SC Congressional special election: ALL REPUBLICAN RED MEAT!!!!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Few people are keeping up with the special election that is coming in South Carolina. It is to replace Tim Scott's seat, who Queen Haley put in Senate.

But, if you live in the Palmetto State, you've seen the commercials for the candidates. Stephen Colbert's sister is running as a Democrat. But other than that, there are nearly 20 Republican candidates, including former Gov Mark Sanford. And let me say....the Republican red meat is flowing like a rush hour grill at McDonalds!!!!

One candidate's commerical starts with "Im a high school economics teacher; And if Barack Obama were in my class, he would fail." (Wow)

Others? Well, just the typical hard right red meat: Lower taxes, less spending, less government, more guns, more freedom, more military, no to government healthcare, lower taxes, lower taxes, lower taxes.

Nevermind that SC has some of the nations lowest taxes already.

Nevermind that SC, brace for it.......TAKES more from the Feds than it gives. Yep. SC is a federal welfare state. We have crumbling roads, some of the worst schools in America, the nations 4th worst violent crime rate, and outside of the modern metro areas of Charleston, Greenville, Columbia, Myrtle Beach....the state is basically a welfare funded hell hole.

But the Right Wing red meat is fresh off the grill for the rednecks to chaw down on. I thought the GOP would learn from their 2012 clusterfuck loss. Guess not. Because in the first election since the last one.....the right wingers in the reddest of states are spewing the same old shit.
The Democrats have no chance of winning this seat, so why wouldn't the Republicans in a very conservative state spread a very conservative message? If this were Pelosi's district and it were 20 Democrats running you'd be hearing talk that would make Stalin and Castro blush.
Why? Well, lets see, that message lost them the 2012 election to Obama. You'd think the GOP as a whole would modernize their message asap. And this is the first election since 2012, even though a small Congressional seat special election in a single state.

If I was a modern Republican running, it seems the message needs to be:

I'll cut taxes, slash spending, lower taxes to almost nothing, I'll vote against Obama blindly no matter what, I'll open up the flow of guns, slash school budgets, layoff cops, layoff firemen, quadruple the military budget, start some more wars, oppress some more poor people....because after all they're poor, fuck 'em, the quicker we kick 'em the quicker they'll get unpoor, I mean what the hell, why dont they just make more money and stop being poor all the damn time.......oh, did I mention I'll lower taxes, then lower them again, and again, then lower them one more time, AND I'll raise the standards government works to, I'll have what little government is left work to a much higher standard, I'll slash the pay and benefits of government workers and demand they do far more with less, then I'll cut taxes, talk shit about Obama, not pave the highway for 25 years, cancel air conditioning for the public schools- well, the black ones anyway- then I'll cut more taxes!!!!!

Yep, I'd win 90% of GOP primaries with that stance.
Few people are keeping up with the special election that is coming in South Carolina. It is to replace Tim Scott's seat, who Queen Haley put in Senate.

But, if you live in the Palmetto State, you've seen the commercials for the candidates. Stephen Colbert's sister is running as a Democrat. But other than that, there are nearly 20 Republican candidates, including former Gov Mark Sanford. And let me say....the Republican red meat is flowing like a rush hour grill at McDonalds!!!!

One candidate's commerical starts with "Im a high school economics teacher; And if Barack Obama were in my class, he would fail." (Wow)

Others? Well, just the typical hard right red meat: Lower taxes, less spending, less government, more guns, more freedom, more military, no to government healthcare, lower taxes, lower taxes, lower taxes.

Nevermind that SC has some of the nations lowest taxes already.

Nevermind that SC, brace for it.......TAKES more from the Feds than it gives. Yep. SC is a federal welfare state. We have crumbling roads, some of the worst schools in America, the nations 4th worst violent crime rate, and outside of the modern metro areas of Charleston, Greenville, Columbia, Myrtle Beach....the state is basically a welfare funded hell hole.

But the Right Wing red meat is fresh off the grill for the rednecks to chaw down on. I thought the GOP would learn from their 2012 clusterfuck loss. Guess not. Because in the first election since the last one.....the right wingers in the reddest of states are spewing the same old shit.

Which is the core of the problem, not only in SC, but other red states as well.
but they would only be primaries you would win

Well, maybe not. In South Carolina, there are enough rednecks who'd vote for ANY Republican....just because. The only city in the state that seems to be Democrat is Charleston, which happens to be the economic engine of the entire state, the cultural capitol of the state (not official capitol) and has, well, everything that is good about SC is on the coast.

But outside of the Charleston Metro area, yes, you could run on pure Republican Red Meat, and win, as long as it is a local election only.

The Charleston area just had a primary for County Auditor, you know, the guy who processes property tax assessments. He has NO power at all to set tax rates or govern anything really. A guy named Paul Gawrych won the GOP primary. Know what he ran on? "Lower taxes, Higher standards". And that was literally ALL. No debates. He flooded the area with signs saying "Lower taxes, Higher standards" and thats all he did, and he WON a primary for a job that can NOT set taxes or standards of government.

Pretty amazing, huh?

Hell, Im thinking of running for coroner, an elected position in SC. My slogan? "Lower taxes, More guns". I'll WIN!!!! I would have no power over taxes or guns, but, I'd win with that campaign.
S.C.= repub red meat America ;) Remember that the gerrymandering on both sides but most recently (2010) the Repubs had the House so they gerrymandered what they could resulting in 75% of House seats being "safe" (non-competitive). Add to that private $ for campaigns (again- repubs) & you have a recipe for corporatocracy/plutocracy
Few people are keeping up with the special election that is coming in South Carolina. It is to replace Tim Scott's seat, who Queen Haley put in Senate.

But, if you live in the Palmetto State, you've seen the commercials for the candidates. Stephen Colbert's sister is running as a Democrat. But other than that, there are nearly 20 Republican candidates, including former Gov Mark Sanford. And let me say....the Republican red meat is flowing like a rush hour grill at McDonalds!!!!

One candidate's commerical starts with "Im a high school economics teacher; And if Barack Obama were in my class, he would fail." (Wow)

Others? Well, just the typical hard right red meat: Lower taxes, less spending, less government, more guns, more freedom, more military, no to government healthcare, lower taxes, lower taxes, lower taxes.

Nevermind that SC has some of the nations lowest taxes already.

Nevermind that SC, brace for it.......TAKES more from the Feds than it gives. Yep. SC is a federal welfare state. We have crumbling roads, some of the worst schools in America, the nations 4th worst violent crime rate, and outside of the modern metro areas of Charleston, Greenville, Columbia, Myrtle Beach....the state is basically a welfare funded hell hole.

But the Right Wing red meat is fresh off the grill for the rednecks to chaw down on. I thought the GOP would learn from their 2012 clusterfuck loss. Guess not. Because in the first election since the last one.....the right wingers in the reddest of states are spewing the same old shit.

You have this fixation with "red meat". Makes me wonder where your tiny brain is at.

The proverbial "elephant in the room" is that 36 states plus the District Of Columbia receive more federal money than they return to the federal government.

Lying by omission is more sinister than lying by denial or fabrication.
Few people are keeping up with the special election that is coming in South Carolina. It is to replace Tim Scott's seat, who Queen Haley put in Senate.

But, if you live in the Palmetto State, you've seen the commercials for the candidates. Stephen Colbert's sister is running as a Democrat. But other than that, there are nearly 20 Republican candidates, including former Gov Mark Sanford. And let me say....the Republican red meat is flowing like a rush hour grill at McDonalds!!!!

One candidate's commerical starts with "Im a high school economics teacher; And if Barack Obama were in my class, he would fail." (Wow)

Others? Well, just the typical hard right red meat: Lower taxes, less spending, less government, more guns, more freedom, more military, no to government healthcare, lower taxes, lower taxes, lower taxes.

Nevermind that SC has some of the nations lowest taxes already.

Nevermind that SC, brace for it.......TAKES more from the Feds than it gives. Yep. SC is a federal welfare state. We have crumbling roads, some of the worst schools in America, the nations 4th worst violent crime rate, and outside of the modern metro areas of Charleston, Greenville, Columbia, Myrtle Beach....the state is basically a welfare funded hell hole.

But the Right Wing red meat is fresh off the grill for the rednecks to chaw down on. I thought the GOP would learn from their 2012 clusterfuck loss. Guess not. Because in the first election since the last one.....the right wingers in the reddest of states are spewing the same old shit.

You have this fixation with "red meat". Makes me wonder where your tiny brain is at.

The proverbial "elephant in the room" is that 36 states plus the District Of Columbia receive more federal money than they return to the federal government.

Lying by omission is more sinister than lying by denial or fabrication.

Huh? I know about that fact!!! South Carolina...the reddest of red states, IS ONE OF THOSE STATES!

Our idiot right wing politicians in SC preach "less taxes" and the evils of the federal government, but, this state would collapse without the help of the federal government!!!!! It goes to show just how stupid the right wing brain is. In this state, they vote against the very thing that keeps their state afloat.

If anyone should be bitching about lower taxes, it would be states like New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, you know, states that SEND more money to the Feds than they take??? But they dont, they vote for that idea of government as a stabilizing factor in society.

Only in a dark red state like SC would a politician be able to win by running on:

- Less taxes for a state that survives off other people's taxes
- More guns in a state that has the 4th worst violent crime rate
- Less funding for crumbling schools and roadways

It is bizarre here, it really is. If not for the oasis of Charleston, I'd get the fuck out of this red state nightmare asap.
Few people are keeping up with the special election that is coming in South Carolina. It is to replace Tim Scott's seat, who Queen Haley put in Senate.

But, if you live in the Palmetto State, you've seen the commercials for the candidates. Stephen Colbert's sister is running as a Democrat. But other than that, there are nearly 20 Republican candidates, including former Gov Mark Sanford. And let me say....the Republican red meat is flowing like a rush hour grill at McDonalds!!!!

One candidate's commerical starts with "Im a high school economics teacher; And if Barack Obama were in my class, he would fail." (Wow)

Others? Well, just the typical hard right red meat: Lower taxes, less spending, less government, more guns, more freedom, more military, no to government healthcare, lower taxes, lower taxes, lower taxes.

Nevermind that SC has some of the nations lowest taxes already.

Nevermind that SC, brace for it.......TAKES more from the Feds than it gives. Yep. SC is a federal welfare state. We have crumbling roads, some of the worst schools in America, the nations 4th worst violent crime rate, and outside of the modern metro areas of Charleston, Greenville, Columbia, Myrtle Beach....the state is basically a welfare funded hell hole.

But the Right Wing red meat is fresh off the grill for the rednecks to chaw down on. I thought the GOP would learn from their 2012 clusterfuck loss. Guess not. Because in the first election since the last one.....the right wingers in the reddest of states are spewing the same old shit.

What else do they have?
Few people are keeping up with the special election that is coming in South Carolina. It is to replace Tim Scott's seat, who Queen Haley put in Senate.

But, if you live in the Palmetto State, you've seen the commercials for the candidates. Stephen Colbert's sister is running as a Democrat. But other than that, there are nearly 20 Republican candidates, including former Gov Mark Sanford. And let me say....the Republican red meat is flowing like a rush hour grill at McDonalds!!!!

One candidate's commerical starts with "Im a high school economics teacher; And if Barack Obama were in my class, he would fail." (Wow)

Others? Well, just the typical hard right red meat: Lower taxes, less spending, less government, more guns, more freedom, more military, no to government healthcare, lower taxes, lower taxes, lower taxes.

Nevermind that SC has some of the nations lowest taxes already.

Nevermind that SC, brace for it.......TAKES more from the Feds than it gives. Yep. SC is a federal welfare state. We have crumbling roads, some of the worst schools in America, the nations 4th worst violent crime rate, and outside of the modern metro areas of Charleston, Greenville, Columbia, Myrtle Beach....the state is basically a welfare funded hell hole.

But the Right Wing red meat is fresh off the grill for the rednecks to chaw down on. I thought the GOP would learn from their 2012 clusterfuck loss. Guess not. Because in the first election since the last one.....the right wingers in the reddest of states are spewing the same old shit.

What else do they have?

They have a lot man!!!! They promise to slash funds for police a state that has the 4th worst violent crime rate, but, hey, we cant have our Holy Tax Dollars paying for cops benefits. They promise to never ever ever fix the crumbling roads in SC!! Why would they? They gots demselves a Confederit submarine Hunley to make a museum for!!!

And why the hell would the spend a single dime on IT secuirty? Sure, 4,000,000 SC taxpayers got their person info hacked last year and spread across Europe, BUT, Governor Nikki Haley sure as hell aint gonna spend no tax dolla's on no gubmint employee, in fact, the job of IT secuirty director was VACANT for a year because the pay was so far below market standard.

HOWEVER....the University of South Carolina's beloved Gamecocks got a brand new $20,000,000 video board for their football stadium!!! Priorities baby!
Now, if only they'd throw in some anti-gay and anti-abortion stuff, and sprinkle in some anti-immigrant, with just a pinch of fire and brimstone.....then you got a future presidential candidate!
Well, maybe not. In South Carolina, there are enough rednecks who'd vote for ANY Republican....just because. The only city in the state that seems to be Democrat is Charleston, which happens to be the economic engine of the entire state, the cultural capitol of the state (not official capitol) and has, well, everything that is good about SC is on the coast.

But outside of the Charleston Metro area, yes, you could run on pure Republican Red Meat, and win, as long as it is a local election only.

If you hate it here so much why don't you leave?
Few people are keeping up with the special election that is coming in South Carolina. It is to replace Tim Scott's seat, who Queen Haley put in Senate.

But, if you live in the Palmetto State, you've seen the commercials for the candidates. Stephen Colbert's sister is running as a Democrat. But other than that, there are nearly 20 Republican candidates, including former Gov Mark Sanford. And let me say....the Republican red meat is flowing like a rush hour grill at McDonalds!!!!

One candidate's commerical starts with "Im a high school economics teacher; And if Barack Obama were in my class, he would fail." (Wow)

Others? Well, just the typical hard right red meat: Lower taxes, less spending, less government, more guns, more freedom, more military, no to government healthcare, lower taxes, lower taxes, lower taxes.

Nevermind that SC has some of the nations lowest taxes already.

Nevermind that SC, brace for it.......TAKES more from the Feds than it gives. Yep. SC is a federal welfare state. We have crumbling roads, some of the worst schools in America, the nations 4th worst violent crime rate, and outside of the modern metro areas of Charleston, Greenville, Columbia, Myrtle Beach....the state is basically a welfare funded hell hole.

But the Right Wing red meat is fresh off the grill for the rednecks to chaw down on. I thought the GOP would learn from their 2012 clusterfuck loss. Guess not. Because in the first election since the last one.....the right wingers in the reddest of states are spewing the same old shit.

You have this fixation with "red meat". Makes me wonder where your tiny brain is at.

The proverbial "elephant in the room" is that 36 states plus the District Of Columbia receive more federal money than they return to the federal government.

Lying by omission is more sinister than lying by denial or fabrication.

Bucs, Starkey and g5000 all work for the same company
Few people are keeping up with the special election that is coming in South Carolina. It is to replace Tim Scott's seat, who Queen Haley put in Senate.

But, if you live in the Palmetto State, you've seen the commercials for the candidates. Stephen Colbert's sister is running as a Democrat. But other than that, there are nearly 20 Republican candidates, including former Gov Mark Sanford. And let me say....the Republican red meat is flowing like a rush hour grill at McDonalds!!!!

One candidate's commerical starts with "Im a high school economics teacher; And if Barack Obama were in my class, he would fail." (Wow)

Others? Well, just the typical hard right red meat: Lower taxes, less spending, less government, more guns, more freedom, more military, no to government healthcare, lower taxes, lower taxes, lower taxes.

Nevermind that SC has some of the nations lowest taxes already.

Nevermind that SC, brace for it.......TAKES more from the Feds than it gives. Yep. SC is a federal welfare state. We have crumbling roads, some of the worst schools in America, the nations 4th worst violent crime rate, and outside of the modern metro areas of Charleston, Greenville, Columbia, Myrtle Beach....the state is basically a welfare funded hell hole.

But the Right Wing red meat is fresh off the grill for the rednecks to chaw down on. I thought the GOP would learn from their 2012 clusterfuck loss. Guess not. Because in the first election since the last one.....the right wingers in the reddest of states are spewing the same old shit.

You have this fixation with "red meat". Makes me wonder where your tiny brain is at.

The proverbial "elephant in the room" is that 36 states plus the District Of Columbia receive more federal money than they return to the federal government.

Lying by omission is more sinister than lying by denial or fabrication.

Bucs, Starkey and g5000 all work for the same company

Let me guess. They all work for one of the taxpayer-financed "green energy" companies that are teetering on bankruptcy?
You and Frank57 will make good friends HOWEVER the fact remains that bucs90 lives there so he sees first-hand what the Repubs are up to.

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