Yes. I think if the tables were turned, it would be the same situation - some Dems would be calling for Obama to step down. As much as the Democratic Party can't afford to alienate the African American community, it also can't afford to alienate women. In such a case, it will always rely on any objective metric it can to plausibly wash their hands of the situation (here the popular vote and the pledged delegates). That poses the least potential of alienating its core consituencies (of which women are one). I think if it were Bill Clinton instead of Hillary Clinton, there would have been stronger calls for him to step down some time ago.
P.S. It is only close if you ignore the practicalities. Otherwise, it isn't really that close. Close would entail her having a chance at catching him in the popular vote.
Reilly, IT IS A CLOSE RACE, if it were not a close race, then Obama would have ALREADY won the amount of superdelegates needed to win the nomination....
you are discounting how close this race is, and leaving out a specific part of it, the superdelegates WHO are NOT obligated to vote with their state, otherwise there would be NO REASON, WHAT SO have super delegates verses delegates.
And if it goes to the convention, which i believe it will NOT, because after the LAST primary is done and the last person to vote, votes....the super delegates will make up their minds, then at the convention if one is not chosen yet, even the delgates from the different states ARE NOT OBLIGATED to vote with what the people of their state voted....they can change their vote thru the voting process of the convention if it were a the rules are very complicated...
Read this:
And yes, she needs to gracefully bow out, but she does not deserve being forced out, she ran a very good, strong race....and her supporters need to be weened* in to the Obama camp, gingerly...and forcing her out without allowing this to happen will hurt the democratic party, and the MEDIA is pushing such imho.