Saudi Arabian woman is kicked out of mall for not wearing gloves

They sure showed her which gender has the power, din't they?
It wasn't about power ..........but about modesty and culture. ...... :cool:

What do hands have to do with modesty? Are men turned on by hands now too? Get a grip (pun intended).
She must have really hot hands.

Why can't an american woman walk around outside a mall topless but a man can? Why would the police arrest her?

That's a good question. I'm for women being allowed to walk around topless anywhere that a man is allowed to do it.

To bring the point back into scope, I think it's a silly comparison though.

Not at all --- that's another cultural standard. It isn't something set by any religion.
Same thing.

Yet it is enforced by religious police?

Are you asking me or Pogo? :biggrin:

It was meant for Pogo, but i think he answered already

Well, for the record, I would agree. I think that religious beliefs and culture go hand in hand.
She must have really hot hands.

Why can't an american woman walk around outside a mall topless but a man can? Why would the police arrest her?

That's a good question. I'm for women being allowed to walk around topless anywhere that a man is allowed to do it.

To bring the point back into scope, I think it's a silly comparison though.
Not at all --- that's another cultural standard. It isn't something set by any religion.
Same thing.

How did you become so damn stupid? You sit there for how many posts droning about religion not making for culture. It's such a counter intuitive argument frankly. But since you insist on being schooled:

Custom - the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group; also : the characteristic features of everyday existence (as diversions or a way of life) shared by people in a place or time <popular culture> <southern culture>

Culture Definition of culture by Merriam-Webster

You just defined the wrong word there, Sherlock.

Culture -- not "custom".


Anyway the anus onus is still on you to demonstrate where the Qur'an mandates women cover their hands -- in a mall or anywhere else. Which you can't do because it doesn't exist.

Well, I have to agree with him. It depends on how the Quran is interpreted and apparently many of them interpret it in a very extreme way. I think a lot of the culture stems from the religious beliefs. I mean, really, they kind of go hand in hand.

Culture always predates religion. Religion has to adapt to the culture already extant, not the other way 'round.

That's the whole point I keep making about "honor killing" -- it was in practice in nomadic areas (some of which are today Islamic, some of which are not) many many centuries before any of our religions we know of today (and Islam specifically prohibits it), yet some wags will continue to conflate correlation with causation -- while completely ignoring exceptions (how's that Turkey search goin' Gas?)

These "religious police" are something the Saudi gummint (kingdom) has put in place as enforcers of theocracy, rather than of religion. I pointed out to the OP that he won't find anything like that in Turkey or Morocco or Iraq-- exceptions that disprove the fallacy.

Everything you say is fallacious....

And back to the topic at hand:

You were wrong; and that would make me_______?
It wasn't about power ..........but about modesty and culture. ...... :cool:

What do hands have to do with modesty? Are men turned on by hands now too? Get a grip (pun intended).
That's a good question. I'm for women being allowed to walk around topless anywhere that a man is allowed to do it.

To bring the point back into scope, I think it's a silly comparison though.

Not at all --- that's another cultural standard. It isn't something set by any religion.
Same thing.

Yet it is enforced by religious police?

Are you asking me or Pogo? :biggrin:

It was meant for Pogo, but i think he answered already
Well, for the record, I would agree. I think that religious beliefs and culture go hand in hand.

Of course they do. That's patently obvious. But numb nuts needs to erroneously argue that there's not such thing as religious culture. But I disproved that for him. So, numb nuts (Pogo):

You were wrong; and that would make me_______?
They sure showed her which gender has the power, din't they?
It wasn't about power ..........but about modesty and culture. ...... :cool:

What do hands have to do with modesty? Are men turned on by hands now too? Get a grip (pun intended).

Say what if a guy doesn't care about hands but is all turned on by latex? That could be the reason behind the gloves.... :eusa_think:

Lol! Funny! :lol:

Seriously though, I cannot even imagine what it must be like to have to live over there being a woman. It sounds like a nightmarish existence to me. You can't leave the house unless you're dressed up like a darn ghost! Always get a kick out of seeing them at the beach . . . the guys are dressed in swim trunks, and the women in all kinds of robes and coverings. :rolleyes-41: It annoys the crap out of me.

Well, the thing is -- the more you cover up on one, the more you bottle up in the other....

Here's the way we used to roll, not that long ago:


----- and here's our version of Religious Police, actually measuring how far above the knee.... :ack-1:


(from here)​

Religious police? Dumb ass. It's probably a grandpas trying to badger his daughter into being modest.
It wasn't about power ..........but about modesty and culture. ...... :cool:

What do hands have to do with modesty? Are men turned on by hands now too? Get a grip (pun intended).

Say what if a guy doesn't care about hands but is all turned on by latex? That could be the reason behind the gloves.... :eusa_think:

Lol! Funny! :lol:

Seriously though, I cannot even imagine what it must be like to have to live over there being a woman. It sounds like a nightmarish existence to me. You can't leave the house unless you're dressed up like a darn ghost! Always get a kick out of seeing them at the beach . . . the guys are dressed in swim trunks, and the women in all kinds of robes and coverings. :rolleyes-41: It annoys the crap out of me.

Well, the thing is -- the more you cover up on one, the more you bottle up in the other....

Here's the way we used to roll, not that long ago:


----- and here's our version of Religious Police, actually measuring how far above the knee.... :ack-1:


(from here)​

Okay, but that's pretty much meaningless to me because it was long before my time. I've always been a "free" woman, free to go where I want, free to dress as I choose, etc. Also, the fact that my parents were pretty much hands off, so I've always just kind of done what I wanted (except for when I was very small child). I cannot fathom what life must be like for women in some of those countries.

That's not another country -- that's here. :shock:

It's a diferent time, is all. Just an illustration of how cultural mores decide what the local 'moral' standards are going to be. That guy with the tape measure isn't working on behalf of any religion -- he's working on behalf of the local community standards, as they were understood and commonly accepted at the time.

Again -- a product of culture -- not religion. Again, culture dictates what the standards are --- and changes with the times. Religion .......... well when's the last time you can remember a revision to the Bible, Qur'an or Torah? Exactly.

Those don't even look like bathing suits to me in the second picture. They look like dresses! :lol: In fact, I probably have a couple shorter than that!

I know, right? I was actually searching for pics of my grandmother from around those days but don't seem to have 'em handy, so I settled for this. :)
What do hands have to do with modesty? Are men turned on by hands now too? Get a grip (pun intended).

Say what if a guy doesn't care about hands but is all turned on by latex? That could be the reason behind the gloves.... :eusa_think:

Lol! Funny! :lol:

Seriously though, I cannot even imagine what it must be like to have to live over there being a woman. It sounds like a nightmarish existence to me. You can't leave the house unless you're dressed up like a darn ghost! Always get a kick out of seeing them at the beach . . . the guys are dressed in swim trunks, and the women in all kinds of robes and coverings. :rolleyes-41: It annoys the crap out of me.

Well, the thing is -- the more you cover up on one, the more you bottle up in the other....

Here's the way we used to roll, not that long ago:


----- and here's our version of Religious Police, actually measuring how far above the knee.... :ack-1:


(from here)​

Okay, but that's pretty much meaningless to me because it was long before my time. I've always been a "free" woman, free to go where I want, free to dress as I choose, etc. Also, the fact that my parents were pretty much hands off, so I've always just kind of done what I wanted (except for when I was very small child). I cannot fathom what life must be like for women in some of those countries.

That's not another country -- that's here. :shock:

It's a diferent time, is all. Just an illustration of how cultural mores decide what the local 'moral' standards are going to be. That guy with the tape measure isn't working on behalf of any religion -- he's working on behalf of the local community standards, as they were understood and commonly accepted at the time.

Again -- a product of culture -- not religion.

I was actually searching for pics of my grandmother from around those days but don't seem to have 'em handy, so I settled for this. :)

Yes, but we are a secular society and not a theocracy. And "community standards" and such things as morals are usually based on religious beliefs.
What do hands have to do with modesty? Are men turned on by hands now too? Get a grip (pun intended).

Say what if a guy doesn't care about hands but is all turned on by latex? That could be the reason behind the gloves.... :eusa_think:

Lol! Funny! :lol:

Seriously though, I cannot even imagine what it must be like to have to live over there being a woman. It sounds like a nightmarish existence to me. You can't leave the house unless you're dressed up like a darn ghost! Always get a kick out of seeing them at the beach . . . the guys are dressed in swim trunks, and the women in all kinds of robes and coverings. :rolleyes-41: It annoys the crap out of me.

Well, the thing is -- the more you cover up on one, the more you bottle up in the other....

Here's the way we used to roll, not that long ago:


----- and here's our version of Religious Police, actually measuring how far above the knee.... :ack-1:


(from here)​

Okay, but that's pretty much meaningless to me because it was long before my time. I've always been a "free" woman, free to go where I want, free to dress as I choose, etc. Also, the fact that my parents were pretty much hands off, so I've always just kind of done what I wanted (except for when I was very small child). I cannot fathom what life must be like for women in some of those countries.

That's not another country -- that's here. :shock:

It's a diferent time, is all. Just an illustration of how cultural mores decide what the local 'moral' standards are going to be. That guy with the tape measure isn't working on behalf of any religion -- he's working on behalf of the local community standards, as they were understood and commonly accepted at the time.

Again -- a product of culture -- not religion. Again, culture dictates what the standards are --- and changes with the times. Religion .......... well when's the last time you can remember a revision to the Bible, Qur'an or Torah? Exactly.

Those don't even look like bathing suits to me in the second picture. They look like dresses! :lol: In fact, I probably have a couple shorter than that!

I know, right? I was actually searching for pics of my grandmother from around those days but don't seem to have 'em handy, so I settled for this. :)

You were wrong; and that would make me_______?
It wasn't about power ..........but about modesty and culture. ...... :cool:

What do hands have to do with modesty? Are men turned on by hands now too? Get a grip (pun intended).
That's a good question. I'm for women being allowed to walk around topless anywhere that a man is allowed to do it.

To bring the point back into scope, I think it's a silly comparison though.

Not at all --- that's another cultural standard. It isn't something set by any religion.
Same thing.

Yet it is enforced by religious police?

Are you asking me or Pogo? :biggrin:

It was meant for Pogo, but i think he answered already

Well, for the record, I would agree. I think that religious beliefs and culture go hand in hand.

They go hand in hand in the person who's a product of both, yes. But they're still two different motivations.
It wasn't about power ..........but about modesty and culture. ...... :cool:

What do hands have to do with modesty? Are men turned on by hands now too? Get a grip (pun intended).

Say what if a guy doesn't care about hands but is all turned on by latex? That could be the reason behind the gloves.... :eusa_think:

Lol! Funny! :lol:

Seriously though, I cannot even imagine what it must be like to have to live over there being a woman. It sounds like a nightmarish existence to me. You can't leave the house unless you're dressed up like a darn ghost! Always get a kick out of seeing them at the beach . . . the guys are dressed in swim trunks, and the women in all kinds of robes and coverings. :rolleyes-41: It annoys the crap out of me.

Well, the thing is -- the more you cover up on one, the more you bottle up in the other....

Here's the way we used to roll, not that long ago:


----- and here's our version of Religious Police, actually measuring how far above the knee.... :ack-1:


(from here)​

Religious police? Dumb ass. It's probably a grandpas trying to badger his daughter into being modest.

Nope. that's an official, measuring skirt length. And if it's too short she was booted off the beach. Exactly like the mall shopper in your OP. Same thing, different body part.

Sheeeyit, I can remember them doing this in school too.
What do hands have to do with modesty? Are men turned on by hands now too? Get a grip (pun intended).

Say what if a guy doesn't care about hands but is all turned on by latex? That could be the reason behind the gloves.... :eusa_think:

Lol! Funny! :lol:

Seriously though, I cannot even imagine what it must be like to have to live over there being a woman. It sounds like a nightmarish existence to me. You can't leave the house unless you're dressed up like a darn ghost! Always get a kick out of seeing them at the beach . . . the guys are dressed in swim trunks, and the women in all kinds of robes and coverings. :rolleyes-41: It annoys the crap out of me.

Well, the thing is -- the more you cover up on one, the more you bottle up in the other....

Here's the way we used to roll, not that long ago:


----- and here's our version of Religious Police, actually measuring how far above the knee.... :ack-1:


(from here)​

Religious police? Dumb ass. It's probably a grandpas trying to badger his daughter into being modest.

Nope. that's an official, measuring skirt length. And if it's too short she was booted off the beach. Exactly like the mall shopper in your OP. Same thing, different body part.

Why do you twist and turn to defend this backwards arse religion? You'd better watch out, you could pull a muscle or something! :wink_2:
What do hands have to do with modesty? Are men turned on by hands now too? Get a grip (pun intended).

Say what if a guy doesn't care about hands but is all turned on by latex? That could be the reason behind the gloves.... :eusa_think:

Lol! Funny! :lol:

Seriously though, I cannot even imagine what it must be like to have to live over there being a woman. It sounds like a nightmarish existence to me. You can't leave the house unless you're dressed up like a darn ghost! Always get a kick out of seeing them at the beach . . . the guys are dressed in swim trunks, and the women in all kinds of robes and coverings. :rolleyes-41: It annoys the crap out of me.

Well, the thing is -- the more you cover up on one, the more you bottle up in the other....

Here's the way we used to roll, not that long ago:


----- and here's our version of Religious Police, actually measuring how far above the knee.... :ack-1:


(from here)​

Religious police? Dumb ass. It's probably a grandpas trying to badger his daughter into being modest.

Nope. that's an official, measuring skirt length. And if it's too short she was booted off the beach. Exactly like the mall shopper in your OP. Same thing, different body part.

Sheeeyit, I can remember them doing this in school too.

You'll just make up anything that suits you, won't you? Nothing on that link says he's an 'official'

BTW, still waiting__

You were wrong; and that would make me_______?
Say what if a guy doesn't care about hands but is all turned on by latex? That could be the reason behind the gloves.... :eusa_think:

Lol! Funny! :lol:

Seriously though, I cannot even imagine what it must be like to have to live over there being a woman. It sounds like a nightmarish existence to me. You can't leave the house unless you're dressed up like a darn ghost! Always get a kick out of seeing them at the beach . . . the guys are dressed in swim trunks, and the women in all kinds of robes and coverings. :rolleyes-41: It annoys the crap out of me.

Well, the thing is -- the more you cover up on one, the more you bottle up in the other....

Here's the way we used to roll, not that long ago:


----- and here's our version of Religious Police, actually measuring how far above the knee.... :ack-1:


(from here)​

Religious police? Dumb ass. It's probably a grandpas trying to badger his daughter into being modest.

Nope. that's an official, measuring skirt length. And if it's too short she was booted off the beach. Exactly like the mall shopper in your OP. Same thing, different body part.
Why do you twist and turn to defend this backwards arse religion? You'd better watch out, you could pull a muscle or something! :wink_2:

The typical libtard (that being Pogo) has it in his mind that the enemy (Muslim) of his enemy (conservatives) is his friend. Right now, it's the honeymoon period for libtards. Some day, the dog will bit them, and they'll finally sing another tune (for as long as they're in trouble, anyhow).
Say what if a guy doesn't care about hands but is all turned on by latex? That could be the reason behind the gloves.... :eusa_think:

Lol! Funny! :lol:

Seriously though, I cannot even imagine what it must be like to have to live over there being a woman. It sounds like a nightmarish existence to me. You can't leave the house unless you're dressed up like a darn ghost! Always get a kick out of seeing them at the beach . . . the guys are dressed in swim trunks, and the women in all kinds of robes and coverings. :rolleyes-41: It annoys the crap out of me.

Well, the thing is -- the more you cover up on one, the more you bottle up in the other....

Here's the way we used to roll, not that long ago:


----- and here's our version of Religious Police, actually measuring how far above the knee.... :ack-1:


(from here)​

Okay, but that's pretty much meaningless to me because it was long before my time. I've always been a "free" woman, free to go where I want, free to dress as I choose, etc. Also, the fact that my parents were pretty much hands off, so I've always just kind of done what I wanted (except for when I was very small child). I cannot fathom what life must be like for women in some of those countries.

That's not another country -- that's here. :shock:

It's a different time, is all. Just an illustration of how cultural mores decide what the local 'moral' standards are going to be. That guy with the tape measure isn't working on behalf of any religion -- he's working on behalf of the local community standards, as they were understood and commonly accepted at the time.

Again -- a product of culture -- not religion.

I was actually searching for pics of my grandmother from around those days but don't seem to have 'em handy, so I settled for this. :)

Yes, but we are a secular society and not a theocracy. And "community standards" and such things as morals are usually based on religious beliefs.

Eh -- not really. They're based on what the public accepts and where the "line" is.. Can you point to where in the Bible they measure skirts for the beach? And if so, how come they don't do it any more?

See what I mean?
Lol! Funny! :lol:

Seriously though, I cannot even imagine what it must be like to have to live over there being a woman. It sounds like a nightmarish existence to me. You can't leave the house unless you're dressed up like a darn ghost! Always get a kick out of seeing them at the beach . . . the guys are dressed in swim trunks, and the women in all kinds of robes and coverings. :rolleyes-41: It annoys the crap out of me.

Well, the thing is -- the more you cover up on one, the more you bottle up in the other....

Here's the way we used to roll, not that long ago:


----- and here's our version of Religious Police, actually measuring how far above the knee.... :ack-1:


(from here)​

Okay, but that's pretty much meaningless to me because it was long before my time. I've always been a "free" woman, free to go where I want, free to dress as I choose, etc. Also, the fact that my parents were pretty much hands off, so I've always just kind of done what I wanted (except for when I was very small child). I cannot fathom what life must be like for women in some of those countries.

That's not another country -- that's here. :shock:

It's a different time, is all. Just an illustration of how cultural mores decide what the local 'moral' standards are going to be. That guy with the tape measure isn't working on behalf of any religion -- he's working on behalf of the local community standards, as they were understood and commonly accepted at the time.

Again -- a product of culture -- not religion.

I was actually searching for pics of my grandmother from around those days but don't seem to have 'em handy, so I settled for this. :)

Yes, but we are a secular society and not a theocracy. And "community standards" and such things as morals are usually based on religious beliefs.

Eh -- not really. They're based on what the public accepts and where the "line" is.. Can you point to where in the Bible they measure skirts for the beach? And if so, how come they don't do it any more?

See what I mean?

That is based upon "modesty" which is in fact a religious belief. :biggrin:
Well, the thing is -- the more you cover up on one, the more you bottle up in the other....

Here's the way we used to roll, not that long ago:


----- and here's our version of Religious Police, actually measuring how far above the knee.... :ack-1:


(from here)​

Okay, but that's pretty much meaningless to me because it was long before my time. I've always been a "free" woman, free to go where I want, free to dress as I choose, etc. Also, the fact that my parents were pretty much hands off, so I've always just kind of done what I wanted (except for when I was very small child). I cannot fathom what life must be like for women in some of those countries.

That's not another country -- that's here. :shock:

It's a different time, is all. Just an illustration of how cultural mores decide what the local 'moral' standards are going to be. That guy with the tape measure isn't working on behalf of any religion -- he's working on behalf of the local community standards, as they were understood and commonly accepted at the time.

Again -- a product of culture -- not religion.

I was actually searching for pics of my grandmother from around those days but don't seem to have 'em handy, so I settled for this. :)

Yes, but we are a secular society and not a theocracy. And "community standards" and such things as morals are usually based on religious beliefs.

Eh -- not really. They're based on what the public accepts and where the "line" is.. Can you point to where in the Bible they measure skirts for the beach? And if so, how come they don't do it any more?

See what I mean?

That is based upon "modesty" which is in fact a religious belief. :biggrin:

Such an obvious answer, too.

Hey Pogo:

You were wrong; and that would make me_______?
Say what if a guy doesn't care about hands but is all turned on by latex? That could be the reason behind the gloves.... :eusa_think:

Lol! Funny! :lol:

Seriously though, I cannot even imagine what it must be like to have to live over there being a woman. It sounds like a nightmarish existence to me. You can't leave the house unless you're dressed up like a darn ghost! Always get a kick out of seeing them at the beach . . . the guys are dressed in swim trunks, and the women in all kinds of robes and coverings. :rolleyes-41: It annoys the crap out of me.

Well, the thing is -- the more you cover up on one, the more you bottle up in the other....

Here's the way we used to roll, not that long ago:


----- and here's our version of Religious Police, actually measuring how far above the knee.... :ack-1:


(from here)​

Religious police? Dumb ass. It's probably a grandpas trying to badger his daughter into being modest.

Nope. that's an official, measuring skirt length. And if it's too short she was booted off the beach. Exactly like the mall shopper in your OP. Same thing, different body part.

Sheeeyit, I can remember them doing this in school too.

You'll just make up anything that suits you, won't you? Nothing on that link says he's an 'official'

BTW, still waiting__

You were wrong; and that would make me_______?

About to get schooled, again. Full size:


"June 30, 1922. Washington policeman Bill Norton measuring the distance between knee and suit at the Tidal Basin bathing beach after Col. Sherrill, Superintendent of Public Buildings and Grounds, issued an order that suits not be over six inches above the knee." National Photo Co.​

Anything else?
Well, the thing is -- the more you cover up on one, the more you bottle up in the other....

Here's the way we used to roll, not that long ago:


----- and here's our version of Religious Police, actually measuring how far above the knee.... :ack-1:


(from here)​

Okay, but that's pretty much meaningless to me because it was long before my time. I've always been a "free" woman, free to go where I want, free to dress as I choose, etc. Also, the fact that my parents were pretty much hands off, so I've always just kind of done what I wanted (except for when I was very small child). I cannot fathom what life must be like for women in some of those countries.

That's not another country -- that's here. :shock:

It's a different time, is all. Just an illustration of how cultural mores decide what the local 'moral' standards are going to be. That guy with the tape measure isn't working on behalf of any religion -- he's working on behalf of the local community standards, as they were understood and commonly accepted at the time.

Again -- a product of culture -- not religion.

I was actually searching for pics of my grandmother from around those days but don't seem to have 'em handy, so I settled for this. :)

Yes, but we are a secular society and not a theocracy. And "community standards" and such things as morals are usually based on religious beliefs.

Eh -- not really. They're based on what the public accepts and where the "line" is.. Can you point to where in the Bible they measure skirts for the beach? And if so, how come they don't do it any more?

See what I mean?

That is based upon "modesty" which is in fact a religious belief. :biggrin:

Uh -- no it isn't. It's a cultural standard.
Lol! Funny! :lol:

Seriously though, I cannot even imagine what it must be like to have to live over there being a woman. It sounds like a nightmarish existence to me. You can't leave the house unless you're dressed up like a darn ghost! Always get a kick out of seeing them at the beach . . . the guys are dressed in swim trunks, and the women in all kinds of robes and coverings. :rolleyes-41: It annoys the crap out of me.

Well, the thing is -- the more you cover up on one, the more you bottle up in the other....

Here's the way we used to roll, not that long ago:


----- and here's our version of Religious Police, actually measuring how far above the knee.... :ack-1:


(from here)​

Religious police? Dumb ass. It's probably a grandpas trying to badger his daughter into being modest.

Nope. that's an official, measuring skirt length. And if it's too short she was booted off the beach. Exactly like the mall shopper in your OP. Same thing, different body part.

Sheeeyit, I can remember them doing this in school too.

You'll just make up anything that suits you, won't you? Nothing on that link says he's an 'official'

BTW, still waiting__

You were wrong; and that would make me_______?

About to get schooled, again. Full size:


"June 30, 1922. Washington policeman Bill Norton measuring the distance between knee and suit at the Tidal Basin bathing beach after Col. Sherrill, Superintendent of Public Buildings and Grounds, issued an order that suits not be over six inches above the knee." National Photo Co.​

Anything else?

Well Hallelujah, you got one right!

And yes, there is something else. You stated multiple times that religion does not account for culture; and I proved that to be an untrue assertion. So, you were wrong; and that would make me_______?
Okay, but that's pretty much meaningless to me because it was long before my time. I've always been a "free" woman, free to go where I want, free to dress as I choose, etc. Also, the fact that my parents were pretty much hands off, so I've always just kind of done what I wanted (except for when I was very small child). I cannot fathom what life must be like for women in some of those countries.

That's not another country -- that's here. :shock:

It's a different time, is all. Just an illustration of how cultural mores decide what the local 'moral' standards are going to be. That guy with the tape measure isn't working on behalf of any religion -- he's working on behalf of the local community standards, as they were understood and commonly accepted at the time.

Again -- a product of culture -- not religion.

I was actually searching for pics of my grandmother from around those days but don't seem to have 'em handy, so I settled for this. :)

Yes, but we are a secular society and not a theocracy. And "community standards" and such things as morals are usually based on religious beliefs.

Eh -- not really. They're based on what the public accepts and where the "line" is.. Can you point to where in the Bible they measure skirts for the beach? And if so, how come they don't do it any more?

See what I mean?

That is based upon "modesty" which is in fact a religious belief. :biggrin:

Uh -- no it isn't. It's a cultural standard.

Since our nation is not so religious anymore and because we have more diversity now, we are more relaxed with our beliefs is all. All of those things about modesty, etc., stem from religious beliefs.

In the Bible, what is the first lesson that Adam and Eve learn? That seeing each other naked was bad. They immediately went and covered themselves to hide their nudity from one another.
Okay, but that's pretty much meaningless to me because it was long before my time. I've always been a "free" woman, free to go where I want, free to dress as I choose, etc. Also, the fact that my parents were pretty much hands off, so I've always just kind of done what I wanted (except for when I was very small child). I cannot fathom what life must be like for women in some of those countries.

That's not another country -- that's here. :shock:

It's a different time, is all. Just an illustration of how cultural mores decide what the local 'moral' standards are going to be. That guy with the tape measure isn't working on behalf of any religion -- he's working on behalf of the local community standards, as they were understood and commonly accepted at the time.

Again -- a product of culture -- not religion.

I was actually searching for pics of my grandmother from around those days but don't seem to have 'em handy, so I settled for this. :)

Yes, but we are a secular society and not a theocracy. And "community standards" and such things as morals are usually based on religious beliefs.

Eh -- not really. They're based on what the public accepts and where the "line" is.. Can you point to where in the Bible they measure skirts for the beach? And if so, how come they don't do it any more?

See what I mean?

That is based upon "modesty" which is in fact a religious belief. :biggrin:

Uh -- no it isn't. It's a cultural standard.

Also a cultural standard in a country like Saudi Arabia and other ME countries doesn't mean anything because their people do not have rights. The government controls the people for the most part.

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