Saudi FM: “Assad Can Stay Only Until Transition Council”


Nov 14, 2012
The Saudis even celebrate their lost war in Syria. Listen, you oil and terror exporters: Assad is in office by the will of the people. This makes your future claim obsolete, as pleaded as it is to cover your de-facto defeat, anyway.

"Saudi Foreign Minister said on Monday that Syrian President “can hold onto power until a transitional council of opposition and government figures has been set up.”

“We have said that… after the formation of the governing council Bashar al-Assad will have to leave,” Adel al-Jubeir said at a joint press conference with his German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

The German minister was on a day-long stop in Saudi Arabia after visiting Iran seeking ways to end the war in Syria.

Germany has taken in 600,000 refugees from Syria and elsewhere since January as Europe grapples with its worst refugee crisis since World War II.

“Whether it’s today, whether it’s a week, whether it’s a month, it’s up to the Syrian people, but from the very beginning it’s clear that Bashar al-Assad has no future in Syria”, Jubeir said.

The governing council was proposed under a United Nations-sponsored Geneva 1 peace initiative in 2012.

The council would run state institutions and pave the way for elections.

Jubeir said the body can be formed while Assad is in office, “but once it’s set up and running, there is no role for him”.

Steinmeier, for his part, said that “in the long term there can be no solution there with Assad.”"

Saudi FM: “Assad Can Stay Only Until Transition Council”
Assad puts out the eyes of lil' kids...

Syria opposition mocks Iran idea for transition
Sat, Oct 31, 2015 - Any peace plan for Syria allowing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to stand in early elections after a transition period would be “mad” because he is the root of the problem and holding a nationwide poll is impossible, a Syrian opposition figure said.
The commander of a rebel group fighting on the ground echoed the comment. It was reported on Thursday that Damascus ally Iran would accept a six-month transition period at the end of which al-Assad’s fate would be decided in elections, according to a Middle East source familiar with Iran’s position.


An injured boy awaits treatment at a makeshift hospital following reported airstrikes by government forces in the rebel-held area of Douma, east of the Syrian capital, Damascus​

About a dozen countries, including Iran, the US and Russia, were meeting in Vienna yesterday for talks aimed at finding a solution to more than four years of war. Syrian parties on both sides of the conflict are not attending. “Who is mad enough to believe that under these circumstances in Syria, anybody can hold elections?” said George Sabra, a member of the main Western-backed Syrian National Coalition. “Several millions of Syrians are outside Syria, some of them in refugee camps in some countries. Inside Syria, there are millions who have left their houses, their lives, seeking safety,” he said. “In the shadow of this anarchy there will not be real elections, therefore we reject them absolutely,” rebel commander Ahmed al-Seoud of the 13th Division said.

Sabra rejected the idea that al-Assad could stand in any early vote, saying he and his Iranian, Russian and Hezbollah allies had attacked the Syrian population and given rise to hardline insurgents. “Bashar al-Assad and his regime is the root of the terrorism in Syria,” he said. “I think what is happening in Vienna these days is a carnival of Middle Eastern states, making statements to meet their interests, not to meet the real problem in Syria.” Tehran and Moscow have provided crucial support to al-Assad’s government, while his regional opponents, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey, demand his departure. The US has said it could tolerate al-Assad during a short transition period, but that he would then have to exit the political stage.

Syria opposition mocks Iran idea for transition - Taipei Times
Assad puts out the eyes of lil' kids...
I really start to disrespect your news. What do children do at the front lines? The picture doesn´t look genuine, anyway. And where´s your news, when the heads are rolling?

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