Saving Lives of Illegal Immigrants Trying to Cross the All American Canal

George Costanza

A Friendly Liberal
Mar 10, 2009
For approximately 82 miles, the All American Canal parallels the California-Mexico border, delivering enormous amount of much needed water to California's arid Imperial County. I am personally familiar with the All American Canal, having hunted doves in southern Imperial County for many years in decades past. The canal varies in width from 150 to 200 feet. The swift-running water varies in depth from 7 to 20 feet.

It is also a barrier which illegal immigrants must cross in order to enter the United States.

It is estimated that more than 500 persons have died trying to cross the All American Canal since its construction was completed in 1942. They enter the canal thinking they can swim across, which they can; but when they reach the other side, they are unable to get out. The sides of the canal are slanted at an inviting angle, giving the impression that it is easy to swim across and then climb out. However, the sides of the canal are also extremely slippery, and the victims of drowning have all been unable to get out, once they get in. They are swept away by the swift current and drown without ever being able to get out.

There is a way to fix this. Simply run a line across the canal at regular intervals with buoys attached to the line, thereby giving a safety exit for those who get caught in the current. So why have so many people died over the years, trying to cross the canal? Because the governmental owners and operators of the canal (The Imperial Irrigation District) have refused to spend the relatively small amount of money necessary to string the buoys across the canal.

John Hunter is an immigration activist from the San Diego area, who, for the past decade or so, has been urging the canal owners to construct the buoy lines. Finally, after a segment of "60 Minutes" exposed the problem to public view, the Board was shamed into doing the right thing, according to Mr. Hunter, and the buoy lines will be constructed.

Now - here is the interesting thing. John Hunter is a self-described, right wing Republican. That's right. A right wing Republican. Shouldn't he be standing by the side of the canal, cheering whenever he sees a drowning illegal or a body floating by? One would certainly think so - but such is not the case.

Mr. Hunter points out that he is as opposed to illegal immigration as the next person. He is not an open-border advocate and is in favor of the use of cameras along the canal to alert the Border Patrol of illegal immigrants attempting to cross. "I have no problem with the Border Patrol picking them up on the north side of the canal," he says. "They'll still be alive."

How refreshing. Good for you, Mr. Hunter!

Here's the article: A water-providing marvel — and a 'death trap' -
For approximately 82 miles, the All American Canal parallels the California-Mexico border, delivering enormous amount of much needed water to California's arid Imperial County. I am personally familiar with the All American Canal, having hunted doves in southern Imperial County for many years in decades past. The canal varies in width from 150 to 200 feet. The swift-running water varies in depth from 7 to 20 feet.

It is also a barrier which illegal immigrants must cross in order to enter the United States.

It is estimated that more than 500 persons have died trying to cross the All American Canal since its construction was completed in 1942. They enter the canal thinking they can swim across, which they can; but when they reach the other side, they are unable to get out. The sides of the canal are slanted at an inviting angle, giving the impression that it is easy to swim across and then climb out. However, the sides of the canal are also extremely slippery, and the victims of drowning have all been unable to get out, once they get in. They are swept away by the swift current and drown without ever being able to get out.

There is a way to fix this. Simply run a line across the canal at regular intervals with buoys attached to the line, thereby giving a safety exit for those who get caught in the current. So why have so many people died over the years, trying to cross the canal? Because the governmental owners and operators of the canal (The Imperial Irrigation District) have refused to spend the relatively small amount of money necessary to string the buoys across the canal.

John Hunter is an immigration activist from the San Diego area, who, for the past decade or so, has been urging the canal owners to construct the buoy lines. Finally, after a segment of "60 Minutes" exposed the problem to public view, the Board was shamed into doing the right thing, according to Mr. Hunter, and the buoy lines will be constructed.

Now - here is the interesting thing. John Hunter is a self-described, right wing Republican. That's right. A right wing Republican. Shouldn't he be standing by the side of the canal, cheering whenever he sees a drowning illegal or a body floating by? One would certainly think so - but such is not the case.

Mr. Hunter points out that he is as opposed to illegal immigration as the next person. He is not an open-border advocate and is in favor of the use of cameras along the canal to alert the Border Patrol of illegal immigrants attempting to cross. "I have no problem with the Border Patrol picking them up on the north side of the canal," he says. "They'll still be alive."

How refreshing. Good for you, Mr. Hunter!

Here's the article: A water-providing marvel — and a 'death trap' -

wtf should we help illegals cross for? put sharks in the water tbh
wtf should we help illegals cross for? put sharks in the water tbh

Because it is the humane, and the right, thing to do?

Notice - Mr. Hunter is also in favor of scooping them up as soon as they cross, and sending 'em right back. Surely, that would be all right with you, as opposed to death by drowning, right?

Wouldn't a Compassionate Conservative hold to such a view?
wtf should we help illegals cross for? put sharks in the water tbh

Because it is the humane, and the right, thing to do?

Notice - Mr. Hunter is also in favor of scooping them up as soon as they cross, and sending 'em right back. Surely, that would be all right with you, as opposed to death by drowning, right?

Wouldn't a Compassionate Conservative hold to such a view?

What he should do is post huge signs on the Mexican side in Spanish telling would be swimmers they will not be able to climb out on the other side. He is under no obligation to provide a route for the illegals into the US.
wtf should we help illegals cross for? put sharks in the water tbh

Because it is the humane, and the right, thing to do?

Notice - Mr. Hunter is also in favor of scooping them up as soon as they cross, and sending 'em right back. Surely, that would be all right with you, as opposed to death by drowning, right?

Wouldn't a Compassionate Conservative hold to such a view?

No a compassionate Conservative gives them the information they need NOT to try to DIE. the rest is up to the illegal.
wtf should we help illegals cross for? put sharks in the water tbh
These are not pedophiles escaping from an island prison. They are for the most part impoverished peasants who are willing to bust their asses for five bucks an hour.

While I agree with your position that we cannot tolerate an input of uninvited and undocumented immigrants there is a very effective way of discouraging them from coming here but our government is too corrupted and accommodating to corporate interests to implement it. So you should focus your resentment of the illegal alien problem in the right direction rather than allowing it to degrade your sense of human compassion to such a cold-blooded, off-handedly cruel level.
wtf should we help illegals cross for? put sharks in the water tbh
These are not pedophiles escaping from an island prison. They are for the most part impoverished peasants who are willing to bust their asses for five bucks an hour.

While I agree with your position that we cannot tolerate an input of uninvited and undocumented immigrants there is a very effective way of discouraging them from coming here but our government is too corrupted and accommodating to corporate interests to implement it. So you should focus your resentment of the illegal alien problem in the right direction rather than allowing it to degrade your sense of human compassion to such a cold-blooded, off-handedly cruel level.

and what is that effective way?
and what is that effective way?

isn't their a way to enforce immigration laws without being inhumane?

the only ways I know that would work is a combination of:

1) securing the border, which means armed guards and not implementing stuff to help people cross

2) strictly punishing companies that hire illegals, but that would be a huge strain on businesses as they were harassed / tested and more government bureaucracy. there is also no existing legal framework for it
wtf should we help illegals cross for? put sharks in the water tbh
These are not pedophiles escaping from an island prison. They are for the most part impoverished peasants who are willing to bust their asses for five bucks an hour.

While I agree with your position that we cannot tolerate an input of uninvited and undocumented immigrants there is a very effective way of discouraging them from coming here but our government is too corrupted and accommodating to corporate interests to implement it. So you should focus your resentment of the illegal alien problem in the right direction rather than allowing it to degrade your sense of human compassion to such a cold-blooded, off-handedly cruel level.

and what is that effective way?
By issuing addressable biometric ID cards to all legitimate American citizens over age sixteen and imposing serious penalties on anyone who employs a non-citizen or undocumented immigrant. The reason this will be effective is the current loophole is the ready availability of counterfeit ID, which gets the employer off the hook when ICE pulls a raid.

With such a foolproof system in place along with the risk of a prison sentence for hiring non-documented or non-citizens, the wetbacks would have no reason to come here because no one would hire them.
Sorry George, i would let them drown. It was their choice to try and cross and enter this country. It was the risk they ran and lost. Granted they paid with their lives, but it was their choice to try and come into this country like a rat in the dark.

We post signs on OUR side of the border clear telling US citizens that they are in a dangerous are due to the illegals and drug crime. Put a sigh up that states the danger of crossing the water. If they choose to swim across and drown, their choice.

It is not our job to make it easy for illegals. Why should we spend money on projects to keep illegals safer?
wtf should we help illegals cross for? put sharks in the water tbh
These are not pedophiles escaping from an island prison. They are for the most part impoverished peasants who are willing to bust their asses for five bucks an hour.

While I agree with your position that we cannot tolerate an input of uninvited and undocumented immigrants there is a very effective way of discouraging them from coming here but our government is too corrupted and accommodating to corporate interests to implement it. So you should focus your resentment of the illegal alien problem in the right direction rather than allowing it to degrade your sense of human compassion to such a cold-blooded, off-handedly cruel level.

and what is that effective way?

A real and attainable path to citizenship?

I think George W. Bush tried to put one into was roundly rejected...for reasons I can't imagine.

A fine for people here..and a guest worker program for people wanting to be here.
"It is also a barrier which illegal immigrants must cross in order to enter the United States."


If they heeded the 'barrier',they wouldn't be in the situation to drown in the first place.
I'd string buoys across but end them at the US edge and extend them up the bank on the Mexican side. Hmmm, can't get up the bank? Grab the rope and go back to Mexico, asshole!

Well..that's far better then the sharks.
Seems somewhat comparable to our policy regarding rescuing people on rafts in the Atlantic as they try to flee Cuba for the US. Anyone who sets foot on US soil is a legal immigrant, so people do not want to be rescued. However, riding a raft in the middle of the ocean is dangerous, and so we rescue them....and return them to Cuba.

It seems to me, one reason to install the buoys is because the danger is not apparent. This canal sounds almost like an attractive nuisance, and allowing people to drown because we suspect they intended to commit the crime of illegal immigrant is abhorent. We dun even treat murderers like this.

To syrenn...the cost is likely very modest, and certainly lower than paying on a negligence suit or contesting water rights with Mexico would be.
wtf should we help illegals cross for? put sharks in the water tbh

Because it is the humane, and the right, thing to do?

Notice - Mr. Hunter is also in favor of scooping them up as soon as they cross, and sending 'em right back. Surely, that would be all right with you, as opposed to death by drowning, right?

Wouldn't a Compassionate Conservative hold to such a view?

Sorry, but not this conservative.

I say throw em an anchor.

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