Saturday Night Live has highest ratings in 6 years by making fun of the Trump administration

I haven't watched SNL since the early 90s I couldn't tell you the name of one current cast member so whatever.
SNL is where liberals get their news. That´s why everything they know isn´t true.
Too many Trump supporters are scared to death of life and have lost their sense of humor.
It's also because they know when the country / world is laughing at Trump, they're also laughing at them for voting for this bonehead.

Are they laughing like the pathetics who dress up as pussies and the snowflakes who riot and loot to get their way?
That doesnt sound like laughing at all,it sounds like people who are terrified of losing the free ride.

The only folks getting a free ride in america are the substantial people;

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses
Wall st and corporate america own this nation. Impossible to break their grip. The rules are written for them. But the lies consist of the poor taking to much in entitlements and too many regulations. Its a smokescreen.
Saturday Night Live has highest ratings in 6 years by making fun of the Trump administration.
The Trump administration is a great asset to all comedians but especially to SNL.

SNL spotlights the absurdity of the people who make up the Trump administration, especially the top man himself.

When you lose as bad as the snowflakes have I guess you find validation wherever you can find it...
Funny you're still on your never ending victory parade because you know you can't debate nor have anything intelligent to say.

Says the moron who thinks SNL is a legitimate news source.
He takes a sense of critical thinking and wit to understand the sarcasm is telling a true story about those that are mocked.

Come out of your bubble....the weather's Great!!!!
Yup. And it's making him crazy.
Trump could give two fucks less about some no talent humorless fucking program. When he appeared ratings shot up. SNL fucking sucks.

Trump can't handle anything but being worshipped, say like his daughter's made in china clothing line being pulled from shelves for example. Hissyfit tweets ensue.
Exactly. Like when the Narcissist in Chief said it was " unfair" Nordstrum's dropped his daughter's line.
Chuck Todd did a demographic that people in red states don't buy Nordstrum's products. ( they can't afford them) Whereas people in blue states regular shop at the store.
So is it " unfair?"
Of course not. It's called capitalism. Her shit didn't sell.
But President Man/ Child thinks it was all about him.
Stupid putz

Exactly, most of the people who shop there are people who mainly supported Democrats, not Republicans. Selling Trump merchandise to liberals is about as easy as selling Obama merchandise to a rural Texan, which is to say, they won't buy it at all.

And, if you know it's not going to sell, why let it occupy store space that could be used to stock stuff that WILL sell? I thought Republicans were all about capitalism.
Obama supporters shop Nordstrom's and Trump supporters shop Wal-Mart.
As an Obama supporter, I am not ashamed to discuss where I shop. Trump supporters seem to be very sensitive where they shop.
That´s because Trump supporters work for their money. Obama supporters get theirs off of government support.
Yup. And it's making him crazy.
Trump could give two fucks less about some no talent humorless fucking program. When he appeared ratings shot up. SNL fucking sucks.
We also laugh at you rubes in flyover country
Did you laugh at them on November 9th?
On November 9th my first emotion was to cry but then I said no I will laugh.

Keep on laughing....on your way to irrelevancy.
Saturday Night Live has highest ratings in 6 years by making fun of the Trump administration.
The Trump administration is a great asset to all comedians but especially to SNL.

SNL spotlights the absurdity of the people who make up the Trump administration, especially the top man himself.
TinaFey was instrumental in destroying Sarah Palin's credibility even better than the fact checkers could.
SNL will do the same for Trump... especially as Alec's parody becomes closer and closer to Donald.

Just look at poor Sean Splincter. Trump is already pissed at him for SNL making him look " weak."
But the doofus still can't see just how weak they make him look.
SNL is where liberals get their news. That´s why everything they know isn´t true.
Too many Trump supporters are scared to death of life and have lost their sense of humor.
It's also because they know when the country / world is laughing at Trump, they're also laughing at them for voting for this bonehead.

Are they laughing like the pathetics who dress up as pussies and the snowflakes who riot and loot to get their way?
That doesnt sound like laughing at all,it sounds like people who are terrified of losing the free ride.

The only folks getting a free ride in america are the substantial people;

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

You're so full of shit. Those of us who invest in the stock market and other ventures are the one's who make the world go round.
We invest our hard earned money in hopes of a return and sometimes it fails to produce.
The dipshits you champion risk nothing and are content to go through life as a serf rather than aspiring to do better no matter the cost or personal loss.
The poor can go fuck themselves as they haven't even attempted to better themselves or take personal risk.
America is for doers,not slackers.
Just go take a look at the right to work states,they live by the rules that made America Great!!!!
Work your ass off and succeed,give half measures and get what you deserve.
SNL is where liberals get their news. That´s why everything they know isn´t true.
Too many Trump supporters are scared to death of life and have lost their sense of humor.
It's also because they know when the country / world is laughing at Trump, they're also laughing at them for voting for this bonehead.

Are they laughing like the pathetics who dress up as pussies and the snowflakes who riot and loot to get their way?
That doesnt sound like laughing at all,it sounds like people who are terrified of losing the free ride.

The only folks getting a free ride in america are the substantial people;

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

You're so full of shit. Those of us who invest in the stock market and other ventures are the one's who make the world go round.
We invest our hard earned money in hopes of a return and sometimes it fails to produce.
The dipshits you champion risk nothing and are content to go through life as a serf rather than aspiring to do better no matter the cost or personal loss.
The poor can go fuck themselves as they haven't even attempted to better themselves or take personal risk.
America is for doers,not slackers.
Just go take a look at the right to work states,they live by the rules that made America Great!!!!
Work your ass off and succeed,give half measures and get what you deserve.

Yes, yes, we all got the indoctrination pamplets. Production capitalism is gone, financial capitalism is societal cannibalism.

There has been a vast wealth redistribution scam afoot over the past 5 decades or so, but not in the direction some are always blathering on about; it has been toward the top, the very top. American style capitalism and soviet style communism are but divergent paths to the same ultimate destination whereby a handful of entitled pricks at the very top have all the power, all the wealth, and all reasonable access to either. The productivity of the American worker has steadily increased over these decades as all the wealth generated via this productivity has been increasingly concentrated into the hands of a very few at the top who in turn leverage that wealth to take over government policies to their own advantage. Your government is a criminal business enterprise. Legislation is crafted in the most convoluted complicated means possible and then exemptions, exclusions, and subsidies are sold off to the highest bidders, none of whom are ever worker calss american people, by design. America is still a colonial wealth extraction enterprise; privatized gains, subsidized losses. Our “conservative” friends blame the voiceless and impoverished. Sure bub, the poor folk with no political voice screwed it all up. Sheesh.
Too many Trump supporters are scared to death of life and have lost their sense of humor.
It's also because they know when the country / world is laughing at Trump, they're also laughing at them for voting for this bonehead.

Are they laughing like the pathetics who dress up as pussies and the snowflakes who riot and loot to get their way?
That doesnt sound like laughing at all,it sounds like people who are terrified of losing the free ride.

The only folks getting a free ride in america are the substantial people;

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

You're so full of shit. Those of us who invest in the stock market and other ventures are the one's who make the world go round.
We invest our hard earned money in hopes of a return and sometimes it fails to produce.
The dipshits you champion risk nothing and are content to go through life as a serf rather than aspiring to do better no matter the cost or personal loss.
The poor can go fuck themselves as they haven't even attempted to better themselves or take personal risk.
America is for doers,not slackers.
Just go take a look at the right to work states,they live by the rules that made America Great!!!!
Work your ass off and succeed,give half measures and get what you deserve.

Yes, yes, we all got the indoctrination pamplets. Production capitalism is gone, financial capitalism is societal cannibalism.

There has been a vast wealth redistribution scam afoot over the past 5 decades or so, but not in the direction some are always blathering on about; it has been toward the top, the very top. American style capitalism and soviet style communism are but divergent paths to the same ultimate destination whereby a handful of entitled pricks at the very top have all the power, all the wealth, and all reasonable access to either. The productivity of the American worker has steadily increased over these decades as all the wealth generated via this productivity has been increasingly concentrated into the hands of a very few at the top who in turn leverage that wealth to take over government policies to their own advantage. Your government is a criminal business enterprise. Legislation is crafted in the most convoluted complicated means possible and then exemptions, exclusions, and subsidies are sold off to the highest bidders, none of whom are ever worker calss american people, by design. America is still a colonial wealth extraction enterprise; privatized gains, subsidized losses. Our “conservative” friends blame the voiceless and impoverished. Sure bub, the poor folk with no political voice screwed it all up. Sheesh.

Sorry but my life story contradicts everything you posted.
I dropped out of high school yet I retired at 46 and had none of the benefits you a right to work state.
STFU and apply yourself instead of whining and you can do the same.
It's also because they know when the country / world is laughing at Trump, they're also laughing at them for voting for this bonehead.

Are they laughing like the pathetics who dress up as pussies and the snowflakes who riot and loot to get their way?
That doesnt sound like laughing at all,it sounds like people who are terrified of losing the free ride.

The only folks getting a free ride in america are the substantial people;

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

You're so full of shit. Those of us who invest in the stock market and other ventures are the one's who make the world go round.
We invest our hard earned money in hopes of a return and sometimes it fails to produce.
The dipshits you champion risk nothing and are content to go through life as a serf rather than aspiring to do better no matter the cost or personal loss.
The poor can go fuck themselves as they haven't even attempted to better themselves or take personal risk.
America is for doers,not slackers.
Just go take a look at the right to work states,they live by the rules that made America Great!!!!
Work your ass off and succeed,give half measures and get what you deserve.

Yes, yes, we all got the indoctrination pamplets. Production capitalism is gone, financial capitalism is societal cannibalism.

There has been a vast wealth redistribution scam afoot over the past 5 decades or so, but not in the direction some are always blathering on about; it has been toward the top, the very top. American style capitalism and soviet style communism are but divergent paths to the same ultimate destination whereby a handful of entitled pricks at the very top have all the power, all the wealth, and all reasonable access to either. The productivity of the American worker has steadily increased over these decades as all the wealth generated via this productivity has been increasingly concentrated into the hands of a very few at the top who in turn leverage that wealth to take over government policies to their own advantage. Your government is a criminal business enterprise. Legislation is crafted in the most convoluted complicated means possible and then exemptions, exclusions, and subsidies are sold off to the highest bidders, none of whom are ever worker calss american people, by design. America is still a colonial wealth extraction enterprise; privatized gains, subsidized losses. Our “conservative” friends blame the voiceless and impoverished. Sure bub, the poor folk with no political voice screwed it all up. Sheesh.

Sorry but my life story contradicts everything you posted.
I dropped out of high school yet I retired at 46 and had none of the benefits you a right to work state.
STFU and apply yourself instead of whining and you can do the same.

Everthing isn't about you love.
Are they laughing like the pathetics who dress up as pussies and the snowflakes who riot and loot to get their way?
That doesnt sound like laughing at all,it sounds like people who are terrified of losing the free ride.

The only folks getting a free ride in america are the substantial people;

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

You're so full of shit. Those of us who invest in the stock market and other ventures are the one's who make the world go round.
We invest our hard earned money in hopes of a return and sometimes it fails to produce.
The dipshits you champion risk nothing and are content to go through life as a serf rather than aspiring to do better no matter the cost or personal loss.
The poor can go fuck themselves as they haven't even attempted to better themselves or take personal risk.
America is for doers,not slackers.
Just go take a look at the right to work states,they live by the rules that made America Great!!!!
Work your ass off and succeed,give half measures and get what you deserve.

Yes, yes, we all got the indoctrination pamplets. Production capitalism is gone, financial capitalism is societal cannibalism.

There has been a vast wealth redistribution scam afoot over the past 5 decades or so, but not in the direction some are always blathering on about; it has been toward the top, the very top. American style capitalism and soviet style communism are but divergent paths to the same ultimate destination whereby a handful of entitled pricks at the very top have all the power, all the wealth, and all reasonable access to either. The productivity of the American worker has steadily increased over these decades as all the wealth generated via this productivity has been increasingly concentrated into the hands of a very few at the top who in turn leverage that wealth to take over government policies to their own advantage. Your government is a criminal business enterprise. Legislation is crafted in the most convoluted complicated means possible and then exemptions, exclusions, and subsidies are sold off to the highest bidders, none of whom are ever worker calss american people, by design. America is still a colonial wealth extraction enterprise; privatized gains, subsidized losses. Our “conservative” friends blame the voiceless and impoverished. Sure bub, the poor folk with no political voice screwed it all up. Sheesh.

Sorry but my life story contradicts everything you posted.
I dropped out of high school yet I retired at 46 and had none of the benefits you a right to work state.
STFU and apply yourself instead of whining and you can do the same.

Everthing isn't about you love.

So you're saying the left is a bunch of ne'er do well's....
Funny,we agree for a change.
Yup. And it's making him crazy.
Trump could give two fucks less about some no talent humorless fucking program. When he appeared ratings shot up. SNL fucking sucks.
We also laugh at you rubes in flyover country
Did you laugh at them on November 9th?
On November 9th my first emotion was to cry but then I said no I will laugh.

Keep on laughing....on your way to irrelevancy.
We will see if we laugh our way to irrelevancy or we laugh your sorry asses out of American Politics forever.
It is old white men's last hurrah.
I say that as an old white man. I am embarrassed by old white men not being able to handle their reduced relevancy.
The only folks getting a free ride in america are the substantial people;

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

You're so full of shit. Those of us who invest in the stock market and other ventures are the one's who make the world go round.
We invest our hard earned money in hopes of a return and sometimes it fails to produce.
The dipshits you champion risk nothing and are content to go through life as a serf rather than aspiring to do better no matter the cost or personal loss.
The poor can go fuck themselves as they haven't even attempted to better themselves or take personal risk.
America is for doers,not slackers.
Just go take a look at the right to work states,they live by the rules that made America Great!!!!
Work your ass off and succeed,give half measures and get what you deserve.

Yes, yes, we all got the indoctrination pamplets. Production capitalism is gone, financial capitalism is societal cannibalism.

There has been a vast wealth redistribution scam afoot over the past 5 decades or so, but not in the direction some are always blathering on about; it has been toward the top, the very top. American style capitalism and soviet style communism are but divergent paths to the same ultimate destination whereby a handful of entitled pricks at the very top have all the power, all the wealth, and all reasonable access to either. The productivity of the American worker has steadily increased over these decades as all the wealth generated via this productivity has been increasingly concentrated into the hands of a very few at the top who in turn leverage that wealth to take over government policies to their own advantage. Your government is a criminal business enterprise. Legislation is crafted in the most convoluted complicated means possible and then exemptions, exclusions, and subsidies are sold off to the highest bidders, none of whom are ever worker calss american people, by design. America is still a colonial wealth extraction enterprise; privatized gains, subsidized losses. Our “conservative” friends blame the voiceless and impoverished. Sure bub, the poor folk with no political voice screwed it all up. Sheesh.

Sorry but my life story contradicts everything you posted.
I dropped out of high school yet I retired at 46 and had none of the benefits you a right to work state.
STFU and apply yourself instead of whining and you can do the same.

Everthing isn't about you love.

So you're saying the left is a bunch of ne'er do well's....
Funny,we agree for a change.

And to think this entire thread started because some Don supporter is upset that Don gets laughed at.
I haven't watched SNL since the early 90s I couldn't tell you the name of one current cast member so whatever.
kinda hard to pay attention to what is happening in the world at 11:30 on Saturday'swhen you're drunk out of your mind.

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