Saturday Night Live has highest ratings in 6 years by making fun of the Trump administration

Saturday Night Live has highest ratings in 6 years by making fun of the Trump administration.
The Trump administration is a great asset to all comedians but especially to SNL.

SNL spotlights the absurdity of the people who make up the Trump administration, especially the top man himself.
What a stunning achiecement! Theu must br so proud.

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Trump could give two fucks less about some no talent humorless fucking program. When he appeared ratings shot up. SNL fucking sucks.
We also laugh at you rubes in flyover country
Did you laugh at them on November 9th?
On November 9th my first emotion was to cry but then I said no I will laugh.

Keep on laughing....on your way to irrelevancy.
We will see if we laugh our way to irrelevancy or we laugh your sorry asses out of American Politics forever.
It is old white men's last hurrah.
I say that as an old white man. I am embarrassed by old white men not being able to handle their reduced relevancy.

Sounds racist.

America has just given notice we wont stand for your shenanigans any longer.
Get ready to be kicked to the curb dipshit. The left and the globullist have jumped the gun and the world is fighting back in the form of Brexit and Trump.
Your days are numbered and I cant wait to start the countdown.
Saturday Night Live has highest ratings in 6 years by making fun of the Trump administration.
The Trump administration is a great asset to all comedians but especially to SNL.

SNL spotlights the absurdity of the people who make up the Trump administration, especially the top man himself.

For one thing, they've got Sarah Palin material times 100 to work with.
I haven't watched SNL since the early 90s I couldn't tell you the name of one current cast member so whatever.
kinda hard to pay attention to what is happening in the world at 11:30 on Saturday'swhen you're drunk out of your mind.

I hear ya. Most Conservatives are in bed resting up for the next days work,while liberals are half drunk if not fully drunk by then.
I don't recall a entertainment venue ever attacking a Press Secretary. Melissa McCarthy looked downright creepy and the joke is that it's probably how she looks in real life.
You weren't around for Nixon then.
SNL is where liberals get their news. That´s why everything they know isn´t true.
Too many Trump supporters are scared to death of life and have lost their sense of humor.
There is nothing humorous about SNL unless you´re 12 years old.
12 year old, that hurts. What a zinger. You have quite the wit.
Fact are not intended to be zingers.
We also laugh at you rubes in flyover country
Did you laugh at them on November 9th?
On November 9th my first emotion was to cry but then I said no I will laugh.

Keep on laughing....on your way to irrelevancy.
We will see if we laugh our way to irrelevancy or we laugh your sorry asses out of American Politics forever.
It is old white men's last hurrah.
I say that as an old white man. I am embarrassed by old white men not being able to handle their reduced relevancy.

Sounds racist.

America has just given notice we wont stand for your shenanigans any longer.
Get ready to be kicked to the curb dipshit. The left and the globullist have jumped the gun and the world is fighting back in the form of Brexit and Trump.
Your days are numbered and I cant wait to start the countdown.
Doofus likes to play ostrich that there's been more demonstrations and outrage against Trump than any other president in history.... IN THE FIRST FUCKING MONTH. He has unleashed a revolution in the town halls and streets that are just going to get bigger and louder.
And you think Brexit is going to save you.
This resistance is like the tea bagger movement on steroids.
Saturday Night Live has highest ratings in 6 years by making fun of the Trump administration.
The Trump administration is a great asset to all comedians but especially to SNL.

SNL spotlights the absurdity of the people who make up the Trump administration, especially the top man himself.

For one thing, they've got Sarah Palin material times 100 to work with.
...and that material is all fake and made up. Did you know that you really can see Russia from parts of America?
Yes, yes, we all got the indoctrination pamplets. Production capitalism is gone, financial capitalism is societal cannibalism.

There has been a vast wealth redistribution scam afoot over the past 5 decades or so, but not in the direction some are always blathering on about; it has been toward the top, the very top. American style capitalism and soviet style communism are but divergent paths to the same ultimate destination whereby a handful of entitled pricks at the very top have all the power, all the wealth, and all reasonable access to either. The productivity of the American worker has steadily increased over these decades as all the wealth generated via this productivity has been increasingly concentrated into the hands of a very few at the top who in turn leverage that wealth to take over government policies to their own advantage. Your government is a criminal business enterprise. Legislation is crafted in the most convoluted complicated means possible and then exemptions, exclusions, and subsidies are sold off to the highest bidders, none of whom are ever worker calss american people, by design. America is still a colonial wealth extraction enterprise; privatized gains, subsidized losses. Our “conservative” friends blame the voiceless and impoverished. Sure bub, the poor folk with no political voice screwed it all up. Sheesh.

Sorry but my life story contradicts everything you posted.
I dropped out of high school yet I retired at 46 and had none of the benefits you a right to work state.
STFU and apply yourself instead of whining and you can do the same.

Everthing isn't about you love.

So you're saying the left is a bunch of ne'er do well's....
Funny,we agree for a change.

And to think this entire thread started because some Don supporter is upset that Don gets laughed at.
Another Snowflake thread.

The sum total of the right's debating skills:
1. Snowflakes
2. Fake news

Trump has dumbed down his own base to the point they're just blithering idiots but think they're Albert Einstein.
Saturday Night Live has highest ratings in 6 years by making fun of the Trump administration.
The Trump administration is a great asset to all comedians but especially to SNL.

SNL spotlights the absurdity of the people who make up the Trump administration, especially the top man himself.

For one thing, they've got Sarah Palin material times 100 to work with.
...and that material is all fake and made up. Did you know that you really can see Russia from parts of America?
Moron doesn't know that in order for satire to be believable it has to ring true and have details of what is happening.
Trump never misses SNL. How bout you?
Oh wait... I'm sure you'll lie about it because that's what you folks do.
Did you laugh at them on November 9th?
On November 9th my first emotion was to cry but then I said no I will laugh.

Keep on laughing....on your way to irrelevancy.
We will see if we laugh our way to irrelevancy or we laugh your sorry asses out of American Politics forever.
It is old white men's last hurrah.
I say that as an old white man. I am embarrassed by old white men not being able to handle their reduced relevancy.

Sounds racist.

America has just given notice we wont stand for your shenanigans any longer.
Get ready to be kicked to the curb dipshit. The left and the globullist have jumped the gun and the world is fighting back in the form of Brexit and Trump.
Your days are numbered and I cant wait to start the countdown.
Doofus likes to play ostrich that there's been more demonstrations and outrage against Trump than any other president in history.... IN THE FIRST FUCKING MONTH. He has unleashed a revolution in the town halls and streets that are just going to get bigger and louder.
And you think Brexit is going to save you.
This resistance is like the tea bagger movement on steroids.

Bwhahahahahaha!!!!! a revolution of pussy hat wearing bitches and punks in black starting fires!!!!!!

Please!!! And I mean Please!!!!! Bring this shit to Texas other than Austin and see where it leads. I will be waiting with baited breath....and loaded AR.
On November 9th my first emotion was to cry but then I said no I will laugh.

Keep on laughing....on your way to irrelevancy.
We will see if we laugh our way to irrelevancy or we laugh your sorry asses out of American Politics forever.
It is old white men's last hurrah.
I say that as an old white man. I am embarrassed by old white men not being able to handle their reduced relevancy.

Sounds racist.

America has just given notice we wont stand for your shenanigans any longer.
Get ready to be kicked to the curb dipshit. The left and the globullist have jumped the gun and the world is fighting back in the form of Brexit and Trump.
Your days are numbered and I cant wait to start the countdown.
Doofus likes to play ostrich that there's been more demonstrations and outrage against Trump than any other president in history.... IN THE FIRST FUCKING MONTH. He has unleashed a revolution in the town halls and streets that are just going to get bigger and louder.
And you think Brexit is going to save you.
This resistance is like the tea bagger movement on steroids.

Bwhahahahahaha!!!!! a revolution of pussy hat wearing bitches and punks in black starting fires!!!!!!

Please!!! And I mean Please!!!!! Bring this shit to Texas other than Austin and see where it leads. I will be waiting with baited breath....and loaded AR.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, what an ignorant, stupid, pantshatting reply to post. You're gonna do nothing.
Sorry but my life story contradicts everything you posted.
I dropped out of high school yet I retired at 46 and had none of the benefits you a right to work state.
STFU and apply yourself instead of whining and you can do the same.

Everthing isn't about you love.

So you're saying the left is a bunch of ne'er do well's....
Funny,we agree for a change.

And to think this entire thread started because some Don supporter is upset that Don gets laughed at.
Another Snowflake thread.

The sum total of the right's debating skills:
1. Snowflakes
2. Fake news

Trump has dumbed down his own base to the point they're just blithering idiots but think they're Albert Einstein.

And of course the truth....
You limp dicks throw out all manner of bullshit and we get sick of debating it over and over again.
Come up with something new.
On November 9th my first emotion was to cry but then I said no I will laugh.

Keep on laughing....on your way to irrelevancy.
We will see if we laugh our way to irrelevancy or we laugh your sorry asses out of American Politics forever.
It is old white men's last hurrah.
I say that as an old white man. I am embarrassed by old white men not being able to handle their reduced relevancy.

Sounds racist.

America has just given notice we wont stand for your shenanigans any longer.
Get ready to be kicked to the curb dipshit. The left and the globullist have jumped the gun and the world is fighting back in the form of Brexit and Trump.
Your days are numbered and I cant wait to start the countdown.
Doofus likes to play ostrich that there's been more demonstrations and outrage against Trump than any other president in history.... IN THE FIRST FUCKING MONTH. He has unleashed a revolution in the town halls and streets that are just going to get bigger and louder.
And you think Brexit is going to save you.
This resistance is like the tea bagger movement on steroids.

Bwhahahahahaha!!!!! a revolution of pussy hat wearing bitches and punks in black starting fires!!!!!!

Please!!! And I mean Please!!!!! Bring this shit to Texas other than Austin and see where it leads. I will be waiting with baited breath....and loaded AR.
More people are watching SNL than are believing any of Trump's lies.
The country and the world is laughing AT Trump... and that can't be good for the country. But as Alec Baldwin said, " release your tax returns and I'll stop playing you."
Trump knows that releasing his tax returns would be political suicide so he'll remain Baldwin's bitch.
Everthing isn't about you love.

So you're saying the left is a bunch of ne'er do well's....
Funny,we agree for a change.

And to think this entire thread started because some Don supporter is upset that Don gets laughed at.
Another Snowflake thread.

The sum total of the right's debating skills:
1. Snowflakes
2. Fake news

Trump has dumbed down his own base to the point they're just blithering idiots but think they're Albert Einstein.

And of course the truth....
You limp dicks throw out all manner of bullshit and we get sick of debating it over and over again.
Come up with something new.

I thought that's what he was asking for, something new besides; 1. Snowflakes
2. Fake news. No?
Saturday Night Live has highest ratings in 6 years by making fun of the Trump administration.
The Trump administration is a great asset to all comedians but especially to SNL.

SNL spotlights the absurdity of the people who make up the Trump administration, especially the top man himself.

Yeah, they've got a couple dozen more reporters tuning in. LMAO
Keep on laughing....on your way to irrelevancy.
We will see if we laugh our way to irrelevancy or we laugh your sorry asses out of American Politics forever.
It is old white men's last hurrah.
I say that as an old white man. I am embarrassed by old white men not being able to handle their reduced relevancy.

Sounds racist.

America has just given notice we wont stand for your shenanigans any longer.
Get ready to be kicked to the curb dipshit. The left and the globullist have jumped the gun and the world is fighting back in the form of Brexit and Trump.
Your days are numbered and I cant wait to start the countdown.
Doofus likes to play ostrich that there's been more demonstrations and outrage against Trump than any other president in history.... IN THE FIRST FUCKING MONTH. He has unleashed a revolution in the town halls and streets that are just going to get bigger and louder.
And you think Brexit is going to save you.
This resistance is like the tea bagger movement on steroids.

Bwhahahahahaha!!!!! a revolution of pussy hat wearing bitches and punks in black starting fires!!!!!!

Please!!! And I mean Please!!!!! Bring this shit to Texas other than Austin and see where it leads. I will be waiting with baited breath....and loaded AR.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, what an ignorant, stupid, pantshatting reply to post. You're gonna do nothing.

You're right...I probably wont have to since I live in a gated and walled community that was rated the number one Master planned community in the Country three years in a row.
Makes me want to rent a house in shitsville just so I can have some fun.....
Are ya gonna show up if I throw a party?
We will see if we laugh our way to irrelevancy or we laugh your sorry asses out of American Politics forever.
It is old white men's last hurrah.
I say that as an old white man. I am embarrassed by old white men not being able to handle their reduced relevancy.

Sounds racist.

America has just given notice we wont stand for your shenanigans any longer.
Get ready to be kicked to the curb dipshit. The left and the globullist have jumped the gun and the world is fighting back in the form of Brexit and Trump.
Your days are numbered and I cant wait to start the countdown.
Doofus likes to play ostrich that there's been more demonstrations and outrage against Trump than any other president in history.... IN THE FIRST FUCKING MONTH. He has unleashed a revolution in the town halls and streets that are just going to get bigger and louder.
And you think Brexit is going to save you.
This resistance is like the tea bagger movement on steroids.

Bwhahahahahaha!!!!! a revolution of pussy hat wearing bitches and punks in black starting fires!!!!!!

Please!!! And I mean Please!!!!! Bring this shit to Texas other than Austin and see where it leads. I will be waiting with baited breath....and loaded AR.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, what an ignorant, stupid, pantshatting reply to post. You're gonna do nothing.

You're right...I probably wont have to since I live in a gated and walled community that was rated the number one Master planned community in the Country three years in a row.
Makes me want to rent a house in shitsville just so I can have some fun.....
Are ya gonna show up if I throw a party?

You're right...I probably wont have to since I live in a gated and walled community that was rated the number one Master planned community in the Country three years in a row.

Well that explains a few things doesn't it now. Along with the fact that you post bullshit which is what you've just admitted to.

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