Saying vs Doing: What Kind Of Justices Would Trump Actually Pick As POTUS?

Trump welcomes Sanders supporters with open arms
Trump welcomes Sanders supporters with open arms

Hmmm.. I wonder what this means about his leanings on picking Justices? Anyone? :popcorn:

...the death of the republican party and any conservative checks and balances. Nothing like a totalitarian regime. They always predict such longevity for a country's stability...
Trump says it's OK for male trannies to use the women's rooms in Trump Towers and he's been to several gay weddings and called them "beautiful"...thinks the court decision should be left "as is"...

So, there's that..

What he SAYS is that he'll pick conservative Justice nominees. But what he's already actually doing is getting giddy as a schoolgirl at the furthest left legal decisions ever made in our nation's history.

So taking what he says vs what he's doing (going to "beautiful" gay weddings and letting men use the ladies rooms in Trump Towers), how will Trump ACTUALLY lean in his Justice nominees?

He provided a list weeks ago. Do you ever catch up on politics or is asking mundane questions as far as it goes for you?
He provided a list weeks ago. Do you ever catch up on politics or is asking mundane questions as far as it goes for you?
Oh, right, I forgot....because Trump if nothing else is famous for one thing: sticking to what he said a few weeks back. :lmao:
He provided a list weeks ago. Do you ever catch up on politics or is asking mundane questions as far as it goes for you?
Oh, right, I forgot....because Trump if nothing else is famous for one thing: sticking to what he said a few weeks back. :lmao:
You mean like Hillary voting for war then saying it was a mistake? But I think he'll stick to his list, he's been consistent on who he'd like to see. You don't like it but that's tough shit.
You mean like Hillary voting for war then saying it was a mistake? But I think he'll stick to his list, he's been consistent on who he'd like to see. You don't like it but that's tough shit.
It's one thing to learn a stance was a mistake. It's quite another to just spew whatever seems to be what you think your audience wants to hear and then change it every other week, every other day, or in Trump's case even every other 5 minutes.

Yet I'm sure his list of Justices will be the singular exception to his perennially-waffling platform.. :lmao:
You mean like Hillary voting for war then saying it was a mistake? But I think he'll stick to his list, he's been consistent on who he'd like to see. You don't like it but that's tough shit.
It's one thing to learn a stance was a mistake. It's quite another to just spew whatever seems to be what you think your audience wants to hear and then change it every other week, every other day, or in Trump's case even every other 5 minutes.

Yet I'm sure his list of Justices will be the singular exception to his perennially-waffling platform.. :lmao:
We get it. Hillary's shit taste like candy and you can smell Donald's farts from across the globe.

We get it. Hillary's shit taste like candy and you can smell Donald's farts from across the globe.


Who is "we"? And no, I'm not thrilled about the prospect of voting for Hillary. But you use her name to distract away from Donald's real and alarming flaws; and his complete unreliability when it comes to his stance on anything...literally anything... It can change in less than five minutes in some instances. Let's focus on Donald's instabilities and make another thread for Hillary's.
We get it. Hillary's shit taste like candy and you can smell Donald's farts from across the globe.


Who is "we"? And no, I'm not thrilled about the prospect of voting for Hillary. But you use her name to distract away from Donald's real and alarming flaws; and his complete unreliability when it comes to his stance on anything...literally anything... It can change in less than five minutes in some instances. Let's focus on Donald's instabilities and make another thread for Hillary's.
Who is us? I said he provided a list of Supreme Court candidates, then you went into full deflection mode. Your alarming flaw is that you apparently expect to be taken seriously.
We get it. Hillary's shit taste like candy and you can smell Donald's farts from across the globe.


Who is "we"? And no, I'm not thrilled about the prospect of voting for Hillary. But you use her name to distract away from Donald's real and alarming flaws; and his complete unreliability when it comes to his stance on anything...literally anything... It can change in less than five minutes in some instances. Let's focus on Donald's instabilities and make another thread for Hillary's.
Who is us? I said he provided a list of Supreme Court candidates, then you went into full deflection mode. Your alarming flaw is that you apparently expect to be taken seriously.
Mr. Waffle gave a list of candidates. So what?
He provided a list weeks ago. Do you ever catch up on politics or is asking mundane questions as far as it goes for you?
Oh, right, I forgot....because Trump if nothing else is famous for one thing: sticking to what he said a few weeks back. :lmao:
You mean like Hillary voting for war then saying it was a mistake? But I think he'll stick to his list, he's been consistent on who he'd like to see. You don't like it but that's tough shit.

". . . BUT HILLARY! Because I don't want to admit you're right about Trump!"

Could you sprinkle a little more fail on that fail sandwich?
You mean like Hillary voting for war then saying it was a mistake? But I think he'll stick to his list, he's been consistent on who he'd like to see. You don't like it but that's tough shit.
It's one thing to learn a stance was a mistake. It's quite another to just spew whatever seems to be what you think your audience wants to hear and then change it every other week, every other day, or in Trump's case even every other 5 minutes.

Yet I'm sure his list of Justices will be the singular exception to his perennially-waffling platform.. :lmao:

Oh, hell, he even TOLD us that list was just a smokescreen that he felt no obligation to stick to.
You mean like Hillary voting for war then saying it was a mistake? But I think he'll stick to his list, he's been consistent on who he'd like to see. You don't like it but that's tough shit.
It's one thing to learn a stance was a mistake. It's quite another to just spew whatever seems to be what you think your audience wants to hear and then change it every other week, every other day, or in Trump's case even every other 5 minutes.

Yet I'm sure his list of Justices will be the singular exception to his perennially-waffling platform.. :lmao:
We get it. Hillary's shit taste like candy and you can smell Donald's farts from across the globe.


We get it. If you don't LOOOOOOOOVE Donald Trump, you're OBVIOUSLY a liberal, because Trumpettes can't remember anything before last week, and have woken up in a brand-new world full of total strangers, and Donald Trump took out a patent on conservative, and the only conservatives in the world now are the people happily throwing away every conservative principle they pretended to care about with both hands in order to worship the Orange Jesus.

Did I forget anything, Ice? I do hope I managed to drip enough sarcasm to convey my opinion of your ludicrous accusation that Sil is a liberal Hillary-lover, simply because she's not joining you as Trump's butt-boy.

I have to admire the sheer gall it takes to exhibit this level of hypocrisy with a straight face.
We get it. Hillary's shit taste like candy and you can smell Donald's farts from across the globe.


Who is "we"? And no, I'm not thrilled about the prospect of voting for Hillary. But you use her name to distract away from Donald's real and alarming flaws; and his complete unreliability when it comes to his stance on anything...literally anything... It can change in less than five minutes in some instances. Let's focus on Donald's instabilities and make another thread for Hillary's.

Didn't you know that we're supposed to think the only qualification one needs to be a stellar President is "Not Hillary!"? Never mind that every single adult in this country has that exact same qualification - except Hillary herself - and almost all of them would make shitty Presidents, too.
We get it. Hillary's shit taste like candy and you can smell Donald's farts from across the globe.


Who is "we"? And no, I'm not thrilled about the prospect of voting for Hillary. But you use her name to distract away from Donald's real and alarming flaws; and his complete unreliability when it comes to his stance on anything...literally anything... It can change in less than five minutes in some instances. Let's focus on Donald's instabilities and make another thread for Hillary's.
Who is us? I said he provided a list of Supreme Court candidates, then you went into full deflection mode. Your alarming flaw is that you apparently expect to be taken seriously.

He provided a list of "I might nominate them, or someone else, or whatever" candidates. In other words, "Here's some people I want you to focus on so I can pander to you, but I can and will abandon it whenever I feel like it".
We get it. If you don't LOOOOOOOOVE Donald Trump, you're OBVIOUSLY a liberal, because Trumpettes can't remember anything before last week, and have woken up in a brand-new world full of total strangers, and Donald Trump took out a patent on conservative, and the only conservatives in the world now are the people happily throwing away every conservative principle they pretended to care about with both hands in order to worship the Orange Jesus.

Did I forget anything, Ice? I do hope I managed to drip enough sarcasm to convey my opinion of your ludicrous accusation that Sil is a liberal Hillary-lover, simply because she's not joining you as Trump's butt-boy.

I have to admire the sheer gall it takes to exhibit this level of hypocrisy with a straight face.

The Republican party is divided in two: the tea party types and the establishment. Trump is neither which is why he's not very loved in the GOP.
We get it. If you don't LOOOOOOOOVE Donald Trump, you're OBVIOUSLY a liberal, because Trumpettes can't remember anything before last week, and have woken up in a brand-new world full of total strangers, and Donald Trump took out a patent on conservative, and the only conservatives in the world now are the people happily throwing away every conservative principle they pretended to care about with both hands in order to worship the Orange Jesus.

Did I forget anything, Ice? I do hope I managed to drip enough sarcasm to convey my opinion of your ludicrous accusation that Sil is a liberal Hillary-lover, simply because she's not joining you as Trump's butt-boy.

I have to admire the sheer gall it takes to exhibit this level of hypocrisy with a straight face.

The Republican party is divided in two: the tea party types and the establishment. Trump is neither which is why he's not very loved in the GOP.
He is loved by the "Great America Made Great Again" crowd which cannot even define what that means.
We get it. If you don't LOOOOOOOOVE Donald Trump, you're OBVIOUSLY a liberal, because Trumpettes can't remember anything before last week, and have woken up in a brand-new world full of total strangers, and Donald Trump took out a patent on conservative, and the only conservatives in the world now are the people happily throwing away every conservative principle they pretended to care about with both hands in order to worship the Orange Jesus.

Did I forget anything, Ice? I do hope I managed to drip enough sarcasm to convey my opinion of your ludicrous accusation that Sil is a liberal Hillary-lover, simply because she's not joining you as Trump's butt-boy.

I have to admire the sheer gall it takes to exhibit this level of hypocrisy with a straight face.

The Republican party is divided in two: the tea party types and the establishment. Trump is neither which is why he's not very loved in the GOP.

Oh, yeah, THAT'S the problem. :rolleyes:

Again, you seem really stuck in this whole "the world must be binary, because anything else is too complicated for me" mode. The Republican Party - and, indeed, the entire right wing of American politics - is far more divided than just "Tea Party and Establishment". Trump and his supporters are proof of that, because they are generally neither. I'd say you can look at any of the normal factions in the right wing right now and see at least three groups in each one: those who enthusiastically support Trump, those who are holding their nose and supporting him for the sake of unity, and those who'd rather be tarred and feathered than vote for him. And each of those three divisions has their own, separate reasons for holding that position, according to what faction they would normally belong to.

Until the Trump supporters figure this out and stop demanding support because they're "owed" it, or because everyone is supposed to live to defeat Hillary (even though they themselves didn't think it was all that terribly important until their candidate became the nominee), and start trying to earn votes, this campaign is going to have serious flaws. And whatever else liberals are, they're good at organizing lockstep marches to their goals.
He provided a list of "I might nominate them, or someone else, or whatever" candidates. In other words, "Here's some people I want you to focus on so I can pander to you, but I can and will abandon it whenever I feel like it".

Which is his exact stance on every platform he's ever mentioned or ever will mention.
He provided a list of "I might nominate them, or someone else, or whatever" candidates. In other words, "Here's some people I want you to focus on so I can pander to you, but I can and will abandon it whenever I feel like it".

Which is his exact stance on every platform he's ever mentioned or ever will mention.

Pretty much. I don't understand why his supporters don't get the reason this is a problem. "But he's not Hillary!" Yeah, and? Barack Obama isn't Hillary, either, but I'm pretty sure a third term of him in office wouldn't be palatable. Bernie Sanders isn't Hillary, but that doesn't make HIM a good choice. LOTS of people aren't Hillary; so the hell what? Hillary sucks out loud, but she hardly has a corner on that market.

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