Saudis kill 88+ in wedding bombing, no missiles on the horizon

RE: Saudis kill 88+ in wedding bombing, no missiles on the horizon
Bleipriester, et al,

Yemen is a failed state.

A new "highlight" in the constant bombing of Yemeni civilians by Saudi Arabia.

Death toll from Saudi airstrike on Yemeni wedding rises to 88: report

If you asked anyone to actually outline the Government of Yemen; they would have a tough time. And there are BAGs (Badass Guys with Guns) of all different flavors.

Most Respectfully,
So lets bomb marriages!
You are so humanitarian and sentimental - unless there are civilian targets to fire at.
Saudis kill 88+ in wedding bombing, no missiles on the horizon
※→ Bleipriester, et al,

I guess I did not make my point very well. I guess I was trying to get across is the unintentional aspects and uncertainty in situational awareness which could lead to an event.

First, let us lay a couple of cards down first.

• Saudi Arabia, like any other countries, does not want to be associated with the dramatic images that emerge on social media and professional news outlets of such devastating engagement outcomes.

• America will become the object of hostile meda targeting for the errant air strikes as much, if not more than, that directted at Saudi Arabia for having conducted such a strike.

• All the countries of the concerned coaltition forces, as well as the wider family of Allied Forces, recognize the intigrity of the Customary and International Humanitarian Laws (IHL); especial that which pertains to the avoidance of the death of the innocent.​

RE: Saudis kill 88+ in wedding bombing, no missiles on the horizon
Bleipriester, et al,

Yemen is a failed state.

A new "highlight" in the constant bombing of Yemeni civilians by Saudi Arabia.

Death toll from Saudi airstrike on Yemeni wedding rises to 88: report

If you asked anyone to actually outline the Government of Yemen; they would have a tough time. And there are BAGs (Badass Guys with Guns) of all different flavors.
So lets bomb marriages!

From time to time, the various sources of the media like to make an example of such horrific military outcomes. It has happened in the past, and will (in all likelihood) happen in the future.

• In mid-2002, the US accidentally misidentified and targeted an Afgan house full of people attending a Wedding.

• In the same year the US mistakenly targeted a Wedding Convoy consisted of 11 vehicles in Yemen.​

Neither the US or Saudi Arabia condone the deliberate targeting of civilians and the innocent → any more than they intentionally target allied forces. In any prolonged conflict, the harsh reality is, "civilian persons and objects" may be incidentally affected by an attack directed at → legitimate military objectives (Rules 23 and 24). While it is hoped that various types of opposing forces would not use civilians to shield military objectives → we know that the shear probability is that it will.

As far as the US facilitating the common defense initiatives and the war on Jihadist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric fighters, that is simply in our best interests.

Most Respectfully,
Saudis kill 88+ in wedding bombing, no missiles on the horizon
※→ Bleipriester, et al,

I guess I did not make my point very well. I guess I was trying to get across is the unintentional aspects and uncertainty in situational awareness which could lead to an event.

First, let us lay a couple of cards down first.

• Saudi Arabia, like any other countries, does not want to be associated with the dramatic images that emerge on social media and professional news outlets of such devastating engagement outcomes.

• America will become the object of hostile meda targeting for the errant air strikes as much, if not more than, that directted at Saudi Arabia for having conducted such a strike.

• All the countries of the concerned coaltition forces, as well as the wider family of Allied Forces, recognize the intigrity of the Customary and International Humanitarian Laws (IHL); especial that which pertains to the avoidance of the death of the innocent.​

RE: Saudis kill 88+ in wedding bombing, no missiles on the horizon
Bleipriester, et al,

Yemen is a failed state.

A new "highlight" in the constant bombing of Yemeni civilians by Saudi Arabia.

Death toll from Saudi airstrike on Yemeni wedding rises to 88: report

If you asked anyone to actually outline the Government of Yemen; they would have a tough time. And there are BAGs (Badass Guys with Guns) of all different flavors.
So lets bomb marriages!

From time to time, the various sources of the media like to make an example of such horrific military outcomes. It has happened in the past, and will (in all likelihood) happen in the future.

• In mid-2002, the US accidentally misidentified and targeted an Afgan house full of people attending a Wedding.

• In the same year the US mistakenly targeted a Wedding Convoy consisted of 11 vehicles in Yemen.​

Neither the US or Saudi Arabia condone the deliberate targeting of civilians and the innocent → any more than they intentionally target allied forces. In any prolonged conflict, the harsh reality is, "civilian persons and objects" may be incidentally affected by an attack directed at → legitimate military objectives (Rules 23 and 24). While it is hoped that various types of opposing forces would not use civilians to shield military objectives → we know that the shear probability is that it will.

As far as the US facilitating the common defense initiatives and the war on Jihadist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric fighters, that is simply in our best interests.

Most Respectfully,
Saudi Arabia is a criminal terrorist regime whose jets even accompany Yemeni demonstrations. They intentionally target civilians to weaken their morale and make them reject the Houthis. They block the ports and starve the people, send mercs and terrorists. They know their atrocities won´t show up in western media that are busy spreading propaganda lies about Syria. Their atrocities are praised as "humanitarian" by Mattis.

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