Sat. Nite NFL: Dallas at home vs Detroit


Gold Member
Apr 29, 2016
Chicago, IL
Besides the game of the weekend, Jimmy Johnson was finally inducted into the Cowboys Ring of Fame! Firing him was probably up there as one of the worst bonehead decisions ever! I'd put it up there with Boston selling off Ruth to the Yankees! Jerry Jones saved us from Cowboy envy to this day as they might have won the SB every year w/ little effort in the 90's! Johnson is probably the best assessor of talent ever! He played no favorites and would let you go if you couldn't help the team NOW! ;-)

Detroit started out good; got a FG and then intercepted Dax, but haven't been able to do anything more even though running the ball well! Supposedly The Lions still alive in the #1 seed sweepstakes! I doubt it; even if they stole this game down 3-7 starting the 3rd Qtr! :rolleyes: :nono:;):heehee:
Besides the game of the weekend, Jimmy Johnson was finally inducted into the Cowboys Ring of Fame! Firing him was probably up there as one of the worst bonehead decisions ever! I'd put it up there with Boston selling off Ruth to the Yankees! Jerry Jones saved us from Cowboy envy to this day as they might have won the SB every year w/ little effort in the 90's! Johnson is probably the best assessor of talent ever! He played no favorites and would let you go if you couldn't help the team NOW! ;-)

Detroit started out good; got a FG and then intercepted Dax, but haven't been able to do anything more even though running the ball well! Supposedly The Lions still alive in the #1 seed sweepstakes! I doubt it; even if they stole this game down 3-7 starting the 3rd Qtr! :rolleyes: :nono:;):heehee:

Lemme guess. If the lions win it's stolen. If cowboys wins it's a victory. Newflash, MAGAT: Detroit just scored and it's 10-7. And Detroit is starting to move the ball offensively. Dallas is up against one of the finest defensive teams in the NFL and one of the power houses for offense. It's a wonder it's even been this close.
Lemme guess. If the lions win it's stolen. If cowboys wins it's a victory. Newflash, MAGAT: Detroit just scored and it's 10-7. And Detroit is starting to move the ball offensively. Dallas is up against one of the finest defensive teams in the NFL and one of the power houses for offense. It's a wonder it's even been this close.

I'm no fan of The Boys! It's a home game so they should start scoring sooner or later; 7-0 @ home! :nono:
Only one lucky play for DAL (DET DB fell down) getting a big bomb touchdown (Broken play during pass rush?).
Other than that it’s DET domination.
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Only one lucky play for DAL (DET DB fell down) getting a big bomb touchdown (Broken ply during pass rush?).
Other than that it’s DET domination.

The problem has been going into that "deep set" on a run Ray Charles can see coming from the grave! :heehee:
Im getting Queasy. DET was dominating but only up by 3? Where have we seen this before? in DET Playoff games at DAL?

gotta put those drives into the end zone dammmeeett!
It’s a good game so far, but honestly it’s kind of a pointless game. Lions already clenched their division and Cowboys have no chance of getting the division with Eagles playing the Giants and Deadskins to finish the season.
Besides the game of the weekend, Jimmy Johnson was finally inducted into the Cowboys Ring of Fame! Firing him was probably up there as one of the worst bonehead decisions ever! I'd put it up there with Boston selling off Ruth to the Yankees! Jerry Jones saved us from Cowboy envy to this day as they might have won the SB every year w/ little effort in the 90's! Johnson is probably the best assessor of talent ever! He played no favorites and would let you go if you couldn't help the team NOW! ;-)

Detroit started out good; got a FG and then intercepted Dax, but haven't been able to do anything more even though running the ball well! Supposedly The Lions still alive in the #1 seed sweepstakes! I doubt it; even if they stole this game down 3-7 starting the 3rd Qtr! :rolleyes: :nono:;):heehee:
I thought it was funny that he called himself an asshole and every Cowboy there nodded their heads.
Im getting Queasy. DET was dominating but only up by 3? Where have we seen this before? in DET Playoff games at DAL?

Red Zone decisions & incompetent play is always like that for some teams! Some teams can't be stopped while others stifle themselves w/ self-destructive calls! Whenever I think of Detroit in the playoffs, 1995 comes to mind w/ Scott Mitchell! I can still see him say to his coach "WHY?" after being yanked from the game in the 3rd Qtr. down 51-7! I think he threw 6 interceptions against Rodney Peete who was the back up QB for Philidelphia! :rolleyes: ;):cool::stir:
ShiiittHouse. I bet Lions +6.5, Under 53.5. O.5 points off!

Just a bad bad day. Come on Lions! Get into overtime At least! Huh? What happened to DET timeouts!
Haha Lions screaming about the flag on the 2pt conversion. Totally illegal play and they cry like babies.

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