Sattelite Data Show 2015 Was NOT EVEN CLOSE to Being Hottest on Record.

Well, I will wait for the rest of the agencies that monitor this before I accept their data. They really don't have that good of a record at getting things right. After all, their head scientist is also a Creationist.
Yea, Uncle Ferd kept tellin' Granny to wait till the cool o' the evenin' to cut the grass inna summer...

2015 Was Second Hottest Ever in US
January 07, 2016 - A hot December made 2015 the second hottest year on record in the contiguous United States, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). "It was quite an exceptional month," said Jake Crouch, climate scientist at NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information.
Temperatures for the year averaged 12.4 degrees Celsius, just off 2012’s 12.9, the hottest year since records started in 1895. NOAA also said there were 10 major weather and climate events in 2015, resulting in the deaths of 155 and causing more than $1 billion in damage.They included a drought, two floods, five severe storms, a wildfire event and a winter storm.


Two men watch as the sun sets over San Francisco from Yerba Buena Island​

The Western U.S. was particularly warm, as was the Southeast. Texas and Oklahoma set records for precipitation. "Every state had an above average temperature for the year," said Crouch. The World Meteorological Organization said 2015 would be the hottest year ever globally and that 2016 could be hotter because of El Niño. NOAA said 2015 was the 19th straight year that the average temperatures topped the average for the 20th century.

Nearly 200 countries that met at the United Nations’ climate summit in Paris in December agreed to try to stem climate change by restraining the rise in global temperatures to 2 degrees Celsius. Climate change is a highly charged political issue in the U.S. with Republican presidential candidates critical of President Barack Obama’s statement that it was the biggest threat to national security.

2015 Was Second Hottest Ever in US the AGW k00ks HATE data that doesn't conform with the established narrative, or what?:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
The denier here sob so delightfully when we point how everyone with a brain understands the satellite data is crap. The surface data disagrees with it, the balloon data disagrees with it, the rising oceans disagree with it, and even the satellite guys say it's not reliable enough to use.

But then, denier cultists don't care about stinkin' facts or data. The cult has told them what to say, and not one of 'em has the brains or balls necessary to go against cult orders.

What excuse will deniers fall back on when the satellite data gets corrected? Deniers really need to be planning for that. I suggest they do the same as they did with the BEST data. You know, when deniers all said they'd accept the result of the BEST study, being it was the best and most accurate study ever. And then it came out and contradicted their cult, and deniers all instantly spun about and declared their promise didn't count because BEST was clearly part of the conspiracy.

That is, when the satellite data gets corrected, deniers will simply claim the people who fixed it are in on the conspiracy, and thus they will be able to maintain faith in their religion.
Satellite data is only crap to the AGW religion.............which is exactly why you have tens of thousands of Masters and Doctorate level scientists proclaiming global warming to be a bunch of crap!!

Anyway.......we deniers don't need to be planning for shit because we're winning huge. The "data" whether from satellite of bouys and balloons isn't mattering in the real world. Deniers generally don't like to sit around and take bows for navel contemplation sessions!!!:bye1:
That tenth of a degree puts us over 1 degree C. for the total increase since the industrial age began. And the generally accepted danger level is a 2 degree increase. Well, given that the present temperature is representative of the GHGs in the atmosphere 30 to 50 years ago, we are going to blow right by the 2 degree mark.
That tenth of a degree puts us over 1 degree C. for the total increase since the industrial age began. And the generally accepted danger level is a 2 degree increase. Well, given that the present temperature is representative of the GHGs in the atmosphere 30 to 50 years ago, we are going to blow right by the 2 degree mark.

But those projections are based upon these computer models which are historically laughable as far as accuracy. Nobody........and I mean NOBODY knows what the climate will be like in 2025...........2050. Its got the certainty of one going down this morning and playing POWERBALL!!

Even if we accept that this trend is dangerous ( which tens of thousands of scientists scoff at btw).......nobody has any solutions that are realistic.:dunno:
Well, it sure was the wettest December ever here in Portland, Oregon.

And those meteorological records span just 100 years.. so your again making a claim you can not support with facts. The paleo records show you a fraud old fraud..

The hype and lies coming from the alarmists is stunning....
These data, for both RSS and UAH, show that, for both measures, 2015 was the highest back to 1979 (the beginning of the UAH record) and that for the last 12 years, UAH has shown global temperatures higher than RSS.

View attachment 59347

Microwave Sounding Unit Temperature Anomalies | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

as always, when crick puts up a graph you have to parse what he thinks it means, and what it really means.

does crick think that because this is RSS and UAH data plotted up on a different website, that the data which is obviously different from the annual satellite global temp from the original sources (edit- could look like this?). obviously there is a disconnect somewhere along the line.

looking at the title of crick's graph it becomes clear. this is a comparison of November values. both RSS and UAH had their warmest Novembers since 1979. by about 0.05F, or 0.03C.

December values are not available yet. of the previous months before Nov, RSS has no record months, UAH has oct 2015 also a record.

perhaps crick just failed to mention that the graph was for a specific month. perhaps not.
I just noticed the title of this thread.

Crick was at least partially right. October and November were UAH records. I am sorry I was so hasty in judging crick.

Please accept my apology crick.

Even if the V6 numbers turn out not to be a record you were correct to point out that November was very warm.
Well, I will wait for the rest of the agencies that monitor this before I accept their data. They really don't have that good of a record at getting things right. After all, their head scientist is also a Creationist.

^ From the "Satellites are DENIERS!!!!and must be adjusted" crowd

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