Why are American Democrats not calling out the Antisemites??

The members of the white nationalist anti semitic dogwhistle (globalist, Soros) using Republican party should just shut up. But then again you guys are supporting this attempted genocide because Netanyahu is murdering Muslims.

There is no genocide.

Stop stealing slogans from the Joy Reid Clown Show.
I not a D. Never have been.

Are you a Fox News conservative?
Real peace cannot be achieved by human efforts at all. Mankind is just too sinful and evil to accomplish this. When Yeshua returns, He will bring with Him his Sword to slaughter those who have rebelled against G-d and establish His Kingdom on Earth with His Saints (All Born-Again believers)
Real peace cannot be achieved by human efforts at all. Mankind is just too sinful and evil to accomplish this. When Yeshua returns, He will bring with Him his Sword to slaughter those who have rebelled against G-d and establish His Kingdom on Earth with His Saints (All Born-Again believers)
Is this your way of trying to justify Israel’s genocide?
In fact, some of the GAZANS have helped recapture some escaping hostages.
Is this your way of trying to justify Israel’s genocide?
nope, just conveying the truth. There will arise this great, mighty world leader that promises peace, but is actually the Antichrist. Only the Prince of Peace will bring about lasting and ETERNAL peace when He returns. And Israel has every right to defend itself from the Palestinian hoarde.
In fact, some of the GAZANS have helped recapture some escaping hostages.
I'm surprised Israel hasn't liberated any of these hostages after all these months. Maybe I'm naive, but I thought they'd be found and rescued by now. As far as I'm concerned, everyone in that vile hell hole has blood on their hands. They a e all guilty of murder
So you think Israel has no right to exist?
Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish State from YHWH's perspective, without Torah. There's no such thing as a "secular Jewish State", that supports the Holy Land being sodomized:



And allowing Palestinians (non-Jews) to continue controlling the Temple Mount (i.e. Mount Zion):


All of the non-Jews in the Holy Land who refuse to keep the seven laws of Noah and become Shem Toshav (legal aliens), under the authority of the Sanhedrin or Jewish court, must leave. That is Torah, which is what Jews must practice and enforce in Israel if it is truly "Israel". There's no such thing, as a secular Jewish State that is "Israel". That's non-existent according to YHWH, based upon what is clearly stated in TeNaK. The Jews must step into their role as the cohenim of the goyim, serving as fully committed mediators and concerned, thoughtful teachers of the nations, or they will be hated and never have peace in this physical world.

All of creation will be anti-Semitic, even the birds will poop on the Jews if they refuse to step into their divine role as YHWH's cohenim. You're either this:


Or you're nothing. KLUM - כְּלוּם. Jews don't have a choice in whether they're going to be divinely chosen or not, they are. They need to step into that role, or they will be hated and resented by all of creation. Even the black ants that never bite anyone, will be biting the Jews. Lady Bugs will attack the Jews. All of YHWH's creation will be attacking the Jews from every direction, for not taking the mantle of YHWH, and carrying out their priestly work and duties, on behalf of creation.

When a non-Jew sins, they offend YHWH and are punished, but when a Jew sins, they offend YHWH even more. Why? Because they've been blessed and equipped with more, to serve mankind and all of creation. They are bad stewards of the blessings and powers they've been divinely endowed with. When a Jew sins they suffer even more of YHWH's wrath, the forces of justice, the angels heap even hotter coals upon their heads. When a Jew steps into His role as cohen, as a priest of YHWH, carrying out His sacred work and duties, they are infused with the very presence of YHWH, creation falls prostrate before them.


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