Say remember when bill paid Paula Jones 850k to settle a claim he had exposed himself to her?

Trump accused by 25 women of sexual misconduct, check.

Herman Cain was accused of sexual misconduct too by more women than that when he ran for President. The Democrats had them coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches...until the moment he dropped out of the race. Amazingly after that every one of these women and their law suits immediately disappeared.

Let me guess - just a coincidence ...that happens to GOP candidates and judicial nominees like Justice Kavanaugh, right,!

7 years later you are left with a false accusation based on an anecdote told by Trump on a late night talk show years before he ran for office, becoming a threat to the Democrats.

SENATOR Joe Biden, meanwhile, was actually grabbing the vagina of one of his staff members....which you seem to have no problem with.

I need to do MY research?

Tell me Rump, why do you seemingly support the incestuous pedophile, Joe Biden?

Before you become triggered and lash out, had you done YOUR research you would know that it is not me making some baseless partisan false accusation.

Surely, after doing your own research, you know it is a FACT that Ashley Biden, Joe's own daughter, wrote in her diary how he would take showers with her and how he MOLESTED her:

Was I molested. I think so – I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma.

This is the same creepy old perv who fondles and sniffs kids, who has helped the Cartels engage in child / sex trafficking, and the criminal f* who has himself trafficked children all over the US, reportedly 'LOSING' 20,000 unaccompanied children ... and 'is not even looking for them'.

And snowflakes are still responding NOT with acknowledgement of his actions or condemnation for them but is instead responding in his defense with, 'B...b....but Trump'.

(By the way....why didn'ttbe FBI ever investigate the claim by Ashley Biden of her father molesting her as a child?

Instead, they went aftet the people who found it abandoned and who tried to sell it. Oh yeah, that whole '2-tiered justice system thing...)
I hate Bill Clinton. If he kept it in his pants then Bush 2 would have never happened. If allegations against him can be proven true, feel free to go after him. 90%+ of liberals/Democrats will agree with that.
90% of liberals also suck cock .

Don't forget how the left wing organizations like, "NOW" attacked her credibility, looks and the msm destroyed her. Made fun of her nose....
Perhaps you may have noticed her payout was all done out in the open as part of a court settlement.

Apples and oranges fallacy, dipshit.
The FEC adjudged Hillary and the DNC illegally bought and paid for the fake dossier. They were fined, but no criminal charges have been filed.

That does not mean they were right. The problem is that they never used it in the campaign. That likely would not have held up in court but why waste time and money doing it.
Not. The leftist Florida Supreme Court kept ordering more counting after each previous counting they had ordered failed to win it for Gore. SCOTUS told them no more, they chose to ignore that and SCOTUS slapped them down.

Regardless, the Florida Legislature as it is their Constitutional right would have voted a new slate of electors and Bush would have won anyway. Had the vote gone to Congress Bush also would have won.

The SCOTUS did not slap them down. They did find that the count violated the equal protection clause of the Constitution because each county had different standards for determining what is a valid vote. The reason that they stopped the count was because of Constitutionally mandated deadlines.

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