Saturday Night Leftist Lunacy


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
It was lame comedy...
Saturday Night Leftist Lunacy
Islam is our friend, gun owners and the rich are our enemies.
December 21, 2015
Matthew Vadum


American television viewers were subjected to the usual smorgasbord of left-wing dhimmitude, foreign-policy impotence, bleeding-heart lunacy, lies about America, and ugly class-warfare rhetoric by the three radical leftists still standing in the Democrats' presidential primary race in a debate that aired on the weekend.

The winner, of course, was former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, because Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley refused to lay a glove on her over her deadly bungling of the Benghazi terrorist attack and its aftermath, her dangerous, illegal, email system, and the international clearinghouse for bribes and future presidential favors known as the irredeemably corrupt Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Foundation.

Americans were told in the debate Saturday night in Manchester, N.H., that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump is a racist and a fascist, taxes need to go up, gun control needs to be strengthened, America is a terrible, racist, Islamophobic country, and Muslims are our best hope for combating Muslim terrorism.

Although all three candidates are committed to forcing America to accept thousands upon thousands of potential terrorists posing as Syrian refugees, they tried really hard to sound like they actually care about U.S. national security and the threat that Islamic State poses to America and the rest of Western civilization. (Time magazine provides a transcript of the debate here.)

Clinton said "we must work more closely" with Muslim-Americans because they're trying "to stop radicalization." Such people "will be our early warning signal," she said, ignoring the fact that groups like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) aggressively encourage Muslims not to cooperate with the FBI.

"That’s why we need to work with them, not demonize them, as the Republicans have been doing," she said, even though no prominent Republicans have been demonizing Muslims.

Clinton appeared to compare Second Amendment supporters to Islamic terrorists. After discussing building a coalition to fight terrorists abroad, Clinton, who, not too long ago suffered a traumatic brian injury, clumsily segued into incoherent commentary in which she seemed to argue that gun owners are a greater threat to the republic than jihadists:

Because I think if you only think about the coalition abroad you’re missing the main point, which is we need a coalition here at home. Guns, in and of themselves, in my opinion, will not make Americans safer. We lose 33,000 people a year already to gun violence, arming more people to do what I think is not the appropriate response to terrorism. I think what is, is creating much deeper, closer relations and, yes, coalitions within our own country. The first line of defense against radicalization is in the Muslim American community. People who we should be welcoming and working with.

I worry greatly that the rhetoric coming from the Republicans, particularly Donald Trump, is sending a message to Muslims here in the United States and literally around the world that there is a “clash of civilizations,” that there is some kind of Western plot or even “war against Islam,” which then I believe fans the flames of radicalization. So guns have to be looked at as its own problem but we also have to figure out how we’re going to deal with the radicalization here in the United States.

We have to be careful not to hurt the feelings of Muslims, Clinton said.

So what I would say is, number one, we need to be united against the threats that we face. We need to have everybody in our country focused on watching what happens and reporting it if it’s suspicious, reporting what you hear. Making sure that Muslim Americans don’t feel left out or marginalized at the very moment when we need their help.

When a moderator pointed out that New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan (D), who supports Clinton, said “we should halt acceptance of Syrian refugees until U.S. authorities can assure the vetting process, halt Syrian refugees,” Clinton said halting the processing of those individuals from a major terrorist-producing was not needed.

What we have to do is put all of our resources through the Department of Homeland Security, through the State Department, through our intelligence agencies, and we have to have an increased vetting and screening.

Clinton also twice refused to answer a question about how much responsibility she bears for the current chaos in the Middle East because she caused the catastrophic so-called Arab Spring. No one nailed Clinton for supporting Egypt's leading terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood, or for the fact that she employs jihadist-friendly Huma Abedin as her top aide.

O'Malley argued against securing U.S. borders, saying the nation's "enduring symbol is not the barbed wire fence," and smeared Trump for proposing to block Muslim immigration. Americans need to "hold true to the values and the freedoms that unite us, which means we must never surrender them to terrorists, must never surrender our American values to racists, must never surrender to the fascist pleas of billionaires with big mouths," the former governor said, ignoring the fascist pleas of Democrat-funding billionaire George Soros.

O'Malley also used the unusual phrase "combat assault weapons," saying these things need to be cracked down on. Depending on what he means, of course, such weapons are already illegal to buy in the United States.


Saturday Night Leftist Lunacy
If I were on the right, I'd be teaming up with the Bernie Sanders supporters among the Greens and Progressive Democrats to push for REGIME change and stop the campaign to censor these voters.

As a Democrat, I'd go so far as to invite all third party and independent supporters to JOIN the Democratic party and help buddy up with supporters of Bernie Sanders to push his candidacy.

These constituents are being silenced, the move is to bar anyone but Hillary supporters from getting into conventions and participating in the nominations process equally.

This system of just manipulating a small % of voters to swing an election keeps rewarding bullying.

I would seriously consider the Green party system of "proportional representation" and start looking into representation by party. If everyone could represent themselves through the party of their choice,
and divide into more parties if they disagree, then all platforms could be funded through their own parties. We wouldn't have to bully or battle it out, if all parties could represent their own members.
And have a coalition type parliament of parties to advise Congress, States, Governors and Presidents.
Anything the parties agreed on could be approved for passing as law or reforms through govt.
Anything the parties disagree on could be separated and funded by party so all views are represented.

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