Satellite data show Earth's glaciers in massive decline

Notice how Westwall, despite multiple demands, has NEVER told us how he would produce climate projections without using models.

Note also that he ignores the empirical data on glacier mass loss. The world is getting warmer and is losing its ice cover everywhere.
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A vacuous bed wetter said:
Nothing at all. He cut and pasted some insipid bullshit from another leftwing agitprop website.
Notice how every one of these "studies" relies on a MODEL, to alter raw data.

Every. Single. One.

Computer derived fiction.

Just like the election results in Wisconsin.

Notice how Westwall, despite multiple demands, has NEVER told us how he would produce climate projections without using models.

Note also that he ignores the empirical data on glacier mass loss. The world is getting warmer and is losing its ice cover everywhere.

Notice how Crick, et all, claim evidence of global warming is "all around us", yet NEVER produce empirical data to support it.
Notice how Crick, et all, claim evidence of global warming is "all around us", yet NEVER produce empirical data to support it.

Well fuck... I'll give you some evidence that I have observed with my own eyes.

For instance, Lake Erie used to freeze over every winter when I was a kid. People used to get caught trying to drive cars and snow mobiles across the ice into Canada. The problem was there were ice cutters because their were shipping lanes out there. We used to play hockey out there. Last time I was in Buffalo during the winter there was barely any surface ice, and there were several years where there was none.

There used to be awesome lobster fisheries off the coast of taxachuettes and Connecticut, that are gone now and almost out of US territory in Maine because the water is warmer.

But guess the fuck what? It ain't because we add .03% of the world's CO2 to the atmosphere, which BTW only accounts for 3% of the so called "Greenhouse Effect".

It's not the concept of a changing climate anyone is logically arguing against, it's the cause. I notice that the largest voices promoting the man made "theory" are getting rich and doing the opposite of what they're telling us to do. They're eating fucking $500 Wagyu Steaks in private Jets and have a convoy of SUV's full of well armed mercinaries escort them everywhere.

Fuckin fascist cock suckers....

And vacuous parasites like Crick would spread his cheeks and take a load from them.


Cool. I am in the process of putting up a second clothes line today. I don't technically need two, but one is spotted where it is usually more sunny and and the other is going to be in a spot where there is usually more of a breeze. What have you done to save the planet today?

Okay, and?

Climate change has been happening for millions of years without human interference.

Question: Without human industrialization, what would the average world temperature be today and how would that differ with what we actually have?
Notice how Westwall, despite multiple demands, has NEVER told us how he would produce climate projections without using models.

Note also that he ignores the empirical data on glacier mass loss. The world is getting warmer and is losing its ice cover everywhere.
Don’t the models and the experts claim all this fresh water from melting glaciers entering the oceans will lead to an Ice Age?
There is the possibility that fresh water entering in the northern oceans could upset the Atlantic Overturning Circulation (AOC) - a massive but very slow moving current that descends from the surface at the poles, flows slowly south along the ocean bottom and then rises at the equator carrying enormous amounts of dissolved nutrients that feed the bottom of the marine food chain in the tropics.
There is the possibility that fresh water entering in the northern oceans could upset the Atlantic Overturning Circulation (AOC) - a massive but very slow moving current that descends from the surface at the poles, flows slowly south along the ocean bottom and then rises at the equator carrying enormous amounts of dissolved nutrients that feed the bottom of the marine food chain in the tropics.
If it upsets the AOC, what do the models predict will happen?
It could slow or even stop the flow. There is some evidence that this precise turn of events has occurred before in Earth's past. The effect on marine life would be catastrophic. Then again, maybe nothing will happen. I'm not a climate scientist. Ask them.
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You better prepare now for earth to cool, significantly...

Grand minimum predicted for 2050s sun cycle will cool Earth (
Great link (that doesn't back up your prediction at all):
But it won’t stop the current trend of planetary warning, Lubin warns.

“The cooling effect of a grand minimum is only a fraction of the warming effect caused by the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,” a statement from the research team reads.

“After hundreds of thousands of years of CO2 levels never exceeding 300 parts per million in air, the concentration of the greenhouse gas is now over 400 parts per million, continuing a rise that began with the Industrial Revolution.”
The temperatures over the last several thousand years show VERY clearly that we are not in any normal phase of interglacial warming. The rate of warming we've experienced over the last century and particularly the last 50 years is unprecedented in human history. The melt that warming is creating is also unprecedented. Those of you who want to cling to the belief that this warming is natural and harmless are fooling yourselves into ignoring a real threat.
The temperatures over the last several thousand years show VERY clearly that we are not in any normal phase of interglacial warming. The rate of warming we've experienced over the last century and particularly the last 50 years is unprecedented in human history. The melt that warming is creating is also unprecedented. Those of you who want to cling to the belief that this warming is natural and harmless are fooling yourselves into ignoring a real threat.
I would love to see you show me that data. :rofl:

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