Rebel Moon: Netflix (2023)

A part of the whole woke scene is to make women in movies far superior than men, in every way.
And especially physically.

Fuck me, you can't even answer my question, you just put a laughing emoji.

Gotta love people who use words that they don't even know what they mean, can't have an adult conversation about something because when asked a simple question, the only response is literally nothing.
I wanted to like this movie.
The opening scene provides a clear indicator what this woman worshiping film was going to be.
It opens with a 105lb. woman plowing land with the old type of manual plow that many a man cannot control.
And along comes the male interest, to tell her dinner is ready. To which she basically told him I will come when I am ready.
And the scene ends with him looking at her in amazement of how awesome she is.
Then of course, when a powerful ship filled with soldiers that literally end worlds arrives - it will include a scene where she takes on 7-8 trained male warriors, each outweighing her by at least 100 lbs. - and she easily beats them like they are toys.

And that - is when I shut it off.

Woke sucks.

I have a hunch it is 'woke' as an effort to change people's thinking about men competing in women's sports. If they can make people believe a 105 lb woman can effectively do better than 200+ lb men, then there should be no problem with guys who transgender competing with women yes? It is a sick way of thinking, but I do believe there is a segment in our culture who are pushing this.
Redshirts always die, except Uhuru and Scotty.
As far as I know, from 239 redshirts who appear on the show, only 25 die — a pretty minimal 10% of that division. However, when it comes to the 55 goldshirts that appear on the series, 10 never make it through an episode, which equates to 18%.
As far as I know, from 239 redshirts who appear on the show, only 25 die — a pretty minimal 10% of that division. However, when it comes to the 55 goldshirts that appear on the series, 10 never make it through an episode, which equates to 18%.
Kirk wears a gold shirt. :aargh:
Talking about "girl power"... It highly depends on the trainings, weapons and equipment, which the girl posses.
For example, in "A hundred years ahead" (many funs consider it as a part of Terminator-verse) even well-trained and well equipped 17-year old girl can only distract a more or less adequately equipped and trained man. But sometimes it's enough. What's really stupid in the movie (as for me) that a 17-year old boy can outsmart a professional on his own (professional's) field and force him to make a fatal mistake (actually - commit suicide). But teenagers like that idea.

I didn't last that long, maybe 25 minutes?
The scene when 3-4 guys were shooting at her with automatic weapons, and 3-4 other guys attacking her with knives - and she kicks all of their asses - their bullets all miss her despite they are only 10 feet away... and of course she has only a pistol and expertly head shot all of them.

LOL you guys crack me up. Every action movie does that, remind me the last time you whined cause a man as the main character did all that?
As far as I know, from 239 redshirts who appear on the show, only 25 die — a pretty minimal 10% of that division. However, when it comes to the 55 goldshirts that appear on the series, 10 never make it through an episode, which equates to 18%.


You do have a point, though! A pretty good proportion of Gold and Blue shirts died in TOS as well. Then TNG screwed everything up and flipped the color scheme!!!
I have a hunch it is 'woke' as an effort to change people's thinking about men competing in women's sports. If they can make people believe a 105 lb woman can effectively do better than 200+ lb men, then there should be no problem with guys who transgender competing with women yes? It is a sick way of thinking, but I do believe there is a segment in our culture who are pushing this.
Have you watched Rebel Moon? Have you watched Zack Snyder’s other movies? Do you know him personally?
I’m curious what would drive your suspicion in this case.
Have you watched Rebel Moon? Have you watched Zack Snyder’s other movies? Do you know him personally?
I’m curious what would drive your suspicion in this case.
I've seen 300, (which was okay), Watchmen (which was mostly okay, but then they deviated from the source material in an unforgivable way), and finally his first Superman Movie, which was stupid beyond words.
I've seen 300, (which was okay), Watchmen (which was mostly okay, but then they deviated from the source material in an unforgivable way), and finally his first Superman Movie, which was stupid beyond words.
I have never read the comic on watchmen what did they change?
Have you watched Rebel Moon? Have you watched Zack Snyder’s other movies? Do you know him personally?
I’m curious what would drive your suspicion in this case.
I know nothing about him. Just a comment on my suspicions of why these 'super woman' movies are now being put out as Hollywood goes more and more 'woke.' And as the OP suggests, the movies continue to become more and more unwatchable for many of us.
I have never read the comic on watchmen what did they change?
In the original comic, Ozymandius creates a fake monster and teleports it into the middle of NYC, killing a million people and making the world think it is under Alien attack. At that point the US and Russias back down from their crisis to work together to fight the threat.

In the movie version, he makes the world think that Doctor Manhatten has gone crazy and attacked cities all over the world.

The Zach version is stupider, first because since Manhatten was an agent of the US government, the rest of the world would blame America. It would probably have made war MORE likely, not less.

The rest of the movie plays out the same... the other heroes agree to go along with the deception to save the world except for Rorschach, who is vaporized by Dr. Manhatten to protect the world.

A lot of the other changes were minor and more extreme, such as fight scenes that go on for minutes that were resolved in a few panels in the comic.
In the original comic, Ozymandius creates a fake monster and teleports it into the middle of NYC, killing a million people and making the world think it is under Alien attack. At that point the US and Russias back down from their crisis to work together to fight the threat.

In the movie version, he makes the world think that Doctor Manhatten has gone crazy and attacked cities all over the world.

The Zach version is stupider, first because since Manhatten was an agent of the US government, the rest of the world would blame America. It would probably have made war MORE likely, not less.

The rest of the movie plays out the same... the other heroes agree to go along with the deception to save the world except for Rorschach, who is vaporized by Dr. Manhatten to protect the world.

A lot of the other changes were minor and more extreme, such as fight scenes that go on for minutes that were resolved in a few panels in the comic.
thanks for explaining. Ya pretty big change.
I know nothing about him. Just a comment on my suspicions of why these 'super woman' movies are now being put out as Hollywood goes more and more 'woke.' And as the OP suggests, the movies continue to become more and more unwatchable for many of us.
Snyder has a long history of movies with people doing ridiculous action things, including women. If you haven’t seen any of his work and know nothing about him, it seems foolish to suspect much of anything about why he wrote one of the characters in these movies the way he did.
Snyder has a long history of movies with people doing ridiculous action things, including women. If you haven’t seen any of his work and know nothing about him, it seems foolish to suspect much of anything about why he wrote one of the characters in these movies the way he did.
Again I don't know anything about the man. But the premise seems to fit the 'woke' mentality that is trying to disrupt our culture, traditions, values in any way it can. Hollywood has been doing that for some time and that is largely why so few really good movies are made any more.
Again I don't know anything about the man. But the premise seems to fit the 'woke' mentality that is trying to disrupt our culture, traditions, values in any way it can. Hollywood has been doing that for some time and that is largely why so few really good movies are made any more.
Maybe you should fine out about the man before you judge his work.
Again I don't know anything about the man. But the premise seems to fit the 'woke' mentality that is trying to disrupt our culture, traditions, values in any way it can. Hollywood has been doing that for some time and that is largely why so few really good movies are made any more.
Anyone who doesn't see the "super woman" characters in not only movies, but sitcoms as well - is just pretending.
Especially when they chose tiny actors that barely weigh 110 lbs.
It would be no less stupid that taking an actor like Don Knotts and have him kicking a room full of Marines asses. It would actually be no different.

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