

Senior Member
Aug 28, 2003
Aiken, SC
A long time ago, we had a big discussion on the content and message of this movie, but none of us had actually seen it. I finally saw it tonight.

First off, the movie was great, very funny and thoughtful and smart throughout. Probably the smartest "teen" movie I've seen since Ghost World or Election (although, like those, I don't consider this a teen movie). The performances were great throughout, the biggest surprise for me was Mandy Moore, who portrays the most popular girl in a Christian academy, which also makes her the most hardcore fundamental student in school. Moore takes a character that could have very easily degenerated into a one-dimensional charicature and makes her real. I can't stress how impressed I was with her performance, she has a good future as an actress.

The plot revolves around a girl named Mary (Jena Malone, who is also great). She has a great life, she is best friends with Mandy Moore's character, and she has a great boyfriend. However, at the beginning of the film, her boyfriend confesses to her in the pool that he is gay. She is shocked, hits her head, and thinks she sees Jesus (it's actually the pool guy). She takes this as a sign and goes about 'saving' her boyfriend. She feels the best way to do this is to have sex with him, and because it was Jesus' idea, He'll keep her a "spiritual virgin." She soon finds she's wrong, and worse, she's pregnant. She is soon ostracized from her circle of friends and finds solace in the outcasts of the school (a Jewish girl and a handicapped atheist).

So, is the film anti-Christian? Absolutely not. The film makes fun of people who use Christianity as a crutch for their own narrow-mindedness, but it never makes fun of the content of the Bible or anything. Moreover, toward the end of the film, the true message comes through as one of tolerance and acceptance, much the same message that Jesus himself taught.

So, overall, I think all the controversy over this film was unfounded. I think anybody, Christian or no, should check it out, because it's a really great film that actually has something to say, which is getting to be a rarity these days. Perhaps if this film offends you, you should wonder what that says about you.
Saved was OK.
Didn't really move me either way.
I feel the need to comment, however, on your praise of "Ghost World"...I tried, not once but twice to make it all the way through that film and it is incredibly boring and slow. Even if the end had some sweet, surprising or enriching climax, sorry, it ain't worth the rest of the torture of this film. Believe me, I'm an indie film fan. I prefer indies to mainstream.
Neither Thora Birch nor Scarlett Johansson( the sooner Scarlett get's off the "hot" list the better. She's tops on my list of most annoying. Not much talent there, I've seen most of her films. She plays the same sulking character in every film- UGGH.) had much to offer on this film. Thora does show some real promise after American Beauty. And she did some Lifetime Network drama that she really excelled at!
But Scarlett Johansson is like fingers on a chalk board to me. She is cast in a gazillian movies and I honestly can't see why all the fuss. She's Hollywood's IT-girl right now. I find that puzzling, because I've never known of someone so devoid of personality in the public forum..
That's fair enough, I'll be the first to admit that Ghost World is very slow. I guess I just sort of identified with Enid, the main character, a lot in the way the world seemed to be wanting her to move forward even though she didn't really want to. I've heard plenty of people who share your opinion on the film, I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

Scarlett Johannson, I think, is a great actress. I don't think she plays the same character in all of her movies at all. Rent 'The Perfect Score', she plays a tomboy-ish outcast who is anything but sulking.

I will agree with you that I hate that she's becoming Hollywood's 'it' girl. Back when she wasn't at every awards show and doing endorsements, there was something mysterious about her, I honestly thought she was above all the Hollywood hooplah. But, I think she's beautiful and a great actress, so we'll have to agree to disagree again.

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