Scaramucci: Trump too oft on white supremacists

The Mooch Scaramucci (an idol of the right-wing) just slammed President Trump for his inaction in condemning the white supremacists who ignited violence in Virginia yesterday.
Scaramucci wouldn't have recommended Trump Charlottesville statement, "He needed to be much harsher as it related to white supremacists."
This Week on Twitter

they were the ones that ignited the violence?
Does it matter who threw the first punch? The white supremacists knew what would happen; they were ready to rumble. They did not come to the rally to sing "Give Peace a Chance." Don't give me that hogwash.
; they were ready to rumble.


or defend themselves?

" Don't give me that hogwash"

Do me the same favor

Well, these aren't the boy scouts carrying arms.

Militia force armed with assault rifles marches through US town ahead of white nationalist rally

How many were shot yesterday?
The Mooch Scaramucci (an idol of the right-wing) just slammed President Trump for his inaction in condemning the white supremacists who ignited violence in Virginia yesterday.
Scaramucci wouldn't have recommended Trump Charlottesville statement, "He needed to be much harsher as it related to white supremacists."
This Week on Twitter

What the hell are you talking about? Trump did exactly that yesterday and then a little bit later a White House spokesman did it a second time. What exactly do you people want him to do?

No Trump did not specifically condemn white supremacists and as of this post has not.
The Mooch Scaramucci (an idol of the right-wing) just slammed President Trump for his inaction in condemning the white supremacists who ignited violence in Virginia yesterday.
Scaramucci wouldn't have recommended Trump Charlottesville statement, "He needed to be much harsher as it related to white supremacists."
This Week on Twitter

they were the ones that ignited the violence?
Does it matter who threw the first punch? The white supremacists knew what would happen; they were ready to rumble. They did not come to the rally to sing "Give Peace a Chance." Don't give me that hogwash.
; they were ready to rumble.


or defend themselves?

" Don't give me that hogwash"

Do me the same favor
The marchers were tightly organised. They gathered after dark at Nameless Park, where they lit their torches and formed into a line, which snaked out of the park and into the University of Virginia campus.
Almost entirely white and male, and in their twenties and thirties, they chanted "You will not replace us", "Blood and soil", and "Our streets".


Torches. Couldn't get their crosses into the car, I guess. Also chanting "Jew will not replace us."
"The heat here is nothing compared to what you're going to get in the ovens," shouted Robert Ray, a writer for white supremacist site Daily Stormer.
Charlottesville: Most powerful pictures of protests and violence - BBC News

Then the only death, caused by a right winger who drove his car into a group of BLM protesters leaving after the protest had disbanded.


So no, Will, I'm not buying that these Unite the Right folks were there to be peaceful. There were swastika flags and KKK and God knows what all in that crowd. They were there to threaten.

Ironically, I agree the statue of Lee should not be removed, but these guys? Unh uh. Garbage.
The Mooch Scaramucci (an idol of the right-wing) just slammed President Trump for his inaction in condemning the white supremacists who ignited violence in Virginia yesterday.
Scaramucci wouldn't have recommended Trump Charlottesville statement, "He needed to be much harsher as it related to white supremacists."
This Week on Twitter

they were the ones that ignited the violence?
Does it matter who threw the first punch? The white supremacists knew what would happen; they were ready to rumble. They did not come to the rally to sing "Give Peace a Chance." Don't give me that hogwash.
; they were ready to rumble.


or defend themselves?

" Don't give me that hogwash"

Do me the same favor
The marchers were tightly organised. They gathered after dark at Nameless Park, where they lit their torches and formed into a line, which snaked out of the park and into the University of Virginia campus.
Almost entirely white and male, and in their twenties and thirties, they chanted "You will not replace us", "Blood and soil", and "Our streets".


Torches. Couldn't get their crosses into the car, I guess. Also chanting "Jew will not replace us."
"The heat here is nothing compared to what you're going to get in the ovens," shouted Robert Ray, a writer for white supremacist site Daily Stormer.
Charlottesville: Most powerful pictures of protests and violence - BBC News

Then the only death, caused by a right winger who drove his car into a group of BLM protesters leaving after the protest had disbanded.


So no, Will, I'm not buying that these Unite the Right folks were there to be peaceful. There were swastika flags and KKK and God knows what all in that crowd. They were there to threaten.

Ironically, I agree the statue of Lee should not be removed, but these guys? Unh uh. Garbage.
There were swastika flags and KKK and God knows what all in that crowd.

and they had the right to peaceably assemble, correct?

They were there to threaten.

Proof, or opinion?
The Mooch Scaramucci (an idol of the right-wing) just slammed President Trump for his inaction in condemning the white supremacists who ignited violence in Virginia yesterday.
This Week on Twitter

they were the ones that ignited the violence?
Does it matter who threw the first punch? The white supremacists knew what would happen; they were ready to rumble. They did not come to the rally to sing "Give Peace a Chance." Don't give me that hogwash.
; they were ready to rumble.


or defend themselves?

" Don't give me that hogwash"

Do me the same favor
The marchers were tightly organised. They gathered after dark at Nameless Park, where they lit their torches and formed into a line, which snaked out of the park and into the University of Virginia campus.
Almost entirely white and male, and in their twenties and thirties, they chanted "You will not replace us", "Blood and soil", and "Our streets".


Torches. Couldn't get their crosses into the car, I guess. Also chanting "Jew will not replace us."
"The heat here is nothing compared to what you're going to get in the ovens," shouted Robert Ray, a writer for white supremacist site Daily Stormer.
Charlottesville: Most powerful pictures of protests and violence - BBC News

Then the only death, caused by a right winger who drove his car into a group of BLM protesters leaving after the protest had disbanded.


So no, Will, I'm not buying that these Unite the Right folks were there to be peaceful. There were swastika flags and KKK and God knows what all in that crowd. They were there to threaten.

Ironically, I agree the statue of Lee should not be removed, but these guys? Unh uh. Garbage.
There were swastika flags and KKK and God knows what all in that crowd.

and they had the right to peaceably assemble, correct?

They were there to threaten.

Proof, or opinion?
They had the right to assemble and spew their hate and their threats to all who are not white or born in this country, or not Christian. Yes, they did. How any of that is peaceable, I don't understand.
And yes, they are threatening with their fiery torches and their message of non-inclusion to people who live in this country with them. They have "history." We know what they've done and what they can do if they are given the power again. Nazi's and KKK and the rest of them are a threat to peaceful society by their very existence. If I were Queen of the world, I would not permit them to gather and spew their hate. That's how much I disagree with them. The "Right" or Republicans should not get mixed up with this crowd. It will truly damage their "brand."
they were the ones that ignited the violence?
Does it matter who threw the first punch? The white supremacists knew what would happen; they were ready to rumble. They did not come to the rally to sing "Give Peace a Chance." Don't give me that hogwash.
; they were ready to rumble.


or defend themselves?

" Don't give me that hogwash"

Do me the same favor
The marchers were tightly organised. They gathered after dark at Nameless Park, where they lit their torches and formed into a line, which snaked out of the park and into the University of Virginia campus.
Almost entirely white and male, and in their twenties and thirties, they chanted "You will not replace us", "Blood and soil", and "Our streets".


Torches. Couldn't get their crosses into the car, I guess. Also chanting "Jew will not replace us."
"The heat here is nothing compared to what you're going to get in the ovens," shouted Robert Ray, a writer for white supremacist site Daily Stormer.
Charlottesville: Most powerful pictures of protests and violence - BBC News

Then the only death, caused by a right winger who drove his car into a group of BLM protesters leaving after the protest had disbanded.


So no, Will, I'm not buying that these Unite the Right folks were there to be peaceful. There were swastika flags and KKK and God knows what all in that crowd. They were there to threaten.

Ironically, I agree the statue of Lee should not be removed, but these guys? Unh uh. Garbage.
There were swastika flags and KKK and God knows what all in that crowd.

and they had the right to peaceably assemble, correct?

They were there to threaten.

Proof, or opinion?
They had the right to assemble and spew their hate and their threats to all who are not white or born in this country, or not Christian. Yes, they did. How any of that is peaceable, I don't understand.
And yes, they are threatening with their fiery torches and their message of non-inclusion to people who live in this country with them. They have "history." We know what they've done and what they can do if they are given the power again. Nazi's and KKK and the rest of them are a threat to peaceful society by their very existence. If I were Queen of the world, I would not permit them to gather and spew their hate. That's how much I disagree with them. The "Right" or Republicans should not get mixed up with this crowd. It will truly damage their "brand."
How any of that is peaceable, I don't understand

The Mooch Scaramucci (an idol of the right-wing) just slammed President Trump for his inaction in condemning the white supremacists who ignited violence in Virginia yesterday.
Scaramucci wouldn't have recommended Trump Charlottesville statement, "He needed to be much harsher as it related to white supremacists."
This Week on Twitter

What the hell are you talking about? Trump did exactly that yesterday and then a little bit later a White House spokesman did it a second time. What exactly do you people want him to do?
They want him to say all white people must die.

Johnny Eric Williams, Trinity College professor, calls white people ‘inhuman’: ‘Let them f-ing die’

Stanford Course:  Abolish Whiteness | NewBostonPost

It's like when people try to say all lives matter and get shouted down and ejected. Of course all lives don't matter.
Anthony Scaramucci: Trump Should Have Been ‘Much Harsher’ On White Supremacists
“You have to call that stuff out,” said the former White House communications director.

LOLOLO....A few weeks ago, this moronic simp was on Fox news with Chris Wallace, praising Trump to the high heavens, disavowing all his beliefs in lieu of unyeilding love for Trump .only to be dumped a few days Mooch who's lost everything including his deflated back to dissin the guy......LOL<OLOLOLOL

[QUOTE="HereWeGoAgain, post: 17918020, member: 27168]

Your picture was taken before the rally, Hillary speech.
In the real world=====
Clinton got 65,844,610 votes
Dump got 62,979,636 votes

I know large numbers can be a drag to understand so please, if you have a third grader in the house; ask the child which number is larger, ok

[QUOTE="HereWeGoAgain, post: 17918020, member: 27168]

Your picture was taken before the rally, Hillary speech.
In the real world=====
Clinton got 65,844,610 votes
Dump got 62,979,636 votes

I know large numbers can be a drag to understand so please, if you have a third grader in the house; ask the child which number is larger, ok


That was her rally.
And Trump is your President.
.,.,.And Trump is your President.

Sorry for the delay in my response. I had to make a fast track to the commode to throw up. But yes, I am not a denier. For the moment it is president; like it or not.

That is why our founding fathers added impeachment for two faced liars like dump.

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