Saying vs Doing: What Kind Of Justices Would Trump Actually Pick As POTUS?

He provided a list weeks ago. Do you ever catch up on politics or is asking mundane questions as far as it goes for you?
Oh, right, I forgot....because Trump if nothing else is famous for one thing: sticking to what he said a few weeks back. :lmao:
You mean like Hillary voting for war then saying it was a mistake? But I think he'll stick to his list, he's been consistent on who he'd like to see. You don't like it but that's tough shit.

". . . BUT HILLARY! Because I don't want to admit you're right about Trump!"

Could you sprinkle a little more fail on that fail sandwich?
Still butthurt? Why are we supposed to care? The fail obviously was all yours.
You mean like Hillary voting for war then saying it was a mistake? But I think he'll stick to his list, he's been consistent on who he'd like to see. You don't like it but that's tough shit.
It's one thing to learn a stance was a mistake. It's quite another to just spew whatever seems to be what you think your audience wants to hear and then change it every other week, every other day, or in Trump's case even every other 5 minutes.

Yet I'm sure his list of Justices will be the singular exception to his perennially-waffling platform.. :lmao:
We get it. Hillary's shit taste like candy and you can smell Donald's farts from across the globe.


We get it. If you don't LOOOOOOOOVE Donald Trump, you're OBVIOUSLY a liberal, because Trumpettes can't remember anything before last week, and have woken up in a brand-new world full of total strangers, and Donald Trump took out a patent on conservative, and the only conservatives in the world now are the people happily throwing away every conservative principle they pretended to care about with both hands in order to worship the Orange Jesus.

Did I forget anything, Ice? I do hope I managed to drip enough sarcasm to convey my opinion of your ludicrous accusation that Sil is a liberal Hillary-lover, simply because she's not joining you as Trump's butt-boy.

I have to admire the sheer gall it takes to exhibit this level of hypocrisy with a straight face.
I don't love any politician and never expressed love for Trump. I supported him and you don't like it that your guy lost. I don't come here and lie about you but you feel the need to lie about me.

The rest of your diatribe is too fucked up to respond to. Get some help.
I don't love any politician and never expressed love for Trump. I supported him and you don't like it that your guy lost. I don't come here and lie about you but you feel the need to lie about me.

The rest of your diatribe is too fucked up to respond to. Get some help.

So you are utterly incapable of seeing the fundamental instability of Trump's personality. Don't worry. In the coming months the Hillary camp's plan is to help you see it more and more until you're convinced. The fact that the GOP had to tether him to a teleprompter, with him looking like a sedated junk yard dog with rabies just waiting for the medication to wear off, is an indication that the end is near for the guy. Because when you do that to a junk yard dog and the sedation wears off, as it always does with them, they're twice as aggressive and pissed off/easy to provoke. And Hillary knows it.

Her job is to sit as still as possible, to be as reasonable as possible. If she comes across like a therapist treating a foaming lunatic in a straight jacket (teleprompter), then Trump is going down to lose in a very ugly and predictable way. The GOP may be in selective denial about this, but Hillary knows that Trump can't not lash out at even the tiniest criticisms. Watch her rosin her bow to play Trump like a fiddle in this way.
He provided a list weeks ago. Do you ever catch up on politics or is asking mundane questions as far as it goes for you?
Oh, right, I forgot....because Trump if nothing else is famous for one thing: sticking to what he said a few weeks back. :lmao:
You mean like Hillary voting for war then saying it was a mistake? But I think he'll stick to his list, he's been consistent on who he'd like to see. You don't like it but that's tough shit.

". . . BUT HILLARY! Because I don't want to admit you're right about Trump!"

Could you sprinkle a little more fail on that fail sandwich?
Still butthurt? Why are we supposed to care? The fail obviously was all yours.

I'm not the one dashing to talk about someone else every time I'm asked to defend my candidate. Every time someone mentions a problem with Trump, your response doesn't even contain his NAME, let alone anything about him. It's all about "Well, but Hillary . . ."

That's an admission that everything said about your candidate is correct, that you KNOW it's correct, and you don't care. You just want to excoriate someone else for things you give a pass to Trump on.

That's an epic fail.

Understand, it's not that you're wrong about Hillary. It's that you have no right to complain and rail at her many flaws when you just shrug at the same flaws in Trump. And don't even try, "Well, the left does it all the time". Not only is that hypocritical, it's childish. "Well, they started it!" I don't accept that from my kids, and I don't accept it from you. The right is supposed to try to be better than that, otherwise what are we opposing in the first place?
You mean like Hillary voting for war then saying it was a mistake? But I think he'll stick to his list, he's been consistent on who he'd like to see. You don't like it but that's tough shit.
It's one thing to learn a stance was a mistake. It's quite another to just spew whatever seems to be what you think your audience wants to hear and then change it every other week, every other day, or in Trump's case even every other 5 minutes.

Yet I'm sure his list of Justices will be the singular exception to his perennially-waffling platform.. :lmao:
We get it. Hillary's shit taste like candy and you can smell Donald's farts from across the globe.


We get it. If you don't LOOOOOOOOVE Donald Trump, you're OBVIOUSLY a liberal, because Trumpettes can't remember anything before last week, and have woken up in a brand-new world full of total strangers, and Donald Trump took out a patent on conservative, and the only conservatives in the world now are the people happily throwing away every conservative principle they pretended to care about with both hands in order to worship the Orange Jesus.

Did I forget anything, Ice? I do hope I managed to drip enough sarcasm to convey my opinion of your ludicrous accusation that Sil is a liberal Hillary-lover, simply because she's not joining you as Trump's butt-boy.

I have to admire the sheer gall it takes to exhibit this level of hypocrisy with a straight face.
I don't love any politician and never expressed love for Trump. I supported him and you don't like it that your guy lost. I don't come here and lie about you but you feel the need to lie about me.

The rest of your diatribe is too fucked up to respond to. Get some help.

Oh, the fuck you don't "express your love" for Trump. Every damned thing you say in regards to him is a big, sloppy tongue-kiss.

And I'll thank you not to project your conscienceless, unprincipled worldview of "this is just about winning and losing, and fuck any deeper meaning" onto me. YOU only care about "Look, I get to say I WON!" Some of us still care about WHAT we're winning, and don't consider a flaming sack of dog shit - yes, but it's MY sack of dog shit! - to be a "win".

The shallow inability of Trumpettes to understand where their opponents come from, or to even WANT to understand it, is exactly like the left. You might as well be supporting Hillary and shouting, "Bigot! Homophobe! Racist!" at everyone. It's the same damned thing, and all anyone sees when they look at you is a leftist pretending to be a Republican. You know, just like the Orange Messiah.
I don't love any politician and never expressed love for Trump. I supported him and you don't like it that your guy lost. I don't come here and lie about you but you feel the need to lie about me.

The rest of your diatribe is too fucked up to respond to. Get some help.

So you are utterly incapable of seeing the fundamental instability of Trump's personality. Don't worry. In the coming months the Hillary camp's plan is to help you see it more and more until you're convinced. The fact that the GOP had to tether him to a teleprompter, with him looking like a sedated junk yard dog with rabies just waiting for the medication to wear off, is an indication that the end is near for the guy. Because when you do that to a junk yard dog and the sedation wears off, as it always does with them, they're twice as aggressive and pissed off/easy to provoke. And Hillary knows it.

Her job is to sit as still as possible, to be as reasonable as possible. If she comes across like a therapist treating a foaming lunatic in a straight jacket (teleprompter), then Trump is going down to lose in a very ugly and predictable way. The GOP may be in selective denial about this, but Hillary knows that Trump can't not lash out at even the tiniest criticisms. Watch her rosin her bow to play Trump like a fiddle in this way.

Pretty much, except that True Believers are never convinced. And they don't understand that most people AREN'T True Believers, no amount of shrieking, "Sit down, shut up, and LIKE IT!" will make them that way, and whether they like it or not, they DO need all those other people they're attacking right and left for daring to question the awesomeness of Narcissus-on-Fifth-Avenue. Sure, Hillary can't convince THEM, and she certainly can't convince the people opposing Trump because they're true conservatives, but both groups together don't make up the majority of voters. If Trump and his supporters keep on the way they're going, Hillary CAN convince the mushy middle who pay very little attention and thought to politics.
He provided a list weeks ago. Do you ever catch up on politics or is asking mundane questions as far as it goes for you?
Oh, right, I forgot....because Trump if nothing else is famous for one thing: sticking to what he said a few weeks back. :lmao:
You mean like Hillary voting for war then saying it was a mistake? But I think he'll stick to his list, he's been consistent on who he'd like to see. You don't like it but that's tough shit.

". . . BUT HILLARY! Because I don't want to admit you're right about Trump!"

Could you sprinkle a little more fail on that fail sandwich?
Still butthurt? Why are we supposed to care? The fail obviously was all yours.

I'm not the one dashing to talk about someone else every time I'm asked to defend my candidate. Every time someone mentions a problem with Trump, your response doesn't even contain his NAME, let alone anything about him. It's all about "Well, but Hillary . . ."

That's an admission that everything said about your candidate is correct, that you KNOW it's correct, and you don't care. You just want to excoriate someone else for things you give a pass to Trump on.

That's an epic fail.

Understand, it's not that you're wrong about Hillary. It's that you have no right to complain and rail at her many flaws when you just shrug at the same flaws in Trump. And don't even try, "Well, the left does it all the time". Not only is that hypocritical, it's childish. "Well, they started it!" I don't accept that from my kids, and I don't accept it from you. The right is supposed to try to be better than that, otherwise what are we opposing in the first place?
I don't defend everything Trump says or does or did. I don't need to run from anything. He's a person to me, not a god. I've been pretty clear about it and Hillary, yet here you are still misrepresenting me. The same thing? Not hardly. Trump didn't put the country in jeopardy, run access for capital schemes, beat down women that a spouse abused, etc.
You mean like Hillary voting for war then saying it was a mistake? But I think he'll stick to his list, he's been consistent on who he'd like to see. You don't like it but that's tough shit.
It's one thing to learn a stance was a mistake. It's quite another to just spew whatever seems to be what you think your audience wants to hear and then change it every other week, every other day, or in Trump's case even every other 5 minutes.

Yet I'm sure his list of Justices will be the singular exception to his perennially-waffling platform.. :lmao:
We get it. Hillary's shit taste like candy and you can smell Donald's farts from across the globe.


We get it. If you don't LOOOOOOOOVE Donald Trump, you're OBVIOUSLY a liberal, because Trumpettes can't remember anything before last week, and have woken up in a brand-new world full of total strangers, and Donald Trump took out a patent on conservative, and the only conservatives in the world now are the people happily throwing away every conservative principle they pretended to care about with both hands in order to worship the Orange Jesus.

Did I forget anything, Ice? I do hope I managed to drip enough sarcasm to convey my opinion of your ludicrous accusation that Sil is a liberal Hillary-lover, simply because she's not joining you as Trump's butt-boy.

I have to admire the sheer gall it takes to exhibit this level of hypocrisy with a straight face.
I don't love any politician and never expressed love for Trump. I supported him and you don't like it that your guy lost. I don't come here and lie about you but you feel the need to lie about me.

The rest of your diatribe is too fucked up to respond to. Get some help.

Oh, the fuck you don't "express your love" for Trump. Every damned thing you say in regards to him is a big, sloppy tongue-kiss.

And I'll thank you not to project your conscienceless, unprincipled worldview of "this is just about winning and losing, and fuck any deeper meaning" onto me. YOU only care about "Look, I get to say I WON!" Some of us still care about WHAT we're winning, and don't consider a flaming sack of dog shit - yes, but it's MY sack of dog shit! - to be a "win".

The shallow inability of Trumpettes to understand where their opponents come from, or to even WANT to understand it, is exactly like the left. You might as well be supporting Hillary and shouting, "Bigot! Homophobe! Racist!" at everyone. It's the same damned thing, and all anyone sees when they look at you is a leftist pretending to be a Republican. You know, just like the Orange Messiah.
Damn girl, you need to get laid or something. Give me a love kiss for Trump example. You're just throwing shit around (still). I'll thank you to not misrepresent me.
Trump didn't put the country in jeopardy, run access for capital schemes, beat down women that a spouse abused, etc.

Right. Trump only farms out manufacturing of his goods to China, constantly runs capital schemes (even wrote a book about it) and has contracts with his ex wives that they can never say anything unfavorable about him, or they get $$ cut off. Now why would he need a contract to keep his ex wives from talking about him unfavorably if there was nothing to say? :popcorn:
Trump didn't put the country in jeopardy, run access for capital schemes, beat down women that a spouse abused, etc.

Right. Trump only farms out manufacturing of his goods to China, constantly runs capital schemes (even wrote a book about it) and has contracts with his ex wives that they can never say anything unfavorable about him, or they get $$ cut off. Now why would he need a contract to keep his ex wives from talking about him unfavorably if there was nothing to say? :popcorn:
If an ex signed a contract that between them. How is that remotely the same. Getting ties made in China is like receiving classified emails on a personal unsecured server? His book was about breaking the law and damaging women? You're on LSD.
Oh, right, I forgot....because Trump if nothing else is famous for one thing: sticking to what he said a few weeks back. :lmao:
You mean like Hillary voting for war then saying it was a mistake? But I think he'll stick to his list, he's been consistent on who he'd like to see. You don't like it but that's tough shit.

". . . BUT HILLARY! Because I don't want to admit you're right about Trump!"

Could you sprinkle a little more fail on that fail sandwich?
Still butthurt? Why are we supposed to care? The fail obviously was all yours.

I'm not the one dashing to talk about someone else every time I'm asked to defend my candidate. Every time someone mentions a problem with Trump, your response doesn't even contain his NAME, let alone anything about him. It's all about "Well, but Hillary . . ."

That's an admission that everything said about your candidate is correct, that you KNOW it's correct, and you don't care. You just want to excoriate someone else for things you give a pass to Trump on.

That's an epic fail.

Understand, it's not that you're wrong about Hillary. It's that you have no right to complain and rail at her many flaws when you just shrug at the same flaws in Trump. And don't even try, "Well, the left does it all the time". Not only is that hypocritical, it's childish. "Well, they started it!" I don't accept that from my kids, and I don't accept it from you. The right is supposed to try to be better than that, otherwise what are we opposing in the first place?
I don't defend everything Trump says or does or did. I don't need to run from anything. He's a person to me, not a god. I've been pretty clear about it and Hillary, yet here you are still misrepresenting me. The same thing? Not hardly. Trump didn't put the country in jeopardy, run access for capital schemes, beat down women that a spouse abused, etc.

No, you don't DEFEND any of it. You EXCUSE it, because there is no defense, and you know it. Hence my pointing out that your responses to criticisms of him generally don't even contain his name, let alone any reference to him. They're always all about "But Hillary!" Your position seems to be "but he's a bag of flaming dog shit that WE get to claim!" Hooray. Let me just run right out and get one of those godawful ugly hats.

And don't even START with "Well, Trump doesn't have a bad history in political office." Nobody does . . . when they've never held political office. Obama never unraveled the entire social fabric of America before he was elected President, either. Didn't mean he wasn't going to, didn't mean anyone with a teaspoonful of brains couldn't see it coming, doesn't mean it was any sort of recommendation.
It's one thing to learn a stance was a mistake. It's quite another to just spew whatever seems to be what you think your audience wants to hear and then change it every other week, every other day, or in Trump's case even every other 5 minutes.

Yet I'm sure his list of Justices will be the singular exception to his perennially-waffling platform.. :lmao:
We get it. Hillary's shit taste like candy and you can smell Donald's farts from across the globe.


We get it. If you don't LOOOOOOOOVE Donald Trump, you're OBVIOUSLY a liberal, because Trumpettes can't remember anything before last week, and have woken up in a brand-new world full of total strangers, and Donald Trump took out a patent on conservative, and the only conservatives in the world now are the people happily throwing away every conservative principle they pretended to care about with both hands in order to worship the Orange Jesus.

Did I forget anything, Ice? I do hope I managed to drip enough sarcasm to convey my opinion of your ludicrous accusation that Sil is a liberal Hillary-lover, simply because she's not joining you as Trump's butt-boy.

I have to admire the sheer gall it takes to exhibit this level of hypocrisy with a straight face.
I don't love any politician and never expressed love for Trump. I supported him and you don't like it that your guy lost. I don't come here and lie about you but you feel the need to lie about me.

The rest of your diatribe is too fucked up to respond to. Get some help.

Oh, the fuck you don't "express your love" for Trump. Every damned thing you say in regards to him is a big, sloppy tongue-kiss.

And I'll thank you not to project your conscienceless, unprincipled worldview of "this is just about winning and losing, and fuck any deeper meaning" onto me. YOU only care about "Look, I get to say I WON!" Some of us still care about WHAT we're winning, and don't consider a flaming sack of dog shit - yes, but it's MY sack of dog shit! - to be a "win".

The shallow inability of Trumpettes to understand where their opponents come from, or to even WANT to understand it, is exactly like the left. You might as well be supporting Hillary and shouting, "Bigot! Homophobe! Racist!" at everyone. It's the same damned thing, and all anyone sees when they look at you is a leftist pretending to be a Republican. You know, just like the Orange Messiah.
Damn girl, you need to get laid or something. Give me a love kiss for Trump example. You're just throwing shit around (still). I'll thank you to not misrepresent me.

If you're quite done venting your misogyny and fear of strong women, perhaps we can move on. It's ugly and pathetic when Trump does it, and he at least has billions of dollars to make up for his tiny hands. What've you got?
If you're quite done venting your misogyny and fear of strong women, perhaps we can move on. It's ugly and pathetic when Trump does it, and he at least has billions of dollars to make up for his tiny hands. What've you got?

If there's anyone the working class can trust, it's a billionaire who farms the manufacturing of his Trump brand goods out to China to make money off the cheapest labor possible, who is the author of the book "The Art of The Deal"...

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