Saul Allinsky's Rules for Radicals

And Jake you have to remember what a big lefty I was in the 60's and 70's and Alinsky was 101 and so were so many books that had us going seriously left without basis. Cripes man, it was a time.
I'm sorry, did I say that Obama was a Marxist?

No I did not. Obama simply recognizes the appeal of Marxism and he is a collectivist. Marxism is but one flavor of collectivism. Others prefer fascism, communism, or socialism. But Marxism is what is why Obama demagogues about income inequality, on the one hand, and also presides over income inequality, on the other hand. Keep in mind that Hitler did the same to the top 4%. He railed against income inequality and heavily taxed them. He did not do it so much to bring in revenue, as he did for mass appeal.

Obamacare was the largest tax increase on the middle class in US history, and to top it off, corporations are setting your tax rates. Apparently he can destroy the middle class all in the name of income inequality and helping the poor, but is making more people poor really helping the poor?

But leftists only see government getting bigger and bigger, so they are happy.

After all, if you want true income equality then wiping out the middle class will be mandatory. But to think that Obama and company will lower their incomes to yours is delusionary. The closest thing to income equality that can be reached is to be ruled by a bunch of rich oligarchs. We have seen examples, like in the former USSR. So if that is what collectivists want then so be it. As for most, I would say they would rather not suffer like those in the former USSR, and yes, I said former USSR. The system is built for failure.
What are you talking about? You didn't say that Obama is a Marxist except in your very next sentence. "Obama simply recognizes the appeal of Marxism and he is a collectivist." Yeah, you're pretty much calling him a Marxist since Marxism actually doesn't appeal to Obama. What possible evidence could have that Marxism appeals to Obama?

"The closest thing to income equality that can be reached is to be ruled by a bunch of rich oligarchs." How can you even expect a response to something so ridiculously wrong? Being ruled by rich oligarchs is the precise definition of wealth inequality, a problem that has been growing globally for at least 40 years now. The world's richest 85 people now control as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population. 95% of economic gains since 2009 were among the richest 1%. This is what is happening in the United States. This isn't Socialism. It's unchecked, deregulated free-market corporate greed disguised as "trickle-down supply-side economics". So when is that wealth going to trickle down? Record corporate profits should mean wage increases for the workers who make the corporations so profitable. Right now, the USDA estimates that 49 million Americans have a hard time feeding themselves and their families.

The problem of global wealth inequality has been growing over the years and it is now to epic proportions. HSBC confessed to laundering money for terrorists and drug cartels and only paid a fine because to prosecute the bank would have destroyed the fake global financial system that the largest banks have set up. HSBC was "too big to prosecute". In the United States today, a criminal can get away with anything if they have enough money. Meanwhile, the NSA is spying on all of us in direct violation of the US Constitution. And there is a multitrillion-dollar endless torture war being waged against terrorists who were originally trained by the CIA and are financed by the world's largest money-laundering banks.

No one on the Left is cheering for any of this.
And Jake you have to remember what a big lefty I was in the 60's and 70's and Alinsky was 101 and so were so many books that had us going seriously left without basis. Cripes man, it was a time.

Indeed, it was, and Rove learned from it.

I am not knocking either operator, td, just pointing out they have much in common.

Learning to attack the enemy's strengths from Rove would be a must for any aspiring political operator.
Conservatives spend more time studying Alinsky than liberals do
Alinsky was interested in getting housing for the poor. He thought that every American in this extremely wealthy nation should have, as a bear minimum, a warm place to sleep.

Good on you folks to make this man "evil".

It's pretty telling.

In the course of nearly four decades of political organizing, Alinsky received much criticism, but also gained praise from many public figures. His organizing skills were focused on improving the living conditions of poor communities across North America. In the 1950s, he began turning his attention to improving conditions in the African-American ghettos, beginning with Chicago's and later traveling to other ghettos in California, Michigan, New York City, and a dozen other "trouble spots".
Saul Alinsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You folks have zero interest in helping Americans with need.
So because of that you advocate following a known socialist? Lowlifes believe in alinsky. Alinsky and his ilk can take a hike and if they don't like America, too bad.
Conservatives spend more time studying Alinsky than liberals do

Well all us former real time lefties alerted conservatives to the Alinsky game. We switched. We brought the tactics we'd used while hanging on the left side of town.

I've kicked it up a notch or too. :eusa_angel: Seriously we defect to the right and we aren't going to bring the bullshit that made you so powerful for years. :lol: kiss my ass baby.
Alinsky was interested in getting housing for the poor. He thought that every American in this extremely wealthy nation should have, as a bear minimum, a warm place to sleep.

Good on you folks to make this man "evil".

It's pretty telling.

You folks have zero interest in helping Americans with need.

horseshit: who do you think supports church charities, goodwill, salvation army, and other local charities? hint---not liberals.

Alinsky was a marxist. He wanted to redistribute the wealth by stealing from some and giving to others. He wanted a nation that was dominated by an oppressive government that dictated every aspect of human life.

Obama is putting his ideas into practice.

I don't doubt that obama THINKS he is doing the right thing, but he is not. His liberal socialist indoctrination blocks all other forms of thought.

He didn't steal anything.

And everyone, including myself, supports those organizations.

Its not enough. That's apparent by the number of poor people out there.

And the STEALING goes on by huge corporations who are like VAMPIRES feeding on the wealth of this nation.
The biggest thief now is obamaturd.
Times come for a choice between Republicans and Conservatives. There is precious time left.
He didn't steal anything.

And everyone, including myself, supports those organizations.

Its not enough. That's apparent by the number of poor people out there.

And the STEALING goes on by huge corporations who are like VAMPIRES feeding on the wealth of this nation.

Oh, here we go with the evil corporations again, geez shallow, do you have anything else?

On poor people, there are more now than when obama took office 5+ years ago. Obama has done nothing for the poor except make more of them.


I don't know what else to call a company like Halliburton that cut corners and killed a US soldier.

'Multiple' failures led to Iraq electrocution, Pentagon says -

Or a company like BP that went around safety measure and wound up killing 11 Americans and completely screwing up an ecosystem.

Gulf Oil Spill Deaths: The 11 Rig Workers Who Died During The BP Deepwater Horizon Explosion

Or is the omelette egg thing for you folks?
Shut up commie.
Conservatives spend more time studying Alinsky than liberals do

Just a say so. I was brought up with Alinsky and favor Black Panthers over Karenga. I was so left wing you couldn't change your diaper without chanting tinydancer loves huey, tinydancer loves huey.
Alinsky was interested in getting housing for the poor. He thought that every American in this extremely wealthy nation should have, as a bear minimum, a warm place to sleep.

Good on you folks to make this man "evil".

It's pretty telling.

In the course of nearly four decades of political organizing, Alinsky received much criticism, but also gained praise from many public figures. His organizing skills were focused on improving the living conditions of poor communities across North America. In the 1950s, he began turning his attention to improving conditions in the African-American ghettos, beginning with Chicago's and later traveling to other ghettos in California, Michigan, New York City, and a dozen other "trouble spots".
Saul Alinsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You folks have zero interest in helping Americans with need.
So because of that you advocate following a known socialist? Lowlifes believe in alinsky. Alinsky and his ilk can take a hike and if they don't like America, too bad.

Spoken like a perfect hater chump of the geedy rich. And socialism isn't communis, cold war dinosaur, it's just fair capitalism...
Alinsky was interested in getting housing for the poor. He thought that every American in this extremely wealthy nation should have, as a bear minimum, a warm place to sleep.

Good on you folks to make this man "evil".

It's pretty telling.

You folks have zero interest in helping Americans with need.
So because of that you advocate following a known socialist? Lowlifes believe in alinsky. Alinsky and his ilk can take a hike and if they don't like America, too bad.

Spoken like a perfect hater chump of the geedy rich. And socialism isn't communis, cold war dinosaur, it's just fair capitalism...

Hey franco lets get down to it then. I was talking to Frank, you know my father in law who was the best tennis player on the market then and had to flee to freedom. Swim to freedom. Dodge bullets to freedom.

Now you. Why do you live in the US if it pains you so? You hate America. With every post you hate America why are you here franco?
Let's honestly talk to the francos of the planet. They ran here for freedom and then they hate America.

\Why are they here?
What are you talking about? You didn't say that Obama is a Marxist except in your very next sentence. "Obama simply recognizes the appeal of Marxism and he is a collectivist." Yeah, you're pretty much calling him a Marxist since Marxism actually doesn't appeal to Obama. What possible evidence could have that Marxism appeals to Obama?


I said that there are aspects of Marxism that appeal to the masses. The greatest of these is redistribution of wealth. The game is, pick on the rich in society who are outnumbered and demand that they redistribute their wealth to those who are less fortunate.

Who does not want free stuff? Of course, it is just a game. Politicians are never interested in destroying corporate wealth because they need it to survive and they surely don't want their own wealth redistributed.

What usually happens, and has happened, is that the middle class shrinks each time a progressive policy, like Obamacare, is passed, while the rich get richer.
I've been an active Democrat for 44 years and never heard of Alinsky until I listened to Rush . Beck, and Fox propagandists...Pure Pubcrappe, though not as bad as the Ayres bs lol...

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