Sarah Sanders Says God Wanted 'Trump To Become President’

Why, why, WHY does a hate-filled, senile, ancient old coot like yourself (who thankfully won't be with us much longer) get such a baby-tantrum obsession over what one government bureaucrat's personal opinion is, old fool? If that drives you into your paranoid temper tantrums I'm sorry a man-like creature in his mid-fucking-SEVENTIES has to behave like a 5-year-old having a snotty baby tantrum. What a vessel of failed emotional maturity and manhood an old mummy like you really is.

I think all us younger people should thank JBander........simply for proving a human absolute: there really is no fool like an old fool.
I affect you that much really. Good grief. That was just a shot with nothing to do with anything. That to me is a compliment. All the people I hate, I wish they did as you did to show me I got them by the nuts also.
God wanted Obama to be President too
He also wanted Democrats to win the House

Maybe as a way of letting us know and show how advanced we were as a people.

The answer is, "not very."

There are still people who 'worship' the guy.

Has any President been as staggering a failure as Obama?

As Peter Wehner suggests, let's use OBAMA'S OWN METRICS:

Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure

PETER WEHNER / APR. 24, 2014

"It’s not simply that Mr. Obama has fallen short of what he promised; it’s that he has been, in so many respects, a failure.

Choose your metrics. Better yet, choose Mr. Obama’s metrics:

Job creation.
Economic growth.
Improving our health-care system.
Reducing the debt.
Reducing poverty.
Reducing income inequality.
Slowing the rise of the oceans.
Healing the planet.
Repairing the world.
The Russian “reset.”
Peace in the Middle East.
Red lines in Syria.
Renewed focus on Afghanistan.
A new beginning with the Arab world.
Better relations with our allies.
Depolarizing our politics.
Putting an end to the type of politics that “breeds division and conflict and cynicism.”
Working with the other party.
No lobbyists working in his administration.
His commitment to seek public financing in the general election.

The list goes on and on."

Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure


An article from 2014, while Obama was president until 2017. Leaving office with with employment at an all time high and growing, the Dow at an all time high and climbing, NASDAQ at an all time high and climbing, S&P500 at an all time high and climbing.

I like how you have to ignore most of his second term to find an article to bash his record since you can’t bash his record when he left office.


He who dances last, dances best.

I suppose he will get a private cell where he can dance or not as he prefers.

From "The Russia Hoax."

"Documents uncovered by the FBI show that Obama used a pseudonym in communicating with Clinton on her private email account.8

Sometimes he did so while his secretary of state was overseas using an unprotected mobile device.

When the FBI showed a copy of one such Obama email to Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin, she exclaimed, “How is that not classified?”9

Indeed, it surely was classified.

Thereafter, the White House refused to disclose the contents of any of the president’s emails involving his fake name.

Obama was not only concealing his communications with an alias, he was mishandling classified information in the same negligent manner as Clinton.

This may explain why the FBI and the DOJ were motivated not to charge Clinton.

If they did so, Obama’s mishandling of classified communications would be exposed.

It is hard to imagine that the president and others never noticed that Clinton was using a nongovernment, nonsecure private account. Indeed, emails prove that many of them did know.10

But the secretary of state was surrounded by long-time Clinton cronies.

They shielded her."
So far, Mueller’s the one dancing, racking up yet another indictment last week.

As far as “The Russian Hoax”....

You asked the question.

Those are the keys that unlock the door to your abswer.

Not knowing your inclinations, I gave you two to choose from or relate to.

If mire come to mindI will try to post them here. Although I think you font realky care.

You just want to bash the President and I am a staunch supporter of the Crossfield Memo which says that anyone who posts like the enemy may be treated as the enemy.

Interesting. BTW, I like your avatar. I was also a Lee Marvin fan.

Marvin was a Democrat who opposed the Vietnam War. He publicly endorsed John F. Kennedy in the 1960 presidential election.[25]

Lee Marvin - Wikipedia
JFK was a conservative by today's standards, and actually escalated the Vietnam war.

when did you start read fake news? it was Johnson.

Years of Escalation: 1965-68 []
Ah - you are stupid.
Under 1000 troops before JFK.
Over 16000 at the time of his assassination.

Vietnam War - Wikipedia
First combat troops to Vietnam were deployed in 1965. You must think JFK sent them from the grave. :cuckoo:

The History Place - Vietnam War 1965-1968
If I remember correctly even Eisenhower sent military adviser
That would be the same as God wanted Hitler to become Germany's leader

So, let's look at your post.

First of all, do you worship our Christian or Judeo God?
G-d is neither Christian nor Jewish. His followers are. Many are also Muslim.
Convince a majority of Muslims OR Jews OR Christians of your supposition and then we can talk.

Until then you are wasting keystrokes and our time.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
I have no need to convince anyone of that. Not when the reality is that nowhere in the Torah, Old Testament, New Testament, or Qur’an; does it ever once state G-d was Jewish or Christian or Muslim or any religion.
In the Koran the bible and the Torah , they all believe in the God of Abraham.
That would be the same as God wanted Hitler to become Germany's leader

God voted no on Hillary too...
God had no opinion on it at all, that's not how the big guy plays it.
That would be the same as God wanted Hitler to become Germany's leader

God voted no on Hillary too...
God had no opinion on it at all, that's not how the big guy plays it.

^Tell that to Nebuchadnezzar...

He changes times and seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings;
It is exactly how He rolls. :)
God wanted Obama to be President too
He also wanted Democrats to win the House

Maybe as a way of letting us know and show how advanced we were as a people.

The answer is, "not very."

There are still people who 'worship' the guy.

Has any President been as staggering a failure as Obama?

As Peter Wehner suggests, let's use OBAMA'S OWN METRICS:

Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure

PETER WEHNER / APR. 24, 2014

"It’s not simply that Mr. Obama has fallen short of what he promised; it’s that he has been, in so many respects, a failure.

Choose your metrics. Better yet, choose Mr. Obama’s metrics:

Job creation.
Economic growth.
Improving our health-care system.
Reducing the debt.
Reducing poverty.
Reducing income inequality.
Slowing the rise of the oceans.
Healing the planet.
Repairing the world.
The Russian “reset.”
Peace in the Middle East.
Red lines in Syria.
Renewed focus on Afghanistan.
A new beginning with the Arab world.
Better relations with our allies.
Depolarizing our politics.
Putting an end to the type of politics that “breeds division and conflict and cynicism.”
Working with the other party.
No lobbyists working in his administration.
His commitment to seek public financing in the general election.

The list goes on and on."

Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure


An article from 2014, while Obama was president until 2017. Leaving office with with employment at an all time high and growing, the Dow at an all time high and climbing, NASDAQ at an all time high and climbing, S&P500 at an all time high and climbing.

I like how you have to ignore most of his second term to find an article to bash his record since you can’t bash his record when he left office.


He who dances last, dances best.

I suppose he will get a private cell where he can dance or not as he prefers.

From "The Russia Hoax."

"Documents uncovered by the FBI show that Obama used a pseudonym in communicating with Clinton on her private email account.8

Sometimes he did so while his secretary of state was overseas using an unprotected mobile device.

When the FBI showed a copy of one such Obama email to Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin, she exclaimed, “How is that not classified?”9

Indeed, it surely was classified.

Thereafter, the White House refused to disclose the contents of any of the president’s emails involving his fake name.

Obama was not only concealing his communications with an alias, he was mishandling classified information in the same negligent manner as Clinton.

This may explain why the FBI and the DOJ were motivated not to charge Clinton.

If they did so, Obama’s mishandling of classified communications would be exposed.

It is hard to imagine that the president and others never noticed that Clinton was using a nongovernment, nonsecure private account. Indeed, emails prove that many of them did know.10

But the secretary of state was surrounded by long-time Clinton cronies.

They shielded her."
So far, Mueller’s the one dancing, racking up yet another indictment last week.

As far as “The Russian Hoax”....


Enjoy it while the verdict remains in the distant future.

After the hammer drops I hope you will do a little soft shoe for us all, then.
That would be the same as God wanted Hitler to become Germany's leader

That would be the same as God wanted Hitler to become Germany's leader

Here is a link to that, I don't think you provided one.
Sarah Sanders: God "wanted Donald Trump to become president," press secretary said in an Christian Broadcasting Network interview today - CBS News

It's truly amazing that anyone would say that, but indeed she did. But did it ever occur to her that if God wanted Trump to be President, that maybe God wanted to obliterate the Republican party instead?

We had white male pastors all over this country singing Trump's praises, many of them still do. 86% of Evangelicals in this country cast a vote for Trump even after listening to this tape.


In one fatal swipe, Republicans have burned down their family values platform, and obliterated the credibility of every Evangelical church in this country. They have made a mockery of the teachings of Jesus Christ.
You asked the question.

Those are the keys that unlock the door to your abswer.

Not knowing your inclinations, I gave you two to choose from or relate to.

If mire come to mindI will try to post them here. Although I think you font realky care.

You just want to bash the President and I am a staunch supporter of the Crossfield Memo which says that anyone who posts like the enemy may be treated as the enemy.

Interesting. BTW, I like your avatar. I was also a Lee Marvin fan.

Marvin was a Democrat who opposed the Vietnam War. He publicly endorsed John F. Kennedy in the 1960 presidential election.[25]

Lee Marvin - Wikipedia
JFK was a conservative by today's standards, and actually escalated the Vietnam war.

when did you start read fake news? it was Johnson.

Years of Escalation: 1965-68 []
Ah - you are stupid.
Under 1000 troops before JFK.
Over 16000 at the time of his assassination.

Vietnam War - Wikipedia
First combat troops to Vietnam were deployed in 1965. You must think JFK sent them from the grave. :cuckoo:

The History Place - Vietnam War 1965-1968

Yea, wasn't going to argue with him Johnson escalated the war. He probably thinks Kennedy put the first troops there too.
when did you start read fake news? it was Johnson.

Years of Escalation: 1965-68 []
Ah - you are stupid.
Under 1000 troops before JFK.
Over 16000 at the time of his assassination.

Vietnam War - Wikipedia
First combat troops to Vietnam were deployed in 1965. You must think JFK sent them from the grave. :cuckoo:

The History Place - Vietnam War 1965-1968

This is an I Love Lucy style of misunderstanding that you boys will eventually get straight.

Til then...
Till the end of time, LBJ was the first to deploy combat troops into Vietnam. You being crazy certainly will never change that.
If he had not been killed
JFK would have done the same thing
So would Nixon

They all would have so it really doesn't matter, it's history.
Interesting. BTW, I like your avatar. I was also a Lee Marvin fan.

Marvin was a Democrat who opposed the Vietnam War. He publicly endorsed John F. Kennedy in the 1960 presidential election.[25]

Lee Marvin - Wikipedia
JFK was a conservative by today's standards, and actually escalated the Vietnam war.

when did you start read fake news? it was Johnson.

Years of Escalation: 1965-68 []
Ah - you are stupid.
Under 1000 troops before JFK.
Over 16000 at the time of his assassination.

Vietnam War - Wikipedia
First combat troops to Vietnam were deployed in 1965. You must think JFK sent them from the grave. :cuckoo:

The History Place - Vietnam War 1965-1968
If I remember correctly even Eisenhower sent military adviser

You're correct.
That would be the same as God wanted Hitler to become Germany's leader

That would be the same as God wanted Hitler to become Germany's leader

Here is a link to that, I don't think you provided one.
Sarah Sanders: God "wanted Donald Trump to become president," press secretary said in an Christian Broadcasting Network interview today - CBS News

It's truly amazing that anyone would say that, but indeed she did. But did it ever occur to her that if God wanted Trump to be President, that maybe God wanted to obliterate the Republican party instead?

We had white male pastors all over this country singing Trump's praises, many of them still do. 86% of Evangelicals in this country cast a vote for Trump even after listening to this tape.


In one fatal swipe, Republicans have burned down their family values platform, and obliterated the credibility of every Evangelical church in this country. They have made a mockery of the teachings of Jesus Christ.
You are using Christianity as a cudgel.

cudg·el. /ˈkəjəl/ noun

1. a short, thick stick used as a weapon.

synonyms: club, bludgeon, stick,
truncheon, baton, blackthorn, mace, bat; More

EVERY Christian is taught that EVERY Christian is a failed sinner.

Jesus LOVED sinners.

Your post suggests that Jesus had a warlord mentality like Mohammed.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
That would be the same as God wanted Hitler to become Germany's leader

Yes, that is correct from a Christian perspective.
Cite the Bible verse(s).

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

Romans 13:1 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God

Dan 2:21 He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding;
That would be the same as God wanted Hitler to become Germany's leader

That would be the same as God wanted Hitler to become Germany's leader

Here is a link to that, I don't think you provided one.
Sarah Sanders: God "wanted Donald Trump to become president," press secretary said in an Christian Broadcasting Network interview today - CBS News

It's truly amazing that anyone would say that, but indeed she did. But did it ever occur to her that if God wanted Trump to be President, that maybe God wanted to obliterate the Republican party instead?

We had white male pastors all over this country singing Trump's praises, many of them still do. 86% of Evangelicals in this country cast a vote for Trump even after listening to this tape.


In one fatal swipe, Republicans have burned down their family values platform, and obliterated the credibility of every Evangelical church in this country. They have made a mockery of the teachings of Jesus Christ.
You are using Christianity as a cudgel.

cudg·el. /ˈkəjəl/ noun

1. a short, thick stick used as a weapon.

synonyms: club, bludgeon, stick,
truncheon, baton, blackthorn, mace, bat; More

EVERY Christian is taught that EVERY Christian is a failed sinner.

Jesus LOVED sinners.

Your post suggests that Jesus had a warlord mentality like Mohammed.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

Jesus was probably gay.
God wanted Obama to be President too
He also wanted Democrats to win the House

Maybe as a way of letting us know and show how advanced we were as a people.

The answer is, "not very."

There are still people who 'worship' the guy.

Has any President been as staggering a failure as Obama?

As Peter Wehner suggests, let's use OBAMA'S OWN METRICS:

Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure

PETER WEHNER / APR. 24, 2014

"It’s not simply that Mr. Obama has fallen short of what he promised; it’s that he has been, in so many respects, a failure.

Choose your metrics. Better yet, choose Mr. Obama’s metrics:

Job creation.
Economic growth.
Improving our health-care system.
Reducing the debt.
Reducing poverty.
Reducing income inequality.
Slowing the rise of the oceans.
Healing the planet.
Repairing the world.
The Russian “reset.”
Peace in the Middle East.
Red lines in Syria.
Renewed focus on Afghanistan.
A new beginning with the Arab world.
Better relations with our allies.
Depolarizing our politics.
Putting an end to the type of politics that “breeds division and conflict and cynicism.”
Working with the other party.
No lobbyists working in his administration.
His commitment to seek public financing in the general election.

The list goes on and on."

Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure


The Great Obama was God’s favorite President


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