover in the Trump administration
No different from any other administration.
Nope. Mr. Trump “has the record for White House staff turnover, for cabinet turnover and now for the highest turnover within a single department,”
The Turnover at the Top of the Trump Administration
A person can only take so much of being spit on, cursed at, laughed at, threatened, and thrown out of restaurants by you worthless leftist traitors. Godspeed Sarah.

She brought it all on herself.

Yes! How DARE she serve as the Press Secretary for the hated Orange Man??? She should be drug out of her house and hung, right?

It's not so much that she was press secretary for Trump that she is so disliked, it is because she LIED for him in her official capacity as press secretary.
Hey dingus. Press = lie. The press lies, the press secretary lies. Everyfuckingbody lies. Having said that, nobody lies more than democratic leftist scum.

Saying that because other people lie, that makes it okay for her to lie is beyond stupid.
A person can only take so much of being spit on, cursed at, laughed at, threatened, and thrown out of restaurants by you worthless leftist traitors. Godspeed Sarah.

She brought it all on herself.

Yes! How DARE she serve as the Press Secretary for the hated Orange Man??? She should be drug out of her house and hung, right?

She brought it all on herself. That does not mean she should be "drug out of her house and hung". What I meant was she was rude, obnoxious and incessantly mendacious.

People like that are not respected and never considered to be credible.
A person can only take so much of being spit on, cursed at, laughed at, threatened, and thrown out of restaurants by you worthless leftist traitors. Godspeed Sarah.

She brought it all on herself.

Yes! How DARE she serve as the Press Secretary for the hated Orange Man??? She should be drug out of her house and hung, right?

It's not so much that she was press secretary for Trump that she is so disliked, it is because she LIED for him in her official capacity as press secretary.
Hey dingus. Press = lie. The press lies, the press secretary lies. Everyfuckingbody lies. Having said that, nobody lies more than democratic leftist scum.

Saying that because other people lie, that makes it okay for her to lie is beyond stupid.
No. I'm saying that you are beyond stupid.
A person can only take so much of being spit on, cursed at, laughed at, threatened, and thrown out of restaurants by you worthless leftist traitors. Godspeed Sarah.

She brought it all on herself.

Yes! How DARE she serve as the Press Secretary for the hated Orange Man??? She should be drug out of her house and hung, right?

She brought it all on herself. That does not mean she should be "drug out of her house and hung". What I meant was she was rude, obnoxious and incessantly mendacious.
A person can only take so much of being spit on, cursed at, laughed at, threatened, and thrown out of restaurants by you worthless leftist traitors. Godspeed Sarah.

She brought it all on herself.

Yes! How DARE she serve as the Press Secretary for the hated Orange Man??? She should be drug out of her house and hung, right?

She brought it all on herself. That does not mean she should be "drug out of her house and hung". What I meant was she was rude, obnoxious and incessantly mendacious.

People like that are not respected and never considered to be credible.

As you are rude, obnoxious and truly dishonest. I hope you understand that you have no credibility with reasonable people and am sure you don't understand why Sarah Sanders has a level of respect you'll never achieve.
This is who I would like to see replace her. It would drive the filthy ass Moon Bats crazy.

she is flat out amazing.
She created information about the FBI workers to support her position in front of the press
It was an outright lie that she would not repeat under oath
since you're full of shit 110% of the time, give an unbiased link or go away.

Sanders lied about “countless” FBI agents losing faith in Comey
Of all the lies, this is the one that Sanders herself admitted was a lie to Mueller: the claim, expressed both in the May 10 press conference and in other interviews, that she had heard from “countless” members of the FBI who did not support Comey and were glad he was fired.

This too was a suspicious claim at the time, since contemporaneous reporting portrayed the FBI as being in mourning over Comey’s ouster. But the Mueller report discloses that Sanders didn’t have any backing for the claim at all:

Sanders told this Office that her reference to hearing from “countless members of the FBI” was a “slip of the tongue.” She also recalled that her statement in a separate press interview that rank-and-file FBI agents had lost confidence in Comey was a comment she made ”in the heat of the moment” that was not founded on anything.

Of course, these too appear to be lies — or at least flimsy excuses. Sanders is saying that a statement she made several times just during the May 10 presser was a “slip of the tongue,” and that its use again in a different interview was “in the heat of the moment.” Sanders’s statements to the special counsel’s investigators portray her as someone with too little self-control to be an effective messenger; the much more likely answer is that she was simply lying, and knew it, and kept doing it.

7 times the Mueller report caught Sean Spicer and Sarah Sanders lying to press
She made up a lie just like her boss does

Only difference is Trump will not testify under oath
He did he submitted answers. What’s your question we can answer it for you
His lawyers submitted the answers for him
That was nice of him
One of the great female leaders of our time.. she took on the deep state..

Leader of what? Press Secretary doesn't lead a fucking thing.
No democrat female could have handled the verbal assault from domestic terrorist like she took.. She was amazing. Almost lynched one time at a restaurant. She goes home to a man and kids.. more then most democrat women can say.

You are wasted if you think any press secretary is a leader.
You don’t think young ladies should look up to her? She was almost lynched fought back, she been attacked so many times. She’s amazing.. history is recording

Sanders needs to go back to Arkansas so she can teach her young children the fine art of lying
A person can only take so much of being spit on, cursed at, laughed at, threatened, and thrown out of restaurants by you worthless leftist traitors. Godspeed Sarah.

She brought it all on herself.

Yes! How DARE she serve as the Press Secretary for the hated Orange Man??? She should be drug out of her house and hung, right?

She brought it all on herself. That does not mean she should be "drug out of her house and hung". What I meant was she was rude, obnoxious and incessantly mendacious.


^^^ LIAR. You may disagree with me, that only proves you are a hack with your head too far up your colon to realize the truth of my statement.
Sanders needs to go back to Arkansas so she can teach her young children the fine art of lying

Imagine when her child(ren) turn 13 and lie to mom, how will she handle that when the 13 year old confronts mom's incessant lies to the nation.

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