Rebel Moon: Netflix (2023)

Anyone who doesn't see the "super woman" characters in not only movies, but sitcoms as well - is just pretending.
Especially when they chose tiny actors that barely weigh 110 lbs.
It would be no less stupid that taking an actor like Don Knotts and have him kicking a room full of Marines asses. It would actually be no different.
But I can't shake a theory that the purpose is to soften public attitude about men competing with women in sports, etc. It's quite amazing actually how the left who once was the unswerving champion of women's rights/opportunity/equality has done this complete reversal of what were real gains for women in those categories. Makes you think the agenda might have been something entirely different than it appeared.
But I can't shake a theory that the purpose is to soften public attitude about men competing with women in sports, etc. It's quite amazing actually how the left who once was the unswerving champion of women's rights/opportunity/equality has done this complete reversal of what were real gains for women in those categories. Makes you think the agenda might have been something entirely different than it appeared.
The left's "war on women" is very real, and very devastating
Naw, you just said he was a Woke Director, when you really haven't seen much of his work.
No I didn't say that. A pity you still haven't taken that remedial reading comprehension course.
No I didn't say that. A pity you still haven't taken that remedial reading comprehension course.
You may not have said Snyder is a woke director, but when someone described the movie Snyder directed and wrote as being woke, you came into the conversation with supposition about why you think it’s woke. That certainly seems to be you agreeing that the movie is woke, despite your not having seen it, not knowing anything about the director, apparently only having a description from an anonymous person on the internet who claims to have only watched the beginning of the movie you think you know the motivation behind. Does that not strike you as at all silly? Someone tells you they watched the very beginning of a movie and from that you deduce hidden motives from the director?
Even if that sort of agenda is being pushed in Hollywood circles, wouldn’t you want a bit more information before jumping to that conclusion about a movie you haven’t seen by a director you don’t know?
No I didn't say that. A pity you still haven't taken that remedial reading comprehension course.
Actually, that is exactly what you said, that this movie you've never seen is a part of a woke conspiracy to make people think women are equal to men, so it's okay to slip trannies into girl's sports.

You really need to track your own crazy rants.
I wanted to like this movie.
The opening scene provides a clear indicator what this woman worshiping film was going to be.
It opens with a 105lb. woman plowing land with the old type of manual plow that many a man cannot control.
And along comes the male interest, to tell her dinner is ready. To which she basically told him I will come when I am ready.
And the scene ends with him looking at her in amazement of how awesome she is.
Then of course, when a powerful ship filled with soldiers that literally end worlds arrives - it will include a scene where she takes on 7-8 trained male warriors, each outweighing her by at least 100 lbs. - and she easily beats them like they are toys.

And that - is when I shut it off.

Woke sucks.

I reviewed this movie last December.

I only made it about 30 minutes into the movie before I could not take the poor writing, poor acting, and general all-around suckage any more.
I only made it about 30 minutes into the movie before I could not take the poor writing, poor acting, and general all-around suckage any more.
so a typical Zach Snyder movie, then.

I am still wondering who he has compromising pictures of involving farm animals to keep being allowed to make movies.
I reviewed this movie last December.

I only made it about 30 minutes into the movie before I could not take the poor writing, poor acting, and general all-around suckage any more.
.... and part of that bad writing is a 105lb. woman literally beating the living shit out of 7-8 soldiers, all outweighing her by 150lbs. - 200lbs.... all at the same time.

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