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Saying vs Doing: What Kind Of Justices Would Trump Actually Pick As POTUS?


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Trump says it's OK for male trannies to use the women's rooms in Trump Towers and he's been to several gay weddings and called them "beautiful"...thinks the court decision should be left "as is"...

So, there's that..

What he SAYS is that he'll pick conservative Justice nominees. But what he's already actually doing is getting giddy as a schoolgirl at the furthest left legal decisions ever made in our nation's history.

So taking what he says vs what he's doing (going to "beautiful" gay weddings and letting men use the ladies rooms in Trump Towers), how will Trump ACTUALLY lean in his Justice nominees?

Sil has an excellent point.

Trump would appoint lefties for sure.
He can nominate whoever he wants, but a republican Senate will not confirm another Souter.
He gave you a list of 11.

Trump has lived in NYC all of his life. I would bet that he knows several trannies. When asked if he would allow transsexuals to use the women's restrooms at Trump Tower his answer was "they have been doing it all along." The question was puzzling to him and would be puzzling to anyone from a major metro city.

Of course he's been to gay weddings. He is a businessman. People in business don't always allow themselves the expensive luxury of limiting social connection.
He will not nominate as a serious candidate any judge that Alito would like.
Did anyone notice in that list of 11? Not one was from an ivy league school.
He gave you a list of 11.

Trump has lived in NYC all of his life. I would bet that he knows several trannies. When asked if he would allow transsexuals to use the women's restrooms at Trump Tower his answer was "they have been doing it all along." The question was puzzling to him and would be puzzling to anyone from a major metro city.

Of course he's been to gay weddings. He is a businessman. People in business don't always allow themselves the expensive luxury of limiting social connection.

Yeah, he gave us a list of 11, and then pretty much immediately said they were just suggestions and he might just nominate someone else entirely. So . . .
"Saying vs Doing: What Kind Of Justices Would Trump Actually Pick As POTUS?"

That’s just it: Trump won’t be ‘picking’ justices to the Supreme Court.

That task would be left to extreme rightwing reactionary flunkies, likely Bush era retreads responsible for placing the likes of Thomas, Roberts and Alito on the Supreme Court.

Trump wouldn’t know the difference between a qualified Supreme Court justice and a hole in the ground – he’d ‘nominate’ anyone he was told to nominate by the extreme rightwing reactionary flunkies.

The thread premise is an idiotic lie, make no mistake that a Trump ‘presidency’ would result in placing justices on the Supreme Court hostile to the rights of women, gay Americans, and those transgender, in addition to Establishment Clause jurisprudence and settled, accepted Commerce Clause regulatory policy.

It would be utterly naïve to believe that Trump won’t appoint the most extreme and reactionary conservative justices to the Supreme Court.
...Trump wouldn’t know the difference between a qualified Supreme Court justice and a hole in the ground – he’d ‘nominate’ anyone he was told to nominate by the extreme rightwing reactionary flunkies...

You're right, he wouldn't know a qualified Justice. But you're wrong about him doing what he's told to do. Trump doesn't operate that way. He gets power doing whatever HE thinks HE needs to do. Then when he gets there, he answers to nobody but who he sees in the mirror. If you understand that Trump believes he is god, you understand that any person he comes in contact with is therefore by definition, his inferior. Not only would he not take orders from anyone, he is quite likely to become infuriated by advice different from his own thoughts because that to him would be the same as brutal criticism. NPDs only expect worship from others. "Others" who find Trump lacking in some way, however insignificant, even when it comes to opposing advice, will quickly feel the keen sting of the end of his radioactive bull whip.

If you understand what Trump suffers from, his pathology, you would understand the man completely. Hillary gets it. And you will see her work his textbook quirks to his demise over the next couple months. She's already gotten started. For her, the real task is not to break out laughing in a cheshire cat smile..
He can nominate whoever he wants, but a republican Senate will not confirm another Souter.
Assuming there is a republican Senate assured... By November, Trump's downward spiral, revealing his unstable personality to where even the dullest of Trumpsters will be saying "wow, this guy might be a little too warped", will be taking down the word "republican" next to other races as well.
He can nominate whoever he wants, but a republican Senate will not confirm another Souter.
Assuming there is a republican Senate assured... By November, Trump's downward spiral, revealing his unstable personality to where even the dullest of Trumpsters will be saying "wow, this guy might be a little too warped", will be taking down the word "republican" next to other races as well.

I think the only point you're wrong on is the idea that the Trumpettes will EVER acknowledge, or even notice, that Trump is off the rails. Blind, unquestioning loyalty and obedience is a hallmark of all cults, which is why you see people willingly drinking cyanide-laced KoolAid and sacrificing their testicles to a comet without balking.
I think the only point you're wrong on is the idea that the Trumpettes will EVER acknowledge, or even notice, that Trump is off the rails. Blind, unquestioning loyalty and obedience is a hallmark of all cults, which is why you see people willingly drinking cyanide-laced KoolAid and sacrificing their testicles to a comet without balking.

I wish I could say you were wrong. Cults always rise up and worship a leader when the old leaders have completely sold out their principles and have nothing left that's tangible to offer the masses. The GOP sitting on ass while gay marriage was rammed down everyone's throats is the reason. Forget about jobs...though they're important...Trump has caught up that singsong and chanted it to his followers...to good use. But the main whip behind their loyalty to him is their deep visceral outrage at how their American value system was gutted while the republican guard stood silently by. Good thing they listed to Cheney on that one, on behalf of his lesbian daughter. Sure took a pound of flesh from the republicans though..
Trump says it's OK for male trannies to use the women's rooms in Trump Towers and he's been to several gay weddings and called them "beautiful"...thinks the court decision should be left "as is"...

So, there's that..

What he SAYS is that he'll pick conservative Justice nominees. But what he's already actually doing is getting giddy as a schoolgirl at the furthest left legal decisions ever made in our nation's history.

So taking what he says vs what he's doing (going to "beautiful" gay weddings and letting men use the ladies rooms in Trump Towers), how will Trump ACTUALLY lean in his Justice nominees?


Let's just assume that there is a 70% chance Trump will nominate conservative judges. Okay, not the greatest of odds, but not bad. However we know that the chance of Hillary nominating anybody near conservative is 0%.

I'll put my money on the better odds. I'm voting Trump.
Let's just assume that there is a 70% chance Trump will nominate conservative judges. Okay, not the greatest of odds, but not bad. However we know that the chance of Hillary nominating anybody near conservative is 0%.

I'll put my money on the better odds. I'm voting Trump.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. Hillary is at best lukewarm, even chilly at times about her "support" for the Church of LGBT. And, coming from the South and being a solid middle dem, I'm sure between the two of them that she would be less likely, for instance, to nominate a Justice who was into men using women's showers and restrooms. She's old school. Trump as you know is literally "anything goes" "as long as it's good business". Trump has ZERO principles. Hillary at least still has a shred of moorings left.
I think the only point you're wrong on is the idea that the Trumpettes will EVER acknowledge, or even notice, that Trump is off the rails. Blind, unquestioning loyalty and obedience is a hallmark of all cults, which is why you see people willingly drinking cyanide-laced KoolAid and sacrificing their testicles to a comet without balking.

I wish I could say you were wrong. Cults always rise up and worship a leader when the old leaders have completely sold out their principles and have nothing left that's tangible to offer the masses. The GOP sitting on ass while gay marriage was rammed down everyone's throats is the reason. Forget about jobs...though they're important...Trump has caught up that singsong and chanted it to his followers...to good use. But the main whip behind their loyalty to him is their deep visceral outrage at how their American value system was gutted while the republican guard stood silently by. Good thing they listed to Cheney on that one, on behalf of his lesbian daughter. Sure took a pound of flesh from the republicans though..

Well, cult leaders tend to target the marginalized, the disenfranchised, the discontented . . .
Trump says it's OK for male trannies to use the women's rooms in Trump Towers and he's been to several gay weddings and called them "beautiful"...thinks the court decision should be left "as is"...

So, there's that..

What he SAYS is that he'll pick conservative Justice nominees. But what he's already actually doing is getting giddy as a schoolgirl at the furthest left legal decisions ever made in our nation's history.

So taking what he says vs what he's doing (going to "beautiful" gay weddings and letting men use the ladies rooms in Trump Towers), how will Trump ACTUALLY lean in his Justice nominees?


Let's just assume that there is a 70% chance Trump will nominate conservative judges. Okay, not the greatest of odds, but not bad. However we know that the chance of Hillary nominating anybody near conservative is 0%.

I'll put my money on the better odds. I'm voting Trump.

WHY, precisely, am I assuming that? I assume he'll nominate whoever he's convinced to at the moment, according to whomever has influence with him at the moment, or maybe just because the wind changed.

We also know that Republicans in the Senate are MUCH more likely to openly oppose Hillary's left-wing nominations than they are any leftist nominations that might come from Trump. So . . .

Nope. Still not feeling any compulsion to put myself in a position of owning Trump and the things he does.
Trump says it's OK for male trannies to use the women's rooms in Trump Towers and he's been to several gay weddings and called them "beautiful"...thinks the court decision should be left "as is"...

So, there's that..

What he SAYS is that he'll pick conservative Justice nominees. But what he's already actually doing is getting giddy as a schoolgirl at the furthest left legal decisions ever made in our nation's history.

So taking what he says vs what he's doing (going to "beautiful" gay weddings and letting men use the ladies rooms in Trump Towers), how will Trump ACTUALLY lean in his Justice nominees?


Donald Trump gave you a list, what more do you want?
I wonder why I even bother...perhaps I have a few hours of DOWN time to fuck with most of you idiots!.....This is his list....


Of course these are SUGGESTIONS, he's showing the kind of judges he will appoint...if he doesn't, he's a ONE TERM president and will be DISHONORED for being a liar, as the Obomanation and the Hildebeast are! You asshole understand that Trump is arrogant, and a Narcissist BUT UNKLIKE the SCUMBAG who has these traits currently in the White House, he's a OLD TIME POPULIST and pragmatist, and not a PUPPET OF THE COMMUNIST/SOCIALIST ideology. Obuma's father was a radical leftist, he follows in his footsteps, Trumps father was a CAPITALIST, and understood HOW the economy works, and how to make EVERYONE better, Trump follows him in ideology!

You idiots STILL don't know how the LONG GAME is played, after watching Trump attract Independents and DemoRATS to the Republican party, and has had MORE PEOPLE VOTE FOR HIM, WITHOUT the other states votes which come next week, than has any other Republican candidate before him. Who's wrong here, the 12 PLUS million that have voted for him in the primaries, or a HANDFUL of #NEVER TRUMP asswipes, and a BUNCH of Commie/Socialist DemoRATS that think their lopsided logic is going to change peoples minds!

Of course he's traveling the middle of the road, LEANING RIGHT, instead of in the left side gutter as Shrillery, or the Berning Madman are. The BITCH wants to alter the second amendment letting the government REGULATE US...

Hillary Suggests the Second Amendment Is NOT a Constitutional Right
3 hours ago - Hillary told George Stephanopoulos that Trump is lying about her wanting to ... The Second Amendment legally reads: “a well regulated Militia, ...

We NEED Donald to, at least KEEP SCOTUS a right leaning court, she put other LEFTIST COMMIES on the court, and the WHOLE CONSTITUTION is up for these whacko bastards interpretation of what has STOOD for 200+ years!

Wake up idiots, complain AFTER you see what the man does, and not what a LYING, CORRUPT, CRIMINAL, MURDEROUS BITCH will do!

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